Magic Dress - Sam Pt. 02

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How far do I want to go?
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/11/2024
Created 01/28/2024
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Next day I was back to Samuel, but grateful for the experience and looking forward to the concert. We visited a museum to fill in some time, but our thoughts and conversation were elsewhere. I was clear that I did not want to become a woman like Joy, but I would probably like dressing as one sometimes, like Deirdre, just in private.

The concert was great, and Jenny Lind was fabulous. You might think she looks good in the videos, but they do not do her justice. To be surrounded by the music, with that amazing voice was one thing. To see her in her costumes for real was something else. It was glamorous, a bit like the some of the ladyboys shows, but there was no doubt this was a woman, a beautiful and sexy one.

Back at the hotel we were exhausted with dancing and the whole experience. We showered and went to bed, in our nightdresses, of course. We were too tired to make love, but did so very happily in the morning. And I will admit Jenny Lind was not absent from my thoughts.

We had a late breakfast and had planned to go to an art gallery. Not my thing, but it was Marie's holiday as well.

Just as we set out, she asked me "Did you enjoy the concert last night, darling?" and I told her enthusiastically how much and how grateful I was.

"So," she said, archly, "did you want to fuck her or be her?"

I blushed and said "A bit of both, I suppose."

"That's all right!" she laughed. "I thought so, and I don't mind where your thoughts go, so long as your body stays with me!"

We got a taxi to the art gallery, but as it got there she spoke to the driver, and he carried on to Joy and Sybil's place.

Joy said that Sybil was out, but Marie thought another glamour shoot would be a good idea, with me being less grumpy, and had booked it.

I was not given underwear, just put in the makeup chair. It was interesting to see how much difference another style could make. It was obviously over the top, but less tanned and perhaps more restrained.

"Very nice," said Joy. "But I am afraid I am going to have to unman you! This lets you into a secret how some drag artistes and others appear to have no male genitals without actually cutting them off. With what we are about to do, you can wear the tightest clothes, but it may be a bit uncomfortable. We are also going to do a bit of body shaping. That's like a corset to give you a bit of a waist, but I promise you this is the absolute beginners' level!"

I was apprehensive (and rightly so). Under instruction, I found I could actually push my balls back into the body, and my cock back between my legs, with some very tight pants holding things in place. Padding around my hips and bum was all right, but the elastic around my waist pulled me in to an uncomfortable degree.

"This is what millions of women put up with every day," remarked Joy, cheerfully.

I was given a pair of realistic plastic boobs on a skin-tone halter, which were then blended into my face makeup with thick cream and powder.

Triumphantly, Joy produced a sort of low-cut leotard and a skirt open at the front in gold lamé. A Jenny Lind costume! It was actually a bit large for me, but some clips at the back took up the slack, a common trick in fashion shoots, apparently.

With a wig and gold head-dress, I could hardly believe what I saw in the mirror. OK, no-one would be fooled that I was the real thing, but it was still one of the most amazing moments of my life. My flat crotch and my nearly exposed breasts were convincing; my waist and shoulders not so much. And I was nowhere near as beautiful, but still... (Anyway, I can't sing for toffee.)

I balanced on gold high heels and the glamour shoot took place. During it, Joy explained that one of their clients had had this outfit made, and donated it for others to use and enjoy. Unfortunately, most were too big and a few were too small, but she thought I was definitely one of the better efforts.

The photo session finished with Marie posing with me. Then Joy asked if I would mind if a few other people did, so I agreed. From the other room came first three men and then four women, whom I realised were other clients, all to be photographed with me. No-one needed to be instructed to smile.

It turned out this was a social session, and all of the others were also fans who had come for the concert, who were delighted by the opportunity. The three men had gone off to dress.

Marie was asked to help me change while Joy looked after the clients, or rather friends, as there was no charge being made. After I showered, I was made up in my regular way and was surprised by being presented with the green dress and the rest of my outfit. Marie had put them in a suitcase with reception to be collected, which Sybil had done on her way from a morning job.

I therefore joined a group of charming ladies for the rest of the afternoon (including a couple of wives). There had been a buffet lunch, mostly gone, but there was enough left for us. This was actually something new. I had been wearing makeup and dressing, but apart from being served in the restaurant, I had not actually been treated as a woman. I tried to sit like they did, and watched what I said, with an occasional nudge from Marie to help. Of course, they all said how good I had looked as Jenny Lind and thanked me for the photo opportunity.

Later on, we all went to a local restaurant which was used to Joy and Sybil's friends, where there was a group table. The staff were especially welcoming and courteous to us as ladies, but I suppose it was good business. Several of the diners waved to Joy and Sybil. It was here that Sybil handed out photographs to each of them showing the picture with 'Jenny Lind'. They were delighted, but one lady said she was sorry that I was the only one who had not met Jenny Lind. Joy said she would try to arrange that if we came again, when there was someone else who fitted the costume. We were given a folder with several, and were surprised how good I looked. Even my waist looked narrower.

"Photoshop," said Sybil. "It's not cheating. You won't see a single fashion picture or one of Jenny Lind's publicity pictures which has come straight out of the camera. Blemishes are of course fixed, but legs are made longer, other bits are made smaller, larger or higher just to give the right effect. This is quite mild compared with most, not faked, just enhanced. It's you, but more like you felt and we saw you."

I was asked how long I had been dressing, and they were surprised to learn it was my first week. I explained how it had just been a 'girl for a day' experience as a wedding anniversary present, which produced compliments for Marie. We all exchanged emails and said we would hope to see each other again some time.

The next day it was home and back to real life.


It was still a bit of a puzzle. What were my feelings, and how had Marie guessed them?

"I love you," was her answer. "There was something I couldn't put my finger on, when we put on makeup in Bangkok. You seemed quite relaxed when we dressed you a bit back home, then I saw a mention of the Girl for a Day just about the time of our wedding anniversary. Until you put on the green dress, I was sure it had been a failure, but it really transformed you. Apparently it's not that unusual. You don't have to be gay or transgender like Joy."

"I told Joy we were going to the concert and she said by chance she had a costume. After the first day, she knew it would fit, so we went ahead. And it was all not very expensive at all. They really are doing it more for love than money."

I was hesitant so we did nothing for weeks. The green dress stayed in the wardrobe, and I wore pyjamas. Back to normal.

Then I had a pig of a week. There had been things going wrong which were no-one's fault, but everyone was tetchy. I made mistakes and the boss shouted at me. Unfortunately I shouted back. Then I spilled coffee on the desk and my trousers. I went home in a temper. The traffic was murder, so I was late.

I showed Marie the trousers and started to explain.

"Go and have a shower," she said. "I'll get you some clean clothes and you can tell me your troubles over dinner."

When I came out, she had the green dress outfit all ready, and insisted I put it on. Then makeup and the wig.

"Hello, Samantha," she said, with a smile. "My husband's gone off in a temper, so it will be nice to have an evening with you."

And that's what we did. An easy microwave meal, a glass of wine and a relaxed evening, with my voice keeping soft. We didn't talk about work - that was Samuel's work.

We talked about the children. Our son had finally moved in with his girlfriend, so we had the house to ourselves. We remembered holidays, from times at the seaside with the kiddies to the tigers and ladyboys in Thailand. No-one mentioned the fact that I was in a dress until we were getting ready for bed.

"That dress really suits you, but it's a bit formal for evenings at home. Good if we go out somewhere, of course, but shall I get you a couple you can just slip on at home?"

"OK," I said.

We put on our nightdresses and cuddled for a while. In the morning I woke refreshed. I was probably in trouble at work, but at least I was ready for it.

At work, it was no surprise when the boss's secretary said he wanted to see me.

"Look," I began, "I apologise for shouting at you..."

"No, no," he interrupted. "I shouldn't really have shouted at you. But you know what it's been like lately: we've all been a bit fraught." He paused.

"Actually, afterwards I was impressed with the way you stood up for yourself. There's another position available and I thought you might be suitable. Higher pay, of course. Would you be interested?"

By the end of the day, I had agreed to start next month.

I went home with the good news. Marie had something for me as well. She had bought two dresses, simple prints, not very expensive.

"Would you like to try them on now?" she asked.

"No," I said. "I'd like to go to bed with you!"

Afterwards I tried them on and wore one for the rest of the evening.

It became a casual thing. Not every evening, but often, I would come home and slip on a dress. Not necessarily makeup or a bra, unless I was a bit stressed or put out, in which case makeup and a bra did the trick. And for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday I had the full kit and caboodle with the green dress and wig.

Eventually I learned to put on basic makeup myself, and quite often did in the evenings

I got some more underwear; and on my birthday, suspenders and stockings, which amused us both.


We really had meant to go to one of the social sessions with Joy and Sybil, but somehow never managed it. We had also talked about taking me out in the green dress, just walking, but I somehow never got the courage I had the first day. And of course, I was where I lived, not in a distant city.

It had been a couple of years when we got an invitation we could not refuse. Jenny Lind was performing again, and Joy had got 12 tickets. First come, first served for a group of ladies, after a social session and photoshoot with (a tribute) Jenny Lind in the afternoon. They had found another volunteer.

We went down in the morning, had a light lunch in the hotel café and changed in our room. I went out as Samantha once again.

At Joy and Sybil's we met some other ladies, and chatted before being introduced to the star of the show. There were photographs on the wall of people dressed as Jenny Lind, including me which people described very kindly. Sybil then said it was time for meeting the star turn in the next room.

Deidre was probably the least convincing Jenny Lind ever with his square jaw, and being a bit too big for the outfit. But it was made up by the pride in his face as we trooped through, singly or with our wives. Marie and I had just been photographed when the doorbell went and Joy went to collect a late friend.

In she came with a beautiful young woman in a grey jacket and skirt and an older one in a dark blue trouser suit with a large smartphone.

My first thought was "She must be transgender: she is really convincing".

My second thought was "She really looks a bit..."

My third thought was "It can't be!"

But it was, it was Jenny Lind! And it may seem silly to say this, but she was more pretty than beautiful, and it was even better. That is, a natural woman, not the exaggerated stage beauty, with modest makeup. The other woman was an agent making sure she kept to time.

We all were photographed with her, and she said kind things about the picture and everyone she met. Deirdre looked as if she might burst with happiness as they held hands for the photograph.

I loved Jenny even more for taking the time out to meet this little group of fans with their unusual hobby!

Deirdre had to change into a regular dress, of course, before we were taken to the concert, where a very happy little group of ladies danced together and enjoyed the show immensely. The green dress was put into dry-cleaning when we got home, because of all the sweat.


Marie had been fascinated by my Jenny Lind appearance, and was determined to do something similar at home. We sent away for some items for crossdressing men, and after a few false starts managed me to her satisfaction. The special pants, of course, to make my genitals vanish. The second ones we got were much better. I could put on a sort of swimming costume which shaped me in and had some padding. We got some wobbly plastic boobs, which were much better in bras.

Eventually I had what we called my drag outfits. Glamorous for a night out. I didn't go out, of course. It was just a few hours of getting ready and then being admired. Maybe something like the satisfaction others get from making model aircraft, but a joint hobby. I can't exactly explain what we got out of it - something different of course, but it amused us, and we always had great sex afterwards.

But most of all I liked relaxing in pretty clothes, particularly underwear, dresses and skirts. I got pretty good in managing in three-inch heels.

Marie and I share a home email address. Our work emails are separate of course. We have no secrets from each other and friends just start with the name of one of us. That's why things turned out as they did.

We got an email from Deirdre. Ken was saying how desperate he was to go out fully dressed and would we help him, as he only lived 40 miles away and was willing to travel? Obviously, he was under the mistaken impression that I went out as a woman, so I would have to politely decline.

Except that Marie had agreed and said we'd love to.

"It's about time Samantha left the house," she said. "You'll find you enjoy it. And anyway, we can't let poor Deirdre down, can we?" She made the arrangements.

We went to Ken's house where he was already in costume, but his wife had gone out for the day. Marie asked if his wife had helped with the makeup, but he said no, she would never have anything to do with it.

"In that case, perhaps I could just make a couple of adjustments while Sam changes," said Marie.

When I came back Deirdre was looking much better.

Marie had a definite plan. She drove us to Meadowhall, a large shopping mall near Sheffield, where she had been a student. There we mainly looked around, three middle-aged women. It was a weekday during school time, so it was not too busy. Marie had advised us on toilet etiquette, so we got to use the Ladies'. We had lunch; we had coffee; we looked in shops. The most terrifying was in a lingerie shop where Marie bought herself some expensive undies. (And yes, they were for her.) Her final purchases were a small box of Belgian chocolates and a bunch of flowers. In the car she told Deidre that they were for her to give to her wife.

At Ken's house we met his wife, Anne. He had told us that she tolerated but did not approve of his dressing and never helped, so we expected to find her standoffish.

We were wrong. She greeted us cheerfully, said how nice Deirdre looked, and she should get out more, and was appreciative of the gifts from her husband. She said how pretty and smart we both were and how good we were to have helped her husband.

A week later we got an excited email from Deirdre. Anne was now being supportive, and would be happy for him to take other trips like this.

Marie was not surprised.

"She's got a lover," she said in a matter-of-fact way. "Or at least a new one. She had clearly been bonked senseless, which is why she was so happy. And that's why she wants Ken out of the way sometimes."

I don't know if it was true, but we did do a couple more days out, and Ken's wife found a club he could go as Deirdre regularly. She would drop him off and collect him a few hours later.

So long as they were both happy.

We also went to a club, but it was not what I wanted. There was drinking and dancing and happy people: LGBT+ and proud. Good luck to them, but Meadowhall, and Joy and Sybil's place, had been better.

"I think Deirdre's amazing," remarked Marie, afterwards.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you scrub up quite well, so it is fairly easy for people to assume you are a woman, but Ken can never do that. At the same time, I think she really is someone in the wrong gender, who has not been happy as a man. It must have taken tremendous courage to go ahead with dressing up, especially as Anne was against it, and even more so to go out, just for a little period of happiness among people who accept you as female."


Sheffield might not sound the ideal place for a summer holiday, but it suited us for a special plan. I was going to be a Girl for a Week! Deirdre was also going to join us. I wasn't sure about that but it had been arranged between the two wives. Apparently, Anne was very enthusiastic, and we supposed she had her own entertainment arranged.

We got to the hotel just after two, checked in and hung our clothes. It was in a converted school on a hill, halfway between two universities. As my wife explained, the student crowd included all sorts of outrageous outfits and there were plenty of LGBT friendly places for eating, drinking and dancing. There was an annual Pride event which was popular with families. So if we failed to 'pass' it was unlikely to be a disaster.

I got my instructions as I was made up and dressed up. Makeup for the street and a nice summer dress.

"From now on you are Samantha, twenty-four hours a day. You have always been Samantha. You don't think of yourself as anything else. We have twin beds because we are sisters. You like looking nice and being appreciated. You are actually quite pretty, but you don't really believe it, which makes you entirely normal for a woman! We are both straight, so from now on we will look out for men we might fancy. We will also appreciate other women, and sometimes criticise them to each other, but only praise them to their face. But mostly we appreciate them."

"Now Ken will be coming as Ken. Deirdre is someone else who we will be meeting later. We don't talk about crossdressing. Ken is a man all the time, and Deirdre is a woman all the time. Ken has a wife, Deirdre does not. You don't have a wife, just a sister. You are single girls on holiday, so have fun!"

We had a leisurely stroll down the hill to the station to meet Ken's train. She told me about the place from her student days, what had changed, what was the same. We observed women and I had to say who was the most handsome man in any group. We wandered around a bit, looking at the fountain and people coming and going.

Finally, Ken came out, lugging a big suitcase, and beamed as he saw us.

"Sam! Marie! Don't you two look gorgeous?" he said and kissed us each on the cheek.

"And you're more handsome than ever, Ken," said Marie. Actually, though I had never thought about it before, he was quite good looking as a man. He took my arm as we walked across to the taxis.