Magic Dress - Sam Pt. 03

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Jim tells what happened to Anne and Deirdre.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/11/2024
Created 01/28/2024
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Sam has had her happy ending, but here's what happened to Anne and Deirdre, as Jim tells it.


It was a bad day. I didn't feel like going in to work, but as I was self-employed there was no option. Let down a customer and word gets around. Dad had been a carpenter so I was pretty good on that, but I was apprenticed as an electrician. I could manage most straightforward plumbing so when I went to work for myself I could do things like kitchens or bathrooms, just calling in a plasterer if needed, or a painter if I was too busy.

I was doing a kitchen for a nice lady called Anne.

"What's up, Jim?" she said straight away.

"Nothing, love. I've just got the final documents for my divorce. But it's OK. I'll get on with things."

"Oh, I'm sorry. To tell the truth, I've been thinking of a divorce myself, but it would be such a break to move away from here, now we've nearly got the place finished."

It was my turn to be sorry.

She suggested a cup of coffee with a bit of brandy in it, and I didn't hesitate.

"I only met Ken the once, but he seemed a decent guy," I said.

"Oh, he is," she said with a look of despair.

"He's been totally faithful, so I've got no reason, but he's started doing something I don't think I can live with."

She started to cry.

"Look, don't say any more," I said.

"I'm sorry to have upset you. With us it was just one of those things. Marry in haste, repent at leisure. Neither of us were unfaithful, just not suited to living together. The divorce has been worse than the decision. If you like, I'll go, and come back tomorrow."

I don't think she was listening.

"He puts on women's clothes," she whispered, then started crying again. I didn't know what to say or do.

"There, there," I said and put a hand on her shoulder.

She turned and grabbed me. I patted her as she cried on my shoulder.

"He's not a real man. I thought he didn't fancy me because I was old and ugly, but it's worse. We haven't made love for a year."

"Nonsense, you're a very attractive woman," I told her. I suppose she was forty-something, maybe fifty, and to be honest, nothing special. Probably past the menopause.

She gave a little laugh, and pulled away.

"You're very kind," she said, dabbing at her face.

"Excuse me. Carry on," she added as she left the room.

A year without it, I thought, going back to depression. And how long had it been for me? Separate beds, then separate homes to fulfil the legal requirements. And a sort of faint hope that just maybe we could put things right, which I knew was impossible if I found another partner. Anyway, I was living with my mother.

But I could really do with a fuck. I would definitely begin making an effort, starting tomorrow.

Anne? No. Nice lady, but old enough to be my mother.

I could hear the shower going, but didn't think anything of it.

It was about an hour later when she came down, looking very different.

She had done her hair and makeup, and was in a minidress which showed her tits.


It wasn't just the sex. I realised how much I had missed having an available pair of tits about the place, for a friendly grope or face full.

I struggled to keep looking at her face, as I asked what I didn't think she was doing.

"Going out? Will you be back by six? If not, what do you want me to do about locking up?"

She smiled uncertainly.

"No, I'm not going to work today. Ken'll be back about 5.30, I expect."

She just moved a little, and I felt my cock rising.

"Could you come upstairs and test the shower please?"

"OK," I said, washing my hands quickly.

I followed her up the stairs, gazing up her legs and under her dress to see she had some fancy knickers. Her slow progress meant I was supposed to see them. Was this just a tease?

'She's too old,' said my head.

'To get pregnant,' said my cock.

'Is it a trap?' said my head. 'Suppose Ken comes home?'

'Cunt!' said my cock.

I followed her waving hips to the bathroom and stopped outside the door, standing awkwardly because of my stiffy.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"I can't really explain. You'll have to try it. Get in and shower."

"You know, with your clothes off. You can use the green towel. I'll be in the bedroom."

She smiled as she came to the door and I stepped hurriedly back so as not to get dirt on her dress.

"See you soon," she said, going into the bedroom.

I took off my T-shirt and reached into the shower to turn it on. Just in case there was something wrong with it. There wasn't.

'Get on with it!' yelled my cock.

Normally I wouldn't say my lack of hair was an advantage, but now it was. No need to dry it. I rapidly soaped myself ('Mm!' said my cock), rinsed and used the green towel.

Slightly hesitant, I followed my rigid cock into the bedroom, where she was lying in just bra and panties.

"Oh, thank God!" she said, got up and hugged me.

"I was afraid you'd run away."

I couldn't reply because her tongue was in my mouth.

So instead I held her close. A nearly naked woman - something I hadn't had for years!

'I can feel something good,' said my cock as I pressed her close.

My hands slipped down from her back and into her panties. Female buttocks!

I was vaguely thinking what would be appropriate foreplay, being somewhat out of practice, when she pulled away from me, and said "Fuck me!", pulling off her panties and lying on the bed.

'Get in there!' said my cock.

So I did, and it was intense.

It didn't last long and she didn't come, but I did and she seemed pleased, kissing me again.

Again, I was out of practice, but remembered not to lie on her too long, and rolled to one side.

We both lay there for a minute or so.

Then I thought I should try to finish her off, so put my hand on her wet pussy.

"Hang on a minute," she said, sitting up.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take this bra off. The underwire's killing me."

She hesitated.

"Perhaps you'd better look away. It might be a bit of a shock."

I was going to say something, but did as I was told.

It wasn't quite a shock, but they had dropped a long way down, and as she lay back they slipped into her armpits.

Never mind, some tits are better than none.

So I nuzzled them and sucked the one nipple I could reach, and kissed her, while doing what I could with my hand. A slippery cunt was rather nice to feel inside and out.

'Hello," said my cock.

I was even more out of practice, but finally she said "Ooh, yes. Just like that!"

One thing I'd learned was to carry on with the same. Not harder, not faster, just the same until she tells you different or you get there.

I could feel and hear her rising excitement.

'Nice!' said my cock, starting to raise its head.

We were both really excited when she finally came.

'I'm going in!' said my cock, and it did.

God it was great to feel pure lust again! I just pounded her, for longer this time, and she seemed to keep the orgasm going. Then when I finally came, she seemed to have another spasm, and I watched her pleasure for a minute or two as I just stayed buried as deep as I possibly could.

She smiled as my cock relaxed and began to slip out, so I rolled onto one side, and let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"I think we both needed that," she said, and kissed me on the cheek.

'I did,' said my cock sleepily.

How long was it since I had done it twice in a row? Not this decade, anyway. And given a woman two orgasms? A distant memory.

"You were great!" I told her.

"Not so bad yourself!" she answered, grabbing some tissues from the bedside, passing a couple to me, and taking the others down to her cunt.

She kissed me again and told me to wipe myself with a fresh flannel. I was drying myself when she came into the bathroom and washed herself unconcernedly. Her makeup was messed up, and her tits were hanging down, but her arse was worth a look, a pat and a stroke, which made her chuckle and gave me some satisfaction.

Once she was dried, we hugged and kissed again, with my hands roaming free. God, it was good to have full access again! I had gone past lust to the simple happiness of a friendly body of the opposite sex. I realised how much I had missed it, and hugged and kissed her.

She was older than me and not especially good looking, but she was a woman.

'What more do you want?' said my cock, sleepy but happy.


I got dressed and went downstairs to look at the kitchen.

In about twenty minutes she came down with basic makeup and the dress she had been wearing in the first place. An unremarkable middle-aged woman, that I wouldn't have given a second glance. But the first cunt I'd had for about three years. I'd better say something.

"That was nice. I hope I can see you again."

"Me too," she said, opening the fridge.

"How about lunch now? It's nearly time. I've got a couple of microwave meals, if that's OK?"

"It's a sort of date in reverse," she said as she prepared it.

"Sex first, meal last!"

We talked a bit about ourselves over the meal. Yes, like on a first date.

I was relieved when she mentioned she had had the menopause, so couldn't get pregnant. Like you would if hoping for sex later. I almost said something like she didn't look old enough, but what would that mean about me?

She was older than me, but not nearly as old as my mother. I had forgotten that I was no longer twenty.

I told her about my marriage. When it had started to go down we foolishly thought a baby would put it right, but it didn't. We hung on until our daughter Imogen was going to secondary school. They stayed in the flat while I went home to Mum, who was sorry, but glad of the company now Dad had gone.

She told me about Ken. I scarcely remembered him, but she said he was quite a handsome man, and several years younger, so everyone said she'd done well. Unfortunately he hadn't been that great in the bedroom, and eventually she had found out why. She'd only seen him in some of her clothes once, and told him never again.

They'd never had children which she regretted, but now thought was lucky.

"He calls himself Deirdre, would you believe?"

"Is that because of Coronation Street?" I asked.

"Yes, you watch it then?"

"Not exactly, Mum does and I keep her company, and she likes to discuss it. That and Eastenders. Come Dancing, as well."

"Oh yes, I always used to watch Come Dancing with Ken. I didn't realise he wanted to wear the costumes. I used to think I was lucky having a man interested in clothes. He would always go shopping with me and encourage me to get more expensive dresses and hairdos. And he would comment how nice the women on the local news looked, or how a particular dress didn't suit them."

She sighed.

"So we came to an arrangement. He had to get his own clothes and only wear them when I was out. Then it was OK, I suppose. We were just an ordinary couple the rest of the time, and he was a bit happier. We watch the same programmes, but he never mentions the girls' clothes."

"He's good in every way, but I really miss the sex. I thought I wouldn't after the menopause, but I did, and when you said you were divorced, I just felt we could know...use a little comfort. I've never acted like this before, and was a bit frightened how you might react..."

She looked at me, her face down, and her hands holding her arms.

We stumbled through a few sentences in an embarrassed way, before she said "Well, I expect you'll want to get on with the kitchen..."

"Yes, I was expecting to finish today, and I've got someone booked for first thing tomorrow, so I'll do what I can."

I got on as quickly as I could, but I'd missed a couple of hours, so knew I wouldn't make it.

Ken turned up at 5:30 as promised, said hello to me and kissed his wife. They looked like the perfect couple. Now I looked, he was handsome. And had all his hair! He was dressed very smartly. Casual, but elegant.

Like a gay man, I thought. But I'd never had thought it otherwise.

I apologised to them that there had been some difficulties, but I had to leave at six. I said I'd get the work done as soon as I could.

Actually, before I could find a new time, she rang me with some news.

Ken had heard about something called 'Girl for the day' in London where men of his persuasion could be helped with makeup and dressing up with others, and Anne had encouraged him to go. He would have to take the earliest train and come back in the evening. I promptly told a customer I had to rearrange and booked the day for her. I was prepared to lose the customer, but fortunately he didn't mind.

That day I set out as usual in my van, but had some clean and decent clothes inside. She had arranged for the back door to be unlocked, so I went in with a bag and changed in the kitchen, locking the door after me with the key she had left inside.

Anne was waiting for me, nicely dressed. We kissed, rather politely, then went upstairs. Where we took off our nice clothes, and rolled around in the bed, appreciating each other's bodies. Yes we did some foreplay, with a nice orgasm for her, and a rock-hard cock for me to plunge into her juicy pussy afterwards.

'About time!' said my cock. 'Go on, harder!'

She got another orgasm.

'Yeah! Who's the greatest?' said my cock, smugly.

Not long after she pushed me out of bed, and I got on with the kitchen.

I changed for lunch. It was salad, because the cooker power was off, but it was a nice meal and chat.

I nodded my head towards upstairs, and she told me no, not until I was finished.

Finally I had. There was time for a shower, a bit of cock-sucking ('Mm, nice. We don't get enough of this.'), groping, fingering and fucking.

'We should do this again,' said my cock.

I agreed, but it was difficult to get the time, and the place.

Ken was either at work or at home. He didn't drink, so wasn't a pub-goer.

I was working, or with Mum, and couldn't possibly imagine bringing Anne home. Anyway, she didn't want to be seen going out with another man, and neither of us wanted a commitment.

Mum actually said to me "Jim, love, you should really get yourself another girl instead of moping around. You can bring her home, and I won't mind if I hear you. It would be good to have some bonking in the house again."

Anne and me had really good sex. Just not very often. The only thing that really worked was when she took time off work and I told a customer I was running a bit late. But there was only so many times she could go off early or take half a day.

Then I suppose Anne encouraged to Ken go to the Girl for a Day place on a Saturday. I sometimes do jobs on the weekend, so Mum wasn't surprised, but we had another orgasmic day.

Somehow we pottered on getting sex every week or two, but acting like teenagers hiding away from our parents. Sometimes we just went to the cinema or to a restaurant, and managed a bit of heavy petting or a wank in an alley. This was to allow Ken to turn into Deirdre, which got a bit annoying.

Soon I had to tell Mum I was seeing someone, and she wanted to meet her. When I um'ed and ah'ed, she pursed her lips.

"It's a married woman, isn't it? And her husband doesn't know?"

"Well, er, yes, but it's not exactly like that. I mean he doesn't... that is he sort of..."

"I don't want to know," she said firmly, and never said another word that evening.

Then Anne broke up with me. I tried going out, but had no luck. Or maybe I wasn't trying hard enough.

'Hello again, Mrs Palm,' said my cock.

Then we were on again. It turned out they had tried to be a normal heterosexual couple again, but it had been too much of a strain. Then when we were on again, it was annoying that she spent a lot of time talking about Ken/Deirdre.

Then my Mum surprised me.

"I'm selling the house," she said, one day after dinner.

I must have said something like "What? You can't!" or something more incoherent.

"I'll be moving what I want to Eric's house down the road. We've been seeing each other for a while, so it makes sense to live together. And this house is too big for a single man who looks as if he's going to stay one."

"I've got some people coming in to clear the house in a fortnight. Put anything you want in your room or the garage. You'll have to empty them before the sale is completed. You can live here till then. You'll have the cooker, washing machine, fridge and such."

She looked at what was probably my white face.

"Don't worry, I'll give you half. Don't expect anything else from me and Eric. We're going on a World Cruise!"

For once that took my mind off cunt that evening.


Cutting to the chase, I suppose, various things happened separately. The house did sell, and I had to find a grotty flat with a lockup garage. Mum did go off on a cruise with Eric, and asked me to stay in Eric's bungalow while they were away, and look after his cat. Which was annoying because I'd signed a contract with the flat.

But good because Anne could come and visit me without Mum knowing. My cock was very happy!

Ken/Deirdre started going out in a dress with some friends, particularly a bloke in a dress called Sam. So then Anne came to terms with seeing Deirdre and actually introduced me as her lover.

Mum came back, and I was back to my grotty flat, but she gave her blessing to my liaison. I told her that the husband can't do it any more and is happy for me to substitute, but not more.

"Well, if everybody's happy, I don't see why not. At least you managed one grandchild, and Eric's got eight with four great-grandchildren, so I won't go short of that."

"Or the other," she added with a smirk. I didn't want to think about it.

Things went on. Anne decided she didn't care what the neighbours thought, so her husband was Deirdre, and I was Jim who visited.

I only thought about it later. Maybe they thought I was coming to shag Deirdre! Oh well, whatever. It didn't stop me getting business.

Sam and his wife visited quite often, but not usually when I was there, so there were other developments I wasn't aware of.

Deirdre started taking hormones, and you could see the results after a year or so, both physically and mentally.

Then one day, Anne wanted to have a serious talk. Just me and her at the table with coffees.

"Tell me the truth," she said.

"Of course," I answered, puzzled and a bit worried.

"I mean it. Don't tell me I'm beautiful or attractive or anything else I know I'm not and don't tell me you love me, unless you really do. It's sex, isn't it? That's all you get from me?"

What a question! Thinking about it, she was near enough right, but how could I say it, and why?

"Well, you're not unattractive, and I like you as a person, but to be honest, I don't think I'm in love."

"So you only come to me for sex? Is that the truth?"

I was blushing and feeling uncomfortable.

"Well not only, but you know... it's good, so I'm not looking for anyone else..."

She sat up, looking satisfied.

"That's fine, all I wanted to know. You're not romantically bound to me then?"

What did she want. Then the words came out right.

"No, not romantically, I suppose, but you're such a sexy woman I can hardly believe it. And your orgasms are really beautiful! I couldn't enjoy a woman more!"

"Oh," she said, and blushed.

"Well, I like you too, that way. It's really good."

We both sipped our coffee slowly to give time to think. Then she took a breath and said a little speech.

"Look, whatever you think of us, I love Ken and I love Deirdre and he or she loves me. There can't be anyone else. I just wanted to make that clear. I don't love you, but I do love having sex with you. But I can't possess you. If you find someone else that's fine."