Magical Christmas


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He was no longer teary, but his gruff whisper still expressed grief, "I'm sorry." She couldn't move nor say anything to that. "I won't say Sorry again, because I know Sorry will never be enough..." he kissed her tears.

"Nathan mustn't know," Staring at the empty space in front, fresh hot tears came out as she whispered this.

"My heart is torn apart. I don't understand," she whispered, then wept again. He tightened his hold on her, burying his lips and nose on the crook of her neck, trying to holdback his own tears. He could not understand either, but this grief was definitely only meant for the two of them. Nobody else must know this.

"You are innocent... You don't deserve all this. This is all my doing. I shall carry the burden of shame and guilt myself," he paused to wipe off her tears and kissed her cheek tenderly.

"Years from now, you will be laughing with Nathan's kids, playing around in the garden. But do not carry my burden of guilt and shame. Do know that I love you, I always will," his words were like magical incantations, touching and soothing her down.

"Elario suggested me to take you to the greenhouse. It is where I plant flower. My two workers couldn't come; the storm isolates us since last night. If anybody asks, you were in the greenhouse with me, and toured to this room."

She nodded slowly. In his embrace, he wiped off her tears, whispering his words of love every now and then. Saying nobody would know about this, and that everything would be okay.

What's done is done. She couldn't undo anything. She surrendered herself to him, and his voice gently led her back to the reality and his comfort.

The forbidden couple stayed still for half an hour. She was still pale, eyes swollen from crying, lips swollen from everything. She was a mess. He had totally ruined her.

"I'm a mess," she said.

He put her on the sofa, walked over to a cabinet beside his desk, unlocked it, and took out a familiar looking bag. She lifted her head from the laying position on the sofa head. Her mouth formed silent words.

"Yes, we cleared everything up, including your clothes in that bush, and everything that might lead anyone to us. Leslie cleared up the tire track, Jack cleared up everything else," he said as he walked back, submitting the bag to her.

It was still the same as she had left it on the bush that fateful day. She rummaged inside it. He had taken her cell phone, but everything else was still in it. She took out a small purse of her make up kit. He smiled, watching her correcting small bits of imperfections on her face, although he thought was unnecessary.

"Can he tell?" she asked as she checked herself on the small mirror.


When satisfied, she put everything back into the bag, and handed it to him. He returned it to the safe cabinet. A realization came to her mind.

"They might be looking for me now," he knew what she meant. She had been here for more than half a month.

"No. We have pretty good sources."

Her green eyes looked deep into him with puzzlement.

"Nancy and Atkins were drugged. Your parents are on an extended vacation after the Japanese Wedding of our friends, which were also their good friends. They had just crossed Australia, and are probably on a cruise now in Greece, heading to Latin America," his eyes still observed her lovingly. His hand caressed her hair in his cuddle.

"My notes...," she remembered a memo she had left Nancy.

"I can't lie to you. Nancy is Jack's relative. "

Realization struck her. No wonder Nancy was very supportive in every rebellion she did. The servant had been very obedient to her. She never told her parents whenever Rebecca was out unescorted. She also helped her keep certain secrets from Mr Atkins.

"But still... Nancy agreed to the abduction?"

"Definitely not, she refused at first. But with proper persuasion, she abode. She had been there when we were orphans till The Baron came. She was like a mother to us. I promised her no harm would befall you."

"I see. But still... Weeks?" She couldn't hide her confusion.

"We have a backup plan just in case. Atkins is informed that you turned rebellious when he was ill, by going on a camp with your friends. And if your parents suddenly come back unexpectedly, he would be forced to say that you've just left by half day. It would give us enough time to return you."

She couldn't hide her amazement. The brothers had certainly made a perfect set of planning.

"Wow..." it was the only thing that escaped her lips.

Strange, but she felt like a burden had just been lifted off her shoulders. Snuggled up against him, she inhaled his scent of Rose and mysterious romance. She didn't say anything, but he recognized the relief in her eyes. Content on holding her, he smiled. Isn't she the sweetest thing? To any man, her hand in marriage is worth fighting for. But to Nathan; only to this kind-hearted brother would he entrust her. Nathan was the brilliantly perfect gentleman, they were born for each other. He was a strong figure to protect her, the only man that could beat him was only Patrick.

They heard footsteps and a knock on the door. Panting, Elario came to call for Breakfast. He was a bit unhappy because it had turned cold. With an impatient insistent gesture, he bowed them out the room. They obeyed his bossy temper, grinning, holding each other's hands, just the way they had left his artistic kitchen earlier.

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Chapter 13

Nathan was not in the kitchen slash dinning room, nor was he in the living room. Leslie went to the Guest Room on the Third Floor, and found him sound asleep.

After breakfast and had waited long enough for her marks to disappear, Patrick and Rebecca visited him. It was hard to maintain casualty after what had happened. She was still in trauma, but it was suppressed for Nathan's sake. Patrick too, he tried his best to conceal his feelings for her. Many times Nathan caught his brother staring at her. But he assumed it was the after effect of yesterday's incident at the Control Room.

"She is mine, you know," he said when she went to the bathroom for some tidying up.

"I know, mate," Patrick grinned.

"Then quit staring at her."

"Not staring, just admiring her beauty. I am the artistic one, remember?" trying to bend the subject, smartly he avoided it brushing anywhere around the time of his sleep.

Nathan acted casually and just told him to piss off. He knew he must protect his bride from his brother, whom the later clearly had certain love issue with her. But how? They will be staying under one roof. The quarters were big enough for 3 families, there was no reason for them to move. But he felt a bit insecure after seeing him mauled her like that yesterday. She told him to trust her, but he couldn't help noticing the fresh bruises on her arms. We need some time alone for interrogation, he thought.

Leaving the two brothers alone, Rebecca went into the bathroom to freshen up. She washed her face off with cold water, then checked on the skin of her neck once more. Patrick had cleaned her up pretty good with cool water. Her eyes and lips were no longer swelling after the breakfast. The pink flush of his mouth abuse on her skin had gone too. She dabbed on the wet skin with a soft towel, suddenly shrieking when she saw Nathan appeared at the doorframe.

"You scared me," she mocked a sigh of relief when she saw him, careful not to look him in the eyes, then pretended to dab on. Error number one, Nathan thought his bride had turned jumpy for no reason today.

He came over to hug her from the back, smelling the crook of her neck and upper breasts, ignoring her wet hands which she kept on dabbing around.

"Feeling any better?" maintaining a casual voice, she thought she was such a great actress and should've won an Oscar. He nodded silently.

"You missed breakfast. I asked Jack to bring it up. Did he?" Foolish question, of course he did, she was the one preparing the tray.

Realizing the error, she added, "I hope you like the salad." He didn't answer, just stared at the lower part of her wrists. It missed his attention at first.

She quit dabbing, and caught his expression from the mirror in front of her. Oh God, what did she do?

She didn't have time to react, he lifted and carried her to the bed, despite her protesting wiggle, trying to stand up on her own. His hands were strong but he was careful not to hurt her. Her eyes browsed around the room but Patrick was nowhere to be found. Where was he? Had Nathan sent him off the room for something? God, she was left to face Nathan, herself!

"Quit struggling, Rebecca," He stood beside the bed, holding her down at a laying position on the bed.

With one quick motion, he pushed her sleeves upside, revealing her new bruises. He frowned, didn't say anything. They were almost blue on her sensitive inner arm skin. She looked down, trying to catch on what he saw, but he was determined to examine the rest. His hands pulled her wrists up into view, turned it a little to reveal another set of new bruises. She gasped, had not anticipated it. The spots missed her attention and blew everything. She could've used concealing powder there. He was still quiet. Fresh new terror washed over her.

"Nathan, it's not what it looks like...," he pulled her up, caught her mouth with his, and forced a kiss. Then he parted her legs, pulling her panties down, she tried hard to struggle but his hands were stronger. He stood beside the bed while holding her still, and observed her vagina.

Patrick had washed her up really good, there was no traces of wetness. Her lips were redder today, but there was no sign of violation nor swelling. Of course Patrick's size had stretched her bones apart, but he couldn't see it from the outside. She wanted to cry but attempted to keep her dignity. His fingers reached out to touch the lips, she almost moaned from the burning sensation, but bit on her lip in time. She must not give it out now. Tears flew out unavoidably.

He looked up her face and saw the tears, bent down to snuggle her up to his body, and held her tightly while trying to calm his heart beat. He kissed her wet face and lips again. She was weeping, his head pounded in chaos.

Still kissing, he laid her down on the bed, gently tucking the blanket around her. He squeezed her in his embrace one last time, before tearing himself away from her. Gasping for air, her mind worked really hard to think of what he might do, and had to move fast to stop him. She called out his name, stumbling out of the bed, but his steps were unstoppable.

She ran to catch him at the door frame, but suddenly the room spun around. She had forgotten all about the trauma herself. Oh God, not now... She tried hard to concentrate at one point, but failed. Her body fell forward, with only her powerless knees and hands to hold the impact.

Nathan heard her screaming his name, before a loud thud on the floor, and she went silent. A blast of horror struck him. He ran back to her motionless body, which was too late and couldn't prevent the impact which had happened before.

"Nathan... Don't...," her whisper rang in her ears, unaware of the drops of tears that escaped her eyes.

Nathan shouted for help, and called out her name all the while holding her. He didn't care about his own pain anymore, just wanted her rescued. At such violated condition and traumatic state, her poor body had been pushed to endure everything, why, she'd barely touched her meal all this time. He had been gentle to her the past few days, but that bastard Patrick hadn't.

Everybody came to the noise of his shouting, including Patrick. He saw her motionless body in Nathan's arms on the floor, and instinctively came forward. Nathan looked up when his brother's hands reached her, and pushed him away. "You! Don't touch her!" His eyes burnt Patrick in a flame of guilt.

"But I'm a Doctor," he tried to come forward again. Nathan pushed him off. "You've ruined her!" his roar sliced through Patrick's heart. The rejection from his brother was one thing, but the facts in his words were another. Nathan started weeping, helplessly shaking her in his arms, trying to wake her.

Jack had run to call on Dr Lewis, who apologized for not being able to come, and asked to speak to Patrick for details. Patrick took the cell phone from Jack's hand, his eyes still glued to the limp body in his brother's arms. His voice was an uncontrollable mixes of emotion, but he maintained a straight answer to every questions, and raked his brain up for a professional mind, which was nowhere to be found now. Guilt, panic, and chaos jammed his mind. Pretty soon, he just went quiet despite Lewis' calling for his name on the other side. Then finally he heard Lewis yelling at him to pass the phone on to Jack. He extended his hand to pass it without taking his eyes off her.

Jack took over the phone, and listened intently. Finally after hanging up, he stood up from his originally kneeling position beside Patrick's sitting on the floor. Walked over and spoke to Nathan, pulling him back to reality, "Lay her on the bed, Nathan, she needs to be examined." He obeyed, wiping his tears off, then carried and put her gently on the bed. His heart ached as he brushed her hair back. He was a sensibly gentle giant, who knew when to stop abusing her body when his brother didn't. He felt like killing him but couldn't. If Maman were here, she'd know what to do, and this wouldn't have to happen.

Jack's voice turned serious, "The storm caught Dr Lewis. We are trapped here, Nathan. Patrick is the only medic here. Now I don't care if you have issues with him, but you boys gotta pull yourself together. If you want her saved, put your problems aside, let Patrick examine her."

When there was no reply, he added, "We will all watch the examination, Nathan, he cannot violate her in front of us." Slowly Nathan nodded, without looking at his brother. Half mindlessly, Patrick walked over, but then realized he hadn't got his tools in the room. He called on Leslie to fetch his medic bag.

While waiting, he proceeded to stand beside the bed, Nathan was sitting on a chair, holding her hand against his cheek on the other side. That's when he saw the bruise below her wrist. He had used brutal strength at her abused body this morning, yet she still maintained a straight composure and acted normal. He had been forcing her to endure too much, this added much to his guilt.

He examined her thoroughly, careful enough to leave her private parts alone, and reported Dr Lewis through the phone. Both of them discussed it and confirmed his conclusion. Leslie installed the IV bags and pole. Nathan sat still beside the bed, not moving his gaze from her. When Patrick had to begin the IV insertion, he explained, "She needs the drip." Nathan didn't respond.

When the drip was installed and checked, he informed again, "She will come around. Meanwhile she is on Bed-Rest order. The fatigue is harmless enough, but she is too malnourished," he sighed before continuing, "Copulation is forbidden for 3-5 days."

"Animal," he might've heard that wrongly. Turning around, he confronted Nathan, "What?"

"You've heard me."

Patrick's couldn't say anything. Jack was already sensing the direction of this exchange, he and Leslie came forward to separate the brothers again.

"And those words came from YOUR mouth?" Patrick retorted. Nathan lifted his face to scorch him with furious glare.

"Outside." His voice was cold. Jack and Leslie were already beside them, trying to separate them at the bed foot.

"You want a piece of me, Baby Brother? Come and get it! Come on! I will take her again and again when you're in hospital! I take what's MINE," Patrick's fury matched his. Old Jack and the wounded Leslie strained their energies to hold these angry brothers. Finally when the push and pull didn't work, and the brothers ran chasing each others down the stairs, the panicked workers stumbled to call for Elario from the back of the house. Downstairs, Jack ordered Leslie to stay by Rebecca's side, and watch after her.

Reinforcement came and interfered the new brawl. Patrick had received a blow on the chest, and thigh, while Nathan received a kick on his thigh and stomach. Both had the urge of murdering each other.

"Stop this! Stop acting childish! Don't you boys realize how much damage you've done to her already? Look at you! Shame on you, Patrick! And you, Nathan, control your temper!" Elario's rebuke came to deaf ears. He separated them with his bulky body, but not for long. The brothers ignored him, attacking each other at the same time, almost crushing the fat man in between.

"Okay that's it! I'm reporting this to Lord Gerard... Ouch!" Elario received a missed blow on his right arm.

"You both must discuss it properly or there will be no home left for you both, NOR for her!" Jack's threatening yell jarred them both.

"Yeah! Everytime you guys fight, she is always the one to suffer!" Elario butted in again, continuing his words in Italian, muttering angry words.

She was upstairs, not realizing the chaos she had caused. Leslie's hands held on hers. They were soft. He asked her to lay down and rest when she woke up. He had to lie that both men were okay now, so she wouldn't stand up to find them. She said out her apologies many times, and that she didn't mean to cause any dispute. Sweet Leslie just smiled at her and calmed her down.

"This is partially my fault. I shouldn't have grabbed you that roughly the other day. I just didn't want you to hate Nathan," he confessed.

"What are you talking about? You were telling me the truth. If you didn't tell me, how would my eyes open up and see that he's truly a good man?"

"Besides, you are my hero, little Leslie," she jested. He laughed.

"Well, I meant what I said. You protected me from Patrick's kick, I will never forget that," she smiled weakly.

"Yes, Lady Gerard. Now listen to this little hero and sleep," His hand caressed her hair and forehead, lulling her to sleep.

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Chapter 14

She was on Bed Rest Order. Nathan had been watching her intently for three days now. He wouldn't allow Patrick anywhere near the room, although he didn't really have to. The brothers had been on a cold war for days now. They wouldn't speak nor see each other. Jack had to drag them both for peace effort, with much difficulty. The venue had been at Nathan's Study, because it was closer to her Guest Room. Leslie and Elario took turns to watch over her when the brothers were brainstorming. Leslie, whose back was still hurt and couldn't separate them in case of new brawls coming up, took most of the Becca-sitting turns.

Rebecca noticed Nathan's groaning whenever he had to wake up or put himself on to bed. His back and bruises must've really hurt. At this condition, despite her speedy recovery, Dr Lewis' order of no-copulation was unnecessary. She had to forget her curiosity about the greenhouse for a while, because Patrick was banned from seeing her at all. Not wanting to cause further blood shed, she avoided bringing up any topic that was related to Patrick.

The storm took a long while. It trapped them all in the house for a week. Despite the heating debates and possible brawls, the cold had managed to penetrate through the windows and walls. Her physical examination was being done slowly by Nathan, with Dr Lewis' guide over the phone, who promised to get on the first plane to attend to them.

On the 4th day, Nathan no longer groaned around the bedtime. But he was grumpy and restless; he stirred around the bed a lot, especially when he had touched her skin. It made her feel like she was burning him or something. Everytime she asked if his muscles were okay, he would just clench his jaws and give short answers. It seemed his temper had turned very short. She began to wonder if the rape incident had reduced his love to her. This last one was unlikely, because she caught him staring at her many times with a desperate look that burnt her lust. She couldn't understand what made him so desperate though.
