Makai in an Elevator

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Hikaru Shida & Himari Tsukishiro kill some time the fun way.
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the singers, wrestlers, bands, promotions, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own any of the singers, wrestlers, trademarks, etc referenced in this story. All characters are 18 years or older in this story.

Starring: Hikaru Shida (pro wrestler, AEW), Himari Tsukishiro (singer, Necronomidol)

Makai in an Elevator

An erotic celebrity fan-fiction story.

By DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, MFF, oral, inter.

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This story is set in the same universe as fics such as 'Backstage Sex? Holy Shida!' and 'Happy Birthday Malcolm-San!'. Prior reading of those stories is not required but recommended.

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"There was one piece of mail for you, Mister Laurence. And while I know you want me to take care of the paperwork since it's an invitation I figured you'd want to at least read it first." Jason, the handsome young American who worked in Japan as an Intern (thanks to connections his father has in the overall corporate structure of this music publishing and licensing company) said before he passed the letter to his Boss.

"Let's see, here..." Malcolm Laurence, the mature, handsome, African American music and publicity executive opened up the note. Almost instantly he frowned and blinked. "Jason... Gotta be honest, even with my grasp of the language and writing style over here? This looks like a wall of text to me." He chuckled, scanning briefly to look over the invite. "Since you read this, I assume? Give me the 'too long, didn't read' short version as you kids like to say." He passed the letter back.

"Right, Sir!" Jason smiled enthusiastically. "Basically, you've been invited to attend a performance, including backstage meet and greets afterwards, to a performance from the Makai Company here in the city." He explains. "Specifically, Hikaru Shida, who along with being an actress wrestles here in Japan for independent promotions and for All Elite Wrestling in the United States, and Himari Tsukishiro, a singer for the Necronomidol group and a soloist in her own right, have invited you."

"Oh yes, I do know them. They're both on my books as clients, as I'm sure you are well aware." Hearing the names of two hot Japanese women that he's Blacked in the past sparked his interest.

"Of course, Sir." Jason nodded. "Now the Makai Company? They put on a performance that's a blend of a lot of things. Some singing, J-Rock, stage play, pro wrestling... And the backstory for it! Oh my goodness! It's wild, I'm talking shifting alliances between gods, demons, mortals..." He began to ramble on.

"Stop, stop, stop..." Malcolm waved a hand. "And now you've lost me." He admitted. "It sounds like even more incomprehensible nonsense than this anime stuff I see sometimes on TV. And I honestly struggle to keep up and understand the stories and characters in Joshi wrestling." He paused and leaned back in his chair. "Say, Jason... You sounded very excited about this... So how about you go instead?" He decided to make his Intern smile. "You'll get to enjoy something you're interested in, meet maybe a star or two, and then you can report back to me about the show. Just tell them I'm unable to attend for... A sudden business meeting. I'm sure they will understand." He claimed, just not wanting to be bored out of his mind without any guarantee of any action with a Japanese babe afterwards.

"C-Can I, Sir?" Jason grins and nods. "I'd be honoured to! It's going to be something special and I can't wait to see what kind of a show Makai put on! And the chance to hang out with Shida-Chan and Tsukishiro-Chan! What a dream come true!" He adds.

"That's the spirit! I'm sure you'll have a great time with them." Malcolm says with a chuckle. Happy to have avoided going to something that wouldn't hold his interest. And possibly leave his evening that day open for fun of a different kind too.

* * *

To say that when the day of the show arrived, being told 'last minute' that Malcolm could not attend and was being replaced with a younger, white man who was openly a fanboy didn't exactly thrill either Hikaru or Himari. And worse still, since he'd arrived super early in the day with his all-access passes neither woman could shake him off for any length of time.

"For the last time, no!" Shida snapped while Jason followed behind her. "No autographs! Now go home and tell Malcolm-San we'll talk to him about this all soon!" The pro wrestler for AEW and many smaller promotions in Japan said. Still clad in the Makai costume of her character from the production of 'Tsuruhime'. A warrior's costume of a short, colourful top with white, red and blue design and pants that matched with a skirt around the waist to resemble armour with the same colours. A look topped off for the woman with her hair short and dark with arm accessories and a headband along with bright red lipstick.

"Was it something I said?" Jason, not picking up the strong hints and writing off their attitudes to just being Diva-like, continued to follow the women as they reached a more private, performers-only elevator in the theatre building. "I just wanted to ask about your Ice Ribbon tag title reign recently! Are the rumours of mistrust there as true as they claim? What's Iyo Sky's sister, Mio Shirai like?" He continued to show what a fanboy he was. At least dressed smarter with dress pants, a shirt and tie and a satchel bag over one shoulder.

"Malcolm-San has a lot of explaining to do..." Himari remarked as the two women entered the lift and much to their annoyance, without even asking first, Jason followed them in. "An awful lot." She said with a displeased tone. Similarly, she was in her costume of 'Persephone' which appeared to be a military-style white coat but underneath had on black shorts and white wrap around her chest like an old times bra to cover her chest. Topped off with a pair of stylish glasses for show and dark red lipstick for the beauty with long jet-black hair.

Fate it seemed wasn't being kind to either woman, and then not to the young man in turn. The lift had stared off but then only too suddenly come to a halt when they felt the cart shake all around them. Gasps from all free and, all being well aware of the natural elements that came with life in Japan, they were able to figure out that a brief tremor of an Earthquake had suddenly rocked the area to affect the building they were in. The elevator, as a result, ground to a sudden halt to leave a silence in the air.

"Oh dear... No please, allow me." Jason said as he put on a smile and pressed the emergency call button on the elevator. But when a minute passed and no response was heard, he pressed it again. And then again. Annoyed looks on the faces of the women but all Jason could do was smile nervously at the situation.

Eventually, the speaker crackled into life. "Ah, apologies for the delay." A polite voice of a man spoke. "We've had a number of issues in the city with lifts and we've only just gotten to you. Please accept my apologies."

"That's OK!" Jason said with a renewed smile. "There's three of us trapped here. All adults. We're in a backstage lift at the Makai Company show." He explained. "We're a little spooked of course but otherwise completely unharmed. Just stuck between floors I guess."

"Ah, excellent. We of course know where you are on our system. There's just the three of you? No injuries." The voice said to confirm. "That's great to hear. Sadly, tonight we're stretched thin on technicians and we have issues like yours across the city. And there are other sites with a higher priority due to injuries and a larger number of people, vulnerable people and the like. So I'm afraid that right now in the queue..." A brief pause, likely checking a system. "It will possibly be two or three hours before we can reach you."

"Hours??" Jason questioned and he felt the glare of both women in the back of his head.

"Please accept our apologies, and we thank you in advance for your understanding. We will be back in contact when we're about to reach your location again." The voice said before the speaker crackled again to end the call.

"At this time of year, and this time of night resources would be stretched thin." Himari sighs.

"Three hours! Stuck with you??" Hikaru is less accepting of her fate and gives Jason another harsh glare.

"Wait, I've got an idea!" Jason claims and takes out his smartphone. "I'll give Malcolm-San a call. Maybe he's got some, I dunno, some pull or influence that could help us out!" He says.

"Isn't he away on business, though? A meeting?" Himari points out but Jason has already dialled the number.

"Jason... This had better be important..." Malcolm's voice, being played out on the speaker of his phone, was heard by all three in the lift.

"It is, Sir! There's a big issue over here at the Makai show!" Jason explains with a worried tone. "There was like a tremor and it knocked the power out or something. Me, Shida-Chan and Tsukishiro-Chan are all stuck in a lift together!"

"Mmmmm..." That noise from Malcolm perhaps to Jason just sounded like he took a moment to think about this information. But to Hikaru and Himari, who looked at one another, it sounded like a moan that they were each familiar with from private encounters with him in the past. "Being stuck in a lift with two gorgeous women? There could be worse ways to spend a night!" He joked. And seemingly he had that exact thing in mind right now when a voice in the background of the call was heard to say "Which fucking drawer was the lube in again, Simp??".

"Uh, well, we were hoping, Sir? If there was any way you could, you know, possibly help us out here?" Jason asked.

"Mmmmm... Sorry, kid! You're on your own over there..." Another clear moan and another voice in the background yelled "Don't fucking call me short, bitch!!". "I've got to deal... Mmmmm! With my own problems of making the 'ground shake' if you catch my drift..." Malcolm chuckled, perhaps unaware he was on speaker right now. "But you're a grown man, Jason! Mmmmm... I'm sure you can... Yeah, right there... You can make sure those lovely ladies you're stuck with are well 'taken care of' tonight... Talk to you again tomorrow, kid!" He said before another moan was heard before he ended the call.

Leaning in towards one another, the women exchanged whispers. "You fucking heard that, right? Maki Itoh-Chan was there with Malcolm, probably banging her brains out..." Hikaru recognised a voice in the call, let alone that Malcolm was there having some fun instead of being at their show.

"And I heard Ram Kaichow-Chan too! Fucking her as well instead of, well, us!" Himari said. "He ditched coming here to bang two other women! And it's not the first time either..."

"Guess it's karma for when he ditched others to get with me... And I bet he's done it for you as well..." Shida noted to which Himari nodded.

"So, ladies... Uh? Maybe I can use up some data and play some music?" Jason got their attention when he spoke up. "Or could we maybe play a game? You ever heard of Charades?" He offered with a hopeful smile.

The two women glanced at one another, back to him, then looked at each other again. "Well, if he's off fucking other women instead of us..." Himari said with a suggestive tone. The look in her eyes was a mix of jealousy toward the other women and the need for a dose of payback.

"With him? I guess there's no other choice... I don't want him asking wrestling questions for three hours straight." Hikaru sighed as while she was up for some revenge too, it didn't thrill her to have to do it with this young American guy and fanboy. "...Fine. But this cannot leave this lift. And I'm not letting this guy think I'm into him or anything." She relents before the two women pull away, just to turn and face him.

"You. Take your pants off!" Hikaru takes charge even with a pissed-off look on her face.

"...Excuse me, sorry?" Jason had to blink to process the command.

"I SAID TAKE YOUR FUCKING PANTS OFF!" Shida snapped. "We're gonna be stuck here for three hours and I'm not planning on doing it just talking! So get your fucking dick out!"

"S-Seriously??" Jason started to smile when he saw, even with annoyed expressions since he wasn't the man they wanted to fuck today, they weren't kidding about. "Fucking score!" He said, putting his bag down into a corner of the lift card before he quickly went to undo his belt.

While not happy with this turn of events, even both women found themselves surprised and pleasantly so when he dropped his clothing. Showing off a nicely thick and long white cock that while wasn't a patch on the hole-wrecking dick that Malcolm possessed was more than impressive looking. A lot longer and fatter than the dicks of men of their homeland to put it mildly.

"Well... This might be entertaining after all..." Himari mused before she noticed Hikaru was staring at her. "What? He's hung... But right, he might not be able to use it."

"Don't go easy on him." Hikaru said before she turned and approached him. "And you! Don't get any fucking funny ideas..." She warned before she grabbed his dick just as he'd stepped out of his pants. "If this was in any other place or situation? You would NOT stand any fucking chance of getting a piece of me! I'm only doing this because I don't want to be bored out of my mind." She claims while she stroked his cock with a firm, controlling grip.

"O-OK, Shida-Chan..." Jason said with a groan, hardening in her hand.

"That's Shida-San to you!" She snapped. "And one more thing? If any of this, any single word of it gets out from here? You're going to be beaten up so bad you won't be able to use any of your fingers to call anyone! Understand?"

"Yes! Yes, completely understood! Mmmm! One hundred per cent!" Jason nodded quickly with looks to both women. "Not a single word!"

"Good... Now shut it! Idiot!" Hikaru narrowed her eyes and gave his cock a firm squeeze to make him gasp before she moved down to kneel in front of him. "I'm not doing this because I'm into you! If it wasn't for being stuck in this fucking lift, you wouldn't stand a chance!" She reminded him to make it clear before she resumed with the quick pace to stroke his prick. "Now shut your mouth! And if you blow a load instantly, I'll be spending the next hours kicking your ass!" She warned before she contrasted those threatening, and she wasn't just saying it to make empty promises either, remarks when she parted her red-coated lips. That big white cock guided into her mouth before she sealed around him and made the both of them groan. Thankfully for the lucky man, he indeed was able to last even with her glare up at him. A moment was taken by her to check before she pushed down and eased a few inches in before she began to establish the motion and suck his cock.

"Oooooooh fuck! MMMMM! Fucking Hell..." Jason moaned and stared down in awe. The dressed-up AEW wrestler was in full control of the action even while down on her knees. Smooth bobs up and down to take his dick in deep, showing her newfound (at least since she first met this intern's boss) enjoyment of fat, long cocks so that her lips barely stretched and she didn't gag one bit while she pushed along his member. Maybe a sign she was even able to better handle a longer, thicker and especially darker-toned dick than this. But from her groans around his member, she still got a bit of a thrill from the act. "God damn that's... MMMM! That's fucking good, Shida-Chan! MMMMM!" He complimented with a wide grin, but once again got made to groan when she, reminding him of his place as her living sex toy to use, used a hand to give his balls a warning squeeze while she sucked on the shaft. "Ahhhhh! I mean, San! Shida-San! Miss! Ma'am!" He wisely corrected himself to which, even with that glare still on her gorgeous face, Shida relented to release his nuts and go back to the steady slurps.

"Well... He can last at least..." Himari meanwhile leaned against the other side of the elevator cart they were all stuck in. Her eyes locked down onto the sight of 'Tsuruhime' to follow the smooth shifts back and forth the other dark-haired beauty did on that big dick. The first drips of saliva from off the crimson lips was seen to match the applied coating to this young man's cock. Even at the slow expense of Hikaru's lipstick smearing a bit onto that pale shaft so the clash of colours stood out. "This might be worth our time after all..." Himari remarked to herself and found one of her hands now twirled some strands of hair while she watched her fellow Makai Company actress sucking dick for a sight more suited for a JAV production than a stage performance. Her arousal grew with each new slurp that the pro wrestler did and she no doubt thought that if they were stuck with nothing to do for a few hours there could be worse things to do than some no-strings-attached sex with a fanboy all too eager to do as he's told. As likely many a sane man would when granted this kind of offer that's just too good to pass up.

"Mmmmmphhh... Hmmmmppphh... Mmmmmm..." Shida pushed her face deeper along that meaty cock. The fat crown of him soon hit the back of her mouth but for a sign of her experience, she didn't gag one bit. Her hands were on his thighs but more to keep him pinned against the wall of the lift than any sort of approval. Strands of her long hair that hung over the top of the warrior-style headband she wore shifted in time with her steady motion. The switch from just a test to see what he could handle and if this was a waste of time or not to her using that big dick for her sexual enjoyment. His cock was soaked with her spit and being branded now with a good few red rings down the length for something way hotter than any mere autograph he'd hoped for at the start of the night. A sign that she might be able to at least entertain herself, and maybe a whole lot more, from this foreigner and his fat dick from the muffled moans she let out around his member.

"MMMM! Fuck!! Never been... MMMM! This fucking thankful... MMMM! For an Earthquake in my fucking life!" Jason groaned and couldn't help but stare down at Shida's gorgeous features. A top-level display of cock sucking that was more expected from a seasoned porn star than a multi-time Champion in wrestling companies in Japan let alone back in the United States for AEW. Although he had something to brag about in his own right in being able to last between Shida's soft and experienced lips. The saliva from her chin dripped to land across her chest and the warrior costume she still had on. A nastier mess left down his dick from the rings of lipstick and the layer of spit to go with the pleasure he got from her warm and wet oral hole. "MMMM! God damn! FUCK... So fucking good. Shida-San! MMMM..." He groaned before he hissed again at the feel of her nails going lightly down his legs. Her less-than-subtle way of telling him he needed to shut up and let her do what she had to here since this wasn't about him feeling good.

"OI!!" The blowjob suddenly stopped when Himari let out a shout to make them both look over, even as it made Shida's cheek bulge a bit with the big dick still in her mouth. "Don't fucking ignore me here!" She said but when Hikaru pulled off and raised an eyebrow, the other Asian beauty shook her head. "Not you, Shida-Chan! This guy!" She pointed at Jason. "If he's going to let you have some fun, I need some too!" She said and then made the lucky guy's eyes go wide again when she pulled apart her white costume robe to drop it. Showing off her gorgeous, slim body clad in a tight set of black shorts and with a traditional-style white wrap across her chest to act like a bra.