Makati Ch. 04

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An American's adventure in Makati.
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Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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Removing the towel from the bed, I jumped in the shower to rinse off. Mary collected her things in her bag and then entered the bathroom to take a shower. I looked at her and told her "Mary, I told you, I want you to feel this all day. No shower. Get dressed, I'm late for a meeting."

She looked completely ashamed as she pulled her white granny panties onto her thick ass. While she dressed, I grabbed my phone and saw that Laza had sent a message over 30 minutes ago and that she was in the lobby. I quickly sent an apology and told her I would be down in 5 minutes.

I brushed my teeth, retrieved my shorts from the safe to dress and told Mary to leave.

She looked like she was waiting to get paid and I looked at her in the eye with a stare and said "Ask Peter, you were his treat, not mine."

She looked completely dejected, so I told her "Listen, it was fun, let me give you my WhatsApp and you can send a message. If I need a massage, I'll contact you."

I quickly wrote my WhatsApp number down on a sheet on the desk and handed it to her. I opened the door for her to leave and she told me "Thank you sir, have a good day sir," as she wiggled down the hall, her ass full of my cum.

I went back in the room and gathered the towels and threw them in a pile. I put my laptop in the safe and made sure there wasn't anything of value laying around. I called down to the front desk and asked them to have a maid make up the room again, and they told me "Right away sir."

I headed out and down the elevator hoping Mary had cleared the lobby before I arrived. I didn't need a scene with her and Peter. Upon arrival at the lobby I decided to head to the bar's smoking area before contacting Laza. I needed a smoke before going out in Manila traffic. Once I had my cigarette lit I sent her a message saying where I was and that I would be there in a few minutes. She replied with a smiley face emoji and then a "No problem sir."

I finished my cigarette and grabbed a piece of gum from my pocket. I walked over to the spacious lobby and started to look for Laza. I spotted her by the concierge desk where she was chatting with Peter. I smiled to myself and strode over to them. Peter spotted me first and greeted me with "Good afternoon sir, I think this young lady is here to see you."

Laza turned to greet me and reached out to shake my hand. Very firm handshake looking me directly in the eye said "Nice to meet you Mr. Jones." I greeted her as well and sized her up.

About 5'6", maybe 30 years old and slim, but she had curves. She was built like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. She had defined muscles in her arms and you could see a tattoo peaking out of her sleeve.

She wore a short sleeve white silk jumper. It flowed in places but was tight in the important places. It looked very expensive and tailor made and at first glance it didn't appear to have anything on underneath of it, no bra straps or panty lines. She wore a pair of Jimmy Choo heels, also in white with black stripes (I have a vendor in Indonesia and all she wears is Jimmy Choo's and she has taught me over the years how to spot them).

She was pretty, but her biggest flaw was she had a flat nose. It distracted from her face, and you could tell she applied her makeup to accent her big eyes and lips, and away from her nose.

She told me that she had a car waiting to take us to our first stop. I was impressed. She was punctual and arranged a car, instead of relying on the crooked taxi service in Manila. I usually used Grab, an Uber like service, but even then you have to be careful.

Peter told me to have a good day, and to contact him if I needed anything. He never mentioned Mary, and for that I gave him a few dollars as a tip as he opened the door as we were leaving the hotel.

Once out in the heat and humidity under the Portico at the hotel entrance, Laza lead the way to a waiting Porsche Cayenne parked on the street. As we walked towards the car a statuesque woman got out of the driver's seat and came around to open the door to the back seat. She was tall, lean and wearing a chauffeur's uniform, cap and all. Except her uniform pants were shorts, loosely fitted about 10" in length down her long legs. Her legs were clad in black silk hose and her feet had drivers shoes. It was quite a look. She was stunningly beautiful and looked like an Instagram model. Her makeup was perfect, and her hair pinned up under the cap.

She smiled and said "Welcome sir, please watch your head," as she held the door for me to get in the backseat of the Porsche.

Yeah, colored me impressed.

Laza got in the other side of the back seat and we waited for the driver to get back in the car. She looked over at me and explained "Mr. Jones, I have a number of properties to show you, but I want to start with an exclusive listing that I have. I think once you see this place you will not bother with the others."

I told her that I was impressed so far, lets see what you have to show me.

She smiled and said "There is plenty to see Mr. Jones."

We drove for about 10 minutes, having to back track along some one-way streets in Makati. I noticed that we were just on the other side of the large mall when we pulled up to the gate to the entrance of a high-rise condo complex. After the security let the dogs sniff the car and they put mirrors underneath to make sure there were no bombs, they opened the gate and we drove to the portico. Once we stopped a door man opened my door and said "Welcome Home sir," as I got out of the car.

I looked over at Laza who had a big smile on her face. I said to her that we could have walked faster than it took to drive to which she responded "Of course sir, but you are an important man. We can't have you walking in Manila when it is so hot."

We had to go through the bag check and a cursory wand over our torso to gain entrance into the lobby of the condo tower. The atrium was beautiful with lots of marble and tropical plants even a baby grand piano and a waterfall.

Laza was looking for my reaction and I just nodded to her and didn't try to show how much I was impressed. She knowingly smiled and lead the way to the elevators. At the end of the bank was a single elevator that required a key card to even call the car. She swiped a card and the door opened and inside there was but a single button. She pressed it and the door closed and instantly started to rise.

Laza smiled and said "Mr. Jones, this is the penthouse unit for this tower. It has this private elevator, so you don't have to stop at other floors."

I nodded but didn't say anything until the door opened and we arrived at the unit. It was amazing, floor to ceiling glass with a modern style. Lots of white with accents of blacks. Colors were brought in using prints on the walls and fresh flowers throughout the open area of the kitchen/living/dining area.

I turned to Laza with a smile and said "Yes, impressive indeed Laza," as she began telling me about the kitchen appliances and the stereo and entertainment center in the living room. She then led the way to the master bedroom which faced east, again with floor to ceiling with the largest bed I've ever seen. It was bigger than a California King by at least 4 feet. The master bath was just as impressive, with a large jacuzzi tub and a shower large enough for 10 people.

I looked at Laza and asked the most pertinent question "How much?"

"Mr. Jones, it is an exclusive property with an exclusive price. It has more amenities I should show you before we discuss the price."

She left the master bedroom and took me back to the living room and out on the terrace. The terrace was large with glass railing and a set of steps leading down to another level. On that level was a lap poor and a hot tub along with multiple lounge chairs. At the other end was a bar and a seating area with multiple big screen TV's.

She walked over the seating area and sat down motioning for me to sit across from her. She smiled and asked if I would like something to drink, a coffee perhaps?

She pressed a button on the table beside her and began to explain the property to me.

"Mr. Jones, this property is owned by a Korean businessman, he is very rich and very important. He utilized this home to oversee his factories in Manila, but recently had to return to Inchon and will not be returning anytime soon. He would like to have a long-term lease of at least six months. The residence is 250 sq meters, includes the pool and hot tub, two bedrooms an office and a maid's quarters. The lease would include the service of the maid, a cook and of course the use of the driver and the car."

Just as she finished with her spiel about the condo a young lady wearing a white and black skirt and top came with a tray with two cups of coffee. She was dark brown skinned and petite, about 5' tall and maybe 95lbs. She served our coffees and Laza introduced her "Mr. Jones, this is Nan, she is the cook here at Ganda Place. She has been with the owner for three years and can cook western style and eastern. She wasn't formally trained, but I have been assured that she is one of the best cooks in Manila."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Jones, I hope the coffee is the way you like it," she said as she waited for me to taste the coffee.

I took the coffee cup and looked at Nan as she stood to the side of Laza. I took a sip and it was perfect, just enough cream and a touch of sugar. I raised my eyebrow to Laza and then looked at Nan and said "It is great Nan, thank you very much."

Nan smiled and asked if I needed anything further? I told her no and then Laza said something in Tagalog and dismissed her.

"How did you know how I drink my coffee?" I enquired

"Mr. Jones, I had some extra time at the hotel, so I asked around about you. Seems you are very popular at New World Hotel," she smiled while taking a sip of her own coffee.

"The condo is $6,000 USD per month, the owner is requesting that the entire amount be put in escrow and he would draw each month. There will also need to be a $10,000 security deposit added to the escrow. The car will be charged monthly at a rate of $10 USD per 20km, and will include all petrol, maintenance and the driver. The utilities will be paid by the owner and you will reimburse him from the escrow account. The staff bonuses for Christmas will be split between you and the owner, but it isn't much, maybe $2,000 total. At the end of the six months, if the owner has still not returned, he will negotiate the terms of the extension if you wish to stay."

I was doing the math in my head trying to figure out if I could pull it off as Laza was speaking. It was almost three times what I was expecting to spend. This place was straight out of a movie set or a magazine but I would only be here a couple of weeks a month and could I justify spending that amount when I could get the best hotel room in town for $200 a night?

"I'll take it," it just came out of my mouth. Laza smiled showing her bright white teeth and nodded while saying "I knew you would like it Mr. Jones, I have the paperwork in the office for you to sign."

"Laza, I don't sign anything in a foreign country without having somebody look at it. If we can send the paperwork to my attorney in Hong Kong, I can ask him to look it over."

"Of course, Mr. Jones, if you could message me his email, I will send it immediately."

I sent over Chan's email to her on WeChat and then looked out over the Makati skyline. It was a clear warm day and you could almost see the airport from where we were at.

Laza stood up and I followed her back to the living room. She then showed me the rest of the place, the office, the spare bedroom and the two other bathrooms. It was all immaculate and very stylish. I asked about internet speed, satalite tv and a few other things. She told me to make a list of my favorite foods and that she would have Lan do some shopping to prepare for me to move in.

I told her I would like to move in as soon as possible but would need to see if Chan can look over the lease this weekend and excused myself to make a call. I walked out to the balcony and dialed Chan and waited for him to pick up. I lit a cigarette and thought to myself I was making a huge mistake spending this amount of money, but hey, you only live once.

Chan and I had a conversation about the lease, and he said he'd get back with me in a couple of hours. I came back inside to see Laza and Nan talking in the kitchen and they immediately stopped talking when I arrived inside.

I told Laza about my conversation with Chan and suggested maybe she and I could go get lunch while we waited for an answer. Nan spoke first, and said "No sir, I will cook for you. It is no problem sir, go sit and relax and I will make what you require."

Laza told me it would be best if I tried Nan's cooking, see if I liked it and if she needed to change anything. I nodded and told Nan, "Please make something light, maybe a seafood salad if you have the ingredients."

Nan blushed and said, "Sorry sir, all I have is frozen seafood, I would have to go to the market for fresh."

I told her it was up to her to make something, for her pick with what she has on hand. She nodded and said "Yes sir, It won't take long, relax sir."

Laza came to the living room to sit across from me in the big leather sofa. The air-conditioning was on and it was apparent in her nipples sticking out from her top. As we waited for Nan to cook, Laza and I had a conversation about our backgrounds. She was a very interesting person, master's degree in marketing, real estate was a part time gig and she spoke four languages, including Mandarin. She owned four different Airbnb properties and a hostel and that was her main income. She did the real estate thing on the side for extra income to buy more properties. Her main real estate clients were Chinese businessmen coming to Manila to escape the tariffs.

I asked if she was married, and she told me no, she was actually a lesbian and didn't have a girlfriend at this time. She had a long-time boyfriend from Australia that broke her heart and that caused her to swear off men. She laughed as she told the story.

Seems the guy knocked her up and then left the country, she had a miscarriage that prevented her from having kids in the future. It was a sad story, but she made it light hearted.

We talked for nearly an hour when Nan called us to the dining room for lunch. A fruit salad, a green salad and some pork tenderloins grilled. It looked and smelled delicious. As we sat down my phone rang and the caller ID said it was Chan calling me back. I excused myself to the patio and lit a cigarette and listened to Chan tell me the contract was very well written and gave me a few outs. The only suggestion was that the escrow account be in Hong Kong rather than Manila, as HK has common law and it was easier to sue there if something went wrong.

I finished my cigarette and came back to the table to sit down. I smiled at Laza and then called for Nan. When Nan arrived, I asked her if there was any chilled Champaign? Laza smiled broadly and Nan ran off to find us a bottle in the wine fridge.

She brought it back opened with two flutes and poured us each a glass. I raised my glass to Laza and said, I'll sign the paperwork with only one change, and explained the HK escrow. She excused herself to call the owner and came back with his answer that it wouldn't be a problem doing the escrow at HSBC in HK where I had my business account. We sat and enjoyed our lunch and polished off the bottle of bubbly. Nan brought us another and we went through that as we sat on the terrace and talked. Laza was extremely intelligent and was a very good story teller. You could tell she was tipsy after the second bottle as she stood up to go to the bathroom. I reached out to steady her and my hand landed on her firm ass. It was solid muscle.

I immediately apologized and she looked at me and said "No worries Mr. Jones, I might have liked it." She winked and headed off to the powder room off the living room. I lit another smoke and thought about my day. From fucking a massage girl in the ass raw to sitting in my new penthouse apartment. Life can be a strange journey.

Laza returned from the bathroom and informed me that she needed to go to her Hostel, as they were having some issues with the plumbing. I told her that I needed to return to the Hotel and I could just walk, she frowned and told me that would not be necessary. She would have the driver return me to the hotel and she would take a Jeepney to her Hotel which was in Ermita. She called the driver and we headed down the elevator to the lobby. On the way down I told her she could have the driver drop me off at the hotel, but then she was to use the car to take her to Ermita. She hesitantly agreed and we were met by the statuesque driver waiting for me at the back door to the Cayenne.

On the way to the hotel, Laza sent me some emails that had the details of the apartment. Security codes, the staff's contact information, the condo manager and the concierge and security sergeant. I had contacted Chan and had him sign the lease as my agent and arrange with HSBC for the escrow account to be setup Monday morning. I told Laza that I would hope to move in by Tuesday and she agreed it should be possible. Upon arrival back to the hotel, she escorted me to the lobby and as we were arriving Bruce and Nancy were headed out. Nancy was dressed in blue jean shorts and a t-shirt with her hair up in a ponytail with a NY Yankees ballcap. She had no makeup on and looked stunning. Bruce came over and shook my hand and I introduced them to Laza. Bruce mentioned that I disappeared last night and Laza gave me a weird look with a smile. I told Bruce I was exhausted and needed sleep and he laughed and said yeah man, you fell asleep in the chair.

Bruce told us they were going to go to the Casino to gamble for a while, but we should meet up for dinner. He invited Laza, who looked at me and I said "Of course, Laza would love to join us for dinner, won't you?" She smiled that big smile and while looking at Nancy like a wolf looks at a sheep said she would be honored to join us for dinner. Bruce said that Nancy would make reservations, but he didn't have a way to contact us. I told Laza to get Nancy's contact info and the girls could work out the details and let us know where and when we needed to be. Bruce laughed and said "Isn't that the way it works, the girls tell us to do something and we jump and say yes?"

The Casino was kind of on the way to Ermita and offered to Bruce that I had a car that could drop them off at the Casino, but it had to take Laza to her Hostel first. He looked at Laza about the same way Laza was looking at Nancy and agreed to the ride thanking me for my hospitality. I was thinking wait until he catches sight of the driver.

I kissed both Nancy and Laza on the cheek, shook Bruce's hand and headed for the bar. I needed a cigarette and to catch up on some messages. Maybe get a nap in after that I was thinking.

More to come...

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