Makati Ch. 08

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An American's adventure in Makati.
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Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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Chapter 8

I awoke early, having a busy day in front of me. After getting cleaned up and spending some time packing up my clothes and work items, I headed down to breakfast about 7:30am. I stopped off at the restaurant and ordered my coffee and an English breakfast and headed to my seat in the smoking area.

When I rounded the corner, I was a little surprised to see Jack and Yomi sitting at "my table". I greeted them good morning and Jack motioned for me to sit.

I lit up a cigarette and we talked a little about the weather and the busy days we all had, ignoring the elephant in the room. I needed some caffeine and nicotine in my system before I could really communicate well.

Jack mentioned that he was doing some automation work for a factory outside of town and I mentioned that I needed a new automation contractor in Manila. We talked business, with Yomi interrupting to correct Jack on some details of the system they were installing. She really was quite intelligent and so beautiful in her power suit with black hose and high heels.

They finished their fruit and tea and were headed off, I gave Jack and Yomi a card and told them to reach out to me tomorrow and we could discuss the project and we would discuss their interest in giving me a price to bring to the green tractor company.

Yomi shook my hand and winked, and said "Mr. Jones, we will be in touch very soon."

I finished my breakfast and went back to my room to finish packing and get checked out. Laza and Sam (the driver) would be here at 9am to pick me up to take me to the condo.

I wheeled my suitcase down the elevator to the lobby and walked right up to Jasmine and smiled and handed her my keycard to the room. "Checking out sir?"

I told her that yes, I was checking out and she whispered "I'm sorry to hear it sir, and sorry that I misbehaved."

She looked up slowly and smiled and I smiled back. I told her that she was forgiven and that I hoped that the baby would be born healthy and happy. She thanked me and gave me a discount card for the bar and asked me to come back soon.

She realized that she needed to play the long game with me, rather than the short game of instant money the other day. These girls aren't the smartest, but they can figure out their mistakes if given enough time.

Peter came over and grabbed my bags and told me my car was here. I followed him out the front door and saw Sam waiting there with the Porsche. She was dressed in her uniform and looked stunning. She really could be a super model. Laza was in the back seat waiting for me as I got in while Peter and Sam put my luggage in the boot. She was busy on her phone sending messages and didn't even notice me getting in until Sam got back in the front.

She smiled and asked, "Are you ready for the official handover?"

I laughed and said for as much money this is costing me, I better enjoy every minute. She placed her hand on my knee and said, "I think you will find a way to enjoy every second."

We arrived at the condo and between Sam and I, we brought my belongings up to the penthouse. We placed the suitcase in my bedroom and my work things in the office. Laza asked Nan (the cook) and Sam to have a seat at the dining room table. She sat at the other end and motioned for me to sit down next to her.

She started going over the house rules, no smoking inside, no underage girls, no drugs and no prostitutes (she winked at me when she said this).

She told me that Nan and Sam would be available 24/7, but it would be up to me to help schedule them so they didn't work longer than 60 hours a week. She also informed me the maid had quit and for the time being she would be sending over one of her maids from the Hostel to clean until I could find a replacement. I asked some questions and then asked who would be in charge of the staff. Laza informed me the owner was having his personal assistant work with the staff on their schedules, days off and needs for the kitchen and car. Since I didn't have an in country assistant, I asked Laza if she could handle the duties for a time, until I could find a proper assistant. I told her I would gladly pay her, at which she told me she would talk later.

I dismissed Nan and Sam and was watching intently as Sam left the room. Laza whispered into my ear "You shouldn't be fucking the staff, and especially you shouldn't be fucking Sam."

I looked at her and then whispered back raising an eyebrow "Oh, is Sam one of "your" girls?"

"She isn't my type Bob," she said with a wicked smile as she squeezed my cock below the table.

"I won't fuck her, not at least until I'm ready to move out. God she's beautiful." I knew deep inside I was kidding myself.

"She was hired special by the owner, he likes her type."

"Who wouldn't?" I asked and she smiled a crooked smile back at me and raised her eyebrows.

We went into the office and discussed how much she wanted to take care of the household until I could find a replacement. She stated she would need $500 a month plus expenses. I told her that it was too expensive, that it was twice a normal salary in Manila and for a job she would only spend an hour or two a day on.

We bargained back and forth, but she wasn't budging. I looked at her and said, "OK Laza, I will pay you the $500 a month, and I won't try to fuck Sam, but you are going to have to make sure I'm not alone for the month, and if you can't find somebody acceptable for the night, you will have to "take one for the team".

Her eyes got big and bright and she leaned over my desk, letting me see down her loose top letting me see that she wasn't wearing a bra. She kissed me on my cheek and told me in a husky voice "It's a deal, but I'm a lesbian Bob."

She started laughing loudly and told me she had to leave, she had work to do. She told me to make a list of items that I would need from the grocery story and that she would make sure Nan would order them. She also told me the rules on the wine room, that I could drink anything I wanted, but I had to replace them with the exact wine. There was a service that came by weekly and checked the stock and would replenish it for me.

With that, she was gone. I sat at the desk and setup my laptop, hooking it up to the printer and the WIFI and organized some files. I wrote out a list of food that I liked and printed it out and gave it to Nan. She asked if I would be eating lunch and I told her I had a big breakfast and would be working in my office.

I spent my whole afternoon working, getting caught up. I sent Laza a message and asked her to order me a 46" monitor for my laptop, and she replied 5 minutes later with a screen shot and said it would be delivered tomorrow.

I decided to go unpack my bag and take a nap. When I arrived in the bedroom, I could see that Nan had already unpacked for me, so I laid on that huge bed and closed my eyes.

I awoke a couple hours later and could feel the hunger in my stomach. I walked into the kitchen and Nan had cut up some fruit for me and had it in a bowl. I took a bottle of water from the fridge and went to my office to eat and catch up on emails.

When checking my messages, I had one from Mary. She was asking if I needed a massage. A light bulb went on in my head and I responded to her that I was OK, but I was going to have a friend contact her about a possible job for MJ. I sent Laza a message with Mary's phone number and told her to contact Mary to have her setup an interview for MJ for the maid's position. I sent her a few photo's of MJ from the day they went shopping and Laza replied "Now that girl is my type."

I told her MJ was only 17 and Laza replied "Age of consent here is 12 years old!"

That shocked me but it explained so many young mothers. I told Laza "You work for me now, the rules are 18! Please interview her, arrange for her to start after her birthday. You could have her work in your Hostel until then to learn her job, but no hanky panky....not until her birthday."

She sent a smile emoji to me and I then replied teasingly "Why is it ok for you to go after this young girl, but Sam is off limits?"

"Bob, believe me, Sam isn't your type."

"I have eyes, she looks my type to me!"

"Your eyes aren't looking it's your cock!"

I chalked it up to a little jealousy and let the issue die. Laza responded in about 30 minutes that MJ would get a working interview tomorrow at the Hostel, and she'd let me know how it went.

Well, one task down. Now to find an assistant, and I had a plan for that, but needed to put the strategy in place to accomplish it.

I sent both Jack and Yomi messages asking if they would be free for dinner to discuss the automation project. Within three minutes Yomi called to confirm that they would be free and to recommend a good sushi restaurant about a 15-minute drive away. I confirmed that I would pick them up at the hotel at 8:00pm and she told me she was looking forward to it.

I called for Nan and told her that I would be eating out, that she could have the rest of the day off. I then called Sam and asked her to bring the car around, that I needed to go shopping for some suits. She told me the best place for suits was in the mall, right across the street. That she would meet me downstairs and walk me over to find the store.

Ten minutes later Sam and I walked into this small tailor shop in the basement of the mall. I explained I needed a few linen suits made, but I also needed a sports jacket tonight. The man took my measurements while Sam looked on with a hunger in her eyes. She told me that Ponto, the tailer made all of her work uniforms, along with Mr. Kim, the owner of the Condo's suits.

In ten more minutes, Ponto had picked me out a tan sports jacket and had me try it on, it needed a few adjustments which he said he could have finished in 30 minutes. He also sat me down at a large book of fabrics to pick out my suit material. Sam came and stood behind and off my left shoulder to look through the book at my asking. I needed her help and she would tell me what she thought would look good on me. We picked a few different patterns and materials out of the book, and Ponto made note of them in his book. I stood and walked right to Sam and gave her a big hug, thanking her for her help. She placed both of her hands on my butt and pulled me into her and whispered in my ear "Thank you sir for letting me help you. I would always help Mr. Kim with his suits."

Good god she was sexy, and as we released each other I looked into her eyes. There was a hunger there, but also something I didn't understand. Regret?

Ponto had me try on the altered Jacket and Sam corrected the collar and told me I looked handsome. I thanked Ponto and told him to bill the household for the jackets and the suits, and to contact Sam when they were ready for me to try on for a final fitting. I also joked with Ponto that the next time Sam orders shorts for her uniform, they should be shorter and tighter. He laughed and said "Sam needs the looseness to be comfortable Mr. Jones." I just shrugged and Sam and I walked out of the mall with my new jacket.

Sam and I walked back to the Condo and the doorman Lewis had the elevator waiting on us when I arrived. Sam was carrying my Jacket and asked if I would like her to carry it up for me. To hell with Laza, I was the boss, and I was going to see where this went. I smiled at Sam and allowed her to enter the elevator first and she pressed the button to the penthouse as I followed her into the cab. We rode in silence as I looked at her again, utterly spectacular body, tall long legs and a face that was nearly perfect. She had on more makeup than I like, but that was far from being a deal killer. She was modelesque in her appearance.

I let her get off the elevator and walked behind her through the living room and to the bedroom. Her legs didn't have a flaw on them and her ass was just the right size for her long body. I followed her into my bedroom and she opened the wardrobe and hung the jacket. She turned to me and asked in a very sultry manner "Is there anything else Sir?"

I walked right up to her and kissed her. She was taller than me in her heels and it was a strange sensation kissing somebody that tall. She pulled me into her and reached down to grab my stiffening cock through my shorts and moaned. "Sir, you have a big cock. I told Nan you would have a bigger cock than Mr. Kim."

She attacked me and started pushing me back to the bed while kissing me. When the back of my legs hit the bed I fell back and she put one hand on my chest holding me in place and another on my cock while telling me to lay still.

"I want to see your big cock Mr. Jones."

She undid my shorts and started to pull them off me. I kicked off my shoes and raised up as she pulled my shorts and boxers off exposing my rock-hard dick.

She got to her knees and took my cock in her hand and said "It's so big," as she licked the head.

"That dyke told you not to fuck me, didn't she? She wants this big dick all to herself."

Then she engulfed my cock, getting about half of it in her mouth before pulling back up. "Mr. Kim liked how I sucked cock. Do you like it Mr. Jones?"

I couldn't speak, even for me all of this happened so fast. Here was this super model looking Filipina on her knees sucking my cock. She swirled her tongue on my head and looked at me in my eyes. Pulling off she said "Mr. Jones, do you like my mouth?"

I still hadn't acknowledged her as she then sucked my cock back into her mouth and wrapped her big lips around the shaft and started to bob on my dick. I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her head further onto my cock and moaned "So good Sam, suck that cock. You are such a good cocksucker."

I reached one hand down and grabbed at her tit, finding her nipple through her thin bra. I pinched at it as she moaned. She pulled off my cock and a trail of saliva connected her mouth to my cock. She looked up at me and started to unbutton her blouse while I twisted her nipple. She took her shirt off and unhooked her bra and two perfect boobs came into view. C Cups, perfect small nipples and small areolas. They were firm, most likely fake, but the doctor did a very good job.

"Play with my tits Sir" Sam moaned as she went back to alternating licking and sucking my hard phallus. I wasn't going to take long to cum the way she sucked, and she knew it. Within a minute of taking her shirt off I was cumming down her throat. She gagged a little and let some cum flow down her chin but she never broke contact with my cock. She continued to suck and clean it off until I pushed her off when it became too sensitive.

She went into the bathroom to rinse her mouth off and wash her face while I just laid there. She came back into the bedroom, still wearing her loose shorts and black hose, looking very sexy.

She crawled onto the bed beside me and kissed me, soft and lovingly. I was still trying to catch my breath but pulled her into me. She was now laying on top of me and my hands went to her ass pulling her into me. We were making out hot and heavy and all the sudden she pushed away from me and stood up. She unbuttoned her shorts and while looking me in the eyes she lowered them off her body.

I watched them fall to the floor and then started following her legs up to where her shorts once hung on her hips. Encased in her sheer pantyhose was a hard cock and Sam's right fingers were stroking it in her silk stockings.

My look must have given me away. Sam looked at me and said "You didn't know??"

I just shook my head, still in shock that I was making out with a Ladyboy and let her suck my cock.

She smiled "The dyke didn't tell you, did she?"

I looked at her and shrugged. "That bitch wanted you to find out this way. I told her to tell you, you western guys can't spot a Ladyboy like the Asians can." She was still stroking her cock while looking down at me. "Mr. Kim liked my cock. Do you like my cock Mr. Jones?"

I nodded my head while looking at her silk encased cock. It was probably 5" long and thin, but somehow it did look good on her body. "Yes Sam, you have a pretty cock. But that isn't my style, I'm sorry."

She reached out a hand to help me stand and then pulled me into her.

"That's ok Mr. Jones," she said as she grabbed ahold of my thickening cock. "I understand," she then leaned down and kissed me. We made out for five minutes while she was rubbing my cock with her hands and then began to rub it against her silk stockings. I pushed her back and while looking at her big brown eyes and stated "Listen Sam, you are beautiful, but this isn't something I'm ready for."

"He seems to think so," Sam stated smiling while playing with my steel hard cock.

"Sorry Sam, I think you are gorgeous. But I can't do this."

She smiled wider and winked "But sir, we already did."

With that she reached over and grabbed her clothes and sauntered out in her stockings. God, she looked so good, and really I didn't have a clue, but Chicks with Dicks aren't my thing. I thanked her for the good time and told her that I would be needing a ride to the Sushi restaurant later. She turned and looked at me while rubbing on her cock "No problem sir, but first I need to take care of this," she said with a wink and that quick she was gone.

I looked down at my hard cock wondering if I should call her back in to suck it. I hesitated and decided a shower and a drink would be the wiser choice.

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