Maker Girl Ch. 02


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She was feeling me and losing control. The beautiful dark Italian woman in her Forties, fucking her daughter's lover and being sent to a special place. In the dim shadowy light, her breasts shook as my hips banged on her. I felt a sense of release. Joined with her, but enjoying a separate experience. What does one say to the mother who desires you? Who is living some far-fetched fantasy she never imagined. Bouncing on the soft mattress as her daughter smiles and laughs and kisses.

It was ending. We kissed wetly, tongues dueling, our climaxes building and peaking with moans and hands busy.

I fell to my side as Lisbeth got on top, pulling the sheet up with her.

"Hmmm. This is going to work. I am so happy for us."

Early girl was awake, her changed breathing picked up by my body. We were nestled tightly, as though she knew I would wake with her again. Just like yesterday.

Ceci turned over. "You two are terrible. You are wrecking my sleep and it isn't even light."

Lisbeth whispered, "We have to talk chips," and eased us out.

Before she could say it, I said, "We're going back today, aren't we?"

Her naked body pressed against mine, and she hissed, "You could spend all day chasing me around here. You are so deprived..."

A third warm body arrived. "If she gives you too much trouble, I will run away with you."

Mother and daughter hugged tight. "Brian, I'm not letting her out of my sight. She is dangerous."

"I thought you said my cock was going to wear out?"

I served coffee and toast while they packed, if you could call it that. I was instructed to hang the dresses carefully in the car. Everything else went in the duffels in a jumble.

We motored up Highway 1, the early sun slanting across the road, fog sitting on the ocean.

Neither woman wanted to be in the back, so they shared the passenger seat, molesting each other and giggling.

Ceci whispered something in Lisbeth's ear and they both laughed. "She thinks I'm pregnant."

I let silence envelop that statement, glancing over at two sexy bodies with sparkling eyes. "You really have a deal? She gets to keep working?"

"Yes. I look after baby and do technical writing for you. She is going to teach me how."

"What if one of you starts getting territorial?"

"You beat us."

They teased me mercilessly all the way back. High spirits, almost giddy.

Giddy didn't last long when we were home and facing the paper again. It still needed work, and I was beginning to have a bad feeling that we were letting ourselves in for trouble. If Eric and Colin liked it, Lisbeth and I were prime candidates to be told to implement the recommendations.

I went to work cleaning up the paper, using Lisbeth's machine and large display. After a while, she was breathing down my neck. "Mom sent me to help."

"This is good stuff. You write well. I'll bet Ceci does too."

"He writes well too. We better not forget that," mother said.

"Both of you, go away and have a swim. Don't come back until cocktail hour."

Something was floating around in the back of my mind, and finally it clicked. I went poking through online journal indices. Yes, there it was. "Ulrich Wolf, Metallic Lattice Anomalies."

I needed to talk to Lisbeth. This was a good excuse for a swim of my own. As I drove out to their friend's house, I wondered whether I would find them in suits or not.

Poking my head over the gate in the fence, I found two sets of eyes staring at me.

"Are you stalking us? We are armed."

They were glistening with lotion and totally naked on loungers. I walked slowly over and gave each a gentle kiss. "I have something important to talk to Lisbeth about, but some laps come first."

"He is sure nice for a stalker." I dove in. Soon, there was a body next to mine, matching me stroke for stroke. I did ten and stopped. She folded into my arms. "Is this a work conversation?"

"Yes, although I wish it wasn't."

She reached down and fondled him, finding only limpness. "I guess you mean it. Are we talking here?"

She pressed me against the side of the pool and tucked her head into my shoulder.

"Did you ever happen to see that paper by Wolf about metallic lattice holes?"

"I did. Some of the lab people were intrigued by his speculation that spin level manipulation could lead to new gate behavior at very low applied voltage levels."

"What if we recommended a development program for ultra low power chips using some of his ideas?"

"You are asking if that would be a fresh idea? I think it is. Of course, a basic research paper is a long way from a working chip."

I wasn't soft anymore and she was rubbing her sex on me. "How many minutes do I get before you demand attention from him on the lounger?"

Her voice was soft, "Brian, I hope you don't mind. Being this close to you turns me on something awful."

"I can tell. I love it, but how does lust sell chips?"

She waded over to the steps, her lovely rear wiggling at me. A noise came from the other side, and I found Ceci sitting on the edge, laughing. "You two are a scream. So serious one moment, and so caught up in each other the next."

I lunged for her and dragged the slippery body into the pool. She pushed me down and we wrestled underwater. I let go and surfaced for air. She came up smiling and clinched me harder than her daughter.

"To be your writer, I have to learn about metallic lattices?"

"Yes. Probably need a graduate course in crystallography."

"Hmmm. What about a crystallographer to hit on me?"

I trailed them both to the shower. Ceci sent Lisbeth home with me and said she would shop for dinner.

My lover looked serious and beautiful, hair in tangles, skin golden in the late sun. "I thought Eric had us on a wild goose chase with that assignment."

"I wondered myself. He likes throwing you back on yourself, doesn't he?"

"It's his way of getting the best out of the very smart people in the lab."

"Is this Wolf thing too crazy to add to the paper?"

"Neither of us knows beans about quantum physics, but the density people are running out of gas. Xilent couldn't explore this alone. We need to talk to Harrington again."

"I never thought I could have chemistry like this with a woman. I was half joking the other day about one plus one being more than two, but it feels that way. At least with me." I glanced over at her and got closed eyes.

"I'm trying not to cry. Only foolish girls in love get to cry."

"What if I make a drink and we sit on the sofa? You can do anything you want with me."

She wanted a long sip of lime and tequila, and a very close straddle of my body. "This is better. Better chemistry through love." I had a tissue in my pocket and wiped her teary eyes.

"Maybe she is right and I'm already pregnant. Having breakdowns in the arms of the father."

We were still in that position when Ceci came up the stairs and noticed the red eyes. "Honey, just hang on tight. He is there for us. Especially now that there are four." She smiled and Lisbeth had a fresh burst of tears. Mom stood behind the sofa and ran fingers through her daughter's hair. Fog was advancing down the hill and a gust of cold wind drove us to the kitchen.

Lisbeth crinkled her eyes and handed her drink to her mother. "I can't have any more of this. He is underage."

That generated a long three way hug. We slowly went to work on dinner. Ceci looked at Lisbeth and asked, "How long are you going to wait to get married?"

Mom-to-be laughed and said, "I'm in no hurry. Maybe a baby bump would look good at work."

I was back on my machine, finishing the paper, when the two moms showed up, both of them in matching flannel short nighties. I asked Lisbeth, "Shall we have the new technical writer go over it? I'm scared to death she'll remember she is a professor and put a grade on it."

I had things to talk to my fiancee about anyway, so we left Cecilia in charge and found a bed.

I pulled her to me roughly and said in my husky low voice, "Decided it wasn't going to work after all, eh? Independent enough to send me on my way?"

"Brian, I told you my mother would never accept our marriage. You keep behaving like a dumb cowboy in front of her, what do you expect? You haven't even offered me a ring."

I was chewing on her ear and torturing her front, mashing the marvelous tits and pinching her nipples. She twisted in my arms, but I held her fast and said, "Not so fast, girlie. I'm expecting a going away present."

"Beast, I'll give you a swift kick out of my house."

Ceci was in the doorway, "What is going on?"

She had my hair firmly in her grip. "We are letting off a little steam over that stupid paper."

"Did I hear you say your mother would never accept him?" Ceci was climbing on me, the nightie well above her crotch.

"Why would you, he keeps being so obnoxious."

We wrestled around until mother finally said, "Calm down. That is a fine piece of work. They will like it. All I did was fuss with a few commas."

I put my head down and cried, "My precious commas!"

Lisbeth stood and said, "I'm going to send it now. Please see if you can get back in my mother's good graces."

I got my knee in her crotch and my head on her shoulder. "I might be fired in the morning."

"Kiss me."

The tough Italian body rolled us over so her hands were free to attack me. "If you change your behavior toward me, I will beat you." Her tongue was all over my face and head. Her hand was between my legs, squeezing and rubbing. It didn't take much to get him very hard. I rolled us back over to missionary position and kissed her hard. "If she comes back and finds me in you, it is the end of us."

"If you don't fuck me right now, it is the end of you anyway."

Ceci and I were very tight together when Lisbeth got back. "Mom, is he tickling your insides?"

"Yes, it's marvelous, do you mind?"

She didn't say anything, but crawled in and hugged. "I am a nervous wreck. I can't even tease anymore. That was stupid, what I said at dinner about not wanting to marry Brian. I'm going to cry."

The probably pregnant and so far unmarried woman had two bodies holding and kissing and consoling her. Sex was fading into the distance.

Ceci said in a tough voice, "How can I have proper orgasms when my daughter is in my arms crying?"

I disappeared to make three tall drinks with some tequila in them. The nighties were sitting up and smiling when I returned.

Ceci said, "She wants to know how soon she can be married?"

"We could get a marriage license tomorrow."

My beautiful blond bombshell buried her head in my shoulder and cried, "Brian, I promise to love, honor and obey. Please marry me."

I looked over her head at mother in law, who was smirking at me. "If you marry her, you are marrying me too."

I clutched Lisbeth, "Oh dear, how will I survive two women giving me orders?"

My head was pushed down and a voice said as I fell asleep, "I love you and this is going to work."

We were in the lab, staring at the scope, when Eric walked in. "You two sure know how to get me in trouble."

We looked up, fearing the worst. His smile was wide. "I keep getting these weekend, after dinner emails with dynamite contents. Don't you ever relax?"

She rushed into his surprised arms. "He took me to Big Sur and chased me up the hill and we sat in a sunny meadow above the fog and worked on that."

She added, "If we don't get fired, we are going to take out a marriage license today. I may be pregnant."

Eric looked at me and mouthed, "Wow!"

I nodded enthusiastically.

He extricated himself from Lisbeth's clutches and said, "Not a firing offense. At least not yet. Colin has seen it and wants some editing so he can take it to the Board on Friday as part of the strategic directions study. He especially likes that Wolf business. Wants to know if I can get it vetted by Harrington in time for the meeting."

I said, "That's more than a lunch."

"Yes. I just finished talking to him and sending him a copy. Told him to turn the meter on to highest priority. He is free at four and wants to know if you can come over then."

He walked over and put his arms around us. "I'm happy for you both. Go deal with the license, and then do background on Wolf for your meeting with John. You are not needed around here. And thanks an awful lot for the jewel of a paper. Ferguson has had more from the lab in two weeks than in two months."

We walked out, desperately holding hands, in a total fog.

In the car, I tried to collect my thoughts. "What's our address? For getting the license?"

"I don't know. You are moving to my house? We need to give notice on the lease at your place? Let's go talk to Ceci."

Cecelia was cleaning the house with enormous energy. The vacuum was roaring and there was a large bucket of soapy water with rags everywhere. We tried to look sad.

"What happened? You are back so soon."

Lisbeth said, "Eric came in and said we were making more trouble for him."

"More trouble? How could that be? I edited the paper myself."

I said, "Maybe it would help if we added her as an author. Cecelia Tommasini, PhD. Boards are impressed with initials."


"Colin is taking it to the Board at their Friday meeting. Looks like we aren't fired yet."

She rushed us, howling. "Bums! Scaring me like that! See if I do anymore editing." She wrapped her smelly self around us. "Help me finish and we will go together for the license."

Lisbeth tried to take the bathroom chores, but I stripped down to nothing and pushed her away with threatening moves. Plenty of bleach cleaner and scrubbing later, I was standing in the shower when she squeezed in, followed by her mother.

"What is this? Guy can't have a peaceful shower after doing the nasty bathroom cleaning?"

One pulled my hair and the other my scrotum. I screamed and washed their backs.

I printed the online license form while they dressed. A half hour later, I was handing the license fee across the counter and feeling trapped. Ceci stood behind and whispered questions.

"Sure you want to do this? Marriage can be dangerous. Maybe you aren't compatible. You are not crazy enough to let your mother in law live with you, are you?"

As we walked away, Lisbeth kissed me and said, "We need to go to the bookstore and buy that book on torturing your nasty relatives."

Ceci made lunch while Lisbeth and I sat on the deck with our laptops, searching for more references on the Wolf paper. It was thin, very thin. We looked at each other. "John will tell us what to do."

After that cavalier abdication of our homework, we munched happily on Ceci's sandwiches. She sat in the middle and wanted to know where the marriage was going to take place.

Lisbeth looked at me and said, "Maybe she should decide?"

I eased my soon to be mother in law into my lap and kissed her forehead. My hand rested on her ample breast and she pressed hers on top of mine.

"Neither of us has close family or friends here. We can have a party at the house after we are married. After Big Sur, Lisbeth and I feel we are already married. So how much ceremony do we need?"

Lisbeth arranged bodies so she could join the pile. "Mom, that means you are already an inlaw."

She giggled and added, "And a nanny, and a lover, and a bunch of other good things."

Ceci closed her eyes and hummed. "You two are so unconventional. In my Italian family, a marriage was planned for a whole year, and sometimes more than a hundred people were invited."

I was sleepy but beginning to worry about the big meeting with Harrington.

Lisbeth said, in a small voice, "If you don't mind, I would like to marry Brian in the grove of trees on Skyline with a view of the ocean. We can find someone to do it."

In the middle of the warm pile, Ceci was sound asleep. I pressed Lisbeth's hand and said, "That is a fine idea."

We dozed until three-thirty and left for campus. Ceci said she would worry about dinner.

Professor Harrington was famous for his messy office. Papers everywhere. He was a reviewer for one of the engineering professional societies and new books, some still wrapped, were stacked here and there.

"Make a space and get comfortable. Coffee?"

We declined and he said, "I see you are onto the Wolf theory. So are others. The experimental apparatus is exotic and expensive. No one else has duplicated his results. If I took this on as a research project with my grad students, I would have to ask for at least five million over a couple of years."

I asked, "What about the physics? Lisbeth said we are just electron junkies, why do we need to go another level down?"

He laughed and smiled at her. "Yes. Well, your paper answers that question. We are running out of electron games and need a new approach."

She said, "Do we know any smart particle physicists?"

John said, "A team to work on this would certainly need a couple of sharp physicists. But let me make a couple of personal comments. In my world, research that disproves a hypothesis is as good as research that proves one. Either way, good work gets written up and the players get brownie points.

"In your world of applied R&D, there are rewards for successful products, and penalty points for spending a lot of money and coming up with nothing, or very little. I'm going to have a chat with Eric and suggest that Xilent fund a modest project in my lab to see if some of Wolf's results can be replicated. You probably know there is a junior crisis going around about research results that can't be replicated. Xilent isn't big enough to launch a major development effort based on one lab's set of papers. A bad outcome could kill the company. So let me and my students at least take a look. What we do has to be open by university policy, but if we see signs of payoff, the work can be bounced back inside Xilent and protected. In the meantime, you haven't hung your promising careers on a super high risk idea."

While he was talking, Lisbeth came and crawled into my lap. As he finished, she said, "I hope you don't mind, we think better together."

"Good grief, I've never seen the like of it. Eric says you are getting married."

She replied, "Yes. In a very small ceremony up on Skyline. We would really like you to come. We owe you a lot, especially for your advice this afternoon."

"I'll certainly try to come. It warms my heart to see the two of you paired up." He handed me a paper from his desk. "I mentioned this to Eric the other day. When we talk, I'll tell him he should turn the two of you loose on it. Not meant to be a consolation prize. Might be something you can run with."

As we walked to the car, she said, "He is like a father to our careers, isn't he?"

I tightened my arm around her and said, "He certainly is. Let's go home and have a drink with Nanny, and take at look at what he gave us."

She laughed and poked me. "You've come a long way with my mother."

"She's come a long way with me. Between the two of us, we've turned her life around. Have you noticed that sex every day has a smile on her face?"

She stopped me under the nearest tree and applied a hot kiss, not paying attention to the students walking by. "Don't get a swelled head, but you've got both of us lusting after you."

"Lust works both ways, sexpot." I kept my hand on her behind the rest of the way to the car.

The odors in the kitchen were incredible. Ceci said, "We are having a small boneless sirloin roast en croute. There is fresh asparagus from the market to go with it. And ripe avocado for the salad."

I panicked over the puny selection of reds I had for such a feast. "Um, I'm going to make a wine run."

The guy who ran the wine shop at the market was named Paul, and took pity on my big eyes and small budget.

"Paul," I said, "I have two women to impress who are serving rare sirloin roast tonight. Money is no object, up to ..."