Making an Example


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"Yeah you do," she spat, "you little slut. Why would you provoke me if not for this very reason? I know what goes on in that filthy little head of yours, and if you want to be abused and beaten, then that's what you'll get. I wouldn't want to let you down now, would I?"

She hooked her tongue around my member like a chameleon snatching a fly from the air and brought it back to her mouth, once again drowning me in a blend of fear and unwelcome pleasure as she lapped and sucked. She kept her emerald eyes fixed on me the whole time, watching intently, drinking down every grimace and twitch like she was feeding on my emotions. She could be doing that very thing for all I knew, her origin and her purpose remained a steadfast mystery, along with her capabilities and her limitations.

She paused her maddening licking, drawing back as she let a rope of her bubbling saliva fall wetly to my thigh, licking her lips with her black appendage.

"Don't worry sugar," she cooed, "you're not crazy." My face whitened, and I wondered if she could read my mind. "I can't hear your thoughts," she laughed, my horror only growing. "You're just so easy to read. You're like an open book, with 'little slut' scrawled on every page."

She laughed at my expression, slapping my thigh playfully.

"Ok, enough teasing," she said as she stood beside the bed.

"Are you going to let me go now?" I asked, the chain that was strapped tightly around my neck bumping my throat with every word.

"Let you go? We're just getting started, boy."

She said that last word with such a sting, who was she to call me a 'boy' like that? She noticed my angry expression, covering her mouth daintily with her clawed hand as she giggled.

"You're so cute when you're mad. Now lie down, keep still, and give momma what she wants..."

I didn't want to find out what 'momma wanted', immediately beginning to struggle against my bonds with renewed vigor as she used one of her curved claws to shred the rest of her purple outfit. It fell to the floor in tatters, leaving her nude, and even through my struggling I couldn't help but let my eyes be drawn to her chest.

Her breasts hung free of their restraints, massive and heavy, the delicate fat wobbling softly as they settled. They were so large, bigger than my own head, the azure globes closer in size to a bowling ball or a smaller watermelon. They actually weren't out of place on her exaggerated frame, they were proportionate to her height and build, but they would have broken the back of a normal woman.

They were perfect, for lack of a better word, flawless. They were weighty and soft, yet pert enough that they retained that wonderful 'inverted tea-cup' shape, nipples as black as coal standing out against her blue skin. Again I found myself wondering what use a reptile had for nipples?

She caught me looking, exposing her pearly teeth in a grin as she lifted one of them. I watched as her fingers sank deep into the pliable meat, vanishing almost up to the knuckle, the fat spilling around her hand like melting wax. How could something be so malleable and yet retain its shape? It looked like it was made from silly putty.

When she dropped it, it bounced enticingly, springing back to its original shape.

"Oh, has something peaked your interest? You little struggle and fight so much, but you can't hide what you really want. You can't conceal where that filthy mind of yours wanders."

She walked around to the end of the bed, standing there with her hands on her wide hips as I strained to raise my head, her nude body on display. Her blue skin was dripping with beads of sweat that dripped lazily towards the ground, following her feminine curves and the channels that her toned muscles cut in her skin. She watched me disdainfully, her shiny lips curled into a sneer.

"Is this what you want?" she asked, snapping her fingers.

Before my eyes, clothing appeared on her. I hadn't looked away, I hadn't even blinked, and yet there were now clothes where there had been none a second ago. How did she keep pulling these items out of nowhere?

Exampla was now wearing a French maid outfit, heavily fetishized, like something that one might buy at a sex shop. The skirt was made from black fabric, stopping just a hair short of exposing her nethers, as titillating as it was possible to make it. It was trimmed with white, ruffled material that might have been lace, and there was a white apron tied around her waist that went on top of it in the traditional style. Her midriff was exposed, her impressive musculature on display, twin rows of abdominal muscles bulging from beneath her azure skin as if they had been wrought from stone. Around her meaty, strong thighs were two decorative garter belts, black in color and trimmed with the same white lace as her skirt. Her breasts were concealed beneath an excessively decorative brassiere, adorned with lace frills and red ribbons that were tied into little bows, the mesh-like material showing plenty of blue skin beneath it. She even had matching cuffs and a hat that was perched atop her hairless head.

As I watched in confusion, she produced a comically archaic feather duster, leaning forward to brush it lightly across my erection. I bucked, the downy feathers tickling me, a jolt of pleasure shooting up my spine.

"Mais Monsieur, vous êtes tellement rigide!" she said in a perfect French accent. "Quel sale pute tu fais," she added with a snide grin. I couldn't help but imagine that the second phrase had been an insult directed at me.

She stood again, snapping her fingers, and just as quickly as it had come the uniform was now gone. In its place she now wore shiny, black leather from head to toe, decorated with chains and studs. It was a dominatrix outfit, there was no mistaking it, the tight leather clinging to her figure in ways that made it look like she had been sewn into it. It creaked when she moved, Exampla crossing her arms as she stared down at me.

"Or maybe this is more to your liking, you filthy creature?"

Her breasts were hanging free, her nipples studded with silver barbel piercings, and around her neck was a spiked dog collar with a ring for a leash. A leather corset was secured tightly around her torso, further exaggerating her pinched waist, laced up with red string. She had no panties on either, exposing her smooth, blue mound. The corset was connected via two garter belts to a pair of thigh-high boots that were made from the same black leather, studded with silver spikes. She was wearing elbow gloves too, she looked like she had walked straight out of an S&M club.

I wanted to laugh, but then she produced a bullwhip, cracking it so loudly and viciously that I make the bed shake as I attempted to flinch away from her. It sounded like a fucking fighter jet breaking the sound barrier.

"Well? Should I have you lick my boot and call me Mistress?"

I shook my head adamantly. She snapped her fingers again, this time standing before me in a school teacher outfit, complete with a plaid skirt and a white blouse that was unbuttoned just low enough to show off her blue cleavage. She removed a pair of spectacles that had been perched on her snout, taking a large, wet bite out of a shiny red apple that she had conjured from thin air.

"Maybe this getup would be better suited to giving you the tuition that you so desperately need? How about some private, one on one lessons?"

I didn't know what to make of it, was I actually losing my mind? Was I just lying on my bed, completely alone while I stared at the far wall? Was Exampla trying to be funny? Intimidating? Arousing?

She seemed to sense my confusion, rolling her eyes as she popped the rest of the apple into her mouth, crushing it between her powerful jaws like it was the skull of some unfortunate animal.

"God, you're so dense. Fine, I'll take a more...blunt approach."

In a flash she leapt up onto the bed, faster and more agile than I could ever have imagined. Something that large and that heavy should never have been able to move like that. Her knees landed heavily to either side of me, the mattress squealing and the wooden frame creaking as it threatened to give out under the impact. Her sharp claws embedded themselves in the material to either side of my head like knives, fluff from the mattress kicked up into the air as she shredded it.

She stared at me intently with her cyan eyes, wide and wild, her reptilian pupils fixing on me like I was a prey animal that was seconds away from being devoured. She pulled back her black lips and bared her fangs like an angry tiger, running her tongue across her wicked incisors. Her warm breath washed across my face, the smell of ash and gasoline stinging my nose, and I felt a glob of her saliva fall to my cheek.

"Sit tight honey," she snarled, her deep voice reverberating in a primal growl, "I'm going to show you what a real woman can do." I froze up, my instincts taking measures to protect me from what appeared to be a dangerous predator. "Feel free to beg for mercy, it won't do you any good, but it might get me off a little quicker..."

Her long, oily tongue flopped out of her maw and glanced my cheek, like she was tasting me. I tried to turn away from her, but I couldn't do much, the chains were so tight.

"Oh, how inconsiderate of me," she said. She snapped her fingers again, and the chains disappeared. It was suddenly like they had never been there at all, the metal links vanishing into nothing, the pressure around my limbs gone. I stared up at her in confusion, and then I seized the opportunity.

I scrambled to escape, attempting to roll off the bed as I reached up to push her away. Exampla grinned, giving me just enough time to feel like I might have a chance, and then I felt her steely hand close around my throat. She lifted me off the mattress like I weighed nothing, slamming me back down beneath her, her grip crushing my windpipe as I clawed at her forearm and tears began to sting my eyes. I gasped as choked, writhing on the bed. I kicked her in the ribs, but she was immovable, I might as well have been kicking a tree in an attempt to knock it down.

As I opened my mouth in a futile bid to fill my empty lungs, she filled it with her tongue, piling her black coils into my head until my cheeks bulged. It wasn't a kiss, it was a violation, rough and greedy as her snaking organ writhed inside my mouth. It was wet, intentionally sloppy, strands of her drool leaking down my chin and coating my cheeks. She licked and stroked, a parody of a loving embrace, sliding her slimy organ around as it brushed my palate and coiled around my tongue to trap it in a fleshy prison. I felt its pointed tip scrape the back of my throat, even as her fingers gripped my neck, my gag reflex absent as I had much more pressing concerns.

Finally she released her hold on me, sliding her long organ back out of my mouth to leave me choking and gasping as I nursed my bruised throat. I looked up at her angrily, her eyes practically glowing with arousal.

"Wouldn't be any fun if you couldn't fight back," she hissed. "I want to feel you struggling between my thighs, fighting me all the way. You're going to love this, and you'll hate that you loved it, that's what turns me on the most."

She pinned my wrists against the bed, leaning her impressive weight one me, as if she was trying to demonstrate that even without the help of the chains she was perfectly capable of restraining me on her own. I lurched, feeling her dexterous tail coil around the base of my exposed member, and then she began to angle it towards her dripping loins. Her thighs locked around my hips to prevent me from wriggling free, her muscles as hard as steel beneath that soft exterior, and I soon found myself completely at her mercy.

She watched me intently, gauging my reaction as she used her tail to slide my glans up and down her slit, gliding it against her black flesh as she coated me in her syrupy juices. She was red hot, almost enough to scald me, her excitement leaking down my shaft in fat blobs as she wet her lips with her equally dark tongue. She was practically salivating, her large breasts swaying gently with every subtle movement, hanging from her chest as she loomed over me.

Without so much as a word she brought her wide hips down on me, thrusting my erection deep inside her, my eyes widening and my mouth opening in a gasp as I felt her passage close around me like a fist. Exampla scarcely flinched, staring at my face as she watched my reaction, finding as much enjoyment from my expression as she did from the cock that was currently twitching and throbbing inside of her.

It felt like silk drenched in honey, slimy and wet, feverishly hot and impossibly soft. I could feel her powerful muscles moving and shifting around me, flexing and squeezing like they were consciously trying to milk me. It was so tight, almost painfully so, her walls bearing down on me as she slid me ever deeper.

She lowered herself down onto me, swallowing me to the hilt, my entire length engulfed in her spasming tunnel. She was so heavy, it would have been uncomfortable if the mattress had not been bearing the brunt of her weight. She squeezed my wrists in her hands, grinning toothily at me as I tried to conceal the bursts of tingling pleasure that were coursing through me with every shiver.

"How does that feel, sugar pie?" she asked sarcastically. "I hope you appreciate this, it's much more than you deserve..."

It was exquisite, like being massaged through damp satin, my member jumping and throbbing despite me. I was being betrayed by my own body, she could no doubt feel me throbbing inside her, the way that my shaft swelled and pulsed with every beat of my racing heart.

I glanced down to see where our bodies were joined, her deep blue skin contrasting with my own, her flushed lips parted around my member as it vanished into her dark flesh. Her clear fluid oozed around my shaft, leaking down across my belly and thighs. I felt her hot breath was over my face, and I looked back up to see her leaning down close to me. Her snout-like nose brushed my cheek, and then her black tongue slid out of her mouth to taste my skin.

"I can smell your fear," she snarled, "you reek of arousal too you little cunt-tease."

I turned my face away, but I couldn't escape her, she had total power over me in this compromising position.

"It's leaking out of your pores like sweat," she continued, "you should know that you can't lie to me. Time to give you 'exactly' what you want...unless you can convince me otherwise. Go on, beg. If you can convince me that you don't want this, I'll get off you right now."

"I-I don't want this," I stammered.

"Pathetic, I can feel your cock throbbing inside me. I can smell the pheromones that your filthy little body is sweating out."

"Get off me," I grumbled, her insults starting to get under my skin.

"Fight me," she hissed, "show me how much you hate this."

I wanted to do as she asked, I wanted to fight and shout and throw insults, but the feeling of her narrow passage roiling around my buried member sapped my strength. It was like she was sucking my energy out of me through her loins, the pleasure of her velvet flesh making me weak and compliant. As much as I wanted to fight her, there was a part of me that was almost addicted to the mounting ecstasy, the warmth and the wetness hypnotizing me. The promise of pleasure to come was slowly overriding my shame.

Exampla saw it in my eyes, sensed it, I couldn't hide anything from her.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," she chuckled. "Maybe you're finally starting to learn your place."

Her emerald eyes narrowed, becoming colder and more distant, and then I felt her begin to move. She slid up my length, her tunnel sucking on me with all the intensity of a greedy mouth, the sliminess of her insides the only thing stopping her from wrenching my cock off at the root. My body contorted as her wonderfully silky flesh slid against my skin, caressing me as it grazed my tender glans. The sensation was so raw and unfiltered, harsh and almost callous, like she didn't care if I went mad from the pleasure that she was forcing upon me. When she reached her apex, she paused there for a few moments, with only the tip of my erection still lodged inside of her. Her muscles were closed around it like a pair of pursed lips, my shaft glazed in a layer of her viscous lubricant that made it shine in the light.

My spine arched off the bed as she let gravity carry her back down, our hips slamming together with enough force to leave bruises, Exampla driving my member into her most intimate reaches. I felt her flesh parting around me, writhing and twisting like it had a life of its own, the contractions of her pelvic floor muscles milking me like a dairy cow.

"F-Fuck," I groaned breathlessly, the impact knocking the air out of my lungs and the spark of pleasure making my head spin.

"If you insist," she whispered with a grin, keeping my wrists tightly clasped in her hands as she repeated the motion. She found a punishing pace, slow enough that it denied me the stimulation that I needed to get off, but heavy enough that every thrust left me twitching and dazed. It was like the measured, powerful movements of her hips were blanking out my mind, scattering my thoughts like confetti with every downward thrust. I couldn't concentrate, couldn't think about anything besides the feeling of her moving on top of me.

"This is so intimate," she crooned, her demeanor once again changing on a dime. She leaned closer to me and pressed her lips against my throat, leaving a sucking kiss as I flinched beneath her. "Don't worry honey," she whispered, noticing that I was recoiling from her. " I won't bite, at least not very hard..."

She bared her sharp teeth and pressed them against my bruised neck, my erection jumping inside of her despite my fear as I felt her wet, heavy tongue flop against my skin. She smeared her saliva across my throat, her organ leaving wet trails as it explored me, her teeth pinching me as she mouthed and licked. It was so warm, and if I was into it or not, she was none the less stimulating a very sensitive part of my anatomy. My eyes rolled back into my head, and I loosed an embarrassing moan, Exampla pausing her teasing for a moment to chuckle at me.

"You moan like a girl," she whispered, "does it really feel that good?"

Her thighs flexed around me, her loins squeezing me tightly, her lips hovering an inch from mine as she watched me shudder. Her thrusting continued, the blue creature coming down on me like a piston, driving me deep into the squealing mattress as droplets of her slaver rained down on me. Her azure skin was dripping with fresh sweat, shining as she kept me trapped in her cruel waltz, the smoldering pleasure growing more intense as she rubbed me against her like she was trying to start a fire.

The heat and friction were intense, I could feel every crease and bump of her textured walls as they scraped against me, her muscles rippling like a throat that was trying to swallow me alive. Her insides were just as toned as her outsides, and I watched her abdominal muscles flex as she danced, her breasts bouncing enticingly in time with the rhythm.

Her tempo grew faster, her pillowy depths pressing around me like velvet cushions. Even as she began to rut like a feral beast, bouncing me on the tattered mattress, her soft and feminine qualities contrasted with her cruelty. She released one of my hands, delving her fingers into my hair instead, taking a tight grip and tugging painfully. As I opened my mouth to curse, she filled it with her tongue again, cutting off my pained cry. Her organ slithered and coiled inside my head, artless and crude, Exampla's composure fading as she indulged her savage desires.