Making Fantasies Reality Pt. 03


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Tricia cheered as he stood there. “Damn, next time!” he said. And fair play to him, he played a blinder, winning easily and leaving Tricia to knock me out. I threw my last cards down, stood up and pulled my own shirt off, giving a small bow to Andy and Tricia as they clapped and cheered.

I lost the next round, while Andy lost the one after, both of us taking our socks off. I looked at Andy. “Think we might have to start ganging up on Trish, mate, she’s getting too good for us.”

“Oi, no cheating!” she said, returning to the table with another bottle. She winked at me, and as she sat down squeezed my thigh. I reached over to do the same to her, pushing her skirt up and running my hand up her thigh. God, I wanted her! She pushed my hand away, and picked up the cards to deal. I lost again, and Tricia stood to cheer as I turned away from her and slowly undid the buttons on my jeans, pushing them down and stepping out of them before turning back to face the others. My erection was pushing hard at the front of my boxers, which Tricia of course picked up on. “Ah,” she said, “that’s why you’re so bad at this game, you’re not concentrating properly!”

I had to admit that it wasn’t easy to concentrate, but I guess it was the same for her. And in the next game, which I won easily, she made a small mistake, which Andy was quickly on to, and there was no coming back. “Yes!” cried Andy, “the champion is beaten! Show us some skin!”

“Damn! I guess you boys have been learning,” she said, and stood up in front of us. She unbuttoned the top button of her shirt, and then seemed to change her mind, pulling up the hem of her skirt before dropping it again. “Top or bottom,” she looked at us, “I can’t make up my mind.”

I looked at Andy, who was grinning from ear to ear, the proverbial cat who’s got the cream. “Top,” I said, “its only fair that if you can see our chests we can see yours.”

Tricia looked down at me. “Okay, but I can pretty much see all the rest of you too!” She turned away from us, and slowly, slowly, started to undo her shirt, gradually revealing one shoulder then the other, moving the shirt down her arms and back, and finally throwing it off her wrists. Turning back to us, she smiled at the applause. “Happy now?”

Her tits looked wonderful, and I thought for a moment that I should reach out to stroke her hard nipples, but realised I wanted to make this game last. It was pretty clear that Andy and I were both happy, though. He’d had another quick glance at me to make sure it was still okay with me whilst she was doing her striptease, and I’d noted that he’d had to make an adjustment to his groin area where his fairly obvious erection was fighting to get out of his jeans. “Very happy, babe,” I said. “Can’t wait to whip your ass in the next game too!” We all sat down again, and Andy picked the cards up to deal.

Now it could have been the wine, it could have been a lack of concentration because she was sitting there with no clothes on her top, or it could have been deliberate, but Tricia played a shocking hand. Andy won quickly, and I beat her to the finish easily. She threw her handful of cards down with a look on her face that I couldn’t read – was it disgust or was it excitement? I suddenly realised that Andy probably didn’t know that she didn’t have any knickers on, and for the first time I felt a sudden panic as my heart leapt – another guy was going to see my girlfriend naked. I caught Tricia’s eye, and we held each others stare for a couple of seconds, but long enough for us both to be aware that this was still cool, we both wanted to go through with this. Tricia stood up, and both Andy and I applauded.

Again, she turned her back to us, again slowly. With a quick, flirtacious look over her shoulder, she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her skirt, and edged it downwards, just half an inch or so. Andy and I looked at each other, and between us started a quiet chant, “off, off, off!” Tricia again looked over her shoulder at us, and surprised us by quickly pulling her skirt down and off, kicking it to the other side of the room. She stretched her arms above her head, as if contemplating her next move, and, finally deciding, turned round to face us.

Totally naked, she looked stunning. Her face wore a shy smile, looking for our approval, which we happily gave, Andy’s face changing from jaw dropping amazement to a beaming grin whilst I blew her a kiss. Her gorgeous, firm breasts stood proud, her toned stomach a testament to her fitness, her slender legs shapely, the triangle of fine hair covering her pussy an invitation to look further. There was a moment when none of us were sure what to say, before Andy broke the silence. “No wonder you had to be good at this, Trish, you had less clothes on than the rest of us to start with!”

She smiled, and stepped over to the table to sit down once more. “And I think I’d better start winning again, it doesn’t seem fair for me to be the only naked one!”

Picking up the cards, she gave them a quick, cursory shuffle, and dealt them out again. I felt her knee against my thigh under the table, and reached down to stroke her leg, first on the outside, then the inner thigh, feeling her legs part slightly as I moved higher. I wanted her, and she knew it, but she was enjoying the tease, and I guess I was too. She won the next round, Andy lost, and it was his turn to take his jeans off. Shrugging, he did so with good grace, and smiled as Tricia wolf-whistled him as he stood there in just a pair of white boxer shorts, which weren’t doing a very good job of hiding his erection.

He dealt the next round whilst I topped up everybody’s wine. Tricia was drinking quite quickly, I could see her face was slightly flushed – was it from the wine or the sexual excitement in the air? Whatever it was, she seemed to want to get the next round over with, and quickly won, leaving Andy and me to battle it out. It was close, but finally I prevailed. “About time!” called Trish, “I want to see more flesh!”

Andy stood in front of us once more, and Tricia whooped with delight as he teased us by turning his back on us and bending forward, showing us his muscular arse. Quickly, he slid his boxer shorts down his legs, and still with his back to us, threw them over his shoulder where they landed on the table. Tricia leaned forward and squeezed his arse cheeks with a gleeful cry, and I took the opportunity to do the same to her. Andy turned round. “I hope we didn’t have a no touching rule,” he said, “or you’d be out of the game!”

“Nobody said anything about no touching!” said Tricia, “or at least I didn’t hear if they did!”

Andy’s hard cock stood proud in front of him, and I caught Tricia looking down at his body, almost licking her lips in anticipation. I had to admit that he did have a good body, toned and fit – I’d thought of him as a bit to tall and gangly before, but naked I could see that he was pretty well proportioned. His cock looked a good size, maybe about the same as mine, and I smiled inwardly as I realised that was about the first thing I’d thought about when I saw him naked – I guess I hadn’t wanted it to be bigger than mine.

“Ooh,” Tricia pouted, “looks like all this nakedness has got you all worked up! But we haven’t finished the game yet, come on, deal ‘em out!”

Andy sat down again, smiled round the table, and picked up the cards. He dealt himself a great hand, and soon it was between Tricia and me for the loser. I was getting the hang of it, though, and laid my last card with a triumphant smile. “Damn,” said Tricia. “But I haven’t got anything left to take off!”

Andy and I looked at each other. He shrugged. “What do the rules say, then?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, pretending to flick through an imaginary rulebook. “Ah, here it is. ‘If a player with no clothing still on loses a round, they must perform a sexual favour on the player to their left’. Well, that’s clear then. Andy, what sort of sexual favour do you want?”

He looked at me, slightly shocked, I think, that I’d been so forward. Perhaps in the back of his mind this was still a game, but now he realised for sure what we wanted. His mouth opened, but no words came out. Tricia realised his predicament. “Perhaps I should come and sit on your lap whilst you make up your mind?” she suggested, and got up to walk round the table. Trailing her fingers round the back of my neck as she moved, she squeezed up next to Andy, making him move his chair back so she could sit down, wrapping an arm round his neck to hold herself in place. “Does this count as a sexual favour for you, or for me?” she asked him, picking up his arm and placing his hand over her breast, holding it there.

“Er, maybe for me, I think,” he said, but I could feel his lack of confidence draining away, and I’m sure Tricia could too as she moved his hand across her rock hard nipple.

“Yeah, and I lost the game,” she said, a faraway look in her eyes as she gazed over at me. “Joe, you’ve still got your boxer shorts on, which must mean you’re the winner. What do you want as your prize?”

She knew damn well what I wanted as my prize, and I was drunk enough and horny enough to articulate it now. “I wanna watch you and Andy fuck,” I said, firmly. “But I think that should be everyone’s prize, not just mine. D’ya think we should go upstairs, somewhere more comfortable?”

“Yeah.” Tricia and Andy said it at the same time.

Tricia slid off his lap, and held out her hand to take his. He allowed her to pull him up from his chair, and lead him out of the kitchen and up the stairs, me following a couple of steps behind. She led him into her bedroom, and turned to face him, arms around his neck, tits pushed up to his chest. “So, you gonna do me some sexual favours?” she asked, kissing him deeply on the mouth before he had a chance to say anything.

I sat down on the armchair, wanting to be involved, but wanting to watch them too. Andy’s arm was round Tricia’s back now, as the kiss became more insistent from both of them, and her hand fell down his side and groped for his cock, which was bumping against her stomach. She grasped it firmly, and I heard him groan slightly from the back of his throat. I felt a nervous tension in my stomach – I was hugely turned on, it was an amazing sight. I moved slightly in my seat, enabling me to wriggle my boxer shorts down and off, wanting to be as naked as the couple in front of me. I gave my cock a gentle stroke, easing the tension that had built up over the last couple of hours.

Tricia had moved away from Andy now, and, still in charge, knelt down before him. As she eased his stiff prick into her mouth, I could almost feel her lips on my cock – or was it just that I wanted to feel them? I watched Andy’s face as she released him – did I look as elated as that when she was sucking me? I was sure I probably did! Tricia stood up again. A quick glance at me reassured her that I was as in to this as she looked, and she turned back to Andy. “That was good,” she said to him. “Now your turn.” She pulled him towards the bed, sat on it and encouraged him to kneel before her. He bent forward and took one of her tits in his hand, sticking out a tongue to lick the nipple. She gasped – her nipples are so sensitive. Andy sucked it in deeply, and Tricia threw her head back with the pleasure. She looked over at me. “Joe, come over here,” she ordered.

I realised what she wanted me to do, she wanted both her nipples sucked at the same time. I walked over and knelt next to Andy, bending to lick and tease her. I don’t think her nipples had ever been as hard. I pushed my hand in between her legs, wanting to see just how hot she was. They parted immediately, and I stuck my finger into her clitoris, delighted but not surprised to find her soaking wet and sticky. Coming up for air, I slid my hand back down her thigh, and grabbed Andy’s wrist, pushing his hand up to take its place. Yes, I wanted her, but I wanted to watch too, and I wanted him to feel how turned on she was.

“Jesus, boys, take it easy, I don’t want to come just yet,” she gasped.

Andy stopped sucking, and let go of her nipple, laughingly. “Christ, I’ve almost come for about the last hour!” he grinned.

“Come here, I gotta feel you inside me.” Trish lay further back on the bed, and pulled Andy towards her as I backed away a few inches. Andy reached down and gave his cock a quick stroke, and edged it towards Tricia’s gaping cunt. I could see the wetness surrounding her hole, and shining on the head of his prick, as he moved it closer to her and finally rubbed it on her clitoris. Tricia gasped as he eased it a couple of inches into her, and out again. I loved the look on her face as she tried so hard to pull him into her, but he teased her a little more, before eventually giving her what she wanted and pushing his cock all the way into her. She held him there for a few seconds, getting used to only the second penis that had ever been inside her, and then they slowly started a rhythmic motion, gradually increasing speed.

I moved behind Andy, watching his balls as his cock disappeared into my girlfriends cunt, seeing his and her reactions. I didn’t want to be a dispassionate observer, but on a clinical level I was interested in how her body reacted, and I smiled as I noticed her toes curl up as she brought her knees higher to allow him deeper. Andy’s movements slowed slightly, and his balls tightened. I realised he was about to come, and so did Tricia. “Oh yes, come in me Andy, come in me!” she gasped, and he did, his back moving up and down as his cock unloaded into her.

“Ah, jesus, that’s fucking amazing!” he exclaimed, moving his cock in and out of her again.

“Joe, I need you inside me now,” she called.

I hadn’t really thought about what would happen next, and I’m not sure that she had. But my cock was achingly hard, and had been for about three hours, and I wanted to fuck her too. Andy rolled off her, and I caught sight of his cock, still long but obviously not so hard now, glistening with his come and her juices. She held out her arms to me, and I slipped into the place Andy had vacated, my cock sliding into her so easily. Her arms tightened around my neck, and we kissed, hard. Her cunt felt strange, so slippery with Andy’s come, but it was an intensely erotic sensation.

I look down at her face, flushed with passion. “I want you to come,” I said quietly.

“Yes, yes,” she gasped back at me, “I’m coming, I’m coming!” That was enough for me too, and we bucked hard against each as I shot my load of spunk into her and she shook with the force of her own orgasm. We slowed our movements, breathing hard, sweating slightly.

“Fuck, that was so hot!” Andy exclaimed from behind us somewhere. I pulled my shrinking cock from Tricia’s cunt, and rolled off her. He was leaning back in the chair, cock hard again and lying on his stomach.

Tricia sat up on the bed, and beckoned him over. “Can you pass me my wine, please?” she asked, almost demurely, which made me laugh as I noticed the pool of come leaking from her cunt onto the bedsheet.

Andy bent down and picked up a couple of wine glasses, handing them to Tricia and me. He stepped back to pick up his own glass, and I edged back onto the end of the bed as he came and sat at the other end, Tricia between us. I raised my glass for a toast. “To the fulfilment of our wildest fantasies!” We chinked glasses, and drained the wine.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

And let's top it off by cuckolding me! ...what a fellow. Cuckolded by a woman and a man. You do realize he could have observed her body while he was fucking her...via video? Shit. Had to have her fuck someone else. Did he perchance fuck Andy as well? Didn't think so. So parity remains absent. They both fucked Clair. Only she fucked Andy. Either way... Bugger all. Decent story. Shit ending IMO. If it's true...well. That's just great. Doesn't have any effect on my opinion. Good luck.

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