Making it Work


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A smile crept onto her face that I had no difficulty recognizing; it was nearly the same smile she had when she had shown me her new skirt those few weeks past. It was a game to her now, and this time she knew she was winning. I didn't really want to stop her and my responses to her actions were getting slower and slower.

I grabbed her other hand as she made a predictable move with it and held them both out to the side. Instead of simply wrestling them back from me, Julie shifted her weight onto her knees and shoved her panty covered crotch directly against mine. I groaned in both pleasure and defeat as she ground against me roughly.

"You're not gonna win this one," she told me.

"I know."

I hadn't been ready for this, and I clearly hadn't thought it out nearly as much as my sister had. Nevertheless now that it was happening it wasn't exactly what I would call an ordeal.

Releasing Julie's arms I returned my hands to their comfortable positions on her back. I wasn't nearly so concerned about keeping them stationary anymore and let them roam freely over the area between her bra and panties.

Julie hadn't settled back down when I let go of her wrists and continued grinding steadily on me. I didn't know what material her panties were made of except that they felt really good, slippery but with enough friction that it wasn't all a waste of time.

"God that feels good," I breathed.

"Mmm, it does," she whispered back, her eyes half closed.

I reached up and stroked her cheek, partially just to make sure I had her attention.

"You know I love you right?" I asked once she focused on me.

"Of course I know that," she replied as if it was obvious.

"I just want to make sure you know... it's not that I didn't want this."

She smiled at me and leaned in close.

"I understand. It's not like it was easy for me to figure out."

Then she kissed me. Her lips were so soft on mine, so loving, that I temporarily lost interest in everything else. We barely moved for a long moment and I felt as though I could be perfectly happy just sitting there with her forever.

She pulled away from me finally, her eyes seeming to glow even in the darkened room. Her hand returned to my cock unopposed now that I had no intention of resisting her further. I sighed happily at the sensation of her delicate fingers applying pressure that far outmatched what she had been able to manage by grinding her crotch against me.

"I imagined how it might happen so many times," she told me quietly. "But it's so different from what I thought. So much more real. Almost feels like a dream though, in some ways," she added.

"Don't usually have dreams this good."

Julie gave me a crooked smile for that, then leaned forward to kiss me again. I bit down gently on her bottom lip and heard her let out a faint moan in response. Her fingers curled more tightly around my straining erection as our mouths duelled, her hand moving purposefully toward my release.

I felt my orgasm approaching rapidly and tried to pull my head away long enough to give her a little warning. Julie wasn't having any of that though and followed me dedicatedly until the back of my head hit the couch cushion. Despite that she didn't seem at all surprised when my cum began spurting out onto her exposed stomach. The only indication she had noticed at all was the small sound she made, almost like a satisfied purr.

When I finished she brought her hand up to her face, examining the semen that had landed on it, then wiped it off on my boxers. Rearranging herself into a more comfortable position she settled in against me with her head resting against my shoulder. I was starting to get uncomfortable sitting on the floor but I wasn't ready to get up just yet and assumed that she would move in a few minutes anyway, so I let her be. Instead we fell asleep where we were.


The phone rang the next morning at what felt like an ungodly early hour. Judging by the sunlight coming through the window though it was probably quite a bit later than it seemed to me.

Luckily I had left my phone on the table beside the couch last night, just barely within my reach. Julie was still occupying my lap and I don't think I would have woken her up for anything short of a fire.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Is your sister there?"

It actually took me a second to recognize my mother's voice on the other end. There was a note of urgency in her tone that I didn't often hear from her, and not even bothering to greet me properly was almost unheard of.

"Uh, yeah."

"Well, your father just left here, he thinks she's at your place. It would probably be best if he didn't find her there."

For all that she didn't like to admit that there were problems in our family, mom was well aware of them and tried her best to smooth things over where possible. I didn't want to imagine what would happen if dad found Julie here, particularly only half dressed with my cum still drying on her skin. Not that mom could possibly know about that part, but still.

"Okay, thanks mom," I said.

Reality had burst back into the world Julie and I had created for ourselves the previous night. I loved her and I always would, but once again there were obstacles between us. We couldn't be together, not properly, it just wouldn't work. Unless we ran away somewhere, away from anyone who knew us. I considered the idea briefly as set the phone back on the table, it definitely held a certain amount of appeal.

As much as I had tried not to wake her Julie began shifting around on me, visibly beginning to wake up. Probably just as well since she had to get up soon anyway. Whether she had heard any or all of the conversation I wasn't sure.

"Hey, you should probably get up," I told her.

"Don't wanna," she mumbled.

"Dad's on his way over, thinks you're here for some reason."

"Well he's right."

Despite her protests Julie did stand up and stretched out from what I'm sure was a somewhat uncomfortable position to have spent the night in.

"How long do we have?" she asked.

"I don't know. He'll be taking his car though, so not long."

"Hmph, I won't time for a shower then," she said as she poked thoughtfully at the dried cum covering her lower stomach.

"Just throw your shirt on over it, it'll be fine. It's been there a few hours already."

"Yeah, I guess."

I watched as she put on her clothes that she had left folded carefully on the floor beside the couch. She seemed to take a little longer pulling her jeans up over her ass than necessary, probably for my benefit.

Once she was dressed I walked her to the door and she turned around just before we got there to hug me. It was a completely normal hug, the same as she would have given me any other time before. Somehow though it mostly reminded me of how much more familiar I was with her body now.

After Julie was gone I threw on a t-shirt and waited. It was only maybe five minutes later when the insistent knocking started signalling the arrival of our father. It was good thing she left when she did. I sighed and tried to keep my expression as neutral as possible while I opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, predictably finding my father on the other side.

It was somewhat difficult trying to look sleepy, surprised, and suspicious all at once. Fortunately I don't think he was even paying attention to me.

"Where's Julie?" he demanded.

"I dunno, at home? Or no wait, at school I guess," I said, glancing at the lone clock in the room.

"She didn't come home last night, don't think I didn't notice."

He pushed past me into the apartment, looking around wildly as though sheer determination would make her appear.

"No please, come in," I mumbled sarcastically, leaning against the wall without bothering to shut the door.

Not being a big apartment I knew it wouldn't take him long to search it. I didn't particularly like having him looking around my room but I also didn't want to try stopping him.

Before long it became evident to him that Julie really wasn't around. I refrained from tossing him any snide remarks as he stormed out, judging by the look on his face he may even have been more angry not to find her there than if he had.

Alone at last I went into my bedroom and flopped down wearily on my bed. So much seemed to have changed in my life just from one event the previous night. Julie and I needed to talk about it at some point, that was pretty clear to me, but I didn't know when we would next get a chance to be together. She already had to be careful about spending too much time with me and now even more care was needed.

I chuckled softly as I realized dad may have been right about us all along. Although since it was at least partially his fault for putting the idea in our heads, maybe it didn't count.

I sighed as I heard someone knocking on my door for the second time that morning. It didn't sound like dad returning, the knocking was much too gentle for that, but I couldn't think who else it would be.

"It's open," I called, not caring enough to get up.

It was Julie. I should have known because, really, who else was it going to be?

"I thought you left," I said as she made her way into the room.

"Yeah, but I came back," she said, stating the obvious for me.

"Don't you have school or something to be at?"

"Don't you?"

"...okay, I'm prepared to concede the point."

Julie giggled softly and climbed on the bed with me. I was still lying on my back with my legs dangling off the end and she sat down right next to my head. Lifting it up slightly she scooted underneath so that my head rested on her lap when she released it.

"That's kinda nice," I said as she toyed idly with my hair.

"Mm-hm," she replied, paying more attention to getting my hair in order than to me.

Looking up gave me a decent view of the underside of her breasts, what there was to see through her shirt anyway.

"We need to stop this," I said eventually, not quite summoning enough willpower to sit up.

"Why?" she asked unconcernedly.

"Because I'm in real danger of falling in love with you."

"Thought you already loved me. You told me you did last night."

"Yeah," I said, rubbing my face wearily, "but I mean, like, different love. The kind that's way too dangerous for us."

"We could make it work." She sounded absolutely confident about it, as though she held no doubts that everything would be okay. "It's hard right now, but dad promised he'd get me a car when I graduate. We could go anywhere, whenever we want. Or I could sneak over here every night if you'd rather."

"You think he won't notice?"

"Do you care?"

That was an interesting point, I really didn't care all that much what dad thought about me anymore. What he thought about Julie was a different story.

"It's not me that's the worry, it's you. I've already been kicked out."

"If it's my problem then let me take the risk if I want to," she said firmly. "Or else I'm going to have to go home and cry myself to sleep every night 'cause my brother doesn't love me."

I sighed in resignation and threw my arms open in surrender.

"Goddamn you don't play fair," I complained.

"I know," she smiled, bending over to kiss me softly on the forehead. "But at least when I play dirty it's in your interest as much as mine. Anyway, I'm gonna go borrow your shower now, still need to clean up from last night."

So saying, Julie carefully slid back off the bed and headed for my bathroom. I could hear the water running as soon as it came on and the sound quickly began conjuring images in my mind. My sister would be naked in there, naked and wet. It would be so easy just to walk in and, when I thought about it, she probably wouldn't even mind.

I resisted the urge for a little while and simply imagined what she would look like in the shower. The events of the previous night gave me a pretty good starting point, even if I hadn't seen everything.

Finally I gave in and stood up with a groan. It wasn't like Julie would mind if I perved on her a little, or at least I would find it fairly strange if she did considering recent events.

It was only when I reached the bathroom door that I realized I no could longer hear the shower running. That was somewhat weird since I didn't think she would have been done already. Shrugging to myself I opened the door anyway without bothering to knock. Julie was standing in front of the mirror wrapped in a towel and trying to straighten out her damp hair with her fingers. She didn't even turn to look at me as I entered, although that may have been because she could see me in the mirror easily enough.

"You should really learn to knock, I could've been naked in here," she chastised without looking the least bit upset.

"That's what I was going for. Since when do your showers not take forever?"

"I told you I just wanted to clean up a little. It's not like I expect to stay clean for very long."

Her reflection was making definite eye contact with me, possibly to gauge my reaction.

"That's really your own fault," I said as I moved behind her. "I at least made a token effort to stop."

"Very noble of you."

My hands went to her hips and I stood close enough to her that I brushed against her towel. I nuzzled the exposed side of her neck until she gave up pretending like she was still focused on her hair and tilted her head to give me better access.

"That's kinda nice," she said softly.

"Could be even better," I replied, reaching for the top of her towel where she had folded it together.

"Uh-uh," she said, shaking her head and intercepting my hand. "You first."

I didn't fully understand why she cared who went first, but then it didn't really matter that much to me anyway. Julie watched me in the mirror as I pulled off my shirt and boxers, even though her line of sight was blocked by her own body, until I resumed my previous position. Now fully naked with my sister covered only in a towel directly in front of me I could feel my cock hardening and pressed it gently into her butt.

"Okay now?" I asked, once again preparing to remove her towel.

She hesitated a moment but then nodded.

"Yeah, alright. Do it."

I let Julie's towel fall to the floor at our feet leaving her completely exposed in front of me. She actually looked slightly nervous as I studied her body which struck me as odd until I remembered that this was the first time she had actually been naked around me. She hadn't had much on last night but it was probably still a different experience for her.

"God you're beautiful," I breathed, attempting to reassure her.

It seemed to work as she turned around to face me with a small smile forming on her lips. Her grin grew even broader as she took in the sight of my nearly full erection pointed straight at her.

"You gonna put that in me?" she asked innocently.

"That's the idea."

I pushed her gently back against the wall and moved in close until my cock was rubbing her pussy lips every time I shifted. She reached around my neck to pull my mouth onto hers as I let my hands fall to her hips. I was as hard as I could get and it was beginning to get painful having my cock trapped between us the way it was.

"Do you want to go to the bedroom?" I suggested as we disengaged slightly.

"No," she shook her head. "We can later if you want, but here's good for now. The room's not that important."

It wasn't the most romantic of locations but if Julie didn't mind then I didn't either. I stroked her pussy a few times, then slowly pushed a finger inside her to make sure she was ready. I didn't need to worry because she was wet enough already that my finger slid in with no difficulty.

I tried to watch her face as I guided my cock to the space recently vacated by my finger but she had buried her head in my neck. She clutched me tightly and made small sounds of pleasure until finally I was buried completely within her. Only when she felt me stop moving did she look up at me through half closed eyes.

Her hips started rocking back and forth in the limited space available between my body and the wall as I bent down to kiss her again. Taking the hint I thrust back against her, doing my best to stay in synch with her movements.

I closed my eyes for a few moments concentrate purely on the feeling of the whole experience, to try and memorize every detail. This was not something I was ever going to forget regardless, but I wanted to be able to remember it as vividly as possible.

When I reopened my eyes the first thing I noticed was the look on Julie's face and I nearly stopped, thinking I was hurting her somehow. Almost immediately thought I realized that it was an expression of pleasure rather than pain.

"You cumming?" I whispered.

"Mm-hm," she confirmed after a short delay while her gaze slowly refocused on me. "That was so... different. Good though. Really, really good. Are you gonna cum soon too?"

"Why, you tired of it already?"

"No, I could do this all day. I just want to feel it inside me."

"Soon, m'almost there."

After a few moments I felt my orgasm nearing and soon my cum began shooting into Julie's waiting pussy. I slowed down my movement as I finished and finally pulled out of her and stood there unsure what to do.

"You know this is the first time I got to feel cum running out my pussy," she said idly as we watched a trickle of semen make its was down the inside of her thigh. "Makes me feel kind of sexy."

"Well don't be too sexy or I'll never let you leave," I said, only partly joking.

"I'd be okay with that," she replied.

There was a short awkward silence after that, both of us knowing that she couldn't stay all the time.

"Julie, you know that-" I started.

"I know," she interrupted. "We still have things to work out. But we can make it work, I know we can."

As she stepped into my arms and we hugged each other tightly I still wasn't as confident about our chances as she was, but I was more than willing to give it a try.

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TakeatumblewithmeTakeatumblewithme7 months ago

Great story!

Another chapter is needed !

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loved it, 5 stars

Summer1987Summer198710 months ago

Needs another chapter. Really good!

BigTexaz27BigTexaz2712 months ago

Good. Very Good.

olblueyesolblueyes12 months ago

erotic and romantic,,liked it!

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