Male Man's Delivery Ch. 05


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"'Pick a guy, remove his shirt permanently, and do his chest.'" She looked at Jerry and Austin first and then the other two and asked "How do you make love to a guy's chest? Oh okay, duhhh alright, I understand. I'm fair game on that."

She picked Jerry, removed his shirt, and began caressing his chest and particularly his pecs all over. Jerry loved it! She loved doing it too. "Mmmmm oh wow that's nice. This is fun, mmmmmm" she cried out enjoying herself. Austin asked if that was how she did it normally when she made love.

Cherise didn't know how far to go with it. Jerry told her to keep doing it. Cherise leaned forward and began kissing his chest and his stomach. She pushed him backwards as he lay backwards and she climbed over him getting very intimate with him. Jerry moaned, but laughed, here and there indicating he loved her approach and said so too.

The other two were turned on how intimate and intense she was becoming. Jerry loved what she was doing. Austin was impressed. But the other two as turned on as they were becoming, were also envious too.

The two were drunk. Jerry was drunk. Austin was feeling good. Cherise was buzzed, but that didn't matter as Cherise would have done the same thing sober. That's how she was and this was Spin the Throttle too.

But Cherise went a step too far in Kate and Sherry's opinion. But they were drunk and only Kate would become seriously jealous since she was the one who came to Jerry's and felt she had first dibs on him now.

The game, little did anyone know, was slowly going sour. Jealousy was kicking in on the part of Kate, and Cherise, drunk as she was, wasn't giving up anything without putting up a fight first.

Kate stood up, waddled into the kitchen, retrieving several more beers which nobody asked for but she didn't think to ask, and she brought one out. Sitting and watching everyone with the beers sitting in front of her, she finished one off, pulled off her panties, and stuck it up her pussy to play with herself.

Nobody knew she was doing it at first. She was in heaven. She was feeling delighted. Her eyes gazed out over the room. An unending drunken smile was on her face, and she didn't hear the chatter as she sat against a couch, rocking left to right, still smiling and often closing her eyes as she began getting aroused.

All of a sudden one after the other stopped chattering. They began watching her as she toyed with her pussy using the beer bottle. It was a sight to see but she was entertaining everyone while she sat in her stupor and played and rocked back and forth.

Not realizing it, she started mumbling and vocalizing the fact she was beginning to get turned on. Murmuring and every so often cooing, Austin pulled out his small and silent camera and taped her. All four huddled together slowly to watch her waste away into the night. She was fading into oblivion as the alcohol was taking her away.

Jerry decided, since he wasn't out of control as far as being wasted although he was drunk, he was going to slowly persuade her to let him do the honors. He sat next to her and spoke with her and she'd say yes or no to whatever questions or comments he was making.

Quietly he said "Did I tell you that you are beautiful tonight?" As she continued to slide the smooth neck of the bottle in and out of her, she turned to look at him with the drunken smile. He was enjoying himself. She was too. Everyone watched and they were all entertained in the meanwhile.

"Let me show you how I could spin that throttle" Jerry told Kate in a whisper. She said okay and Jerry slid behind her put his hands over hers, and he started turning the neck and bottle in a revolving way, but at an angle so it put pressure on her clit as well. "Now honey that is how we spin a throttle isn't it he asked her quietly as he held her and the bottle.

Kate giggled, said yes, and put her head back against his chest and closed her eyes. She continued to murmur and smile, as she rocked her head. Austin positioned himself so that the other two would cuddle up underneath arms and against his body. He looked at Sherry, she looked into his eyes, and the two quickly kissed.

Cherise watched but was too drunk to even worry she wasn't getting any action. She rubbed Austin's thigh and chest off and on. Austin had an empty bottle and he began spinning it. If it landed on Sherry, he said he got to kiss her which he really wanted most of all. If it landed on Cherise, well he'd still kiss her, and if it landed on him, then they got to kiss him. All three laughed quietly and agreed.

He spun it four times in a row and all four times, it landed on him. Cherise and Sherry leaned and kissed his lips. Every time Sherry would kiss him, he'd get a thrill from it. Then he said "I'm making a change. If it lands on me, you two have to kiss each other." That never bother those two because they've done it before and seeing as they were drunk, it was fine to them.

And to prove it, the two warm cuddling souls leaned forward and reached around him to kiss the other. Austin loved seeing them do it. Jerry watched as he slowly plunged the beer bottle into Kate's cunt, and Kate sat still enjoying whatever it was that was pleasing her even though she was too drunk to understand who or what was doing what to her.

Finally she passed out. Jerry lifted her up on the couch and she slept there for the night. Knowing Austin and Sherry had a thing for each other, Jerry took Cherise's hand, taking her off Austin's hands, and asked if she was up to a walk. They walked after he grabbed his shirt.

Being a gentleman, he held her hand. But a vomiting attack on her behalf was mounting and it wasn't going to be pretty. As they walked down the street, she lost it a few times. He walked back to her place, put her down, and headed home.

Meanwhile, Austin and Sherry sat down to eat something light and hung out cleaning up, and then romantically snuggling outside in the back. Jerry headed home and said he'd be back to help clean up. He got home, left the front door open accidentally, and crashed on his couch.

Lou showed up after she saw his door was open. She felt bad and wanted to apologize. He wasn't conscious and when she pulled in, she walked up and right in. Locking the door and closing the drapes, she also turned off the outside lights. She wanted complete privacy. She need to make things right.

It had been a long night and while waiting at the hospital she realized what she wanted most of all. She wanted companionship. She wanted someone in particular for companionship and she knew she did that person wrong so she sought him out hoping she was able to get him all to herself.

She did except he wasn't in good shape initially the way she wanted him to be. She liked Jerry a lot more then she let on. They slept together once which said something for their relationship. He liked her much more then he let on and they both knew there was something to be said for the other.

After she closed up the house, securing it all to herself, she walked up to the couch like before. She looked down at his sleeping frame, smiled, but sneezed accidentally. Jerry subconsciously heard something, turned towards the sound, looked up, and muttered "God bless you" but turned and passed out momentarily again.

It didn't frustrate her. She was on a mission. She wanted to apologize and she longed for much more then doing that. Her heart and body ached for physical company. He was the only one who could comfort those needs she thought and by god she was going to have her needs fulfilled.

"Jerry, Jerry can you hear me" she asked quietly. He didn't move as his eyes were closed, his breathing was heavy, and his body turned towards her. "Jerry if you can hear me I want to say I am sorry. I hope you can hear me" she said a tad louder.

He opened his eyes again, saw her, but didn't recognize her. Jerry was wearing boxers and a shirt. He turned again on his couch and all that was visible was a nice firm butt and a little portion of the small of his back. He was an easy target and even easier if the other person was drunk. Lou was neither of those, but she was on a mission and he was her target.

Lying on his stomach, she decided it was her turn to take advantage. She was wearing a tank top and shorts. Initially she pulled it out of her shorts, but left it on. Getting down on her knees, she boldly decided to take a chance and do something out of character for her.

Kneeling over his body, she stared at his sleeping, bulkier frame. His butt cheeks which were covered up only by a thin pair of boxers were loose fitting and he was an easy target for a woman desiring of a warm hearted but willing man like Jerry.

She knew him well. She knew how he felt about her. She knew what she felt now and after several hours at a hospital and sitting quietly, she had enough time to think about a lot of stuff, especially involving Jerry and what he did. She felt bad about how she vocally retaliated and how she was relentless in admonishing him. Having cleared her mind and asking for some forgiveness in her prayers in general, and knowing her dad was stable and ready to come home in a few days, she was rested and ready.

Lulu was ready for Jerry's companionship. Lulu wanted to swallow him up and offer up her love, if he would have her, to him. More then her heart was saying to her to let him, show him, and prove to him you want to be his woman.

Staring down and willing to take advantage of her situation, Lulu got up the gumption and rested her hands on the edge of the couch. Looking at it, she wanted to feel not one, but both of his hard bulky butt cheeks. It burned inside her while she looked upon them. She wanted to know how they would feel and what it would feel like again if she touched them and caressed them even though he was asleep.

Her heart didn't flutter; it did however flap uncontrollably as her hormones became the driving force within. Finally she lifted both hands, putting one and then the other underneath the outer stitching of his boxers.

She felt the warm and firm layer of skin underneath each cheek. Her eyes closed, a smile appeared, and for a moment her head arched back as she loved how his butt cheeks felt under her soft pliable womanly hands.

Gasping gently while feeling them, he moved but better yet his butt faced towards her. That allowed her to cop a better feel of them. She giggled. She was excited. He turned and faced her as he began to awaken. She didn't realize it at first. Having to withdraw her hands, she was turned on, but she was adamant about making love with him. That's what she set out to do and that's what she was going to accomplish somehow.

She took off her top. She looked at his crotch. He was limp, but he was breathing differently, which she interpreted as meaning he could be awake. Turned on a little bit by it all, Lou thought about all the possibilities. She became more excited. She thought about it more and more and before long, she closed her eyes and began rubbing her bra and tits.

With her eyes closed and her hands holding, covering, and caressing her own tits, Jerry began opening his eyes coincidentally. He never expected to see Lou. He wouldn't expect her to be topless for sure. Additionally, who would've expected to see her kneeling down in front of him, after what she said to him earlier that night, and pleasing herself the way she was?

Quietly he called out to her "Lou? What are you doing?" Startled that he woke up, she immediately put her hands to her sides. Still a little groggy because he had been drinking earlier, he looked at her in a daze; he wasn't thinking clearly and wondered what and why she knelt in front of him topless. "Why are you ummm here? What's going on?"

"Jerry, I am so sorry and I came back to tell you that." But he asked her what was going on referring to why she had her shirt off. She didn't really understand his question.

"I mean what's up with this" as he used his hands to indicate that she was topless.

"Oh uhhhh ummm, well uhhh Jerry I wanted to tell you I am sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. I want to because apologize to you from the bottom of my heart because I felt awful after thinking about everything I said to you. Something snapped in me. Something told me I was wrong for treating you that way. And, well something, ummm I guess kept saying deep within me I owe you and big time and that's why I am here. That is why I am uhh well that's why I don't have a top on. I want umm to make it up to you." Crossing her arms, she covered her boob up.

"Oh don't cover up" he said as he twisted around and sat upright while rubbing his face down with his hands so he could see clearly. "Oh yeah, I like the view. Heck, you should know that of all people. I've always liked that view" as he winked and smiled at her. "Listen, if I had it my way, we'd have all our clothes off, and you and I would be as romantic and as intimate as life can offer us."

"Huh, what do you mean? Ohhh, umm heck sure, why not; let's let life take over then Jerry" and she took off her bra. Her full sized naked boobs were now open season to him so he took a long look at her beautiful boobs. She giggled at the attention while he smiled.

Jerry calmly praised Lou's tits. "Those are beautiful Lulu. I still feel the same about you too" he said in a sensuous tone.

She became humble but asked him to feel them. She waited anxiously for him to reach out and feel her oversized tits. But Jerry looked down and upon seeing her tummy he looked into her eyes, and smiled.

"Man you are beautiful and you are sexy all over Lulu." She didn't she wasn't because it would create another controversy and so she only told him thank you and blushed. "I mean that every time I say it to you."

She took off her shorts and he gleamed. Then she took off his shirt and exposed his bulky, lumpier frame and she smiled too. "I like you Jerry and I mean that a lot more then you think." A weird look crossed her face and she closed her eyes for a second. She looked at him again and he knew she was turned on.

"Can I ask you something personal Lou?" She said yes in a modest tone of voice. "Can we make love in my bed?"

She looked at him and wanted to do something forever defining, but couldn't think of what to do. She didn't say yes right away. Then it came to her. She smiled as if she was going to say yes, but instead, she reached over and pulled off his boxers, and she went down on his cock boldly, and held it while she began licking it too.

It went from limp, to semi hard, to hard and erect in a minute or less even and both were ecstatic to say the least. She moaned when she held it in her mouth.

He did too as he reached out to hold her head but quickly went underneath and in to find and play with her soft hefty boobs. She came up and let him handle them, scooting up as close as she could so he could feel them as long as he wanted.

Finally she stood up, grabbed his hand and they were off to his bedroom. "How was spin the bottle tonight or what ever you called it" she asked on the way to his room.

"Not as fun as this is" he said pinching her fat ass as he followed behind her. She told him to stop it, but slowed down enough so he could do it again and she winked. They laughed and once by the bed, she hopped on, pulled off her undies and he pulled off his boxers completely, and they started tearing into the other. "Now this is much better Lulu."

She rubbed his bulky frame and he toyed with her tits gently as the two looked at each other and smiled. Before they knew it, their hands were groping one another, their bodies were huddled tightly, and the two were passionately kissing as his cock got hard again and her pussy was wet and hot.

She moaned and cried out for him. He knew he wanted to have all out sex, but he was enjoying playing with her body. He kept trying to tell himself to have foreplay but she didn't care any more. There was all day Sunday for that and she wasn't going anywhere she knew of until later that night.

"Jerry, ohhh god Jerry I wanna fuck you" she finally screamed out. He was surprised she was so daring because she never was like that before. "Oh god Jerry you make me horny! I am so horny so let me fuck you please!"

She pushed him on his back and mounted it. As soon as it slid up inside her hole, she screamed out in true pleasure. She couldn't smile as what she felt drove her wild all over. Lou started humping him and he was overwhelmed by her plus size beauty. Her rolls jiggled and they bounced and he took it all in while he tried hard as hell to fuck her back at the same intensity she was trying to fuck him so she could climax big time.

She bounced upwards as her tits followed in suit and they hopped around and in between closing his eyes, he watched her nipple hardened tits move all about her. Banging, bouncing, humping and hammering each other Lou and Jerry became exclusive from that point on.

Kate finally awake and back in touch with reality walked up the street towards his house only to see Lou's car in the driveway. His lights were out, the drapes were closed, and the door was locked so she realized she didn't have a chance that night to get it on with him. She headed home.

Sherry and Austin spent the night in her bed. They hit it off and became a couple too. Great kissing and better yet, even greater sex between the two and they owe it all to Jerry.

Cherise was nobody's choice that night, except the beer bottle, so she retreated to her bedroom so she could be romanced by it for the evening. She got off and passed out until the next day.

Lou orgasmed like never before, screaming and pounding down Jerry's cum as if there was no tomorrow. After she orgasmed enough times to fill up the month, she collapsed by his side, kissing him all over, and even feeling his butt cheeks and telling him how she did it earlier before he woke up.

Jerry was impressed and once again told her how gorgeous she is in his eyes. She loved his compliments, and he caressed her all over too. They finally fell asleep about 4am and didn't wake up until after 10:00 Sunday morning. They didn't get out of bed. Jerry was busy fingering her as she lay smiling with her legs spread apart and his fingers danced inside and out of warm wet pussy.

Occasionally, they would kiss for good measure.

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