Man of Power Ch. 23

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Amisha and Shriya have bold chats with Vikas.
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Part 23 of the 44 part series

Updated 05/09/2024
Created 05/01/2019
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Next morning:

Vikas knocked on the door.

"Yes, come in!" Shriya answered from inside.

"Oh my god!" Vikas turned around as soon as he entered Shriya's stateroom "I am sorry, I thought you said come in."

"I did. Come in and close the door."

"What?" Vikas was confused but he still closed the door.

"Now turn around and come here."


"Vikas! Come!" Shriya insisted in a firm voice.

Turning slowly around Vikas took a step towards Shriya but stopped two feet away.

"I did say come in because I have nothing to hide from you." Shriya declared.

She opened her arms and turned around to illustrate her point. Her beautiful, slender body was completely naked.

"What do you mean, Shriya? What's going on?" Vikas wasn't sure what had brought this on or what Shriya was trying to say.

"Vikas, I am just saying, you are now the head of the family. We all belong to you. And I want to make it clear that it ALL belongs to you." Again she opened her arms to show him what she meant. She looked amazing. Vikas licked his lips before speaking.

"Shriya, I hope I have not given you any wrong indication. You are an amazingly hot woman and I am sure every man envies Hemant's luck but I do know that you are married, and so am I. Plus, you are Kajal's sister-in-law, I can assure you I have not thought about this at all."

"I am not accusing you of anything, Vikas." Shriya was calm as if she were not standing fully naked in front of her brother-in-law "I just wanted to make sure that you understood that whatever you want, when you want it, it is yours. This family is now yours, you are its head. And I will obey you completely and without hesitation."

Vikas moved forward and took Shriya's nude body in his arms. He kissed her cheek and said "That's the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Thank you, Shriya."

After a long hug he let her out of his arms "Now get ready and let's go to the gym as we planned."

"Okay. As you say. But, you don't need to tell this to Kajal."

"No worries. I wasn't planning to."

Shriya raised herself on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

"I love what a gentleman man you are. So powerful but so kind.."

"Thank you." Vikas said, wiping his lips.

"Don't worry, I am not wearing lipstick." Shriya told him.


Vikas did not fuck Shriya but still after that incident an unspoken, unmentioned intimacy developed between them. Vikas felt more free to joke around with her and treated her with affection. She gave him the same respect that the family did but now she felt more comfortable in flirting with him when nobody was around. Nobody noticed it so it didn't cause any issues in the family.

"I want to wear a bikini, Vikas." Shriya said as they were walking down the gangplank towards the land.

"So, wear a bikini." Vikas replied simply. He knew where the comment had come from. In front of them Rhea was walking ahead in a bikini and she looked amazing.

"My husband might have a heart attack." Shriya laughed "And I may not look that sexy."

"And you may look even sexier." Vikas suggested.

"Oh, then he will definitely have a heart attack." Shriya laughed. This time Vikas joined her.

The ship was anchored at Pattaya city in Thailand and everybody was going ashore.

There were many excursions going to the nearby Ko Lan island including a trip arranged by the ship company. Vikas and his family did not join any of them. Vikas had done his research. He enquired at the beach if any of the boats would take them to Ko Phai. One of the boat captains agreed for a higher price.

Ko Phai was double the distance from Pattaya but it was much less commercialised and Vikas and his family had the whole Hat Tha Nam beach to themselves. Vikas stopped the boat for their return also. The captain wanted more than double the price but Vikas managed to bring him down to 1.5x of one-way price plus lunch.

Rhea had put on a mesh, see-through wrap over her bikini while they were travelling. As soon as they reached the island, she took it off and asked Vikas to take photos of her. Vikas was a professional photographer which is how he had got into the advertising work. Being a CEO of an upcoming ad agency he didn't need to do photoshoots any more nor did he get time for them, but he still loved taking photos as a hobby and packed a camera whenever he travelled. He was carrying a lightweight DSLR camera with him on this trip as well. The family members had all seen his work and everybody, Rhea in particular, liked him to take their photos.

Vikas led Rhea to one side where the beach was quite rocky. Some of the rocks were submerged and some were on the sand. The height of the rocks varied quite a bit. It was a perfect place to take a variety of good photos with different backdrops without having to walk too much.

Amisha and Shriya stayed with Vikas, but the rest of the family went to play in the water. Rhea happily posed as Vikas directed. He started to click the photos.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Amisha said.

"Yes, seems to run in your family." Vikas agreed and smiled at her.

Just then Hemant came and took Shriya with him into the water. Amisha stayed with Vikas.

"Maybe, but she is the prettiest." Amisha said.

"Of course. She's young, just a child, but a beautiful girl." He said and looked at her "And you are a beautiful woman. Different but gorgeous."

"How do you always know just the right thing to say?" Amisha said admiringly.

"Because I just say what I see."

After a few seconds Amisha said "I wanted to be a model, you know?"

"You did?"

"Kajal was working for another modelling agency then. I asked her how I could get started. She told me it's a very bad field, there's casting couch and all that. She told me not to get into it."

Vikas looked at her in between clicking photos of Rhea but didn't say anything.

"I would have been ok for casting couch, you know, what's the big deal? But I could not tell my little sister that." Amisha shared.

"She was not wrong, most of the successful photographers and studio heads use their position to take advantage of the pretty girls." Vikas said "But it's the price some girls choose to pay. Like you said, what's the big deal. But I see your point."

"Exactly!" Amisha said "Oh well, unfulfilled dreams, I suppose. I don't even know why I am telling you all this."

"Well, no harm in talking, I suppose." Vikas said "And nothing unfulfilled about it. You are not so old that you can't be a model. If you really wanted to, you could try now."

"Oh no. I am not pretty enough. I am almost 29." Amisha said.

"They use all ages of models in ad films. And 29 is actually quite young. Not for the runway, but for the ad films, yeah, no issues."

"You are so sweet Vikas, but I am married now. My husband won't allow it." Amisha said with a sigh.

"Well, that is a different story. It is quite a corrupt field like Kajal told you. And it's definitely not worth risking your marriage for."

Amisha nodded.

"Tell you what?" Vikas said "Why don't you pose for me? No harm in taking photos for the family trip, right? We are on vacation, after all."

"Really? Will Rhea mind?" Vikas could see that Amisha was very interested and just making token protest now.

"No, I have taken a lot of photos already of Rhea. She won't mind."

"Okay. I will do it. But in this dress?" Amisha said indicating her long cotton dress.

"You are right, this is no good. You have nice legs, you should use them."

"Well, all my other clothes are on the ship." Amisha looked sad.

"Hmmm, I have an idea. But you can't do it here. Come with me."

Vikas told Rhea her shoot was done. Then he took Amisha with him and walked further down the beach. The family members saw them walking around the rocks but nobody said anything. Nobody ever had the inclination to question anything that Vikas did.

In just 10 minutes walk Vikas and Amisha were on the other side of some large rocks, hidden from the rest of the family. There were no other people on this beach. Vikas took off his shirt and gave it to Amisha.

"Wear this and nothing else." He told her "You can change behind those rocks."

"If I am your model, I can't be shy with my photographer." Amisha said and started to take off her dress in front of him.

"Okay...okay..." Vikas turned his back towards her to give her privacy.

"Hey, hold my clothes, please." Amisha said "They will blow away in the wind."

For that, Vikas had to turn and face her. She took off her dress, her bra and panties, and handed them to him. Then she took his shirt and started to put it on, without hurrying.

"You have an amazing body!" Vikas said.

"Thank you." Amisha smiled. She was pleased that he had noticed.

"As a model though," Vikas suggested "you should shave."

Because Amisha was standing completely casual in front of him, Vikas could see her whole body including her pussy which was not fully shaved. It was not very hairy but not shaved smooth either.

"I will." Amisha agreed "In India I do but on the trip I have not done it. Well, it's not like my husband pays any attention so...I didn't bother. I didn't know I would be doing a photoshoot."

She smiled sweetly at Vikas.

"That's fine for now." Vikas assured her "We are not going to do any nudes."

"We can if you want." Amisha said casually "I will give whatever pose you say."

"No nudes for now, but we'll take some sexy, model type photos."

"Okay, whatever you say."

Vikas made her button the shirt in an incorrect pattern. It was a white shirt with a tropical pattern on it. It looked good on Amisha's fair body. Vikas had her pose with her back to the tall, dark rocks, legs crossed and arms folded on her chest. A corner of the shirt trapped between her thighs covered her pussy and her arms covered her breasts.

As he told her to change poses, Amisha posed boldly and without any shyness about being half nude. When she posed with her back to the camera, the wind made the shirt rise a little and half of her ass cheeks were bare to the camera. Amisha knew it and posed by looking back at the camera with a sultry smile.

Even Vikas had to admit that she had an energy and a natural grace that most models get only after some experience. And her body was shapely and tight. Her big boobs were barely contained in the thin shirt and her nipples poked through the material in most shots. There was a fine spray of water in the air and the shirt was sticking to her firm, shapely body after a while.

When Vikas said they were done, Amisha asked him to take one more photo. She opened all the buttons on the shirt, and let the shirt be blown back by the wind. She faced the camera, put the right foot forward, and bent the front knee. She lifted her arms and pushed the fingers of her hands into her hair on both sides. Her boobs, midriff, pussy, legs, everything was bare to the camera. Vikas took several shots.

He had her change the expression, hands and feet position several times and clicked the shots of her beautiful naked body.

"God! I am shaking with excitement!" Amisha said as she came down from the rocks after finishing the shoot. She started to take the shirt off.

"It's cold." Vikas said with a grin. He picked up her clothes where he had put them on a dry rock with another rock on top to keep them in place. Amisha took her clothes but didn't put them on. She walked up to Vikas and hugged him tight, her warm naked body pressing against him, especially her big boobs that were flattened on his bare chest by her pressure. Vikas held the camera in one hand and squeezed her gently with the other.

Amisha softly kissed him on the lips and said "Thank you, Vikas."

"You are welcome, Amisha."

When they came back everybody was resting on the sand and waiting for Vikas to tell them where to go for lunch.


They had lunch in a little local restaurant. Most of the attraction of the island was the beach. It was not very commercialised but Vikas managed to find somebody who owned a few jetskis and they had jetski races. Guddu won most of the rounds except one where Vikas managed to beat him for the first place.

After a long and fun day, the whole family came back to the mainland Pattaya. It was early evening when they got back to their ship but everybody was so tired that they retired to shower and rest.

Vikas was tired but he didn't want to sleep at this unsuitable time. He took his camera and walked out to the open deck. Kajal was taking a nap. Vikas started to take photos of the harbour in the fading sunset light.

He had been standing there only a few minutes when Juhi Chawla passed by and stopped with him.

"You must like being alone, with such a big family and so many admirers you are still standing alone." She said "Oh, may be I should not disturb you, if you want to be alone."

Vikas knew that no woman ever means it when she says that. He smiled.

"It's quite alright. When the company is nice, I prefer that to being alone." He smiled at her "I had come to take some sunset pictures and that is done. The sun is down now. How are you doing Mrs. Chawla?"

"Are you really adamant on making me feel like I am a hundred years old? Can't you call me Juhi?"

Grinning widely now, Vikas said "You are someone else's property so I have to be respectful. But sure, whatever you like. Juhi is a beautiful name, like you."

"Well, I didn't ask for flattery but thank you." Her smiled showed that she loved it.

"It's not flattery if it's true." Vikas said.

"Aren't you the charmer! I can see what the girls see in you?"

"Girls? What girls? I don't see any girls."

"Okay, if you want to play it like that. But I just want to say, please come and visit us in Bombay. I would really like to get to know you, and I know Mohan would love your company as well."

"I will try Mrs...I mean, Juhi." Vikas said.

"Thank you. I know you are not impressed by wealth and position, but think of it as talking to people who are in the creative field like you."

"Of course. It would be my pleasure." Vikas said.

Despite her offer to leave him alone, Juhi stayed and chatted with him. Vikas had no intention of going to see her and her husband on the basis of a shipboard invitation but he found that Juhi had her own charms and he was enjoying chatting with her.

He was still chatting with her when Rhea came to find him. The family was ready to have dinner. Everybody had woken up from their naps and they were hungry. They were debating where to eat and of course, Vikas would be the one to make the decision.

Saying goodbye to Juhi he went back with Rhea.


They had dinner in a nice vegan restaurant in Pattaya city called "Yes, Vegan". Even though the guys were mostly happy with non-veg, they were not that comfortable with seafood in Thailand so they opted to play it safe. The food was good so they didn't mind having only vegan food.

After dinner everybody wanted to go and check out the Pattaya clubs. This time it was the ladies who made the request because Vikas was with them. Vikas was not so interested in clubbing but he let them persuade him.

Pattaya has lots of clubs most centred around Walking Street. Rhea did a quick search on her phone and directed them to the biggest one on the street called Club Insomnia. It was a huge club with multiple levels. They felt lost as soon as they entered. There were writhing bodies everywhere, girls dressed in all kinds of sexy, bold dresses. Guys drinking, dancing, watching the girls. It was mayhem set to background music. The guys loved it.

Sure enough, Vikas led them to the VIP section where they had plenty of space to sit as well as table service for drinks and snacks. Knowing that Vikas would pay the bill, all three guys in the family immediately ordered. The ladies followed suit after Vikas persuaded them. They had been there 15 minutes when Shriya got up and faced Vikas.

"I want to dance. Vikas will you dance with me?" She said.

"Me? Why don't you ask your husband?" Vikas said pointing to Hemant.

"Because he doesn't like to dance and I know that you are a good dancer." Shriya said.

"Um...maybe you can teach him?" Vikas suggested.

"Why, you don't want to dance with me?" Shriya said with hands on her hips.

"Bro! Is my wife not pretty enough for you?" Hemant said.

"Alright. Alright. Everybody calm down." Vikas got up "Where do you want to go?"

The club had different music on different levels. Shriya pointed to the stairs going up where a sign said "Hollywood music" with an arrow pointing up into the stairs.


Vikas followed Shriya up the stairs. It was as crowded as the other non-VIP sections. Shriya took Vikas' hand and led him deep into the crowd and all the way through into a corner furthest from the stairs. The dance floor was lit up only by the laser lights that were bouncing from the two giant disco balls hung overhead. They made progress only by bumping into people and squeezing their way between them but that was the way anybody walked on that dance floor.

Even with normal club dancing there was not enough space to keep a distance and Shriya made it clear right from the beginning that she was not interested in that kind of dancing. She put her arms around Vikas' neck and pressed close. She moved slowly against him. Vikas had to put his hands on her hips just to not be awkward.

She leaned in and spoke in his ear "Hold me properly. You are making me feel like I am the ugliest girl you ever danced with."

Following the weather and the local scene, Shriya was wearing red, tight, cotton shorts and a black lace crop top with short wide sleeves. The top was deep cut in front and showed just a part of her demi-cup bra. It was an open weave and in the back it left a lot of her back bare through the weave. She was miles away from the middle-class housewife from Khar.

As Vikas wrapped his arms around her bare waist, Shriya pressed even closer to him. She was wearing 4" high heels so her body was almost perfectly aligned with Vikas.

"You know you are a hot babe, so stop trying to get my goat." Vikas said in her ear "Especially today, you look very sexy."

Shriya put her head on her shoulder. Her breath started to hit Vikas' neck just below his ear.

"Well, I told you, it's all yours." She said in his ear while dancing slowly with him, completely disregarding the music.

"Yes, you did." Vikas let his hands caress her soft back up and down. His fingers touched her soft skin through the open weave of the lace top.

"But you didn't want me." Shriya said. She stayed close to him and squeezed her soft, warm body against him. In a perverse way the crowd around them provided perfect privacy.

"I didn't say that." Vikas said.

"No, you didn't. But you didn't do me either." Shriya pointed out.

"You are married." Vikas reminded her "So am I."

Shriya touched her warm lips to Vikas' neck and kissed slowly. He didn't stop her.

"We both know how much that doesn't matter." She said.

Her firm boobs were pressing hard on Vikas' chest and he was feeling his cock getting hard even though he was trying not to react.

Feeling his developing erection between her legs, Shriya rubbed it slowly with her warm, bare thighs. She was pretending to dance, but her whole focus was on Vikas.

"Why didn't you take me, Vikas? Am I not pretty?" Shriya said in his ear.

"You said I could have you whenever I wanted." Vikas told her.

"And if I had said that I want you too?" Shriya got his point.

"That would be different." Vikas let his hand glide down her smooth, bare waist and cupped her ass cheek. She moaned in his ear as he squeezed it firmly.