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When he missed a second call, I started to feel pretty confused. Where was the "even though I had you naked and begging me to fuck you, I stopped because I want us to be special" guy? My head said he was hooking up with someone but then why on earth hadn't he fucked me when he had the chance?

We've now reached the part of the story where I admit that I have totally lost my damn mind. Just as Seth has gone mostly MIA with one word texts and endless blowoffs, I'm convinced that he's The One and that I have to do something to win him back. I'm really not sure how we got off track, but maybe if I just fly to the next town on his tour and see him in person, we'll get our groove back.

I don't tell Tyler about this line of thought either because he would undoubtedly call me out for my insane thinking. I'm just feeling restless, antsy and like I am missing out on something great. I pull up Seth's website and see that his next show is in South Bend. I can totally drive there in under 2 hours from Chicago. Before I let myself think better of it, I book a room and get in my car. Operation Seduce Seth is underway.

On the drive, Tyler is texting me, bitching about me blowing off our standing friends dinner date but I don't tell him where I'm going. It's bad enough that I'm headed two hours out of town on a Thursday night. I have school in the morning but in the hopes that everything goes according to plan, I have lesson plans for a sub.

It's been a few years since I've been down to Notre Dame. Growing up in Chicago, I of course know many Notre Dame fans but I've never really been much of a sports person, so I avoid the college town of South Bend. Seth is worth the exception though.

I get into town a few hours before Seth's show. I check into my room and spend the next hour and a half making sure everything is good to go. Perfectly shaved legs? Check. Smooth, nearly hairless vag with just a hint of a landing strip? Check. Perfectly curled hair, pushed up tits, super short skirt? Checkity check check. After one last touch up to my makeup, I head to the bar, hoping to catch Seth before his set.

Wouldn't you know, the first person I run into is Mike, instead of Seth. Ugh. Creepy von creeperson is actually scowling at me.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, totally disgruntled as if my long legs on display are offensive to him in some way.

"I came for the music, obviously... Well, that and your charming personality, Mike," I answer, super irritated to be having this conversation at all.

"Look, you're totally embarrassing yourself. Do you know how many slutty girls throw themselves at Seth all the time? Do you have no self respect? He has a girl friend, you dumb bitch."

It was the most words I'd ever heard him string together and they certainly hit their mark.

"A girlfriend?" I whisper, a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Don't act like he didn't tell you. He tells all of you and you fuck him anyway. Cause all women are goddamn cheating whores."

I don't even pause to ponder Mike's issues, with women and life in general. I just spin on my heal and head to my car. Furiously, I swipe at the tears falling, so mad at myself for even caring that Seth has a girlfriend. Why on earth did I let myself get so into him anyway? We've never even had sex for fuck's sake.

After getting my stuff from my hotel room, I couldn't get back on the expressway fast enough. It was already 9 o'clock and I still had a two hour drive home. I almost didn't answer my phone when it rang, but seeing Tyler's name on my caller id felt comforting, so I picked up.

"Ahhhh, there's my Princess. Where the hell were you tonight? Did the leprechaun manage to run up your phone bill again? No seriously, please don't tell me you blew me off to have phone sex with Manderella. My ego can't take it."

I swear I had no intention of telling Tyler anything, I just planned to drive home and pretend I'd never left but I found myself tearfully spilling the entire story.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. He got you naked and didn't fuck you?" the tone of intense disbelief felt validating to my completely overworked nerves.

"Apparently he decided not to cheat on his girlfriend. Interesting time to grow a conscience though," I sighed, though in hindsight I was actually glad we hadn't slept together. He probably sucked in bed anyway with his whole lovey dovey cuddly bullshit.

I was only 15 minutes out of Chicago when Tyler finally got off the phone with me. In true best friend form, he stopped mocking Manderella and just said comforting reassuring things to me. For all that he gives me a ton of shit, like I said, he always has my back.

Pulling into my apartment parking lot, I noticed Tyler's truck in one of the visitor spaces. He was sitting on the top of the stairs, waiting, which was odd because he's had a key to my apartment for years.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, wishing I'd taken the time to at least remove the smeared mascara from beneath my eyes. Not that I cared what Tyler thought of me... wait, yes, I did. I totally did. Even if hot guys are your best friends, you still only want them to see you looking amazing.

"That's quite the outfit, Princess. I'm going to pretend you're in sweats. I'm here to talk to you, not fuck your brains out."

My stomach did a little flip at the phrase fuck your brains out. That felt like exactly what I needed right now and I knew that Tyler had the body and the skills to follow through with his promise. I bit my lip in frustration, anticipating the lecture on my dating life, while I sat there craving his cock.

Tyler followed me inside my apartment after I unlocked the door. He immediately headed for my kitchen and grabbed us both a beer from the fridge.

"Why didn't you just let yourself in?"

"You're having a rough night. I didn't want to add me scaring the shit out of you, creepily hanging out alone in your apartment to the list."

"So, you wanted to talk? Weren't we doing that on the phone? I'm really not in the mood for a lecture about how I'm too good for guys like Seth and blah blah blah."

"Well, you are too good for guys like Seth but that's not what I wanted to talk about. I want to talk about you and me."

"You and me? We're friends, Ty, always have been. You're a manwhore and I'm a marriage obsessed crazy person. That's why there's never been a you and me."

"What if I weren't a manwhore? Would you be willing to back off the whole marriage thing? Could we... like date or something?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Tyler, my incredibly hot and not too shabby in bed best friend was asking if we could date, with no small about of hesitation in his voice, like he was actually really nervous and serious?

"Ok, Ty, you're funny and all but seriously, you don't want to date me. You know me and my quirks, you mock me all the time, and you love a one night stand more than any guy I've ever met. Why on earth would you saddle yourself with a headcase like me?"

"First of all, no self deprecating remarks. It's not sexy. Second of all, you blind idiot, I've been waiting for you to figure it out and I can't wait anymore. We are perfect together. You're just scared. I want you, Princess. You're mine. You always will be and stupid punk little singers thinking they have a chance with you drives me absolutely bat shit crazy."

"Oh yes, so crazy that you fuck other girls to get me out of your system?" I laugh, incredulously. I can't believe we're even having this conversation.

"I haven't been with anyone in 4 fucking months. That's how long I've known. But I'm so damn tired of waiting."

"You're serious? 4 months? Are you crazy?"

"This is the part where the cheesy ass man of your dreams says some shit about being crazy about you. I'll say it if you really need me to," he said, his face completely serious.

I thought for a moment. I hadn't been wrong the times that I'd thought maybe he was really into me. He was hot, he was my best friend and he knew exactly what I liked in bed. Isn't that what I'd always dreamed of?

"No, Ty, I don't need you to say it. What I need is for you to get your lazy ass up off my couch, pick me up, carry me to my bedroom and fuck me until I can't walk."

The spark in his eyes as he crossed the room told me I was about to get all I asked for and more. Instead of carrying me to my bed though, he pinned me against the wall, kissing me insistently and trailing his hands up under the hem of my skirt.

"I know you're not much for the foreplay but please, babe, please... you have to let me lick your pussy," he whispered in my ear.

All I could do was nod incoherently. I didn't care what this man did as long as it involved his fingers, lips, tongue and cock engaging my body and making me come.

Pushing aside the lace of my thong, he circled my clit with his thumb as his fingers sought the intense wetness waiting for him.

"Wet for me already, Princess?"

I nodded again, struck by how hard it was to form words. I just wanted him inside me already.

Sliding down to his knees in front of me, his tongue sought out my clit, tapping light circles with the tip and then longer strokes, up and down, up and down. He slid two fingers inside, crooking them toward my gspot as he licked, slurped and hummed against my clit. It was only seconds before I came undone, practically sliding down the wall as my orgasm swept over my body.

"Ah, Cindy, you never fail me." Tyler smiled, placing my panties back over my drenched slit and picking me up to take me to my bed, "I believe you requested being carried to your room. As you wish, Princess."

As he carried me, I started to come back to reality after my orgasm, I searched his face, wondering if he'd really meant what he'd said earlier or if he just wanted an excuse to give me the good dicking I'd been practically begging for with my eyes.

His clothes and mine were off before I could even really register another thought. For a moment I just sat there, staring at his toned body, suddenly filled with a desire to lick him all over. I laughed, the urge for extended foreplay seeming so funny to me in the midst of everything the night had brought.

"What's so funny?"

"I want to lick you. Not just blow you, like lick you. Like this line of your bicep, right here," I said, running my tongue over the muscle. "and this crazy V pointing down to your cock. I think I've lost myself completely. What have you done with Sarah?"

"I'm making her mine," he smiled, a moan escaping his lips as I ran my tongue across the head of his cock.

"About fucking time."

Words were lost as I sucked him off, stopping before he came, not because I have a problem swallowing but because I just had to have him in me. Lifting me up effortlessly, he lowered me onto his cock, letting me ride him as he watched my tits bounce. I lasted all of 2 minutes in that position (that shit is tiring!) before I begged him to fuck me. Without missing a beat, he rolled me over on the bed, positioned himself behind me, grabbed a handful of my hair and playfully pressed the tip of his cock inside me.

"Ty," I gasped, "Please. Please, fuck me now. Hard."

Thankfully he couldn't stand teasing me anymore and I felt his long, hard cock slam back into me, pushing me across the bed. I placed my hands on the headboard to hold myself in place and met him thrust for thrust, feverishly careening towards another orgasm.

"Fuck... Sarah!" Tyler moaned as he struggled not to come. He wanted me to come again first.

"Just a little more, baby. Fuck. Yes, Yes. Harder. Oh shit, Ty. Shiiiiiiittttttt!"

I came undone, practically seeing stars behind my eyelids. Sex with Ty had never been bad but this was different. There was an air of possession to him tonight and it was sexy as hell.

He finished with a loud grunt and collapsed on top of me, pushing my body into the sweaty sheets. I didn't care though; I was so thoroughly sated.

After a moment, he rolled off of me and then pulled me into his chest. The smell of hot sweaty sex filled the room and I wanted a shower almost as badly as I wanted to fuck him again.

"More," I murmured against his chest, licking sweat off his nipple.

"Christ, woman, give a man a minute," he laughed, aware that I wasn't truly ready yet either. He knew me. So well.

"If you aren't gonna fuck me, I'm gonna get all girly and ask questions," I warned.

"Hit me."

"Why the fuck do you call my clit Cindy?"

I knew he'd been expecting me to ask him to proclaim his love for me again or to tell me how he knew or reassure me that we could really pull of being a couple. I was happy to have surprised him.

"Ahhh. Well, that's a pretty fucking cheesy story. So not the best post coital chat, but if I must... In high school, my girlfriend drug me with her to see this crazy fortune teller lady. She told me that my true love's name was Cindy and that I would know her by her pretty blonde hair, deep green eyes and small tits. Well, she didn't say tits, but still. At any rate, my girlfriend's name was Karen. She was pissed as hell that she wasn't my true love and made me promise never to date anyone named Cindy. Ever."

"Ok, but what the hell does that have to do with my clit?"

"Sarah, your clit is so fucking perfect. It's sensitive, responsive and causes you to have the best damn orgasms. I see them wash over your body and feel envious that you feel that damn good."

"I'm still not following."

"I knew you were the girl for me because there's nothing a guy who loves to go down on a woman loves more than an incredibly responsive clit. It's sort of like the mythical 10 inch cock women dream about. The first time I licked you, I knew that Cindy wasn't a woman, it was your clit."

"You're crazy. Bat shit fucking crazy. You know that right?"

"Yep. Crazy about you, Princess. Now shut up and let me see Cindy again. She totally has a thing for me."

"Don't all the girls?"

"Probably but I totally have a thing for you."

"Yeah, but will you ever cross a parking lot holding one of your shoes just to get my number?"

"That ship has sailed. I already have your number. Besides, I think Manderella proved himself twice the pussy I thought him to be. I can't even believe you'd bring him up, lying in bed naked next to me. I'm gonna have to fuck him right out of your mind."

And he did.

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Cali_LoveCali_Loveover 3 years ago
That was really good.

Love the way you write. Funny and meaningful at the same time. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

This story is sooooo cool! Oh yeah, Manderella is definitely unique!

readergirl96readergirl96about 9 years ago

I think you have the greatest (weirdest? But so great) sense of humor and I love the way it pours out of your characters.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 9 years ago
Cindy, Cindy...

Interesting how Cindy got named. A spicy story to say the least.

Welcome back. It's been too long since you've posted a story.

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