Mandingo Night: BBC Ass Ambush


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"I'm going to engage our opponents here. I need covert forces here, here, and here. Snipers on the roof, our opponents will be armed. Arm straight up, test fire at target ONLY. Pointing, take only that target out, arms in a T, take them all. I will have four Smiths with me, two on either side, slightly back. If anybody is left from Security, I want them in the stairwell ready to cover our withdrawal. We have to clear the area before the heavy equipment arrives or witnesses do. If they open fire, since they will be using un-silenced weapons, the cops will be called. Since it is us, and we had what happened, happen last night, they will be on it like flies on shit. I'd prefer not to lose anybody on either side, but we have to focus on the goal. If things work out as I expect, they will bring Sarah back to us, and they will be joining us in the building. That is when things get dangerous." she warns her people.

"You're going to bring them into the club?" Captain Saunders is thunderstruck at her brazen gambit.

"Every single one of them. For this to work out, it has to be win/win. I'm going to make them an offer they can't refuse. We have to be diligent, and strong. So plan on tactical teams covering the inside of the club for the next couple of weeks. We will have the same issues at the member training facility if we take them there. Either way, harder to deal with, and a much worse mess if things go sideways." she proposes.

"Sir, can I see you in my office?" Captain Saunders says sternly, pulling her inside and closing the sliding glass door.

"So what is this about?" the XO folds her arms underneath her breasts trying to push them up a little bit under the blazer.

"I think your plan is simply brilliant. It brings down two birds with a single stone. We get new members to train and a new source of members in general, while removing a troublesome nuisance from our property. I have to argue with you about it, or my full throated endorsement will be viewed as being pussywhipped. BTW sir, you are still dripping." he says softly, her freshly fucked scent filling the room.

"So we need to put on an act, to sell it to the troops?" she guesses.

"Yes, sir. But we needed to talk in private sir. I have heard from 'Oregon Trail'." he says very softly.

"What does she say?" Toneeyah asks breathlessly, the spy they had in the extremely violent splinter group "Sword of the Aryan Nation". They had killed members before.

"She says that they have obtained the North Korean nuke and have already smuggled it into the U.S. She believes it is already en route to Atlanta. They intend to kill as many 'black monkeys' as they can. They further believe it will ignite a war, if not of global proportions, at least between the races here in America. The Sword of the Aryan Nation may be trivial to our government, but I believe the threat is real." he says softly, obviously very concerned.

"NSA and DOE contacts have been informed?" she asks quickly.

"They have sir. They said they will take it under advisement, which I understand means they don't trust the source, and won't act on it." he says sadly.

"So the fate of our entire world is determined by whether the word of a woman is good or not?" she says, trying to wrap her head around it.

"And nothing else we can do until and unless she contacts us again. She has a one time pad and our email address, for emergencies. If she wants to stay alive, she will continue to use the U.S. Mail as before." he says hopefully, then "How's your Monty Python, sir?"

"Would you like an argument?" she says loudly, knowing full well only volume, not syllables, gets through the glass.

"Ah, Is this the right room for an argument?" he answers loudly.

"I told you once." she replies sternly.

"No you haven't." he objects loudly.

"Yes I have." she demands loudly.

Pointing at the tactical map, he shouts "When?"

Twirling her finger around the perimeter she says "Just now."

"No you didn't." he says sternly, shaking his head.

"Yes I did." she nods her head, pointing to the map again.

"You didn't." he shouts, moving his hands together, like forces converging above the map.

"I did!" she shouts, gesturing out with both hands outward like an explosion.

"You didn't!" he replies sternly, cupping his hands near the side of the building.

"Well that settles it then!" she shouts, as they both have to turn and face the inside wall to keep from being seen laughing.

Donna's voice come over the intercom on the phone "Tessa McKenzie is here to see you sir."

"On my way." then turning to her old service buddy, "Thanks Ben."

She runs up to the conference room, seeing her old friend dressed in her tight, sexy dance clothes, showing off the original 'Buns of Steel', plus those massive mammaries, that seemed to be a little bloopier. Kissing her cheek softly, she pulls off the blindfold saying "Hello T-Mac."

"Damn, baby, you are dressing NICE! Hugs instead of drugs?" she says as she stands up.

"You don't need to use the old pick-up lines on me. I will love you forever T-Mac." T-Nerd says softly, as she presses her body into her old friend, a little looser on top, a little firmer below - if that was even possible.

"Yes, It's possible. Try dancing twelve hours a day and see how tight your ass is at the end of a week." T-Mac reads her mind.

"Well how do you explain the tits, then?" T-Nerd challenges.

"I can't baby. Those things just seem to have a mind of their own. One day they decided to go bloop, and that is all she wrote. Derrick loves them, so maybe being sucked on twenty four seven did it. So what's the business opportunity?" T-Mac cuts the chitchat.

"We have a very special business here, one unique to Atlanta. Over fifty years we have amassed a fortune, staying low key. We have dancers, and we are opening a new club on Fulton in less than a month. I am the Executive Officer of the club, and we are seeing dramatically higher demand here, at this location. The Fulton location is ten times the size of this place, three thousand guests plus staff, versus three hundred here. I'm having trouble training a hundred and fifty per day, much less the fifteen hundred per day at the new location. I need your help, T-Mac." Toneeyahs says hopefully.

"So your dancers, they are both men and women?" T-Mac asks pointedly.

"No, only women. Well, they do dance with men, but the men are trained elsewhere." T-Nerd confuses the issue.

"Ah, strippers then." T-Mac grins.

"No, we dance nude." T-Nerd replies, then realizes she has let the cat out of the bag.

"So nude pole dancers, at a club." T-Mac grins.

"Of a sort." T-Nerd says, suddenly shy of revealing everything to her old friend.

"Uh-uh. And do they dance on the men's poles for them?" T-Mac says pointedly.

"Yep, you got it." T-Nerd is relieved.

"So you're the big whorehouse in downtown Atlanta?" T-Mac guesses.

"Not quite. We are a family owned business that has been seducing white women to serve blacks for over fifty years. Come with me, Tessa." she reaches out her hand, pulling Tessa to her feet, taking her on "the tour". "Down here is my office, this is my administrative assistant, Service Member In Training for Hospitality or 'Smith' Donna." T-Nerd says happily.

"She's - nude. What does that velour choker say?" T-Mac asks fuzzily.

"Black Owned." Donna answers proudly.

"Damn, you are one hot little white witch! Does she make you lick her pussy all day long?" T-Mac says as she circles her.

"No ma'am. It isn't quite like that. But it is nice of you to remind her she has that option." Donna replies cheerfully.

"What does that tat above your pussy say? Black Cock Only?" T-Mac says, still circling and staring.

"Yes, ma'am. I only have sex with black men and women." Donna says proudly.

"So you are bisexual?" T-Mac says, still going round and round.

"We are all bisexual. All Smiths are fully trained in pleasing both men and women for extended periods of time." Donna says proudly, her nipples stiffening from the attention.

"Lord have mercy! Get me out of here before I pull down my shorts and stuff her face into my now overheated pussy!" T-Mac cries out.

"I'd like that. Let me know when you are ready ma'am." Donna says sweetly, as T-Nerd tows her out of the room by her hand.

"So these are the showrooms, blowjob, fucking, anal, and group. The room we need your help in is the Anal room. We've recently changed our training curriculum to make it a better experience for the Smiths, and no one teaches anal like T-Mac. Get their booty clean, get their booty free, get their booty fucked, right T-Mac?" the XO asks evenly, without inflection.

"Derrick would think he's died and gone to heaven, all this white pussy begging to be fucked. How will I compete with that?" T-Mac says sadly, almost ready to cry.

"It can't compete with you, and you can't compete with it. White pussy begging for black cock is out there. Hell, black pussy begging for black cock is out there. Follow your bliss, Tessa. Dance your ass off and dance it onto a rock hard cock, isn't that what you taught me? Has the great T-Mac forgotten her own lessons? Must the student become the Master?" T-Nerd expounds.

"Teach me. Teach me how to keep Derrick." she begs, tears in her eyes.

"OK, first, you need to have a long conversation with two friends of mine. One is my bull, he owns my ass and will quite likely fill it with a very, very large cock tonight, so I really, really need your help on that score. The other is his wife, the Great Teacher, and they are just next door. Let me see if they are available."

Returning with Bertha and Elmore, she turns the corner, Tessa sees Elmore's big black cock, and faints, right into the XO's chair. She makes her excuses, "I have a meeting", and runs up the stairs to the dining area, pulls a three month (or older) jug of Cherry Punch out of the fridge, strides through the member locker room, and out the exit. She marches to a pole out in the field, as the crew moves to surround her, and places the jug on top of it. She marches back into the building.

"Smith's Mandy, Valerie, Charlotte, and Marilyn to the dining area immediately." she announces over the intercom.


"You girls all know this is deadly dangerous, right? They have guns and could shoot us dead." Toneeyah reminds them of the risks.

"That's what makes my pussy so hot right now." Mandy whimpers.

"Get the London Fog overcoats. I know they are too hot for this weather, but at least it won't be in the heat of the day." the XO commands.

Calling Security, she asks, "Are we go for operation 'Suck My Dick'?"

"Suck My Dick is a go, XO." Ben chuckles.

"Let's go girls. Remember, five paces behind me at all times, any sign of trouble, do not walk, RUN back to the building, is that clear?" the XO commands.

"Yes, Ma'am." they answer in unison.

The XO strides out the door, halfway to the punch. "Remember, Marilyn, make direct eye contact with as many of them as you can.", she says, hoping to use Marilyn's mystical ability to seduce men just by looking at them to her advantage.

"Got it, sir." Marilyn says confidently. Men start coming out of the field, surrounding them.

"Do you have a leader?" she shouts out.

"Get the fuck out of our field, Aunt Jemima." one of them shouts.

"Isn't your field. I own it and we start clearing it, then paving it today. Can someone negotiate for the release of Sarah?" she shouts.

"We will take you to her, Bitch!" and "On your knees, Bitch!" are the replies.

"Your squats - they will be torn down today. I'm building new places. Everything you know will be gone in days. Talk to me now, or die here in this field today, I'm happy either way." she shouts.

"What if I take this gun and kill you bitch?", one says as he cocks the slide of a .45 semi automatic.

"I take it you are their leader. What is your name?" she shouts.

"You can call me David, bitch. Or master, when you are on your knees sucking my cock!" David laughs, as some of the others join him.

"Listen to me really carefully right now David. You don't want to move your right hand, the one with the gun, at all. See those three dots on your chest? There is a 7.62mm hollow point round in the rifle of one of my snipers going to make a fist sized hole in your chest, right where those dots are now. I don't want that, David. Neither do you. I'm not going to ask you to drop that gun, David, I know you need it right now to feel strong. But don't make a mistake we all will regret. My snipers will take you out in a heartbeat, and there is nothing I can do to stop it if you make that mistake." Toneeyah pleads with him.

"You don't have any damn snipers. All you got is pimple faced white whores, maybe one of 'em has a laser pointer. I'm going to shoot your fucking head off, and then fuck your lifeless body." David growls.

"I'd rather have us all go inside and help the girls suck your cocks and fuck you, for the rest of your lives. I've got a win/win proposal for you David. You get new apartments in the Punani Towers, that ten story apartment complex right behind you for you and your crew. You get to work in the club, seducing white women into fucking and sucking your cocks. You get paid for it, benefits, and the lifestyle that a man deserves. As a good faith sign, a 'taste' in the language of the drug trade, these four women will take every man on your crew in every hole. If we need more, if your crew is bigger than what I see out on this field, we will get more. Does that sound good to you David?" she offers.

"Ain't gonna be no house nigger! Ain't gonna have you lead my dick around on a leash! You're gonna suck my dick and I'm gonna fuck you in the ass, bitch! You don't have any damn snipers, and I take my pussy on my own. Now prove you got snipers, or when I count to three..."

Toneeyah's arm goes straight up, there is a soft 'pweet', and the jug of cherry punch explodes, red corn syrup and fructose everywhere.

"You see, David? I'm not lying to you. I have trained special forces snipers out here in the field and on the roof. Make the wrong decision, and every member of your crew goes home missing their head or their chest in a body bag today. We will hunt you down and exterminate you. We don't care about what the law says, just like you. But unlike you, I have money and I have power, and I have connections. Tens of millions of dollars is in that building right now, and you can't touch it. But I need you David. I need someone who knows the language of the streets. I need your feral energy, and I need Sarah back. Right now. Before noon. Or all of your crew goes home dead. I'd rather give you the good life, the life a man standing on his own two feet deserves. Look hard at this hot blonde standing right next to me, and tell me your cock doesn't ache to fuck her! Well I've got news for you David, and for every other member of your crew - beautiful hot Marilyn wants to suck your cocks, have you fuck her, and even ream her ass - all at the same time. Every single one of these women is eager to do that! But you have to do something for me. You have to give me a taste. You have to put your guns down, and we will talk. Pick your guns up, and you are dead anyway. So what's it going to be, David? Life for your crew, or death for your crew?"

The question hangs in the air. David says "TenBang crew, put your weapons down and step out!"

Toneeyah says "Smiths, disrobe!" then "See David, you give me a taste, I give you a taste. Look at these fine bitches, pussies wet just thinking about your cock. Why have some molly-ed out street whore, when you can have a real woman whose idea of a good time is making your cock spurt cum into her mouth? Now make the call to whoever is holding Sarah. You have a half hour, and you don't want to sunburn these magnificent tits. And David, as a bonus, I will personally suck your cock."

"No deal bitch. You are scamming us big time, and I need a taste. I need to see your operation, and you are going to get down on your knees to suck my cock then bend over your desk, so I can fuck your Ass! When you do that, my guys don't pick up their gats and waste your bitches. We will bring Sarah back, and when the taste is good, we all go inside and fuck. That's my final offer." David yells out.

"I accept!" Toneeyah yells back.

David walks towards her, hands in the air, then when he reaches her, lowers his hand to her skirt, then underneath to try to grip her ass. "Damn, bitch, you got one tight fucking ass!" he cries out in joy.

"You should meet my friend T-Mac." she replies without thinking.

"No panties, no thong -" he says as he feels her up, finding her nipples are stiff, her pussy dripping, "Damn fine nipples, gonna cut my hands on them they are so hard! No blouse - you really are a slut!" he says filled with glee, as they walk to the door. "And you really are a dumb bitch to think I only had a single gat." he says coldly, as he reaches into his pants, pulls out the gun and puts it to the side of her head as they step inside the building.

"But David, you forgot two things." she says sweetly.

"Don't pull no shit. Tell your men to put down their guns, or I put a hole in your head, right the fuck now!" he yells.

"They don't have to do that sweety. See, you forgot two things. One, I am a weapon, an army of one. Two, you forgot to cock your gun." Toneeyah says sweetly as she uses his moment of indecision to launch her attack, breaking his grip on the gun, twisting his arm to force his head down, kneeing him in the face, then following up with an inside crescent kick to the side of his head. Security people were all over them, boiling out of the stairwell.

"Orders, ma'am?" her team says as they haul him to his feet.

"Take him to the showers, cut his clothes off, have a Smith scrub him clean, wiki-wiki. I need him naked in my office ASAP." she orders coldly.

A few minutes later, she is going over plans in her office, when they frog march him inside. "Take his cuffs off, and leave." she orders.

"Are you sure ma'am?" they want to check her sanity.

"David, we had a deal. You tried to fuck up that deal at every opportunity. I can't let you do that, David. It means dead people, your crew, some of my people. Then someday soon, all of Atlanta. I have been straight with you, and you have lied to me. You have cheated, and you have threatened, all out of fear and hate. Well I'm going to show you another way, David. I'm going to get on my knees and give you the best blowjob of your entire life, and then you are going to pull my skirt up, bend me over my desk, and fuck me in the ass as we agreed. You are going to be a man David. A man whose word is good. Your cock is good, will you share that with me?" she says softly.

"Knock yourself out." he says casually.

The XO looks at his cock, a good solid ten incher, as she gets on her knees and puts her hands on it, feeling the heat and weight of it. She fondles his balls, then remembers there are people outside depending on her. She starts licking and sucking the tip, as her hands go to work on his firm dark chocolate shaft. He looks a little surprised, like he really hadn't expected her to go through with it. She goes into two minute drill. She corkscrews her hands on his shaft, inner, outer, and even the synchronized swimming variation where her hands travel together, only to take his breath away by deep throating his shaft. She starts pistoning her hands up and down his cock, sucking hard on his tip, licking the spongy helmet and making him groan. Toneeyah switches to speedbagging his shaft with her hands, almost punching his balls as her fists slam down the shaft of his dick to start over again just below his tip, while tormenting the head of his cock with her spinning tongue, then deep throats him again easily. She sneaks one hand to finger her snatch, then transfers the contents to her ass, as she knows he will not last much longer under her intense oral assault. "Damn, baby you've got MAD cocksucking skills!" he compliments her. She goes back to getting him right to the edge, and yanks his balls.