Mandy's Sexcapade: Mandy the Matchmaker


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"So," Franklin began, attempting to change the subject, "how do you two know each other?"

"Amber and I attend the same yoga class and run together on the weekends."

Franklin surreptitiously glanced at Amber; the woman, like his daughter, was, indeed, fit.

Amanda noticed the furtive look that her father cast, but continued innocently, "And I've been trying to coordinate a playdate with James and Ariana since, like, forever." She grinned at her father. "But it looks like you beat me to it. Will you two please excuse me? I'm going to get the cake ready. I'll gather everyone in 15 minutes to sing Happy Birthday to James."

As his daughter abruptly left, Franklin found himself staring awkwardly at the ground to avoid Amber's eyes. Had he been looking at her, the older man would've noticed her similar awkwardness as well. Finally, my father-in-law noted quietly. "You dyed your hair."

Amanda's friend pointed to her hair. "Amber."

It took him a moment to comprehend. "Oh, got it!" He chuckled boyishly. "That's actually pretty clever!"

Amber laughed, and it was like music to the older man's ears. "You know, 'Riana and I have gone back to the park several times looking for you and James."

Franklin was surprised to hear that. "Really?"


In truth, Franklin had avoided returning to the park with his grandson, for reasons that he couldn't explain. But he responded good-naturedly, "It's nice to know that I made such an impression on you."

"Actually, Frank. You did."

Franklin found himself blushing and staring at the ground again.

"Hey, mister! You're the ice cream man!"

Ariana, wearing another adorable dress, came running towards him.

"Well, hello there! I remember you, you're the prettiest little girl I've ever seen!"

But Ariana, distracted by something else, quickly zoomed off in a different direction. Franklin and Amber laughed as they watched her disappear as quickly as she had appeared, and the tension between them suddenly dissipated

"Your little one is a ball of energy like my grandson."

Amber shook her head wryly. "She gets it all from her father."

Franklin suddenly felt a small stab in his heart, and swore at himself inwardly. Why are you jealous? She's a beautiful young woman in the prime of her life, and you're just a pathetic, lonely old man. He tried to keep his voice level as he asked, "Is your husband here? I'd love to meet him."

There was a sudden tightening around Amber's eyes and at the corner of her lips, an unmistakable look of sadness made Franklin immediately regret his question. She was probably divorced or separated, he mused, and hopefully not undergoing a nasty custody battle that-

"My husband passed away last year."

Franklin felt like he had been punched in the gut and staggered back. He knew it was never smart to assume anything, but it was still a response that he wasn't expecting. "Amber... I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I'm so sorry... for you and Ariana." He knew from personal experience that those words were woefully adequate, but there was nothing else that could be said.

Amber blinked away her tears. "It's ok, Frank. You didn't know." She hesitated before continuing, "He... I kissed Brad on his way to work one morning... and the next thing I know, I'm getting a call from the police that he's gone." She swallowed hard. "Drunk driver."

Franklin sighed. The passing of his wife left him as a shell of his former self, but he equally as brokenhearted for Amber, whom he still considered a child in the grand scene of things. He and Jacquelyn were blessed to have spent 30 wonderful years together, and at least he was able to somewhat prepare for her passing. He couldn't imagine the pain Amber and Ariana must've suffered with Brad's unexpected death.

Amber smiled gently at the older man, who appeared on the verge of breaking down. "I don't expect you to remember, and I didn't recognize you at the park since you look so different now... you've lost so much weight, Frank... but I was at your wife's funeral."

He looked up in surprise.

"Amanda helped me through some really dark times after Brad's death. She was always there for me... helped me get my head back on straight. Your daughter was, and is, a true friend. And when her mother... your wife... passed away, I wanted to be there for her, too." Amber's tone grew even softer as Franklin began to tremble. "I saw you from a distance at the funeral. I wanted to speak to you, to let you know that you weren't alone because I understood your pain... your loss. But it looked like you needed to be with your family. I'm sorry, Frank. I regret not saying something to you that day."

Franklin steeled himself and wouldn't let his emotions overwhelm him. Not in front of his daughter's friend, who was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside, and definitely not at his grandson's birthday party. "Thank you, Amber. That means as much to me now as I'm sure it did to Amanda." He suddenly grinned, and added self-deprecatingly in an effort to lighten the mood, "Yea, I was probably a little unapproachable that day."

Despite herself, the woman laughed.

"Has it gotten any easier?"

A distant expression appeared on Amber's face. "Some mornings are better than others. Some days, I can get by without crying. You and I both know that we'll never get over the people that we've lost. But the way I see it, we still have people who love us and need us, right? If that's not a reason to keeping dragging yourself out of bed in the morning... "

Franklin watched wordlessly as James and Adriana raced across his line of sight at that precise moment, giggling and running hand in hand. In the background, he could also his beautiful daughter- his little girl whom he cherished as much as his late wife- and his son-in-law mingling with the other guests. And he suddenly realized that Amber's words rang true. He would never stop grieving for his wife, and she would always be with him in spirit.

But perhaps it was ok to start moving on.

"Thank you for opening up to me, Amber. I'm really glad that we came across each other at the park."

"Me, too." That hopeful look that Franklin had seen on her face over weeks ago reappeared. "Maybe we can finally set up that playdate for Ariana and James."

Franklin smiled and his entire being was uplifted. Amber was his daughter's friend, but he couldn't help but feel that this was start of an unexpected but fitting friendship.

"I'd like that, Amber."


Amanda was intently observing her father and dear friend from afar when I almost ran into her carrying our son's birthday cake. She smirking, and I knew too well that her devious mind was plotting something. Despite my hurry, I stopped dead in my tracks. "Mandy, what are you doing?" I asked suspiciously.

My wife turned to me, and her grin grew even broader. "Remember how I told you that Amber was gushing about some guy that she met at the park?"

"Yea," I replied cautiously.

"That was my father!"

"What! You mean, like, your dad?"

"No, I was referring to my other father." Amanda slugged me in the shoulder, and I nearly dropped the cake. "Yes, silly, I mean my father!"

"Whoa, that's crazy. What a small world."

"I know, right? It's almost like..."

When she left her sentence hanging and looked back at Franklin and Amber, who were leaning in close to each other as they conversed, I had a sneaking suspicion of what my wife was planning.

"Amanda," I began, my voice filled with concern. "I know what you're thinking, and I don't know if-"

But she cut me off. "Come on, babe. Don't just stand around with the cake. It's time to gather everyone and sing Happy Birthday."

I simply shook my head as Amanda hurried off to locate James.


In the weeks that followed, Franklin and Amber routinely met 2 to 3 times per week with the children. At first, they rendezvoused at the park, but they began branching out to other places, like the local museum and zoo, and even the lake.

Amanda continued to observe them, and she appeared happier than ever as the curious relationship between Franklin and Amber blossomed. When my wife would ask her father how his day with Amber went, he would unfailingly provide a terse, generic response. But it was obvious that he had a schoolboy crush on her.

Amanda's conversations with Amber about her father were much different. Her friend continued to glowingly rave about Franklin... what a gentleman he was, how wonderful he was with the children, and how kind and generous he was. Amber even let it slip several times that she thought Amanda's father was extremely handsome!

It was that precise moment when my wife realized that she had to play matchmaker.

"Mandy, are you sure?" I asked uneasily when she revealed her intentions to me. "This is your father we're talking about. And one of your best friends. I know they each just lost someone important, and of course you want the best for them. But... I dunno, I guess I want you to be sure that this is the right thing to do, and that this isn't a knee-jerk reaction."

"I know setting my dad up with Amber sounds crazy, but if you saw how they fawn over each other... heard the way Amber constantly gushes about him, you'd understand. I get it, it's my father and he's way older than her, but they're perfect together. It just feels so right."

"Always playing the matchmaker, aren't you, Mandy?" I said to which we both grinned knowingly. After all, my wife had willingly set me up with Piper, the hot babysitter, in the past ["The Hot Babysitter Chapter 1"].

At this point, who was I to judge what a "normal" relationship was? I didn't know Amber very well, but there was no doubt that she was still hurting from the death of her husband. And I was very much aware that my father-in-law was still struggling over the loss of his wife. If two lonely people could find companionship with each other- despite their age, race, religion, or political views- then the world would undoubtedly be a happier place.

Besides, the sincerity and emotion were palpable in my wife's voice, and I adored her too much to ever dissuade her from following her heart. "Let's do it."

Amanda swiftly flew into my arms and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks, babe. I needed to hear that. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Mandy. I don't know what I'd do without you. Or James." I thought of my mother-in-law and the fragility of life, and the mere notion of attempting to exist without my family nearly overwhelmed me. She saw my fearful expression and kissed me again, this time on the lips, more deeply and much more passionately.

Amanda led me to our bedroom.


My family met Amber and her daughter for brunch the following Saturday. We had planned to spend the day at the aquarium, and this would be the first time that the 5 of us went anywhere together. My father-in-law resisted at first, brusquely stating that this get-together "was for you young kids". But after Amanda wheedled and cajoled him- and subtly prodded him by telling him that Amber really wanted to him to come- he eventually relented.

It was a magnificent spring afternoon, so we met Amber and Ariana at an outdoor café first for lunch. We all chatted merrily (while doing our best to prevent the James and Ariana from wreaking havoc), but even I noticed Franklin and Amber often casting furtive smiles at each other. It was easy to understand why my father-in-law couldn't keep his eyes off his daughter's friend. Amber was wearing a tight top and equally snug jeans that proudly flaunted her sexy, curvy body.

Perhaps 45 minutes later, way beyond the limitations of patience for two extremely energetic children, we finally rose to leave and head to the aquarium.

"''Riana and I will meet you there," Amber informed us.

My wife's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Ariana," Amanda suddenly said to the little girl, "why don't you come with us? Your mom and Mister Franklin have some things to do, so they'll catch up with us later. And you can sit next to James in the car."

"Yea!" James and Ariana cried gleefully as they ran into each other's arms.

Amber and Franklin looked in confusion at Amanda, who flashed me a lopsided grin as she ushered the children towards me. "Babe, why don't you go ahead and pack up the kids first? I brought an extra booster seat for Ariana, it's in the trunk. I'll be right there."

"Sure, Mandy." I quickly herded James and Ariana away.

"Um, what's going on, sweetheart?" Franklin asked his daughter warily.

"Consider this as a gift of adult alone time for you and Amber."

"What!" they exclaimed simultaneously.

"Adult alone time. You know, time away from the kids. Just the two of you." My wife was doing a remarkable job of keeping a straight face.

Amber's expression changed from confusion to surprise then to gratitude all within a heartbeat. But Franklin's eyes narrowed. He turned to Amber. "Please excuse us for a moment." Without waiting for a response, he led his daughter a short distance away. "Ok, Amanda. What's this about?" he demanded when they were out of earshot.

"I thought I already explained everything."

"Yes, yes. 'Adult alone time', I know. What are you really up to?"

Amanda feigned innocence. "Why, whatever do you mean, daddy?"

"I know how you think, girl. Let me be blunt: I feel like you're setting us up on a date."

My wife shrugged with exaggerated nonchalance. "I mean, if you two want to call it that..."

"Are you crazy?" Franklin exploded. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Amber had snapped her head in their direction, so he lowered his voice. "Are you crazy?" He repeated. "You're my daughter. And she's your friend!"

"Dad, that's sort of the point."

"No, Amanda. I think you're missing the actual point; Amber is young enough to be my daughter, too! And never mind the fact that your mother is probably rolling in her grave right now." Franklin briefly stepped away to angrily pace in a circle before returning to his daughter, who hadn't moved and was waiting patiently. "Amanda, why would you do this? Why would you try to do something so crazy? I didn't ask for this."

My wife stood resolutely and answered calmly, "First of all, I don't think mom is rolling over in her grave right now. I think she's looking down on us, and if she could speak to you at this very moment, I know she would tell you that she wants you to be happy, and for you to move on with your life."

Franklin appeared as though he had just been punched in the gut, but his daughter relentlessly continued.

"And second of all, yes, my friend is young enough to be your daughter. But so what? We're simply having a conversation about two grownups spending time with each other, right? I mean, you're both consenting adults."

Her father stammered, "Well, yes, but..." He sighed deeply. "Your mother... I don't know... it's too soon..."

"Dad, it's ok," Amanda told him gently. "We love having you around and appreciate everything you do for us, but we also want you to get back to living your own life... to get back to living a life. My intent isn't to force anything on you and Amber. But I know you're starting to have feelings for her. And she likes you a lot, too."

Franklin eyes widened. "Really? She said that."

"Not in so many words, but she raves about you and sings your praises like no other man since her husband. Trust me, daddy, it's a woman's intuition."

But Amanda's father still appeared extremely uncomfortable. "I don't know, sweetheart. This is crazy. It feels wrong on so many different levels."

"Like I said, we're just talking about 2 consenting adults hanging out each other. And whatever happens... happens."

Amanda felt guilty for causing her father so much turmoil, but she loved him dearly. It was obvious that he and her friend were attracted to each other, and my wife desperately wanted them to be happy again. Their pairing seemed so perfect to her, and considering that they had met each other so randomly told Amanda that it was perhaps destiny. Furthermore, their significant age gap didn't concern her as it would've any other person.

After all, Amanda was aware she wasn't one to judge the virtues of a relationship when she herself had slept with a small horde of men and women outside of our marriage ["Sharing My Wife Amanda" series]. My wife had even engaged in an illicit affair with her former boss Glenn, who was even older than her father, ["Sharing My Wife Amanda Chapter 2"], so she wasn't about to be a hypocrite.

Finally, my wife played her last card. "Besides, daddy. I think Amber needs your company as much as you need hers."

Franklin unconsciously looked over at his daughter's friend, who was regarding them with uncertainty. There was something about the young woman's vulnerability that tore at him and made him want to reach out and comfort her.

She's so beautiful...

Amber gave them a hopeful look, and Franklin found himself smiling at her encouragingly. He turned back to his daughter. "Amanda, are you sure about this. I mean, have you really thought this through?"

"More than you realize."

Franklin sighed. "You're just like your mother. I love you so much. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't... if you weren't..." He couldn't bring himself to finish his thought. "No matter how old you get, you'll always be my little girl."

Amanda held back her tears. "Go to Amber."

Franklin turned and slowly walked towards his daughter's beautiful, voluptuous friend, and Amanda trailed closely behind.

Amber was eying them cautiously. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes... yes, it is." Franklin told her. He swallowed hard. "I was hoping that we could take my daughter up on her offer... and go someplace together. That is, if you're ok with leaving Ariana-"

"I'd LOVE that," Amber interjected quickly.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Franklin found himself blushing and feeling like a young, infatuated schoolboy all over again; it was a wonderful feeling. "And where would you like to go, miss?"

Amber smiled wholeheartedly. "Anywhere."

Amanda mentally high-fived herself. Aloud, she said, "Well, I better go catch up to my husband before he loses James and Ariana. You kids have fun, we'll meet you back at our place later tonight."

Amber reached out and squeezed her friend's hand. Thank you, she mouthed.

Amanda watched as her father and dear friend disappeared into the crowd, walking away while holding hands.


Franklin felt his daughter's eyes upon them as he and Amber departed hand-in-hand. His heart pounded and his mouth was dry. "So... where to?"

Amber gave him the response that he was hoping for, yet still never expected: "Let's go back to my place."


I was still attempting to get the children situated in the car when Amanda returned. She was misty-eyed but smiling.

"Mission accomplished?" I asked.

"Mission accomplished."

With James and Ariana buckled in, we climbed into the car. Amanda wore such a proud, satisfied look on her face that I was loathe to voice my misgivings. The potential issues with Franklin and Amber were obvious, and whether they ended up together or not was almost irrelevant. My wife wanted so badly for them to be happy and for their budding relationship to work. It was naïve of her to set them up together because they had both lost loved ones, but Amanda's heart was in the right place, and she always wanted the best for those she cared about. It was one of the many reasons why I loved her so much.

"I love you, Mandy." The words were simple, but she understood their depth.