Mania - The Finale


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–When I asked Cathy about why she had a DNA test done she said "Because Rob and I have been trying to have a child almost since Jenny got pregnant. Rob kept on telling me that I had to be checked out because he obviously didn't have a problem since Jenny was pregnant. I finally got a physical at a fertility clinic and unknown to Rob brought some of his seminal fluid with me. I have no problem, but there is virtually no hope that Rob can ever father a child."

–When I asked Cathy how Rob reacted to this news she replied "He doesn't know. His self-worth is – something I wouldn't have believed until the last year or so – so wound up with his ability to father a child that I haven't told him. What I did tell him, just two weeks ago, was that I was getting treatment and probably would be able to conceive within a couple of months."

–Kyle is the cutest, most alert, most active, baby Cathy had ever seen, and Jenny had really bonded with him. I had been listed as the father on the birth certificate even though at the time Jenny thought that Rob was the biological father. In the strictest of confidence, after the DNA test results Cathy told Jenny that I was the biological father, not Rob. She was surprised – but more importantly absolutely thrilled since her perspective had changed greatly since about six weeks after I took off.

–Jenny and Rob had not had sex with each other since I left. Jenny had not had sex with anyone as far as Cathy knew, and she and Jenny were now even closer than they were when I left – more like sisters than sisters-in-law.

–Cathy had several long conversations with my Mom about the circumstances surrounding Rob's and my births. I had birth trauma; Rob did not. The doctors told her at the time that that could cause some of my development to be different than Rob's even though our genetics might not be much different. Cathy had subsequently spent thousands of dollars more on talking to experts in the field who, having reviewed all of my and Rob's medical records, and after interviewing Cathy and my Mom, concluded that it was highly likely that the differences in intelligence and athleticism (coordination), although not appearance, between Rob and I probably were due to my birth trauma and subsequent conditions, and were NOT genetic. That meant that my children would likely have intelligence and coordination – from my genes – similar to those of Rob's and not mine.

All of this was almost too much to digest – and one and a half of my two bottles of Villa Maria had already been consumed by the time that she finished imparting this information to me; and an hour had passed.

"Dave, it's been an hour. I have one more very important thing to talk with you about, but I promised only an hour. Do you want me to leave or continue?"

By then I was hooked; "Forget the hour; continue, please."

"Do you mind if I call James and dismiss him? Could you drive me to my hotel once we are done?"

"Sure – no problem," I instantly replied.

Cathy called James, thanked him, and said I'd drive her to the hotel. She laughed at something he said – which I obviously couldn't hear – just before she terminated the call.

With a truly diabolical grin, Cathy said "I'm going to need some more wine for this last part," holding out her glass. She wasn't drunk, but she had consumed more than I had and was feeling no pain. I filled her glass, then she moved her legs apart – I couldn't tell if was conscious or unconscious but I could tell that she had no panties on – and then started in.

"As I told you, Rob's ego is completely wrapped up in this 'father' thing. I really love him and don't want to see him hurt."

I nodded – trying not to stare at her pussy, and also trying to suppress my boner – as she sipped her wine, then continued.

"I really want to have kids, and Rob perhaps even more badly than I do."

More nodding and staring and boner suppression on my part; more wine sipping on hers.

"Also, I have talked with Jenny – who really is now my sister, closest friend, female soulmate – about this. She really cares about you, me, and Rob."

More nodding and staring and boner suppression on my part; more wine sipping on hers.

"I...we...Jenny and I...well..." Cathy was stammering more than at any other time that I had known her and turning bright red; "we want you to come home. But whether you come home or not, I...we...uh...want you to impregnate me."

My eyes got as big as baseballs; I started sweating; I got a lump in my throat; my cock almost burst my zipper; I thought that I might faint. I don't know how long I stared at Cathy in disbelief before I finally stammered "I don't...uh...yeah...well...think that...I right!"

She repeated what she had just said, moving her legs farther apart, and with more resolve than the first time.

I don't know how long I, completely flabbergasted, stared at her when she said "Call Jenny and talk to her about it. Use my phone so she doesn't see the number from yours. She's expecting your call."

I sat there still dumbfounded while Cathy took out her cellphone and made a call.

"Hi Jenny; he's here. We've had a complete discussion and I told him what we were after. Can you talk to him?...OK, I'll have him take it in his bedroom."

Cathy held out the phone to me – I got up, took it from her, and walked into my bedroom. After I closed the door I said:

"Hi Jenny."

"Hi Dave – I love you and miss you and Kyle and I desperately want you back and I'll do anything to get you back,' Jenny replied, obviously on the verge of tears.

"We can talk about that more later," I gently responded, "but first I need you to confirm what Cathy has just laid on me."

"OK – I surely will, Dave."

I went through everything that Cathy had told me. I didn't say things like "Cathy told me..." Rather, I asked questions where she had to provide answers without leading, like "Who is Kyle's biological father?"

With minor deviation, and choice of different words, Jenny told me exactly what Cathy had. Finally I came to the million dollar question. "Have you agreed with Cathy about how she might get pregnant?"

In a voice that was the strongest of our whole conversation, and without further prompting, she instantly replied "I want you to impregnate her. She is my female soulmate, she and Rob want kids so badly, and she can't destroy Rob's ego and possibly ruin their relationship by telling him that he can't father kids. I...I...I want you to help her out. And I want you to come back to me and make more babies with me..." the last sentence delivered through sobs.

I waited for her sobs to subside, and then said "I promise to let you know within the next few days what I'm going to do. I still love you; always have."

"I love you too," Jenny sobbed as I terminated the call.

When I walked out of my bedroom Cathy was standing there with only her high heels, a string of pearls, and a smile, on. She was holding a big photo of Kyle – I assume that it was Kyle – and he really did look cute, although it was hard to concentrate on the photo when looking at her killer knockers and prominent clitoris, which she obviously had been stimulating while I was talking to Jenny.

Cathy walked right up to me and in her most sultry voice said "Make me one of these, Dave," pointing to Kyle's photo. Then she dropped the photo and put her arms around my neck and laid one on me.

It was all that I could do to practice the patience that Madeline had taught me when dealing with this goddess who had been the subject of my mania for so many years. I was able to gain control by staying away from her tits before I got her into my bed, got naked myself, and ate her pussy to two orgasms. By then she was primed.

I put Cathy's ankles on my shoulders, buried my cock balls deep in one stroke, and grabbed onto both tits with my hands. As I stroked away, angling her body and my cock so as to use my newly taught clitoris and G-spot energizing techniques, it was obvious that I was clearly succeeding where I had failed the only other two times in my life that I got to stick my cock into her pussy. She was moaning, jerking, gasping, and spasming as a first penal-induced orgasm hit her, then a second. Seconds after her second hit I groaned like a pen full of hogs as I discharged a mammoth load into her anxious pussy. She screamed, and stuck a wrist into her mouth to try and muffle it, although I'm sure that the neighbors heard it all. Then she went limp.

I kept her ankles on my shoulders and continued to massage her magnificent mammaries long after the last spurt of seminal fluid had entered her passage. My understanding was that staying in that position helped the little swimmers along. Finally I went flaccid and lay next to her. I turned out the low table lamp that was next to the bed and then cuddled her.

"Holy shit, Dave," she half-whispered, half-moaned. "What the hell has gotten into you since we were together last?"

"I just let my inner animal out more," I smiled, and then kissed her lips, not knowing if she could see my smile by the filtered light coming through my bedroom window from an outside street lamp.

"WOW – that was great! Making a baby with you is really gonna be fun with a capital 'F,'" she said, with a grin hard to miss even in the low light. She proceeded to say "Holy Shit" about twenty times in a row with decreasing frequency and volume until I heard her lightly snoring. I played with her peerless puppies until my eyes got heavy and I too fell asleep.

Despite the fact that it might have been the best rest I had had since before the fateful weekend at the lake house, now almost a year ago, I woke up in the middle of the night when I felt a moist mouth engulfing my increasingly turgid cock. I immediately became alert and quickly remembered that it was a goddess' lips on my baby maker. It wasn't long before Cathy was on her hands and knees and screaming into her pillow as I blasted my second large load of the night into her captivating cunt. Once her orgasm subsided and my cock went flaccid, I turned her onto her back and raised her legs again to provide another assist to my little swimmers as she purred and mumbled "Fuck yeah...this is fun...fuck yeah!"

I begged off work Thursday and Friday. Thursday morning we picked her stuff up from her hotel and brought it to my house – after we had an intense fuck in the whirlpool bath in her hotel room. We ate lunch, fucked, worked out at the health club I belonged to, fucked, ate dinner, fucked, went to a movie, then fucked again both Thursday and Friday.

Friday I called my supervisor and told her that I was resigning. She didn't like to see me go especially since the lab had just gotten fully staffed for the first time in about two years, but she understood when I told her that I was returning to my wife and son; she promised me a good recommendation. I also called up Leslie and told her that I was leaving – she was sad, but also understood, and wished me well. I told my landlord that I was vacating, but that was no big deal since I had the apartment month-to-month. He just deducted a cleaning fee from my security deposit and returned it.

Cathy and I had one more epic fuck in my bed before we left to drive home in my car. During the drive we talked about many things. One thing in the front of Cathy's mind was how I turned from a poor lover – except for oral – to a super stud. I saw no reason not to tell her about Madeline and how my time with her had exponentially increased my self-confidence, helped even more by my exercise regime. I saw no reason to tell her about Leslie.

In the forefront of my mind was what the status of her fertility was over the last three days. "Dead set in the middle of my most fertile period," she chuckled. Then reaching over and squeezing my cock through my pants she cackled "and tonight is still the tail end of it," knowing that we couldn't make the 962 mile trip in just one day, especially since we had had a morning fuck before we left.

I asked her what she told Rob about her absence. "He knows that I went in search of you, but that's it. He's never, ever, ever to know about his virtually non-existent sperm count, or that I found you Wednesday. As far as he's concerned I found you this morning and talked you into coming home today. He's also never to know that Kyle is not his biological son; you can be sure he will never, ever, mention it himself."

As I fucked Cathy with everything that I had – twice – that Saturday night, knowing that it would be the last time unless my swimmers didn't make it to her eggs this month and we needed a repeat – or the possibility of a second pregnancy several years from now – I was really in a zone. I had no guilt, no remorse, only pleasure. Plus I was really and truly looking forward to seeing Kyle and being with Jenny again. I hadn't allowed myself to realize how much I had missed her until I talked to her on the phone.

I dropped Cathy off with a goodbye kiss, without seeing Rob, and drove home. Another thing that Cathy had told me was that she and Rob helped Jenny with the mortgage payments since she had only one income, so her financial situation wasn't desperate.

Jenny greeted me at the door with Kyle in her arms and a big – although cautious – smile on her face. I kissed her passionately, then took Kyle from her arms and held him up in the air. He giggled and gurgled. He really was cute, and active too as he waved his arms and pumped his legs in every which way.

Jenny and I sat down in the living room passing Kyle back and forth between us. After talking about our experiences over the time that we were apart I concluded our talk with "Jenny – let's not dwell on my leaving, or the reasons for it. Let's not dwell on the pain both of us have felt for the last eleven plus months. Let's just rejoice that we're back together and pledge never to grow apart again."

A tear formed in her eye. While I held Kyle with my left hand she buried her head in my right shoulder. "I'd really like that; in fact I'd love that," she sighed.

After about ten minutes of that bliss Kyle got a little fussy. "He's hungry," she giggled "and you can't do anything about that so pass him to me."

She whipped out a tit – considerably larger, due to her pregnancy, than the last time I saw it. Kyle glommed onto it and started sucking up a storm, his eyes watching me the whole time. "He knows that you'd like to be slurping too, and he's watching you to make sure that you don't try to invade his turf," she laughed.

"Do I get a turn when he's done?" I asked, moving my eyebrows up and down.

"After he goes down for his nap his daddy can do anything he wants to me," she snickered as she licked her lips.

Kyle did go down for his nap, conking out as soon as his belly was full of milk. Then I did do what I wanted to Jenny.

To let Jenny know that it was a new me, I literally ripped her clothes off as I passionately kissed her and kneaded her enlarged mammary glands. Then I brought her to two orgasms by sucking on her clit while massaging her G-spot with two fingers. Before she came down from her second orgasm I buried my rock hard cock in her snug pulsating pussy, massaging one of her marvelous thighs with one hand, and squeezing a little milk out of one of her tits with the other.

Jenny's paroxysm, shuddering, and screaming let me know how much she enjoyed my penis' action in her pussy, especially when I ejaculated into her what seemed like the largest volume of seminal fluid that I could ever remember doing – it seemed like the spurts continued for a good two minutes. Jenny was delirious, and I was content, as I collapsed on the bed as my softening cock popped out of her vagina, and she instinctively buried her head in my shoulder.

We regained cognizance at about the same time. "Who are you, a professional gigolo? And what have you done with my husband?" Jenny giggled as she stroked my cock.

"Better be careful with your hand there, missy, or you're likely to get poked again," I snickered.

Two minutes later I was doggy fucking her while reaming her asshole with my thumb and she seemed to be having a continuous prolonged climax.


I saw my parents – with Jenny and Kyle – the next day; they were happy to have me back. Rob and Cathy came over to my parents' house; Rob was chagrined and apologetic, but I told him bygones were bygones. That was a lot easier to do now considering how many times I had fucked his wife during the last week, and also in view of the fact that twice during the visit Cathy surreptitiously whispered into my ear "Your cum is still leaking down my thigh, you animal."

My supervisor at my old job was retiring. She hired me back on the spot, but not for my old job – for hers after she trained me for a month. The new types of equipment I had worked with during my "sabbatical" were what she wanted to purchase for our hospital, and my knowledge of it made it easy for her to successfully recommend me for the job.

Apparently, my little swimmers are Olympic champions. Cathy and Jenny both got pregnant, Cathy probably the Saturday night before I got home, and Jenny probably the day of our Homecoming fucks. Jenny delivered a happy, healthy, cute little girl two days before her due date, and Cathy delivered healthy and happy boy and girl twins two days after her due date – and four days after Jenny had delivered our girl.

Both Jenny and Cathy had their tubes tied – two kids was enough for each.

Rob and I were proud daddies. Jenny and Cathy were hassled but extremely happy Moms. It was really fortunate that not only were Cathy's tits enormous but that they were highly efficient milk producers because her kids had big appetites.


It's now ten years after Jenny's baby girl and Cathy's twins were born. All four kids are as smart and as coordinated as Rob, but all bear a stronger resemblance to me than to him; all are well-adjusted. As far as I know Rob still thinks that he is the father of three of the kids, and Jenny, Cathy and I – the only people who know differently – are not about to tell him the truth.

My sex life with Jenny is GREAT.

After impregnating Cathy, I never fucked her again. We are great friends, however, and share inside jokes or tales on occasion. I no longer have a mania about her, but do love her – almost as much as I love Jenny!

Jenny and Cathy remain more like sisters than sisters-in-law due to their shared experiences and working together to raise four active kids.

Rob and Cathy stopped all sex with anyone else – no more agreed-upon one night stands.

Rob and I repaired our relationship by not overthinking it or over-talking about it. Rob is a great Dad and uncle, and I like to think that I am too.

Life is grand!


And they lived happily ever after (this is placed here so that there are no more questions about sequels – this is it, for better or worse)!

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Just_WordsJust_Words3 months ago

Two things... First, if you check on line, sex therapists do not have sex with their patients. That's a myth and it's unethical. Second, he can't admit to anyone that the first child is his? That's unacceptable. The older brother needs to suck it up.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJ8 months ago

Deducted stars for the stupid political comment about his destination. Unnecessary and distracting. But since you brought it up, you implied he would go to a blue state. I guess he doesn't like law and order. He is ok with rampant crime, homelessness, high taxes and illegal immigrant chaos. Well, if that's what you are into then go West young man. CA, OR & WA are just what you are dreaming of.

Huedogg2Huedogg28 months ago

So your solution is to turn your brother in to a cuckold instead of dumping the slut

mariverzmariverz10 months ago

mmmm.... si esto no califica como el raac mas patetico en literotica, pega en el palo.

que mal aquí el autor

IEnjoyEroticaIEnjoyEroticaabout 1 year ago

If I was Rob, I would of had another DNA test when he returned foe extra piece of mind.

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