Marcie, The Braless Warrior


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That afternoon, George had two more conversations with school officials. The bottom line was his daughter was not in trouble. She hadn't violated any dress code by not wearing a bra because the code doesn't specifically require underwear to be worn, but she was called out of class for being a 'distraction'.

They sent him the current dress code and highlighted one line. "Student attire that is deemed a disruption to the learning environment will be considered a violation of the Dress Code policy."


Jayme and Marcie's other friends called her. They had heard about what had happened. They were outraged and completely on her side.

Marcie sent out a tweet to her school's twitter account. "I decided not to wear a bra today and got pulled out of class because one of my teachers complained that it was a "distraction to boys in my class." My school basically told me that the boys' education is far more important than mine and I should be ashamed of my body."


After dinner, Marcie soaked in a tub of cool water and oatmeal. She dried off and walked into the family room naked, carrying a towel and some lotion. She said, "Dad, is there something wrong with me?"


She bared her body to him and said, "I didn't think so. Why did the boys go crazy and why did Ms. Velazquez try to constrict my breasts with a tight undershirt and want me to hide my nipples?"

George came to her and put his hands on her shoulders. He smiled, looked her in the eyes and said, "You're beautiful. You are a perfectly normal woman. You have are the usual parts in all the usual places."

She stepped into him, hugged him, and said, "Thank you."

He kissed her on the top of her head and said, "You're not the problem. Women are not the problem. Boobs that aren't in bras are not the problem. It's society. It's the way some boys and men reacted that is the problem. Distraction is a choice. How are you supposed to control someone's reaction?"

She raised herself on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. She said, "Thanks. Can you rub on some lotion?"


She placed the towel on the sofa and lay on her tummy. George gently applied it. He made a point of touching the side of her boobs and brushing his fingers against her sex. He sat back and asked, "My hands strayed a bit. Was that sexually exciting for you?"

"No!" she answered forcefully. She turned over to look at him. Her legs splayed and he saw her pussy. The swift movement caused her breasts to bounce and jiggle.

He smiled and said, "I touched you to prove a point. Having your breasts touched or touching a woman's breasts is not necessarily a sexual act. It didn't arouse you or me. They say 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. I take that to mean it's all about perception. Seeing you naked, putting lotion on your bare skin, touching your boobs, is only sexually if we intend it and perceive it that way."

He stood, unbuckled his pants, and pulled them down along with his underwear. He showed her his cock. It was six thick inches of flaccid meat. He said, "Here's proof that I haven't been sexually aroused by anything I did tonight."

"Holy shit! That's thing's huge. Wow. There is a big difference between men and boys." She leaned in and got a good look at his cock. Then she said, "No wonder mom always had a smile on her face and a song in her heart!"

She had a look of wonder and amazement on her face. She looked up at his face and asked. "How big does that thing get when it's erect? Twelve inches?"

"No. Didn't your mother cover this? Cocks are like boobs they come in many types, colors, sizes, and shapes. Some men are circumcised and some are uncut. Some men have penises that are two-three inches long when flaccid and grow to five or six or more when erect. Not all penises double in size. My dick expands when I'm aroused. It gets thicker and firmer, but not that much longer."

He grimaced and said, "I showed you my penis to prove that I didn't have an erection. That I wasn't sexually aroused. To prove the point that you weren't to blame for the boys in your class misbehaving. If the boys have lust in their hearts, that's their problem. That is something they need to deal with. To control. It is not something you can control."

She nodded.

He said, "Just to clarify things, men have can have a dozen erections in a day and another four to six while sleeping. We generally wake up with a big boner. Hence the term 'morning wood'. And this can all happen without any sexual stimulation. It is just to test the equipment and keep it in good working order."

He reached out and touched her erect nipple.

"Oh," she cried in surprise.

"Dicks are like nipples in that sometimes we are aroused and they get hard. But that's not the only reason, so I don't assume you're aroused right now. Nipples get hard for lots of reasons. It could be caused by wearing tight clothes, the fabric of the shirt, a reaction to cold weather, or in response to a nice breeze."

"Thanks, Dad. I get it."

"The bottom line is boys get excited and they misbehave whether you wear a bra or not. You could be wearing pants, bend over to pick up the pencil you dropped, and all the guys in your class could get a boner. It's not your fault. And the onus is on them to behave properly at all times."

"Exactly," she said.

A sneaky smile crept across her face. She said, "If you were to get one of those non-sexual, spontaneous erections, could I see it?"

A crease appeared on his forehead. She saw his look of concern and said quickly, "It's for science." She gave him an open, honest look and said, "Dad, I'm curious. I figure this is a safe place to learn these kinds of things."

He paused and then, said, "This is a safe place."

"Thank you," Marcie said. "I'm going to be nude tonight. Will you join me? It's necessary for me. I'd appreciate not being the only one." She tempted him by adding, "It's freeing and kind of fun."

He kicked his shoes off and teased, "You won't objectify me, will you?"

She giggled and said, "Noooo!" She smiled. Her face beamed as he undressed. When he was naked, she came to him, gave him a big hug, and said, "Thank you."

Her soft flesh pressed against his hard body. Her hard nipples scored his chest. He hugged her back.

"Ouch. Ouch," she squealed.

He dropped his arms and said, "Sorry."

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "I love you."

He said, "I'm proud of you. I love you and everything about you."


They sat together on the sofa and watched television. During a commercial, she blurted out, "I don't want to wear a bra to school tomorrow."

"Then don't."

She turned to him and explained, "If I did, it would mean I'm admitting that my breasts are the problem and they aren't."

"I agree."

She sat up on the couch. Her bare breasts jutted out. The high beams were on. Her nipples were long and hard. She said, "Lots of people at school have been supportive of me. They think the way I was treated was sexist. That the school is body shaming me for having boobs and ignoring the boys' bad behavior."

"I agree."

"My friends are calling for a 'Bracott'." She giggled at the funny term. "A bunch of my classmates won't be wearing bras to school. They've started a Facebook page titled 'No Bra, No Problem'. People on the internet are commenting and supporting me. They are calling me, 'Marcie, the Braless Warrior'."

"I like that name. This is a fight worth having. Go for it!"


Marcie went to school the next day without her bra. Nearly a hundred females supported her by not wearing bras. Many carried signs. Some of the signs said, 'Said No to Body shaming!" or "Bracott! For Equal Justice!" or "Worry About Supporting the Movement, Not Boobs."

The teachers and principals ignored them. None of the braless students were dragged to the principal's office and accused of being a distraction.

The next day, the number of Marcie's braless supporters grew to two hundred. Some women tied the bras they weren't wearing to their backpacks and let them hang out for all to see. Some boys showed up at school wearing a bra over their T-shirts.

The signs got edger. One braless senior used a magic marker to write on her white tee shirt, "Do My Nipples Offend You?". Another classmates had shirts that stated, "Woman are the Boss of their Body!"

Again, the adults in charge ignored the protesters.

After school, Marcie's phone rang. She didn't recognize the number, but she answered it anyway. "Hello."

"Hi, This is Jane Friend. I'm a reporter with WFLA."

"The radio station?" Marcie said.

"Yes. Are you Marcie Amazon?"


"I've heard about your 'Bracott'? Can I ask you some questions about it? Many of us support your efforts to end body shaming and want to share the news of your fight."


"How did it start?"

"I expected last Monday to be a normal school day," Marcie said. "I didn't set out to make a statement for women's equality. I'd gotten a bad sunburn over the weekend. My shoulders were too sore to wear a bra so I didn't. I made sure I picked a shirt that covered everything. It had long sleeves and a high collar."

"What happened?"

"Nothing at first. I went to a couple of classes and everything was fine. Then, one of the guys must have seen me jiggle. Word spread like wildfire that I wasn't wearing a bra. A lot of guys stared at me, pointed, and laughed. I was sent to the office for being a distraction."

"So the boys didn't get in trouble?"

"That's right. Nothing happened to them. The boys were pointing, laughing and talking."

"Sounds like they were disrupting the class. Then what happened?"

"I was sent to the office. The Dean of students made me feel like it was all my fault. Because I wasn't wearing a bra. She tried to fix me. At first, she had me wear a second shirt. Then, she told me to put Band-Aids over my nipples."

Her voice caught and Marcie began to cry.

The reporter said, "I'm so sorry you were treated that way."

Marcie said, "I've got to go."

"I understand. Be strong. Bye," Ms. Friend said.


The reporter wrote her story and broadcasted it. It got a lot of buzz. People in her town were talking about her.

George came home from work and called out, "Where's the Braless Warrior? I heard about you on the radio."

"In the bathroom," Marcie answered.

He came down the hall. The door was open. He went inside. His daughter was nude and soaking in the tub. She smiled at him.

He smiled back. His eyes swept across her body: the short legs, her hairless cunt, the womanly hips, a narrow waist, her big, bountiful breasts, and her pretty face. Her long hair had been pulled back and put into a ponytail.

He looked into her green eyes and said, "It was great. You're garnering a lot of support. Men and women at work are telling me what happened to you isn't right."

"My phone is blowing up. More girls have joined the protest and have ditched their bras. I got a call from a local TV reporter."

"Oh. La te da," he teased her. "Do you want to be on TV?"

"Yes, but not because I want to be on television. So many classmates and other women have shared their experiences with me of being sexualized or shamed. I feel I should do the interview because I have the opportunity to speak out. I'm being offered a platform the others aren't."

"Then do it."

"Can I have a fifty dollars? I want to cut my hair first. If I'm going to be on TV people will see me and judge me. It shouldn't matter, but how I look will affect how they hear me. This message is too important to be derailed because I look like a kid and I have terrible hair."

"Sounds reasonable to me." He reached for his wallet and pulled out three twenties. He placed them on the sink and walked out.

Marcie got out the tub, dried herself, and walked naked to her bedroom. Her father was across the hall changing out of his work clothes. He was putting on an old pair of jeans. She stopped in his doorway and said, "Stop. Please."

"What?" he said

"Can we have a naked dinner?" she asked. He gave her a queer look. She explained. "You know how good it feels to go barefoot in a lush lawn of green grass?"


"That's how I feel when I'm naked. It's great. Comfortable. Free and easy. Even better than being barefoot in the grass because it's not just my toes. It's my whole body. I liked sharing that experience with you last night. I want to do it again."

"Okay. It was nice," George said. He smiled and took off all his clothes. His cock and balls stretched out and hung free. His long, thick, soft penis swung naturally when he moved.

She smiled at him. He smiled back. Then, she went into her room. She went to her desk, her dresser, and the dirty clothes hamper. She picked up things and looked in drawers.

George watched her check here and check there. Her body moved fluidly. He saw her muscles stretch and flex. Her boobs quivered. He said, "What are you looking for?"

She paused, turned to look at him, and said, "I have a card with the number of a beauty salon."

She jumped forward, her breasts bounced, and she said, "There it is." She picked up a business card, grabbed her phone, and punched in the number.

"House of Beauty," a voice said.

"Timmy? Is that you?" Marcie said excitedly.

"Yes. Who's this?"

"It's Marcie. I met you at a party last weekend. We both had disappointing rendezvous? I'm the girl with the long, black hair." She turned away from her father and concentrated on her phone call. George smiled at her dimpled ass and then went into the family room.

"Yes. Hi, Marcie. Are you ready to do something with your hair?"

"Yes. Have you heard about the Braless Warrior and the kerfuffle about a girl not wearing a bra a school?"


"That's me."

"Really? Good for you. Go girl power!"

"Thanks. A local TV station wants to interview me and I want the town to see a put together, confident woman. The long stringy hair has to go."

"You know I agree, sister."

"The problem is they want me tomorrow. Can your mom help me out?"

"Let me check." He put the phone down. Marcie heard two people having a conversation, but she couldn't understand the words. Timmy picked up the phone and said, "I begged, pleaded, and agreed to work two Saturdays to get you the appointment. Can you be here at 7:30?"

"Yes. Thank you! You're a lifesaver."

She hung up the phone and said to her father, "Dad, can you run me to the salon tonight? We'd need to leave at 7:10."



Marcie cooked dinner. She made a mac and cheese casserole with three kinds of cheese and some leftover chicken.

George smiled when he was called to the table. He said, "You're so cute naked under that apron. A regular Betty Crocker or Suzy Homemaker"

"Ha," she guffawed. She turned around, bent over, and shoved her ass out. She said, "Have you ever seen Betty Crocker naked? Does this look like Suzy Homemaker's ass?'

They both laughed.

Then, George said, "I have seen that before and I don't mean your bare bottom. When we were first married, before a kid came along and cramped our style, your mother would dress like that. She was a great gal. I'd come home to find her naked in the bedroom waiting for me or wearing just a smile and an apron and cooking my dinner."

"Good for you," Marcie said earnestly. "So like mother, like daughter. I've come by my appreciation of nudity honestly."

She took off the apron and plated the food. The new nudists sat, ate, talked, enjoyed the view, and being totally comfortable.

Marcie and her Dad cleared the table and washed the dishes. They played around. He put dabs of soap bubbles on both her nipples. She gave his half erect cock a white, bubble beard. He replaced her missing pubic hair with a triangle of bubbles on her abdomen. They laughed and had fun.

They got dressed, left on time, and drove to the salon. Timmy greeted Marcie with a hug. He introduced her to his mother. She was a stylish woman in her mid-thirties with platinum blond hair. A half-smoked cigarette hung from her mouth.

"Call me Babs," she said to everyone.

Marcie introduced her father. "This is George Amazon."

"Please to meet you," Babs said. She smiled as she gave him the once over.

George didn't notice. He was too busy checking out her curves.

George had a seat in the waiting room while the fashion conscious trio discussed options. The singer, P!nk, was their inspiration. A decision was made, scissors and clippers came out. A ton of hair fell to the floor.

While she was cutting her hair, Babs, pumped Marcie for information about her father. She let it drop that she was divorced, available, and looking. She told her that she found her father quite attractive.

When it was done, Marcie looked in the mirror and said, "I love it!"

Timmy said, "Mom, you nailed it. It's spectacular!"

"It's what you asked for," Babs said. "Very short on the sides and three to four inches of hair on top which I moussed so it fluffs up and goes back. It is fun and gives you the appearance of being taller."

George came over. He stared open-mouthed into the mirror at his daughter. He said, "You're beautiful. You have been hiding that beautiful face and those gorgeous, green eyes."

"Exactly what I told her the other day," Timmy said. "She was a hottie one hair cut away from happening. The butterfly is out of her cocoon."

Babs said to her son, "Timmy, why don't you discuss makeup options with Marcie. Work on playing up her eyes."

The kids ran off. Babs said to George, "They'll be tied up for a few minutes. Care for a cup of coffee?"

"Sure. Decaf if you have it."

"Come this way." She led him through the shop to her kitchen and living room. She said, "The front half is the beauty shop. The back and upstairs is where we live."

She made them coffee and adjourned to the living room. He sat on the sofa. She sat in an upholstered chair to his right. While they talked, she constantly crossed and uncrossed her legs. She had long, shapely legs and he couldn't help but notice. She laughed at his jokes and she told a few dirty ones of her own.

During the conversation, both mentioned that they were unattached. Their body language and facial expressions showed they were interested. Babs was not shy. In addition to showing off her legs, she 'accidentally' let him see her breasts.

She came over to the coffee table in front of him to clear away his empty coffee cup. She leaned over at the hip. The front of her dress fell away from her body. She stood like that for an extra couple of seconds. Her pretense was she was cleaning something Timmy had spilled on the table.

"Darn kids. Always making a mess. What is this? Jelly?"

She wiped at the table with a napkin. The whole time, she gave George the chance to look down her dress.

He took advantage of the opportunity. He saw round breasts held in place by a demi-cup bra. There was so much tanned flesh he was pretty sure she sunbathed topless. Perhaps, totally in the nude.

She gave him ample time to inspect her goods. Then, she crooked her neck, smiled, and asked, "See anything you like?"

George's face went red. He was too flustered to answer. Babs straightened up, came around the table, sat beside him, and said, "We're too old to be cute and play coy. We don't have the time. I like you and I think you like me. Am I right?"


"Then, let's cut the bullshit."

She leaned in for a kiss. He kissed her back. They embraced each other and traded spit.

Babs pulled back and said, "You're a good kisser. Am I a good enough kisser to be asked out on a date? Dinner? Friday?"

"Yes," George said. "Let's do dinner."

She leaned in again. Her hand pressed on his groin. She smiled when she felt his big, hard dick. "Great." She squeezed his cock so there'd be no doubt that the placement of her hand was an accident.