Margie and the R Man


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But he interrupted her: "Don't even say it! I know it's not the things; I would never think that you were that shallow! As a matter of fact I know that you aren't."

"Thank you, Foster," she said, and yawned. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she said immediately.

"What a sexy sound that was," he said right away. "Good night, beautiful Margie!"

"Good night," she said, "Sending you a hug from an almost naked me!"

"Hmm," he mused, "Lucky me!"

It was lunch time the next day; she was about to go out and get something for lunch, when Foster appeared. They had a session planned that day but not until four PM.

"Foster," she said, getting a hug from him. "I was about to go to lunch."

"Mind if I tag along?" he asked.

"Love it," was her reply.

They got out to the car and she handed him the keys, asking him to drive. He drove and went to a Mercedes Dealer out on the star route.

"I have some business here," he said, "Won't take a minute."

He was greeted by inside the door by a salesman but the greeting was by name. The salesman went and got the dealer manager, who came and also greeted Foster by name.

"Hank," Foster said, happily, and turning to Margie said: "Margie this is my business partner, Hank Wade. Margie Wendt, my Physical Therapist and a good friend."

"Pleased to meet you, Margie," Hank said.

Then he turned to Foster and said: "I got your message; is it for her?"

"Yes, it is," Foster said.

Then to Hank he said: "You'd better let me explain this."

Hank walked away, and Foster turned to Margie, who was wide eyed.

"Foster?" she said.

"Your Toyota is dead," Foster said, "Just dead! We need to get you a car, rather than just loaning you my run about, and since I co-own this place, I brought you here."

"Foster," she said, making herself calm. "I'm not going to disgrace myself and you by jumping up and down and squealing."

"Might be interesting to see though," he said.

"You mean this?" she asked.

"You know me well enough by now to know that I do," was his response.

"You like the car," he went on, "Pick the color."

"I said we'd talk about the car but didn't really have this in mind,"she said.

He laughed.

"Hank, have someone show her, will you?" Foster said. Then to Margie he said:

"As soon as you're ready, Hank and I will be in his office."

Margie looked over the cars, exactly like the sports car that he'd 'loaned' her. She chose a white one, a convertible. She was grinning all out, when she knocked on Hank's office door.

"Settled?" Foster asked.

"Settled!" she said.

"She can pick it up after work today?" Foster asked.

"It'll be ready," Hank said and then to Margie: "Pleasure meeting such a good friend of Foster's."

Foster went on ahead then to talk to the salesman about the car deal, and Hank put a hand on Margie's arm:

"I've known Foster for years and years; I haven't seen him this way in over 15 years. He's a gem, and I thank you for the way you're obviously caring for him!"

Margie blushed. "He keeps sweeping me off my feet!"

"That's our Foster!" Hank said, and then Foster was back.

They grabbed pizza slices from a local grocery mega store for a quick lunch and then he took her back to work.

"I guess you can have your runabout back!" she said.

"Yes, thank you; see you for our session," he said, "Then we can go and pick up your vehicle!"

"Foster," she said, "I'm pretty much beyond words here!"

"Thank you," he said, "What a nice compliment."

After his session, they went and picked up her new car. In the lot, she held onto him and wouldn't let go.

"Oh, I just want to hold you, and hold you!" she said. "I wish I could give you something back!"

"Oh, you do, Margie," he said. "You do!"

"I hate to run but have somethings tonight that I need to do; I promise that this weekend you'll get all my attention!"

"Oh, I'll like that," she said.

When they parted, she went to Dale and Susie's house. She had to show someone her car, and knew that Janie was busy.

They were really excited about it.

"Mom," Dale asked, once they'd looked the car over, "Is this getting serious?"

"Not sure," Margie said, sipping tea that Susie had made, "I think so. We'll see this weekend. We have only ever kissed," she said, getting red in the face.

"It's okay, Mom," he said to her, "You can talk to me, I'm gonna be a doctor!"

They all laughed at that.

The weekend! She was in a dither about the weekend for days, and finally it was there. Foster had invited Stan to bring along his wife Lily. He also spoke to Stan and Lily one evening prior to the trip and asked them to try to make Margie feel at home. He indicated how important it was to him.

But as it turned out there was no need to make special arrangements. Lily and Margie got along as though they were long time friends. It was an almost immediate match.

Margie felt comfortable confiding to Lily that she was nervous.

"Honey," Lily said at one point, "He has no evil designs. He's not that way. Foster is one of the most genuine men that I've ever met."

"Well, he certainly has seemed to be that way," Margie answered.

"As a matter of fact, don't tell the boys that I said this, but the Boss is totally smitten by you! Stan says it's the first time he's seen this kind of reaction from Foster for over a decade."

They giggled about that but it certainly gave Margie something to think about.

She was blown away by the fact that they were going to the Bahamas in his private jet, with Stan the Man as the pilot. Foster, apologizing for the arrangement, sat up in the co-pilot's seat and that gave Lilly and Margie time to talk in the back. Lily also, once they were airborne served some drinks and snacks.

Margie's next big surprise/shock was the house itself. It was a large, grand house, on a little bay. When they got into the house, Foster took her on what he called 'the cook's tour' of the place. She was really excited.

At the dock, in front of the house, was a large and magnificent looking boat. She didn't know if it should be called a 'yacht' or a 'boat'. It seemed to Margie that she was just running into one marvel after another. Yet Foster was his same soft spoken, caring self.

They decided to have a swim, while Stan got some pastries ready to have with coffee, once they were finished.

Margie was given a palatial room with a huge four poster bed in it and windows that looked over the bay area. She was enchanted. When she had her red bathing suit on, she met Lily in the hallway on the way downstairs.

"Oh, look at you!" Lily said. Then she smiled and said: "Honey, you must let me go out first. Once you emerge looking like Christmas candy in that red bathing suit, no one is going to pay any attention to me at all."

They both giggled at that. (Giggling! Margie could hardly believe how all of this was changing her, kind of relaxing her and she was pleased with the way that she was becoming more and more at ease with Foster and his kind of life. She was becoming a giggler also! "How bad can that be?" she asked herself.)

"My, my" Foster said, "You are lovely beyond lovely! Why didn't I ever notice that about you at pt?" (Although to tell the truth he actually did! And it was that which prompted him in the first place.)

"Because you were too busy being afraid of the Dragon Lady!" she said with a grin.

"Got out of PT though, didn't I; here we are in the Bahamas!" he went on.

"Yes, but you brought the Dragon Lady with you!" she said laughing, and he and Stan and Lily joined in the laugh.

"Gee,"Foster said, hugging Margie, "I thought I brought my friend Margie!"

She grinned at him and said: "Kiss me and no Dragon Lady!"

They had their swim in the wonderfully blue and clear water. Foster taught her a bit of snorkeling also. It was refreshing, and , when the swim was done, Stan had coffee and pastries ready for them on the veranda overlooking the bay.

"Foster," Margie said, when they were alone, Lily and Stan were off working on lunch plans, "This is so wonderful and it's so nice of you to include me."

"Of course I included you," he said, "You're my friend."

"Do you mind terribly," Margie said, "If I have a lie down before lunch?"

"Good idea," he said, "I know we rousted you out at 3 AM."

"I'm for a shower," she said, "And then a nap."

They went inside and Margie went to her room. She luxuriated in the shower in her bathroom and was just drying off, when there was a knock on the bedroom door. She called out: "Come in."

It was Foster. "Lily said that she wasn't sure about enough clean towels. I've brought some."

"Thank you, Foster," she said.

"I'll leave you then," he said.

It was an instant's inspiration and Margie gave in to it willingly.

"Foster," she called out.

"Yes?" he answered.

"Wait a moment, please?" she said, "I'd like a hug."

"Oh that would be nice!" was his answer. But he stood and simply stared as she came out of the bathroom for the hug totally naked.

"Ohhhhhhh!" was all that he could manage.

"Naked hug, Foster!" she said. "Forgive the girl for being so forward!"

"Nothing to forgive," he said, surrounding her with his arms, "She's beauty itself!"

"And she likes the beauty to be touched," she said into his ear, moving then so that she could kiss him, and enjoying the feel of his hands sweeping down her naked back to her ass, with one creeping around to caress an already hard nipple.

"Beautiful! Lovely! Wonderful!" he said, and looking at her went on: "And tired. Let's get you into bed. Something to wear?"

"I think not," she said. "Mind?"

"Lovely idea," he said, tucking her in and pulling the covers up. "Shall I come for you in an hour?"

"Would you please?" she asked, holding out her arms for one more hug and kiss before he left.

With a sigh then, she settled down for a nap.

He woke her in an hour, as he had promised. He knocked softly on the door and went in, going to the bed and kissing her on the shoulder.

"Hey sleepy head!" he said as she roused and smiled at him.

"What shall I wear?" she asked.

"I'd say nothing but maybe that'll be for another time; casual," he said walking toward the door.

"Foster," she called out in a semi sleepy voice. Then she uncovered her naked ass and said: "Pat? Rub? Pinch? Slap? Kiss?"

He laughed and said: "What an invitation. All of the above!" He proceeded to do exactly what she'd requested: He patted her ass, then rubbed it for a bit, and then pinched it, getting a little squeal from Margie, then it was a vigorous slap and another squeal but he finished with a kiss to each cheek of her ass.

She simply pulled up the covers and grinned at him as he winked and left the room.

That afternoon, following lunch, they took the boat out and cruised a bit, giving the girls a chance to swim and snorkel after a while in another lovely cove. Both Lily and Margie wore their bikinis for the boat ride.

Then it was back for some quiet time before dinner, which Lily and Stan were busy fixing.

"He certainly, Stan I mean, is a great companion!" Margie said, as they sipped glasses of sherry, again on the veranda.

"Yes, he's been with me for over fifteen years and Lily is a true treat," he replied.

They dressed up for dinner. Margie put on a black sheath dress that she brought with her. Foster knocked at the door to ask her if she was ready, and when she opened the door, told her how lovely she looked.

"But one thing!" he said, handing her a long black velvet box, which turned out to have a magnificent string of pearls in it.

"Ohhhhh, Foster!" she said taking the box and putting her arms around him to kiss him. "Thank you so much, mostly for being you and for being in my life but also for this lovely gift and bringing me to your island paradise. It's all so nice!"

"Got to pinch your ass too!" he said with a grin.

"And bite it, as I remember," she quipped, kissing him again.

"And bite it!" he said. Then: "Dinner!"

"Help me with these?" she asked.

After dinner they had coffee on the veranda and enjoyed the night, a lovely sunset that was the ending to an almost idyllic day for them. It was shortly after that when Stan and Lily excused themselves.

"You might want to go to bed a bit early, dear," Foster said.

"Yes, it's been a long but lovely day!" was Margie answer.

He walked her to her door and they embraced and kissed at the door and she said good night.

Margie got into bed and was only there for a few moments, thinking about all of the day, and pleased with her boldness in getting the naked hug and the ass pats from Foster. It left her with a kind of determination, and a decision about their situation that, she discovered, she was fine with, and would tell him that.

She got up, dressed only in her floor length pink, nylon nightgown, the one she'd told him about previously, and went to his room. There was a light on in the hall. She knocked on the door and, when he said come in, she opened the door and stood there, her nakedness framed by the light in the hall.

"Foster," she said softly, "I'd like to sleep here!"

"Oh yes!" he said and was out of bed in a moment, going to her.

As he approached, she opened he arms to receive him, and they kissed, and this was a kiss that had all the promise of the future in it. It was long and passionate, it was wet and inviting. They used lips and tongues and got temporarily lost in each other.

As the kiss ended, he pulled down each of the spaghetti straps holding the gown up.

"Maybe don't need this now," she said. "Had its effect, I hope."

"I guess," he said smiling at her and licking her lips with his tongue, which she captured in her mouth and sucked on it.

"All sorts of talents," she said.

"I guess," he said again.

"Man of few words but wonderful actions," she said then, as he pushed the accumulated pink nylon garment from around her hips down, so that it puddled at her feet on the floor.

"I intend to show you all those talents!" she said then.

"I'm counting on it," he said, "But first, first this! This for Margie!"

He led her by the hand and sat her naked, wonderfully naked, on the edge of the bed and then he knelt and crept in between her thighs, immediately using his lips and tongue to run lines up the inside of each thigh.

"Oh, Foster!" she said, trying to keep her voice down. Then she said: "Sorry for being so loud."

"No one is remotely near; the house is ours, Stan and Lilly are far away in another wing. Make noises! I love it." he said to her, grinning up at her.

"Then keep doing things like that and I'll sing opera to you!" she said, as he applied his mouth to the inside of her thighs again and she did indeed make her noises

When he progressed and began to kiss her vaginal slit through the nest of her curly pubic hair, she flopped back on the bed with her hand over her face and alternated between biting the back of her hand and just sighing and moaning and fairly singing to him, just using his name over and over and over again.

He reached under her then and grabbed an ass cheek with each hand and separated them, poking a finger in at her ass hole and she shrieked and came right then, making his face wet in the process.

"Will you excuse me a moment?" he asked, she just grinned at him and nodded, she was temporarily beyond words.

He washed his face and then came back to her, settling her higher on the bed and joined her. She spread her legs wide to accommodate him and sighed again as he joined her and slipped his erection inside her.

"Oh, Foster, yes, do this! Do all this, Foster! Love me! Fuck me! Call it what you will, just do all this!" she said, almost out of her head with the pleasure.

She came again and he followed her with his own orgasm. They lay there side by side afterwards.

"Makes you understand smoking," he said.

She giggled and agreed with what he said.

Then she turned, pressing her breasts into his side, hitching her right leg over his right leg and put her head on his shoulder.

"There's something that I need to say, Foster," she began softly.

He turned his head and put a kiss on the end of her nose and gave her his undivided attention.

"I need you to know that I want this affair! I want all of it! I want everything, anything and everything that you wish to do or have me do is what I want. And I promise, promise, promise that I will not be the clinging, 'why don't you ever call me' woman! I'm not after what you give me or can give me. I don't care about that. I will never make a demand on what's yours, what you have. When you want to move on, I will go back to my life and have love thoughts of you forever. This is what I want and what I promise."

"Margie, what a wonderful woman you are!" he said. "There's only one problem."

"Problem?" she asked, and the disappointment was already on her face with a small voice from somewhere telling her that it was indeed too good to be true.

But then he continued: "I want much more! Margie, I want you. The ticket to this island is a one way ticket."

She looked at him, beginning to wonder and said: "Foster, I don't understand."

"Of course you don't, I'm saying it so badly. Let me put it this way: I'm an old fashioned kind of guy. I'm not interested in an affair with you, Margie."

"You're not?" she said with disappointment, "But that was so nice!"

"Exactly," he said, pressing on, "What I want is, what are the words: Oh, yes, 'with my body I thee worship and with my goods I thee endow . . .' that's what I want. Margie, I want it all."

Margie realized what he was saying and began to cry.

"Oh, I keep making you cry!" he said.

"Yes, but for the most wonderful reasons!" she said. "Do you mean, what I think you mean, Foster?"

"Let me be formal," he said, laughing, "Naked but formal!"

He got out of bed and went down on one knee. Margie put the back of her hand over her mouth and made a squeaking noise.

"Margie Wendt," he said, "Will you marry me? Will you be my wife and share my life and my goods? Will you?"

"Oh, yes, Foster," she said, jumping out of bed herself then and pulling him to his feet to kiss him.

After the kiss, they sat on the edge of the bed and he said:

"I guess if we're going to get married, we need to talk about our age difference.:

"If you mention age again, which is totally irrelevant," she said, "Foster Wayne, I'll bite you in the ass!"

He grinned and they kissed again. Then she had a notion:

"But aren't you going to want me to sign some kind of agreement, a prenup thing?"

He grinned at her and said: "Margie Wendt, if you mention a prenup again, which is totally irrelevant, I'll bite you in the ass!"

She shrieked and said, hands flapping: "I need to do something, need to, need to!"

"Woman, are you going to explode?" he asked laughing.

"No, I'm going to say my yes to your proposal this way," she declared.

She went to her knees in front of him and giving him a wolfish grin, took his cock in her mouth. With him watching, groaning and just grinning at her, she sucked his cock and brought him to an orgasm.

"That's my yes!" she said, "And you can tell Stan and Lily how I said 'yes'."

He laughed, "Come here gooney woman, and be my love!"

"Here I am, Foster!" she said, and he repeated:

"With my body I thee worship and with my goods I thee endow."

"Ohhhh," she moaned putting her head on his shoulder.

"There's one more thing for me to say about this; not the most important but important enough," he went on.

They lay back on the bed then and he spoke to her:

"I have, no, let me get this right, we have so much and I keep the business end of things going but I think that we need to set up, oh I don't know, a kind of charity, and do some good with all this money."

"What a lovely idea!" she said.