Maria My Shy Wife Pt. 02


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After another couple of minutes, Maria suddenly went stiff for a second or two. Then, her body started being racked by spasms that seemed to originate deep inside her very core. She set Jadyn off, he had been caressing her breasts, and now he twisted them hard and yelled out a few choice words to let everyone know he was coming.

Cory wanted to finish this, and that meant getting Divine sorted. So he started thrusting his three fingers into Divine, harder and faster, and with his other hand set about wanking himself. Lasting only seconds, he deposited a good quarter cup of spunk all over her thighs. She bucked her hips on his fingers and moaned that he was hitting the right spot.

As Maria climaxed, Cory saw her anal sphincter palpitate and squeeze on the ribbed dildo working in her. Her long, convoluted moan and some choice swear words set Divine off, and Cory had to help the spasming woman collapse to the floor.

She dragged him down onto the thick sheepskin rug beside her and attempted to roll him on top. "Fuck me," she moaned, "I need to be fucked."

Cory panicked. He did not want any other woman. He only wanted Maria. And desperately needed to get her into their bedroom alone. He had already turned down Penny, and it would be hypocritical of him to take Divine now. Besides, it would be a while before he was ready again. So he turned her head and indicated it was too late, as he had already come.

Once Divine accepted that he was not going to fuck her, she turned to Jadyn. He and Maria had rolled apart and were lying back, panting on the couch. But Jadyn was buggered. He wrapped his arms around Divine, telling her he would sort her out when they got home.

Divine responded, "Then let's get out of here. I'm horny and frustrated still." And she pulled herself to her feet to go look for her clothes.

Meanwhile, Cory dropped beside Maria, pulled a throw over her and held her close. He watched as Jadyn started getting dressed, and Divine headed into the bathroom, her clothes under her arm.

"Are you okay?" Asked Cory.

"Yes, I'm much better than okay. But I want to make love to you now. Are you okay?"

"I'm good," Cory responded, "But let's wait until Jadyn and Divine leave. I want us to be alone."

So they sat together on the couch, Cory holding Maria tightly as the others readied themselves to go. Jadyn came over and gave Cory a business card, telling him the night had topped any other he and Divine had ever had and that if he ever needed anything done here in New Orleans, he just had to ask. And with a final wave, they opened the door to leave.

They heard them talking to someone before the door closed, though, and Divine stepped back inside, holding Lewis by the hand. "Look who I found outside trying to pluck up the courage to knock on the door?"

Lewis looked guilty and blurted out, "Penny thought she might want to see me when I finished work. Can I speak to her?"

Cory stood and walked over to stop him. He was still feeling very protective of Penny and intended to kick Lewis back out the door. Lewis took a step back. he was a good three inches shorter than Cory, and although young and athletic, he had nowhere the bulk. But Maria stepped between them before he had a chance to open his mouth. Still wrapped only in the throw from the couch, she put her hand out and stopped Cory, "Let him go talk to her. She would want to talk with him."

"I'm coming in with you then to see if she is okay with this." And Cory grabbed Lewis by the shoulder and walked him to the second bedroom.

He turned the bedside lamp on and then gently shook Penny awake. She came awake slowly, but when she saw Lewis, she beamed and blurted out, "You came!" 

Cory stepped back, nearly knocking Maria over, as she was so close behind him. He paused at the door to make sure she was still okay and saw that Lewis was shedding his clothes and that Penny was holding the covers back for him to get in beside her. He noted that Lewis was very well put together and sporting a decent-sized semi-hard. Maria pushed Cory out and closed the door firmly so as to let the young lovers know they had left.

Once they were settled in their own bed, Maria cuddled into Cory and moved to take hold of his cock. But Cory stopped her, "I want to talk. I have questions about tonight."

"You want to know if I'm going to want to do something like this every week?"

Cory laughed, "I was thinking more about ever again?"

"I don't know. I'd be pretty keen if we found ourselves in a similar situation in a week, a year, or ten years from now. That was incredible sex. The only thing I can promise is that I won't do anything behind your back, and if you don't want to, we won't. I promise you I will always ask."

"Was the sex better than what we had the night before?" Cory asked.

"It was different. The night before was sex with the man I have always loved, which was exceptional and special. The sex tonight had nothing to do with love. It was simply sex, albeit bloody incredible sex. But if we tried to recreate tonight's sex, I bet it would be nowhere near as good. It was the novelty as much as anything that made it so good. In contrast, the sex you and I have will always be incredible. That's the best I can explain it."

"I can live with that." And they embraced, and soon we're making love.

Maria gave Cory a sly grin and cocked her head to the second bedroom as they drifted off. The sounds of Penny and Lewis making love were audible, even with their doors closed.

Cory woke at about 5:30 a.m. to the sounds of lovemaking from the other bedroom again. Soon after it had gone quiet, he heard Lewis creeping past their bedroom door, followed by the front door opening and closing. He closed his eyes to return to sleep, feeling much more comfortable knowing Lewis had departed.

Much later, Cory woke, slowly sorting out where he was. A woman was lying up against him, and it took a second to remember it was Maria. He knew they had slept in. His inbuilt clock told him that. He panicked, then relaxed, remembering he had asked for a late pass on the room, as their flight wasn't until 3:30 p.m., and they had discussed having lunch in the hotel before departing straight for the airport.

He looked at the bedside clock, saw it read 9:35, and found Maria looking at him.

"It's nice to wake up next to a man. I don't think I have done that for five years. Come and cuddle me, I've been lying here thinking about last night, and I'm horny."

"I need to go piss!" And Cory leapt out of the bed but was back within minutes and dived right back beside her. Their lips met. Seconds later, they were frantically kissing, tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. Cory's hands were all over her and hers over him. When they finally broke for air, she looked at Cory with a hungry expression, part lust, part love. "So you still like my body, do you?" she asked huskily and lay back, opening herself to him.

"I do. I want to eat you!" Cory exclaimed, attacking her breasts with his mouth.

Maria made little mewing sounds and ground herself into Cory's crotch. "I can tell!" she said, making a most suggestive movement. "I can tell."

And Cory marvelled again at the fact that those years of timidity and prudishness had long disappeared.

He cupped her delicious, firm bottom. Not stopping his kissing of her mouth, face, throat, and neck. He then paid serious homage to her breasts again, rolling one stiff nipple with his hand while sucking hard on the other. The noises Maria made let him know he was hitting all the right places.

Then he trailed his tongue down over her skin and elicited a giggle when it darted into her belly button. The scent from her crotch wafted up to him. It was intoxicating, and he continued down between her legs and savoured the taste of a very turned-on woman. His arousal sent a fresh flood of blood to his engorged cock.

"Please?" she said, lifting her hips and pulling on Cory's shoulders.

But he resisted, and her moans turned to loud whimpers when his tongue started circling her clit. The whimpers soon turned to a drawn-out low scream of pleasure as her first-morning climax hit. And when it hit, she called out his name and then just yelled, "Yes, yes, yes," before her speech blurred into a long, drawn-out wail.

Cory moved back up her body, kissing her gently on the mouth, then made eye contact.

Her eyes seemed unfocused, but her hand snuck between her thighs and gripped his cock, guiding him home. When she had almost half the length of him sheathed inside her, Maria released her grip on his cock and lifted her legs to wrap them around his butt.

Cory just held himself, taking almost all his weight on his elbows and knees, as she appeared to want to do most of the work. He did tilt his head down and nuzzle her breasts again but lifted back to watch her face as she upped the tempo of her thrusting hips.

For the next little while, Cory concentrated on not coming too soon. Maria worked him like a woman possessed. She upped the tempo, using her feet locked behind him to pump her crotch into his.

After another couple of minutes, quite suddenly, every muscle in her body went stiff before her body was racked by spasms that seemed to originate deep inside her bowels. Cory dropped a hand to stroke her clit and feel her pulsing vagina. He felt her juices pooling on the bed, and he thought, 'It was just as well they were checking out that day as the bed would be a real mess.'

 It was all too much for Cory and tensing up, he shot a load that would have travelled across the room had he not been buried deep within her.

As Cory rolled off and collapsed on his back, he became aware that Penny was standing at the foot of the bed. She had a towel wrapped around her.

He managed to gasp out, "How long have you been standing there?"

"A while, sorry! I should have stayed in the lounge. But I can't find my clothes or my purse."

Rolling out of bed, Cory said he thought he might know where they were.

Maria piped up, "Hop in here and keep warm. Cory can find them," Then to Cory, she said, "Penny's purse is on the top shelf in the bathroom. I hid it up there before our guests arrived."

Cory pulled on his boxers and a tee shirt, as all the windows were still open, and the air was quite chill. As he turned to go out onto the balcony to look for Penny's clothes, he heard Maria ask her about Lewis.


Penny was busting to tell someone about her experience with Lewis. She had no friends here in New Orleans, only acquaintances in her dorm, and she didn't feel she could tell any of them she had slept with a beautiful black man. In reality, she knew no one she could tell. All her friends back in Maine would have heart failure if they knew she had even looked at a black man.

So when Penny asked her about him, she just opened up and told her everything.

"He was absolutely fantastic! I never knew sex could be like that. I have a boyfriend, and we sleep together, but I have never climaxed during sex with him. I had at least three orgasms with Lewis, and they were all better than any I have ever had before."

She blushed profusely as she admitted this, but Maria's response was one of encouragement and said to tell her she could tell her anything.

At that moment, Cory returned to the bedroom, carrying Penny's clothes and purse, saying he had found her clothes down the side of the cane couch on the balcony. Maria asked him to leave them alone for a few minutes, as they were having a girl's talk.

So Cory picked up his jeans and went to the kitchen to make them a morning coffee.

Once he was through the door, Maria asked Penny why she was doing her degree in New Orleans, "It is such a long way from Maine?"

"My mother is from here. Well, she grew up on a plantation outside of New Orleans, and we have relatives here. Judy, the bridesmaid from last night, is my mother's sister's youngest daughter. They still live on the outskirts of the city. I also wanted to get away from home, and I wanted a university that had a good music program. So my mother insisted I came here near relatives, and she is paying for all my private fees."

"It sounds like your mother has money?"

"Yes, my grandfather left all her brothers and sisters a substantial inheritance. And I also have had money left to me in a trust."

"You said your father and brothers are quite discriminatory, is your mother also?"

"No, Mum is not too bad, but she is very subservient to my father. My eldest brother is the worst. He hates blacks and is not very tolerant of women in general. He is the main reason I was keen to escape Maine. He has enjoyed putting me down all my life."

Maria asked, "Why?"

"For some reason, the boys were not left as good a trust as mine. Also, he's not blessed with the looks my mother, younger brother, and I have. He takes after my father. I guess he compensates by putting us all down, me especially."

"So, will you see Lewis again?"

"Yes, my mother never wanted me to be in the dorm. She wanted to lease me an apartment. But I resisted as I didn't want to be on my own. So I'll look for a two-bedroom apartment now, and Lewis can have a room close to the university. At the moment, he has to travel right across the city every day."

"Oh! So, is Lewis at your university?"

"No! He's at the public one doing an engineering degree, but it's very close to mine. That's why he drives the taxi on the weekends, to get the money to pay his way."

Maria pulled Penny close to her, "Tell me more about last night?"

"I'm too embarrassed. My girlfriends and I used to talk about sex. But I've never told anyone about anything I've done."

"You have just watched Cory and me making love, so you can't be shy."

"I'm sorry I watched. But I couldn't move. It was like something out of a dream, nothing like the sex I had known until last night. Lewis is big, like Cory. I never for a moment thought I would be able to accommodate him. But he treated me like a goddess, just lying beside me, staring and caressing my whole body. I made the first moves. He got me so worked up I didn't care if he hurt me."

"Did it hurt?"

"Not really. As I said, I was so worked up that I didn't really notice. He was saying such nice, comforting things to me, and when he rolled against me, I felt his hard press against my hip, and I wanted to touch it and do much more. It was all I could think about. He was an amazing lover and brought me off twice before he came himself. Then we talked most of the rest of the night."

"What about?"

"Everything, family, university, music, he has much the same tastes as me and has promised to take me to hear some groups that I would never learn about without him."

Maria interrupted, "We heard you making love again early this morning."

"That was me. Lewis was in a rush to leave. His car was on the taxi rank, and he was worried his car would be towed. But I wouldn't let him go. I crawled on top of him and held him down, rubbing myself on him until he was hard again. Then I went down on him, something I had never done before. I could still taste myself on him; it felt dirty and turned me on something terrible. I understand now why you like to be watched. It's nice to be dirty sometimes. I rode him until we both came. It has been a night of firsts. I have never been one to take control in anything I do."

They rose and joined Cory in the dinette. Afterwards, they all dressed and went down to breakfast. Penny's phone rang when they were almost finished. She was very excited. It was from Lewis saying that he was waiting outside to run her back to the dorms. They walked Penny out, swapped numbers and watched her excitedly clamber into the front of the taxi.

Cory and Maria returned to their room and discussed the evening's events. Cory admitted that the night's events had turned him on, but he still struggled with his feelings. They were still swapping experiences and discovering things as they drove to the airport. Maria couldn't stop smiling. She felt she had won the jackpot, as Cory agreed to move in with her once they returned to Cincinnati.

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WoodencavWoodencav3 months ago

Very, very good, would love to follow their further adventures. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I thought it was a hot story but putting myself in hubby’s shoes after five years a fucking whoever he wanted then get possibly back with his ex who went on a five year journey of whoreing herself to find herself. A good moral wife is want any guy I know or knew would want . Girlfriends or fuck buddies is what you chase before settling down. Now she want to get back together, wants a black guy , isn’t really interested in him getting other woman , then fucks the guy , asks hubby to be close as it happens then does him again while letting the black girlfriend dp her taking her ass with a strap on . Hot for a story but he should’ve fucked the girl in room that wanted him then he should’ve pounded the black girl who wanted him as well . Guilt ? Is he crazy he’s getting back together with his ex who is a pig now and he’s gonna go with the flow , sick . He can fuck her , use each other but why get back when she will push for experiences while his experience will be being there as in this case fucking others . Not an even playing field if you ask me.

patilliepatillie8 months ago

Just didnt care for how this played out, seemed that Cory was a bit left out fo the action. YOu would think that Maria wouild be more solicitous of her precarious situation with Cory, as they have just gotten back together, but no, she has to have ni&&er cock!

KiwihunterKiwihunter8 months ago

Good onya mate. That man deserves a speights. In true Kiwi fashion you have managed to wind up the wimpy wowser.

Keep it up and up the wahs.

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