Mark and Nichole Pt. 04

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Mark & Nichole nude weekend at farm with a friend.
18.4k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/14/2023
Created 11/20/2022
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Mark and Nichole Pt. 04 - Nude Weekend at the Farm with a friend.

Everyone in the story is at least 18 years old, and the story is entirely fictional. Any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental. This story follows the continuing adventures of Mark and Nichole introduced in "Mark Loses his Virginity." This is the last story in the Mark and Nichole series. It's longer than most of my stories. My apologies to people who prefer shorter stories.

The threesome Nichole had arranged for Mark's birthday had been the most amazing sexual experience any of them had ever had. Everyone did everything to everybody. But, two weeks later, the relationship between them had changed for the worse.

Nichole and Sharon had such a good time with each other that night, that they became confused about their sexuality. They wanted to explore their feelings towards women and spent most nights in bed together.

Nichole didn't tell Mark that she and Sharon were more than roommates. She and Mark continued to go out together and have sex, but Mark had started to notice some changes in her. After a month, Mark asked her if there was a problem. At first, she denied that anything was wrong, but finally confessed that she and Sharon were sleeping together. That revelation crushed Mark. Not only was she sleeping with somebody else, but she also hid it from him. Nichole tried to explain why she was doing it and that she still loved him, but he didn't understand how she could love him and still do this to him. He couldn't share Nichole with somebody. He loved Nichole, but she cheated on him and didn't intend to stop. Even worse, she lied to him. As much as it hurt him to do it, he broke up with her.

Nichole's relationship with Sharon didn't work out either. After several months of play, they decided that even though they liked sex together, it wasn't as fulfilling as being with a man. They loved each other but only as friends and playmates.

Sharon moved out at the end of the semester. They needed to move on with their lives, but they couldn't do that while living together. They swore they would remain friends, but they knew they couldn't really be friends for a long time, if ever.

Nichole still loved Mark, but she knew that she had messed things up possibly beyond repair.


When Nichole got back from Christmas break, she was very depressed. The dorm didn't assign her a new roommate, so she stayed in the same room but lived alone. The spirits of people that once made her happy haunted the room. She became lonely and sad. She had too much time with her thoughts. Her mind drifted back to the fun she and Mark had, and how much fun she missed, by not being with him after that stupid threesome. She'd missed what should have been their first Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas together. That thought made her cry.

She resented her parents for being so happy about her breaking up with Mark. She told them at Thanksgiving, and they were on cloud nine. Would they be as happy if they knew that she shared her bed with Sharon instead?

During Christmas, they set her up on a couple of dates with "acceptable people" when she was home. It was tempting to tell them the truth about the guys they set her up with. All they wanted was to get her to snort coke and get in her pants. She had no one anymore. She hated her parents, Sharon was gone, and Mark wasn't with her anymore.

A few weeks after the first of the year, Nichole couldn't stand the loneliness anymore and wanted to call Mark. At the very least, she wanted to hear his voice. She hadn't talked to him since the breakup. Mark might have moved on and was dating someone else. Or he could still be so mad at her that he wouldn't talk to her. That would have destroyed her. She picked up the phone three times before she could start to dial, and another four times before she could finish. She almost hung up after it rang once.

Her fears were unfounded, and Mark was happy to hear from her. They talked and laughed together comfortably on the phone for quite a while. He had dated a few girls since they broke up, but he didn't go out much. She told him about Sharon moving out, and her shitty parents setting her up on those dates. She told him that she'd missed seeing both him and his parents over Thanksgiving and Christmas. She loved his parents. They treated her like part of the family.

Their talk started making her sad and it became hard not to cry. She missed him terribly. She asked if they could get together sometime, maybe go to dinner, and talk more. He invited her over to his place for some dinner, drugs, and alcohol.


She arrived at Mark's apartment wearing a white button-down shirt, a short blue skirt and shoes with socks that covered her calves. Her outfit looked a little like her high school uniform, except she also wore a blue lace choker around her neck. He welcomed her inside and had a nice dinner waiting. They ate, drank, smoked, and laughed. They talked about school and what had been going on in their lives. It almost felt like they were still together. Nichole loved talking to Mark. He always made her laugh, and she loved it when he laughed with her.

After enough booze and weed, Nichole brought up Sharon.

She said, "I'm sorry that I hurt you. I really wanted to give you a great birthday present. If I could go back in time, I would change everything. I was too stupid to see the obvious. You warned me that involving Sharon in anything would ruin my friendship with her, and you were right. But if I had known it would ruin my relationship with you, I never would have done it."

"Sex with Sharon quickly lost its newness. Nothing Sharon and I did together was even close as good as the sex I've had with you. There wasn't any of "that kind" of love between us."

"But Mark, I do like sex with a woman. Sex with a woman will never be as good as sex with you, but it is fun. If I denied liking it, I would be lying, and I never want to lie to you again. It's simply different."

Nichole held herself together for the first part of the evening, but now she started sobbing. Mark held her. He hated to see her hurting. He loved her and loved having her in his life.

Once she'd stopped crying, she asked, "Is there any way that you would take me back?"

Mark gathered his thoughts and then said, "I don't think I can, because I'm not sure that I can trust you. I was devastated after we broke up. I spent a month not leaving my apartment except to go to classes. At night all I could think about was you and Sharon making love in your apartment."

"How could I tell if you're with me because you loved me, or because you were lonely? Loneliness is not a good reason to be together. Continuing your relationship with Sharon was your choice. You could have said that you wanted me and not Sharon, but you didn't."

"At that time, you wanted Sharon rather than me. If we got back together, you might decide that some other man or woman might be different and fun, so you'd want to try sex with him or her for a while. That's OK. You can have sex with all the people you want, but I can't lose you like that again. It hurt too much. I won't share you, and I don't know if I can trust you. I'll always love you, and you'll always be more than a friend to me. You will always be a part of me."

Nichole said, "I wish I could make things better. It was awful of me to do that to you. I'm ashamed of myself. I do love you and I always will. I've loved you since our first night together."

Through all the talking, they never stopped holding each other. What they were saying was deeply personal and difficult and it was easier if they weren't looking in each other's eyes.

Nichole pulled her head off his chest, looked into his eyes, stood on her toes, and gave him a big kiss. The kiss felt inviting, familiar, loving, and wonderful.

She said, "I'll stop if you want me too, but please make love to me. It doesn't have to mean anything, and it doesn't mean we're back together but please, take me to your bed so we can be together tonight. You always made me so happy, and I've been so lonely and miserable." She kissed him harder.

He'd slept with a few women since he'd broken up with her, but it was nothing compared to sex with Nichole. She was something special. Sex was a joyful experience for her and with her. Her imagination and enthusiasm filled Mark with joy.

Mark knew that this was probably a bad idea, and on some level, so did Nichole. But Mark was powerless to refuse her; he always had been. Sex with her would be outstanding and he needed it too. Neither of them was dating anyone so there was no harm. It might make it harder on them after they went their separate ways again, but it would be worth it.

Mark said, "This is just for tonight." Nichole nodded and Mark picked her up and took her to his bedroom.

Old feelings, were coming back to Mark and he knew he needed this as much as she did.

They hurriedly undressed and lay on the bed. When their naked flesh touched, desire flooded their bodies. They were more excited than they had been in a long time. Neither of them had any idea of the number of times they'd had sex since they'd met, but they knew that it was always new and exciting.

Nichole reached down to his cock and slid her hand up and down a few times before she crawled between his legs. There was something new that she wanted to show him.

She held it in her hand and licked a bit of pre-cum from the tip. She'd missed seeing it, touching it, tasting it, and sucking it. She looked up at him with her big blue eyes and licked its length several times. She popped the head into her mouth and took about half of him down, sucking it in and out. It popped out of her mouth again and her tongue danced around his purple head. She engulfed it again and slowly descended on it.

Nichole got a little over half of it down, the point at which Mark knew was as far as she could go. She paused, looked up into his eyes and continued down. She didn't stop at three-quarters down but just continued sliding him deeper. Mark could feel himself at her throat and she looked at him and smiled as best she could with her mouth full.

Surprise showed on his face as she continued sliding him deeper until he was in her throat with her nose pressed against his skin. She lifted back up, squeezed his balls, and slid him quickly into her throat again. Mark was beyond excited and was on the verge of coming. She continued pulling up slowly and sliding down quickly until she could feel he was almost ready.

She quickly stroked his cock up and down until he was right on the edge. After taking a deep breath, she pressed her lips tightly around him and slammed him down her throat. She held him there until he sent a massive amount of cum into her with an animal-like growl. She pulled off him, looked at him and smiled.

After she licked his head to clean up any remaining cum, she asked, "Did you like that? I've been practicing with a Zucchini. When I practiced, I pretended I was taking you all the way down. It was fun, but your cock feels so much better than a Zucchini."

"Oh god yes. You've always been a master at that and now...that was just...stupendous."

"I'm glad you liked it. I've missed your cock." She was incredibly pleased with her new talent. Few women could take Mark all the way down. She was proud of herself because she'd worked at it and now, she could.

As the sex continued, emotions bubbled to the surface in Mark. Both extremes of his emotional gamut were breaking free. His love for her was pouring out of him, but the anger and pain, were escaping too. He wanted to make love to her, to give her his love, but he didn't think he could. Not now. But he could satisfy both of their carnal needs.

Nichole's emotions were raw too. Nichole felt guilty for causing pain to the man she loved so much. Her love for him was welling up inside her. She knew that sex would not solve anything. But she felt an overpowering need to connect to him and satisfy him. She needed to feel his love for her as he fulfilled her physical desires.

For the rest of the night and into the morning, Mark and Nichole had sex in every conceivable way and position. Before they broke up, they had sex at least once a day and they had several months of built-up desire for each other.

Mark and Nichole had agreed that this was a one-time thing. But lying there, satisfied after having fantastic sex, they knew that this was going to happen again. This couldn't be the last time. They somehow belonged together. Nichole wanted Mark to forgive her, but for Mark, forgiveness was not the issue. Trust was. She hurt him and he didn't know if he could trust her not to hurt him again.

But for now, going to sleep with his arms wrapped around her, made him feel better than he had in months, since the last time he was with her.

Nichole was there until the next morning. She didn't want to leave, but she knew she had to. She thanked Mark and kissed him. She managed to hold back her tears until she got home.


Mark dated a few other women that spring trying to find something to fill the emptiness he felt. If he got lonely enough, he'd sleep with them but even that didn't make him feel better. His problem was deeper than lack of sex. His depression stemmed from not being with Nichole. She was never far from his mind, so he had little interest in his dates. He compared all women to Nichole, and they always came in second.

Nichole was lonely too and went out with a few guys to see what was out there. The only guys that asked her out were either boring or just wanted to get in her pants. She gave up and slept with some of them, but they weren't especially good in bed, although they thought they were. She was tired of guys getting their rocks off, but not even trying to satisfy her. Going out made her lonelier. At least the sex didn't last long.

Mark and Nichole knew that they'd never be completely out of each other's lives. They spoke on the phone sometimes and bitched about the people they'd been out with, but they didn't see each other for the rest of the semester.


Mark and Nichole went back home for the summer. Neither liked being at home, but it had been a long year at school, and they needed to get out of Austin.

For years, Mark's parents owned a farm a little southwest of Waco. It was not a working farm; it was more of a place to get away from the city. To avoid some taxes, they had to do something on the land like growing crops. His parents got an agricultural exemption by growing hay, and a wildlife preserve exemption by adding bird feeders that encourage wildlife. They also had several horses to ride when they were out there.

The place needed chores done every day, so they hired a farmhand to take care of the horses and do the other things that needed doing. He didn't work for them exclusively and didn't live on the farm. He worked for several farms in the area and scheduled work between them.

Mark and Nichole went out to the farm a lot the summer they first met, and each time they'd end up stoned, drunk, horny, naked, and in bed.

The house was large with four bedrooms. It had twelve-foot-tall floor to ceiling windows in the front and a big front porch. In the back, it had a pool with an attached hot tub. It was in the middle of a big piece of land with hills, ponds, and a forested area that a creek ran through. There were no neighbors for miles.

This summer, at the beginning of June, the farmhand told Mark's parents that he was going home for the weekend to visit family. He hadn't given them much notice and his parents had planned a vacation over the same weekend. They asked Mark to go stay at the farm and tend to the horses.

He never told them about breaking up with Nichole. He didn't have the heart to. They loved Nichole and wanted her to be their daughter-in-law. When they wanted to see her at Thanksgiving and Christmas, Mark lied and told them that her family took her out of town. They knew her parents didn't like Mark.

They never told him that it was OK to take Nichole out to the farm, but they never said he couldn't. They knew he would, and that they would have sex out there. But they'd rather not hear about it.

It was Friday afternoon and Mark had to be at the farm in a week. He didn't want to go out there by himself. He thought about Nichole and the farm and eventually called her. He hadn't seen her since that night in January. He doubted this was a good idea but being at the farm with Nichole sounded great to him right now.

"Hi Mark, it's nice to hear your voice. It's been a while." The sound of her voice excited him.

"Nichole, are you dating anyone now?"

"Uh, no," she said not wanting to admit she was still by herself.

"Would you like to go out to the farm with me this Friday for the weekend? We'd leave Friday and come back Monday."

God, she loved going to the farm with Mark. She could feel herself getting wet.

"Sure, I guess...but I may have a problem. I'm not sure I can. My mother's best friend is in town with her daughter Penny. I'd have to ask her to go with us. Is that OK?"

"Sure, what's Penny like?"

"She's very good-looking. She's a little taller than me, long brown hair with small firm tits. I've never seen her wear a bra and she always wears long spaghetti strap dresses. She's your basic California hippie chick. Trust me, you'll like her. She lived with her parents on a commune for a while."

"Hmm. We'll need to tell her what it's like when you and I go out there," Mark said.

"Are we going to act that way this time?" Nichole asked feeling butterflies fluttering in her pussy.

"I'm not sure I can resist you at the farm," Mark said. "We don't have much time. We'll need to be there a week from tonight."

"I'll talk to her, but I think she'll be glad to get out of here. We're both bored."


Nichole asked Penny about going out to the farm. As soon as Nichole said, "out-of-town", she was in.

"Mark and I will be sleeping together. Is that going to bother you?"

"Not a bit."

"He's taken lots of pictures of me out there. Would you like to see some?"


She showed her pictures of the farm. They started out tame, but then Nichole showed her ones of her nude, and ended with a nude of Mark.

"Wow, I didn't know you were such a free spirit. Is that Mark? He's hot. You're a lucky woman. Does he know how to use that big thing?"

Nichole blushed a little. "Yeah, he really does."

"If you're interested, I could go on a hike some morning and you could be with Mark."

"Isn't Mark your boyfriend?"

"He of...It's a bit complicated right now. It's a long story I'll tell you sometime. But, if you want to play with him, it's fine." Nichole said. "When he sees you, he's going to drool. I'm sure he'd like to play with you."

"Interesting. That sounds like fun. I haven't had sex for a while and Mark is certainly good-looking."

"He won't disappoint you. I guess you're OK with pot and booze."

"Oh yeah."

"The farm's a fun place to hang out. It has a pool and hot tub. We normally don't wear clothes out there."


Nichole called Mark and said, "I talked to Penny and she's in."

"I showed her pictures of me out there nude and one of you. She was impressed. I told her that you were great in bed and that you two could get together if you wanted to. It's been a while since she's had any sex."

"But I want to be with you."

"Me too. But after you see her, I bet you'll want to play with her too."


Nichole and Penny needed an excuse to leave for the weekend. They couldn't say they were going anywhere near Mark.

It didn't have to be a great excuse, because her father was out of town on a golf trip. He planned it because Nichole's mom's best friend was in town. Since Penny was going to college at the end of the summer, they made up a story about showing Penny around the UT Austin campus. Her roommate Sharon was going to drive them, and they were going to stay in Nichole's room. As far as they knew she and Sharon were still roommates. They had arranged for Sharon to pick them up at a mall nearby. Mark picked them up instead.