Mark & Parenthood Ch. 03

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Share and share alike.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 04/08/2024
Created 09/28/2022
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Ch. 03 - Sharing


This story contains characters from other stories but is intended as stand alone.

All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts anal, lesbian, hetrosexual and group sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


"So how did the conversation pan out?" Mark asked. He was having a meal in his hotel with his lover who happened to also be his customer. It was a regular enough occurrence whenever Mark was in the area. Previously Kate had 'lent' her lover to a very dear friend who wanted to get pregnant without the complication of forming a new relationship. Mark had performed admirably and within a matter of weeks Janet had gleefully announced that she had returned a positive test.

Naturally Janet was over the moon, it had been all she could think about for six months, but the reality was that she had been so long without physical contact with a man that Mark had demonstrated he was a considerate and consummate lover. Having performed the required task Kate welcomed him back between her legs in an instant but had soon discovered that she too had become pregnant probably a few weeks prior to Janet but was conscious of not wanting to distract from her friend's news as she knew what it meant to Janet and so kept the news on the lowdown. She too had two other children, a boy and a girl, all be it younger than Janet's two.

Mark and Kate had become lovers on the back of Kate being at a very low ebb, she had suspicions -- proved later to be correct -- that her husband had been playing away and Mark had encouraged her to seek assistance from counselling. But it was Mark's attention that had elevated her sufficiently to undertake the counselling in the first place. It had proved a useful mechanism and the marriage had ultimately been saved, all be it Kate was slowly weening herself off her lovers attentions. They both knew that their affair had a finite lifespan, Mark lived some distance away and was only in the area while working on local customer projects.

Mark was fully supportive of Kate's position; it was the best after all for her children in the long run and she had promised to give Mark as much access to his child as he required and many updates in between times. For his part he knew that their child would want for nothing after Kate's reassurances that her husband would be none the wiser in raising someone else's child. Mark's remaining concern was how Janet would take the news that Kate was also pregnant but now that seemed to have been addressed.

Kate swallowed what she was eating and replied "She was a little taken aback by my news in the first instant but after a few minutes of processing my words she was delighted for us. She's even started to plan how the two babies would be friends growing up, after all she only lives a short walk from my house."

"So, we're off the hook with her then?" Mark asked.

"Errr, kind of" was Kate's reply.

Mark looked at her conspiratorially "What do you mean kind of?"

Kate was silent for a few moments while she weighed up her words "She has another favour to ask of you." Mark raised his eyebrows in a silent question so she continued "It's been a few weeks since your last coupling and... how can I say this... she was wondering if you were agreeable to another hook up as she had certain frustrations that she needs to work off and she says you're the only one that can help her." After a short pause as she looked down at the table Kate continued "I want to have a serious talk with you. My husband has played ball ditching his 'bit on the side' and now I'm the one doing the dirty on him which is weighing on my conscience." She looked pensive for a moment before finishing with "To put it blunt, I'm not sure how long we can continue."

Kate looked up to gauge his reaction. Mark looked deeply into her warm brown eyes before replying "I fully understand, I really do. I wouldn't want to place you in a dilemma that causes you discomfort. You know how deeply I feel about you but I'm a big boy and knew all along we were on borrowed time. I have enjoyed every minute that I've been able to explore that fabulous body of yours."

The only outward sign of affection was her placing her hand over his as she replied "Arrrrh, you are such a sweetie. You know I will miss our time together but I have to put my children first. I don't want to sound like your pimp but when Janet mentioned she needs your particular brand of stress relief I sounded her out to see if she would be interested in taking my place for the remaining time that you are this way." Mark remained silent all be it with a questioning look on his face and so Kate continued "She said she would be interested as long as it was okay with you. She too has picked up on your feelings towards me." Now she stayed quiet and waited for him to process the new dynamic.

Mark's expression changed to one of contemplation and the two sat in silence until he eventually replied "I think I've already said that I enjoyed my time with Janet but ultimately, she wasn't you. I can't quantify what I mean by that, you are just different although I readily admit you have a fabulous body and maybe it's the combination of that and you were first. As I've said I don't want to mess with your head and so at any time you want us to cease activities I'll be good with that knowing that primarily you are in a good place and that I have enjoyed our time together although I must state if ever you need a friendly ear to bend, I'll always be there for you." He sat back while he phrased the next comment "As for looking after Janet, she too can come to me at anytime and that includes stress relief. Looking at future contracts, it looks like my time this direction will be limited going forward but while I'm here by all means offer Janet my services in stress relief."

They adjourned to Mark's room at the hotel and made slow passionate love. On their first coupling Kate had been nervous about being naked in front of Mark because she was carrying more body fat than she had before having her second child but Mark's delighted expression at her extra curves had persuaded her that she could dispel any such thoughts when he was around and so tonight lay back on the bed naked with her legs opened invitingly and her arms held out beckoning him into her embrace. The fact that he had immediately responded and buried himself in her silky soft pussy was all the affirmation of his love that she needed.

Mark assumed this could well be the last time they would meet outside of the office and so made sure to treasure the time. The following morning saw Mark at a different customer and was a single day session but later in the week Janet contacted him to say that he would be required at her company on the following Friday plus the Monday afterwards. It was rare to have this kind of set up but it wasn't unknown if the project was suitably intense or the customer required his presence two consecutive weeks then he would stay over the weekend as he had no ties at home to worry about. He just needed to pack sufficient clothes -- or be prepared to go out and buy new ones -- again another rarity but not unheard of.

Janet had booked a hotel Mark hadn't used previously and he was surprised when he dropped his bags off that she had booked a suite. At first, he assumed it was either an oversight or maybe there was some convention on where rooms were scarce. His surprise came when he went down to the bar to meet Janet only to find Kate there also. Any doubts he may have had about Janet's reaction to the news he had made Kate pregnant at roughly the same time as he had with Janet were soon quashed. She stood up and enveloped him in a hug. As her mouth was close to his ear she whispered, "You have no idea how grateful I am that you agreed to providing me with the requisite relief."

He smiled back at her and replied "Any time. In fact, Kate is trying to ween herself off my attentions and so I will probably be more available to you than I was. I'm always there for both of you but you get my meaning."

"Good" was Janet's reply as she sat back down and looked at Kate expectantly.

Mark looked curious and said "Those expressions look ominous. Why do I feel that you two have been colluding and I'm about to get stitched up somehow?"

The two fell into a fit of giggles and leaned into each other before Kate replied "Yes, we have been discussing and Janet came up with the idea of having you stay over the weekend so that you and I can have some kind of affair end party. I'm afraid I'm not available this evening or tomorrow but I have made arrangements for my husband to take the kids to his parents and so I can join you Saturday morning until Sunday evening. I hope that is alright?"

Janet took up the conversation "I however am free tonight and every night of your stay including Sunday; my parents have taken the kids on a short holiday break. Will I provide a suitable substitute?"

Mark wasn't about to confess that he preferred Kate's more curvy figure and instead replied "You'll do very nicely thank you. You are both very different but both very nice in different ways."

Janet smiled at his reply and added "Kate has priority over you when she is available on Saturday, especially as it sounds like this may be your last time but otherwise, we plan to take turns with you."

"Why do I feel like some kind of meat product? Taking turns?" Mark asked. Once again, the woman crumpled into fits of laughter. They knew him by now that he was tugging their chain, they could tell by his expression that he would be looking forward to having both to play with. Now that arrangements had been made Kate left Janet and Mark to continue with their conversation. Mark could tell from Janet's fidgeting that she was anxious to get things started and so he offered "Shall we go make ourselves comfortable upstairs, I can then quench your need for stress relief."

Janet's expression was a picture of relief as she replied "Mmmm, yes please." Upon entering his room, they made their way to the bedroom where Mark stripped her naked so that he could survey her body. They hadn't hooked up for some weeks and already her slimmer figure demonstrated her slightly growing stomach. As he ran his hand over the bump she looked down into his eyes and said, "My bodies changing already, I hope it doesn't put you off."

Mark continued to stare into her eyes as he replied, "Not at all, you look beautiful; especially as it is my child after all. I just know you will make a wonderful mother." He guided her to the bed and sat her down before kneeling between her knees. He pushed her back gently so that she lay back, this gave him unfettered access to her delicious pussy. She had sampled his oral skills in the past but as they were focused on getting her inseminated, it wasn't something they had dwelt on whereas now neither seemed in much of a rush as he lazily flicked his extended tongue over her fleshy folds.

Janet lovingly caressed the back of his head to encourage him further, thankful in the fact that he wouldn't let up until he had made her come. His sole comment was "Delicious" as he raised himself to kneel between her legs and feed his erect cock deep inside her. Their previous lovemaking had been a combination of functionary -- working towards him depositing a load inside her -- but lacking in much affection whereas now Janet luxuriated in the way he managed to ring her bell on three occasions before he needed to deposit his come inside her. He had asked if they were okay to continue their lovemaking without adversely affecting the baby but she had calmed him saying they were fine until her waters broke. After a light meal the two made their way back to the suite where Mark felt compelled to ask, "Why a suite?"

Janet was quickly removing her own clothing as she shrugged "We have seen each other naked before when we were at college and used the gym but I didn't want to assume that Kate would be okay with me in the room and vice versa while the other was with you and so figured this would give the other somewhere to sit while the other got some privacy. Does that make sense?"

Mark nodded and steered her on to the bed once more, only this time she would be on her knees. The rest of the evening and the following day were spent with the two of them in various positions. Kate's arrival midway through Saturday morning changed things. After having lunch, the three made their way back to the suite and saw Janet take a seat saying, "I'll assume you two want to get reacquainted."

Mark and Kate exchanged a mischievous look and disappeared into the bedroom. The suite didn't provide complete privacy and Janet could make out through the walls the sound of lovemaking with Kate proclaiming repeatedly "Fuck me" and "Oh god." Things reached a crescendo pretty quickly but then Kate had already told Janet that they hadn't met up for over a week. During the quieter moments of the movie, she was watching Janet could just about make out low conversation even if she couldn't make out what was being said. There was a fare amount of giggling and then the sound of their lovemaking started up again. 'Yes they had a certain amount of frustrations to work out between them but hey as it may well be their last time together, I hope they enjoy it' were the thoughts rattling around in her head.

Towards the end of the movie Janet could hear the shower running and a resumption of the giggles and twenty minutes later Kate emerged from the bedroom wrapped in a fluffy white dressing gown wearing a particularly satisfied look on her face. Janet barked out a laugh and said "It looks like some cat has had the cream."

Kate looked back at her friend and in a slow drawl pronounced "Yes I most certainly did." Just as she was saying that Mark emerged from the bedroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist which prompted Kate to announce, "I suspect our stud is ready for his next conquest."

Janet looked over at him expectantly and he smiled "Any time the lady wants, all you've got to do is ask."

"But you just..." and she trailed off before adding "Twice by the sounds of it."

Mark dropped the towel from around him and stood before the two friends naked. His cock clearly filling with blood as he replied "And? Your point is?"

"Oh yes please" the slim blonde announced as she jumped up from the sofa. The two made their way back into the bedroom and once he had undressed her, he laid her out in the centre of the bed as he had down a number of times already this weekend. Mark crawled onto the bed after her and curled up between her widespread legs. He really enjoyed licking pussy and Janet was very appreciative of his attentions. His tongue seemed to search inside her so deeply but it was the way that her would curl his tongue around her clitoris that had her coming especially quickly. With her pussy primed he wasted no time in kneeling between her still parted legs and feeding his cock inside once more.

The loving was slow and tender and Janet liked the way that she could wrap her long legs around his hips and lock her ankles together behind him, trapping him from going anywhere other than the slow regular thrust of his dick in and out of her. She did a similar manoeuvre with her arms around his neck, this encouraged him to lean forward and kiss her longingly. Even though she had granted her friend unfettered access to their lover, Janet certainly appreciated how he seemed to show her his full attention and later she would say that her climax at the end of that session was probably the most intense with him. They two freshened up in the shower before all three went out for a very relaxed enjoyable meal.

On returning to the suite, Kate whisked Mark off to the bedroom once more but this time the sounds she was making was very different from earlier. They seemed to be deeper and more animalistic 'What on earth are they doing this time' she wondered. Curiosity got the better of her and Janet crept up to the bedroom door and opened it slowly to peek inside. In the centre of the bed was Kate on her hands and knees in profile to the door, as Mark thrust into her, her breasts swayed in perfect rhythm; Janet had always been jealous of her friends larger breasts. At the same time her fleshy butt cheeks quivered and jumped at the same rhythm. It was the angle that Mark knelt that Janet couldn't fathom out until Kate threw her head back and groaned "Oh god, your dick feels so good in my ass."

Janet gasped out loud at the realisation that they were engaged in anal sex, something she knew existed but had never tried herself. Her gasp drew the attention of the two lovers on the bed, both turning to look at her as she apologised profusely "Oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean to snoop."

Mark waved her over saying "Don't worry about it. Have you ever tried anal sex before?" As she slowly stepped forward Janet shook her head, her eyes were almost out on stalks. This prompted Mark to add "Is it something you'd be interested in trying? Kate hadn't done it before we hooked up." All the while he was talking, he continued to thrust his hips forward and Janet was mesmerised by how Kate's butt cheeks shook and quivered in response to their crotches banging together.

Kate looked over her shoulder at her friend and gasped "Oh Janet, you must try it. It feels so nice having a nice thick cock working away back there. It's the biggest thing I'm going to miss about him if I'm honest." Mark continued to bury himself in Kate's butt as he pulled Janet towards him and kissed her passionately. He was making Janet's pussy quake and juice up, even more so when his hand worked down to her butt and roughly fondled a cheek in his big hand. Kate's backward glance caught Janet's fascinated look focused on Mark's slick dick as it powered away inside her. It had been the first time the two of them had seen each other in such an intimate circumstance. Yes, they had seen each other naked in the changing rooms at college but this was different, this was far more intense.

Mark leant over and asked Janet "Would you like to try this?" Janet's expression remained fixed on his dick but nodded and so Mark shifted his hold on her butt and started to play with her anus making her shiver at the anticipation. "We need to be careful the first few times but I'm assured by many lovers that the sacrifice is worth it in the long run." Again, her response was another nod. With his other hand her reached around Kate's far hip and worked his fingertips over her erect clitoris. Within seconds of his touch Kate was wailing her way through her latest orgasm as she threw her head back and clutched at his invading cock.

Mark made his way to the bathroom to clean up and was thankful when he walked back into the bedroom that the two friends were still there, Janet was stroking the back of her friend who lay in the crumpled in a heap in the centre of the bed. Janet saw him striding towards the bed and announced "I think you've wiped her out. That really took it out of her."

Mark was erect again and Janet's hungry stare at his dick made him chuckle as he said, "I was about to offer that we adjourn for the evening but the way you are looking at me, I'm guessing you want another go?" Janet looked up at him and tentatively bit her lower lip as she nodded. He smiled broadly and gestured her towards him. When she was stood in front of him, Mark turned her around to face the bed and pushed down so that she was knelt at the foot of the bed with her torso leant over the bed covering. Mark knelt behind her and fed his cock into her moist pussy; she was usually very receptive to his entering her but this time she seemed a lot wetter than usual 'I guess it might be the thought of the anal sex that has her in this state' he thought. He wet his right thumb between his lips and then placed it against her tiny sphincter pushing determinedly until he pressed inside her making Janet give a combined gasp and whimper.