Martha in America Ch. 05


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"Oooh! Oh yes! Like that. Like it was for you."

And I tried to make it even better for her, more than I ever had before - raunchy! - wanting it to be so good for her, and enjoying doing it! But then I felt her hand on the back of my head, drawing it up to her pussy again, and then I was thrusting my tongue in her cunt and then nibbling on her clitoris, delighting when her hips jerked and her thighs clutched together on my head, making that happen again and again. Oh, I just loved to eat her pussy!

As she became more aroused, I wanted her to come, and she wanted to, clutching her legs against their reflex to extend and lock around my head, as I found her breasts and rolled and pulled her nipples. And then she started to come, all warm and wet against my chin, dribbling on the floor as she moaned with her aroused "Oh, oh-oh, ...!" as her hips jerked and she spurted again and again.

Then Martha cried out: "Fuck me," and I did, standing up as I put on the rubber and then guided my stiff cock into her cunt, knowing I wouldn't come too soon, even though her cunt was so aroused still, clutching, wanting to be fucked, as I looked down at her, holding her breasts again, and she looked up at me with wide eyes as her hips rocked to meet my thrusts. Then she came again with her uncontrolled "ohs" as she spurted, her thighs quivering and holding my waist, and then her calves locking me to her, holding him still in her, as she gasped - once, twice, and again.

Her calves loosened their hold on me, but then clutched me to her again - moving him in her - as she panted: "More! Again!"

I had almost come when she did, but when I started again, holding onto her breasts to keep her from sliding away under my long, hard thrusts, I came while she was still building up to another orgasm. It didn't take long and was at least as intense as her previous ones and then her legs held me to her again as she gasped and moaned. I was recalling my sister's multiple orgasms, wondering if I could continue, but then Martha's legs just dropped, hanging down from the table.

Her eyes were closed as she continued to gasp and moan, slowly returning to normal breathing. Her eyes opened, then found mine, and she smiled slightly and took a deeper breath again and murmured:

"I don't know what happened. I just wanted more, had to have it again; it had been so good."

"Um-hmm, it sure was, and I wanted you to."

Martha nodded as I reached down and raised her legs. He slipped out of her with a wet slurp, and I heard more liquid drip on the floor. She snorted at the sounds and raised her legs to my waist and locked her heels behind me, holding my slack cock to her wet pussy. Something was still dripping - from her or from the edge of table. We both snorted as we looked at each other.

"You sure did," Martha replied with a smile:

"Thank you. ... Hmm? ... I didn't know that could happen, that I could want it to. ... How many times have we made love today? That too, that I could want it before breakfast, and after breakfast, and before dinner, and still want it after dinner. ... Hmm?"

"About a month's worth."

"Hm-hmm! I'm not interested in that any more, more worried that I'll miss it even more now."

"'Get thee to a nunnery!'"

"Hm-hmm! That's what I'm afraid of. But you're not Hamlet ..."

"And you're not Ophelia, thank goodness."

"Thank goodness. But I better get up."

Martha let her legs drop, and I helped her sit up and then helped her off the table, with her arms around my neck, hanging onto me until she could stand. Then she gave me a kiss, and we hugged each other.

"Uhmm! So good," she murmured and then remarked:

"But we're going to have to clean up a bit. I'm all wet, and the table is too."

"And the floor."


I slid my hand down and patted her wet bottom.

"Um-hmm," she agreed with a snort, and turned and found a dish towel, holding it up questioningly. I nodded. She wiped off the table and then with a snort wiped her bottom and the insides of her thighs and dropped the cloth on the floor and wiped it around with her foot. She flipped it up with one, snorting when she saw how dirty and wet it was.

She put the towel aside and got a fresh one to hang up, glancing at me as she did and remarking:

"I don't know if it's such a good idea to keep doing it in here, ... how it will be, when the rest of the family is back."

"Maybe not. Yeah, you're right. Hm-hmm! ... But you wanted something to eat, and for me to have something to eat, ... and we weren't dressed to eat in the dining room."

Martha chuckled with a smile and added:

"And aren't for a beer."

"Um-hmm," I agreed."

She went to the refrigerator and came back with only one can.

"The last one," she said with a scowl.

"We can share it," I replied and sat down on the chair, gesturing that she should sit on my lap.

Martha smiled and did so and opened the can, handing it to me and then putting her arm around my neck.

"Skaal," I offered and held the can up for her to drink. "Skaal," she replied and smiled at me and had a sip and then offered me the can, holding it so I could have a drink. We smiled at each other again, and I put my hand on her breast. "Um-hmm," she approved and squeezed my neck slightly.

"Good thing this didn't occur to us last fall," I remarked.

"Um-hmm," she agreed, but then looked at me with a smirk and asked: "Really?"

I nodded, wondering then myself that I hadn't considered the possibility at all - until she was standing there in her nightgown - and asked:

"Did you? ... Oh, your mother already had."

Martha grinned and nodded and took a sip of beer and said:

"Without her help. For au pairs, usually the fathers are ..., well, you know. Usually the children are much younger ... and the fathers, too," and she grinned again:

"... but not yours, but then you, 'the young gentleman', even more ... 'dangerous'."

We both snickered, and she offered me a sip from the can before she continued:

"Yes, everyone expects that the father might be, ... uh, ... interested," and she smiled again.

I chuckled and then grinned and asked:

"And they don't mind? Oh, and you? Disappointed or lucky that mine was so much older?"

Martha smiled noncommittally, but then replied:

"It never occurred to me, ... not with him, ..." and she smirked slightly:

"... and until you mentioned his look on Sunday ..."

Suddenly I thought that, of course, he couldn't have been entirely unconscious of the presence of a young girl in the house. And earlier? We had always had au pairs, and he had been younger?

"Um-hmm," I agreed and squeezed her breast and added:

"Why shouldn't it have occurred to him, ... even if he didn't let it show. He should have been 'interested'."

Martha grinned and took a sip and then replied:


"Um-hmm," I agreed, pleased that she had understood my remark as a compliment.

She offered me another sip of beer, having to hold the can up higher this time. I squeezed her breast again and rubbed my thumb over her soft nipple.

"Um-hmm," she acknowledged softly and held the can up to her mouth, and then held it up again to mine, tilting up so that I could empty it.

"Um-hmm," she agreed to my doing so and put the can on the table and then turned back to me, drawing us closer with her arm around my neck as her other hand found my side, and she turned her face to me and murmured:

"I'm more lucky than the others, having 'the young gentleman,' if only for a week."

And then we kissed; she kissing me in confirmation of what she had said, but then we kissed in demonstration of what she meant, our mouths opening and our tongues caressing.

"Better than twice a month?" I murmured against her lips.

"Um-hmm, much," she murmured in reply and snorted and added:

"And I only got it twice a month a couple of times, and not for much longer than a month."

She sat up with a snicker and looked at me and said:

"Actually, I guess, we did it most often that first summer, ... what we could, ... before his rubbers were used up. Pity that we didn't know what else we could have done. He didn't want to ask his brother for any more."

We both snickered, and I agreed:

"I can imagine not; not wanting to confirm that he had really used them, ... leaving the question open - better for your reputation - and not daring to ask."

Martha snorted with a nod and agreed:

"Yes, something like that, though at the time, I was proud that I had, wouldn't have cared - maybe even wanted - that someone else knew, knew that I wasn't just a little girl any more."

I chuckled with a nod, and she smiled at my understanding.

But I was suddenly wondering if my sister would want anyone to know; if she couldn't resist telling a girlfriend, even if she masked it with a story about a cousin: "tall, dark and handsome, like a younger Uncle Simon."

"And who knew first?" I asked, hoping to get an idea of whom my sister might tell.

Martha blushed - to my surprise - and then after a moment replied:

"My mother; she asked me."

I must have looked very surprised; Martha smiled wryly before she explained:

"Not immediately, later, back at home. I guess she knew it might happen, ... that it surely would happen sometime. She had told me to be careful, that it wasn't true that it couldn't happen the first time - getting pregnant." She smiled and then continued:

"One day, when we were back home, alone in the kitchen, she just asked me. I was real embarrassed, blushing, and, of course, that gave it away, so I could only admit that we had. He was the only one I could have with. But she didn't seem surprised, just asked if we had been 'careful', and looked relieved when I assured her that we had been, still very embarrassed, but relieved that was all she seemed to want to know. I really loved her for that."

I nodded in appreciation, and Martha smiled.

"You're lucky. Doesn't sound like any American mother's response."

She smiled again with a nod.

"And after that?"

"I didn't have to tell anyone, knowing Mor - my mother - knew. It made it easier the next time, knowing she wasn't going to be upset about it, ... but he wasn't ... didn't have any condoms ... rubbers, ... so we didn't," she grinned and added: "... that time."

I returned her grin, and she continued:

"Um-hmm, ... but we might have, if my mother hadn't responded that way, letting me know we could if he did have some, and that she wouldn't be upset if we did, if we were together again so that we could. So it was easier to say no that time."

Martha smiled again and rubbed my chest.

"Sounds like a better system than here, and I can understand better your mother's advice before you came."

"Um-hmm," she agreed with a smile:

"... but that's our problem now, can't blame her for anything."

"Who wants to, ... we know what we are doing - maybe you better than I, ... but I'm learning, and we're being 'careful'."

"Um-hmm," Martha agreed with a smile, or maybe it was a smirk as she squeezed my breast, and I squeezed hers.

"And I am too," she agreed with an unmistakable smirk and then grinned and asked:

"What would he have thought if I had done that, that time?"

"He would have been very happy ... and satisfied." She smirked again and agreed:

"I bet, ... but we've still got some, ... and Mor is far away."

She slid her arm up around my neck, and with both of her arms around my neck, we kissed as I squeezed her breast.

"Um-hmm," she agreed, and then chuckled and slid off my lap and then got back on it, astride, as we resumed our kissing. And then it was only a question again of where we were going to do it. My cock was pressing up against her, and she nodded slightly in acknowledgement with a little chuckle in her throat as I thrust my tongue in her mouth.

"Not here," she murmured when my tongue was no longer in her mouth, and I remembered what she had said before about our lovemaking in the kitchen, but her tongue was in my mouth again before I could reply, and my cock twitched up again, and she nodded again as her tongue explored in my mouth - all around mine - and then she drew it back and murmured:

"I want to have him again, do that to him."

"Umm-hmm, ... I know he would like that."

She chuckled and replied: "I thought so."

And then, as soon as we had turned out the lights, foregoing picking up our clothes in the library, we were back in her bedroom. When she flung back the covers, I almost dove into her bed in the dark, my feet up on the pillow, and she joined me as quickly as she could, sliding her thigh up under my head as she found my cock with her hand and then with her mouth as I drew her hips to me, burying my face between her thighs.

Did we like to do it better that way?! We loved it! It was so delicious to have my mouth on her pussy, to taste it - already moist and wanting it - and to slide my tongue over her inner lips and find her waiting hole - already wet - as my tongue slipped into it. And she was sucking on my cock, her tongue moving on it, making it all stiff again after its relaxing while we had been turning out the lights, making it surge in her warm, moist mouth, feeling her hum in appreciation, and humming in response, wanting her juicy pussy to know how much I loved to have my mouth on it, to have my tongue in it, as deep in it as it could be as it pressed against my mouth, her pelvis rocking up, wanting it in her as she moaned and sucked my cock deeper in her mouth, wanting more of it too. Ooooh! Wanting as much of it as she could have! And it wanted it too, surging and moving in her mouth as her hips moved under my hands, rocking insistingly, wanting my tongue to find her firm, aroused clitoris, making her pelvis jerk as she sucked strongly in response, and then our fingers moving straight to each other's asshole.

Oh yes! She wanted my finger in it, like I wanted to feel hers, letting it probe deeper, knowing she wanted to let me feel it the same way. Yes, we had no hesitations about that now - hadn't before - but now we both knew how raunchy we were, both knew we wanted to feel and do something maybe other people wouldn't want! But we did! Without any reservation, her finger moving in my asshole as I thrust mine in hers and sucked and licked her firm clitoris, humming my appreciation at what she was doing. And it wasn't just her unrestrained finger in my asshole, she was sucking and licking my cock, moving her head, fucking it with her mouth, better than my tongue could her pussy! But I wanted to, wanted it to be so good for her, wanted her pussy to come, wanted to feel and taste her love juice spurt in my face! But she was going to make me come first!

Oh, God! She was going to make me come! All in her mouth - that "white stuff", as much as I could still give her! "Uhn! Uhn!" Like that! "Uhn! Uhn!" And she wanted it, and wanted to come, herself, her hips twitching and wanting it and then - finally – coming! All warm and wet in my mouth! Twitching and spurting her love juice, letting me have it! I loved it! Loved her for letting me have! Again and again, so much!

We relaxed - our mouths relaxed - as we hugged each others hips, hugged each other together in confirmation that it had been good for each other - so good, so satisfying! God, we could do it so good!

"Um-hmm," she nodded and slipped her finger out of my asshole and wiped it between the cheeks of my ass. I agreed with an "um-hmm" and did the same, and then we hugged each other again. I kissed her pussy and felt her tongue move on my cock again before she let it slip from her mouth, and then we just lay there, and then dozed off.

But then I woke up, feeling cool with no covers, and remembered how we were lying. I reached down and found the covers, and then drew them up as I turned around, lying down next to her. She just murmured a soft "um-hmm" and rolled over, and I drew the covers up over us and found her breast as I cuddled up behind her. "Um-hmm," she murmured again, and then we were still, and I fell asleep.

And that was the way we were lying when I woke up, and this time he wasn't awake already. I opened my eyes and saw that it was much lighter in the room than it had been the previous morning. When I squeezed her breast, she murmured softly"um-hmm," but then cheerfully said:

"Good morning. I've got to go."

"Um-hmm, good morning," I responded as she slipped out from under my arm.

She stood up and looked back at me for a moment with a smile and then went off. I heard her using the toilet and looked at my watch. There wasn't going to be enough time to do anything but shower and get dressed and have breakfast, and I had to go, now that I was awake and after her mentioning it.

I got up and joined her in the bathroom, smiling at each other as she got up and flushed.

"We better just shower and start the day," I remarked.

Martha nodded and stepped into the tub, smirking briefly as I joined her. As she turned to turn on the water, I pulled the shower curtain across, and then while she waited to adjust the hot water, I began to go, aiming at the crease between the cheeks of her ass. She snorted when she felt it, but then glanced back towards me and said:

"I thought you would," and I let it play up on her back until she stood up, pulling up the knob for the shower.

She turned to me with a smile as the water started to come down, and then we washed each other. As I started to shave, she said that she would start making breakfast and stepped out of the shower and started drying herself and was gone when I finished. I went back to my room and got dressed, and then joined her in the kitchen, finding her still naked.

She snorted with a smile when she saw me, and her nipples stood out, but she only said: "Scrambled this morning," and I nodded, still appreciating the view of her, and then noticing that the table was already set. I wanted to stand behind her and hold her breasts, but just stood and watched her finish scrambling the eggs, which was equally enjoyable. And then she served them and poured the coffee, all as though it was just natural to be doing so in "Eve's costume", despite my being all dressed.

As we sat down, I suddenly recalled the French painting of two or three men picknicking in a park with a nude woman - no: it was two men and two nude women, one in the background, recalling then the title: "Breakfast in the Park," recognizing then why I had recalled it.

"Sort of like that painting 'Breakfast in the Park'," I remarked, wondering if Martha knew it and wondering still who the painter was.

Martha snorted with a grin and nod and agreed:

"Um-hmm, Manet, ... and the way I want you to think of me all day."

"That won't be difficult," I replied, and then we enjoyed our breakfast.

She wasn't sure about what she was going to do that day, and I reminded her of the Federal Reserve Bank tour, the gold bars in the safe, and she thought maybe she would, "if she got dressed," and we snickered, and her nipples stood out. And then it was time for me to leave.

She followed me to the door, and then stood close to me, and I embraced her, holding her naked body to me - a funny sensation, embracing a nude girl when I was all dressed, feeling her naked body in my arms, and she pressed herself against me as we kissed, kissed for a few moments as though we both should have been naked. And then I was off, buttoning my jacket so that my aroused cock wouldn't show.

On the way to work, it occurred to me that we had made no plans for the evening, but figured that Martha would think of something, maybe really a Norwegian surprise for dinner. Certainly she would think to buy some more beer. And then I was at work, and having no difficulty recalling the image of her at breakfast - or in other, even better situations: in the library - had she picked up our clothes? - or in the kitchen. And she had asked how many times we had done it, and we had still done it again!