Martha's Diary

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Sex and violence in the old west.
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By Mesabi64

This story was inspired by a film, a 1950s western. Back then, the Hollywood Production Code emasculated scripts with any sex in them, to a juvenile level. Violence, massacres, in living color, were deemed wholesome entertainment for all audiences. Movie star Maureen O'Hara said of her role with John Wayne in "McClintock!" I had good legs; I wanted to show more of them, but Duke refused, saying this was a family picture. There is a lot of good-natured violence in "McClintock!" though.

This is my adult version of the story.


This diary has been a dull record of my spinsterhood, until recently. At age 40, well 46, I had long given up on having a husband, children and my own home. My father was a widower, my mother having died young. I was a big disappointment to him, because he wanted to leave his business to his son. He owns the richest copper mine in the state. The mining business is a far cry from the feminine skills I was taught, to be a homemaker and play the spinet.

About a year ago, Father hired a new accountant, Raymond Teal, a handsome young man with a charming manner. He had dark hair, and a thin mustache. He was of medium height and slender. Several months later, Father invited him to supper. I was to display my cooking and housekeeping skills. This embarrassed me, because I was at least fifteen years older than Raymond and as plain as a faded apron. I thought I might have a good figure, still, but ladies do not dress to display their figures!

As a possibly lonely bachelor, Raymond was invited to dine with us again by Father. Raymond asked Father's permission to court me! Although he had no illusions about my appeal to a handsome, much younger man, Father granted permission with an eye to substituting into his business a son-in-law for a son. I was desperate to have my own home. So, while Raymond pretended to love me, I pretended that he did. I intended to do my part as his wife and hope that he might eventually care for me as well as for my financial prospects.

After our marriage in the morning, we engaged a special stage to Contention for our honeymoon. As we crossed the desert, we encountered a man on foot with only a saddle and his rifle. Raymond did not want to stop, but our driver turned out to be a friend of the cowboy and stopped for him. The driver addressed him as Jack Brody.

"It's 15 miles to Contention," the driver said.

"We can't leave him way out in the desert," I agreed.

The man was tall and slender, mostly muscle I thought. He looked about my age. He had a good face, weathered and ruggedly handsome. His manner was good-natured about the misfortune by which he lost his horse. Raymond insisted that he ride up with the driver. Off we went. There was a way station about halfway along. When we arrived, the stationmaster did not appear. Mr. Brody jumped down.

"I was just here yesterday. Tom and his boy were present and in charge."

The windows and entrance were in shadow; it looked dark inside. Then, from the darkness, we heard a commanding voice,

"Let's see your hands! Get out and shed your guns, if you have any."

Three men emerged. The leader, Travis, was older, of medium height and muscular. He had thick, curly black hair with touches of gray. His face was pock-marked. There was Mingo, a young, thin, swarthy Mexican or half-breed with a cruel face, the skin stretched tightly over his skull, and dead eyes; he held two six-shooters. The third, Jed, looked the youngest, with blonde hair and a face not yet hardened.

The driver hesitated to climb down. Then he reached into the boot for his sawed-off shotgun, swung it toward the outlaws and was shot with both barrels by the young gunslinger. Mr. Brody turned and knelt to look at his friend. He rose and turned toward the outlaws.

"Where's the stationmaster?"

Mingo replied, "In the well."

"And his boy?"

"He's in the well, too."

"That's no way! Let us bury them."

"You ready to join them?"

Travis spoke, "Holster your guns! Don't you see there's a lady present?"

"I never shot a lady, not yet." Mingo said.

"Ma'm, can you cook?" Travis asked.


"Get inside and cook! I haven't had a home-cooked meal in a coon's age!"

Raymond looked elegant in his pale blue groom's suit but anxious. I went inside and found provisions.

"Mr. Travis, if you intend to hold up the stage, this isn't the regular one. We got married today and rented it. The stage you want will be along in about an hour, so just let us go. We won't tell about you!"

Travis laughed and addressed Mr. Brodie.

"Do you promise, too?"

"What do you think?"

"I think I'd believe you more than him."

Raymond said, "Listen, do you know who my wife is? Do you know who her father is?"

"No. Who are they?"

"Her father is John Olson. He owns the richest copper mine in the state!"


"He'd pay a lot to get her back. He's worth at least half a million dollars!"

"Interesting. How would we arrange this?"

"I could carry a message that you are holding her for ransom and your instructions about the sum and where to meet for the exchange."

"Aren't you worried about leaving your bride behind with outlaws?"

"She's too valuable for you to mistreat her."

The men all came inside and sat down to eat.

"Lady, you are a good cook!" The leader exclaimed.

Back outside, Travis gave instructions, which my husband wrote down. He sent Mingo along to make sure my husband carried out his mission.

We mounted horses from the station's corral and rode closer along the way to my father, until we reached a shack built at the entrance of a small cave. Mr. Brodie and I were told to stay inside. Several hours later, Raymond returned with the gunman. Father had agreed to their demand of $50,000 and the meeting place. He would have the money ready tomorrow.

Travis said to Raymond, "We don't need you anymore."

"Can I go? Really? I could meet my father-in-law and show him the way back to the meeting place."

"Yeh, you could do that. Don't you want to say goodbye to your missus?"

"Is she asleep? Well, I won't disturb her but just go and be back before she knows it."

Raymond got back onto his horse and rode almost out of sight around the bend of a cliff. He turned to wave. Travis raised his rifle and shot my husband out of the saddle! Mingo eagerly finished him off. I wept at the horror of being captive to killers and being a widow before I was completely a wife. For my unloving husband, I had but a sigh of regret.

Night fell. I could not eat. I lay down in the shack weeping with despair. Mr. Brodie shook me.

"We're still alive! While there's life, there's hope someone said. Our chance may come, and we must be ready to take it!"

In the morning, I was rudely awakened. Mr. Brodie was outside. Mingo was rousting me.

"Okay, take your clothes off!"

Travis stood at the entrance, his gun trained on Mr. Brodie. Jed had been sent up a cliff to keep watch. I refused. He said he'd tear them off me, and I'd be half-naked in their company from then on. I removed my jacket and then my shirtwaist. Impatiently, he pulled the rest down to expose my breasts.

"Hey, lookie! She may be plain and old, but she still has big, firm set of tits!"

Travis had turned to grant me a look.

"Looks like you found a treasure chest!"

Mingo laughed, grabbed my breasts, squeezed them and rubbed my nipples.

"Okay lady, the rest. Shuck that skirt and all off!"

I received another evaluation.

"Nice legs and a nice, hairy cunt! Turn around, slowly! What do you think?"

Travis said, "I do like a woman's ass I can grab and squeeze! Lady, you look like a keeper!"

The half breed groped me between my thighs, sucked on his finger and stuck it inside me.

"Her cunt is too dry. I'd better get her wet."

He ordered me to lie down. He pulled my legs up and spread them wide. He put his head between my thighs and sniffed like a dog with a bitch. With his fingers he found my entrance and stuck his tongue inside! It was a shock! I didn't know that men did such a thing with women.. He penetrated me with his middle finger to thrust it in and out while he licked. He was crude and disgusted me, but, despite my revulsion to his character, I began to feel pleasure.

"She's wet and ready!"

"I'll take over now. You watch Brodie, and I mean watch him, not her!"


Travis was strong and easily pulled him off me. He pulled his pants down. I had never seen an erect penis on a man. It looked big and thick. I feared he would use it like a weapon. I had never aroused a man before. I didn't know I had the power.

"You ever had a man or were you a spinster until you finally got married?"

"I haven't; I am still."

"Lady, you've been going to waste! A body like yours is better than just a pretty face."

He pushed my legs back until I was nearly doubled up. He wrenched my thighs wide apart. I was terrified from stories I'd heard about pain at the first time. He penetrated me. It felt uncomfortable but bearable. He thrust deeper. I flinched and gasped but did not feel much pain.

"You're easier to enter than a virgin. Either you're lying or you busted your cherry somehow, maybe riding horses."

He eased up now and took his time working his penis all of the way inside me. He withdrew and returned slowly, as if savoring me. He clutched my breasts and squeezed them. He kissed them. His moustache tickled my nipples erect. After several minutes, he groaned, quickened his pace and thrust harder. I felt his penis swell even bigger. He grunted. His penis jerked and jerked inside me, and I felt a spasm of pleasure as he shot his semen deep into me. Then he lay on me, his penis still twitching and ran his hands all over my nakedness.

"Lady, you're the best lay I've had in a long time!"

"My turn!"

"You'll get your turn. I haven't had enough of her yet!"

I felt his penis grow back to fill me again. He used me, as if I belonged to him. He must have had a lot of experience with women. I closed my eyes and tried to stifle moans of pleasure. I thought of displaying my pleasure and my usefulness to him, in hope that he would not let Mingo kill me. Mingo kept glancing at us. The thought of union with a killer made me cringe. I guess that made my vagina squeeze Travis' penis.

"Oh, lady, that's a snapping turtle pussy! You want it and here it comes!"

He grabbed my buttocks, lifted me up and squeezed them. I felt another thrill of pleasure as he flooded my vagina with his sperm. Travis sighed with regret as he uncoupled from me.

"Okay, Mingo, your turn."

Mingo mounted me and thrust his long, thin thing savagely up me, taking me in one thrust. He paused and then began doing it to me hard and fast. Soon, I felt him emptying his semen into me.

"Oh, shit! This always happens when I haven't had a piece in a while!"

Travis laughed. "Poor boy! I'm sure you can screw her 2 or 3 more times!"

He went out talk with Mr. Brodie. Mingo soon recovered his virility. This time, he slowed his pace. I feared he would be doing it to me for a long time. I could hear the conversation between Travis and Brodie.

"Brodie, she's a big surprise. There' s a lot of woman under all those clothes! If her husband had gotten to see her naked, he could have enjoyed his bonus and maybe stayed home nights.""

"Did you hurt her?"

"Oh, she flinched a bit at first, but Mingo prepared her well. He has a tongue as long as a hound dog! She said she was still a virgin, but when we found she'd lost her cherry, maybe on a bucking horse, she began to enjoy what she'd missed all these years. Her poor bastard of a husband never even had a wedding bedding of her! After killing him, the least we can do is make up some for all the fucking she missed."

"You talk too much!""

"I ain't no gentleman, if that's what you mean. I think you're jealous, because you'd like to screw her, too. Tell you what. After Mingo's done, you go in and ride her. My treat. She's a fine piece of ass, and has a lot of catching up to do."

"It's her ass!"

Maybe we'll take her along for fun. Then we could drop her off at a whorehouse along the way and she could screw her way back home."

"I don't think she needs to be used any more. No doubt Jed will want his turn with her when his watch ends."

"Hell, Brodie, I don't know why I like you!"

"Do you like me enough not to kill me? And the woman, do like her enough to let her live?"

"I'll think on that some more. You and me are more alike than I'm like Mingo and Jed."

"You ride with them. They kill for you."

"Jed hasn't killed anybody yet. Mingo enjoys killing; he gives me the creeps. They don't know anything. They have no future. When I get my hands on that money, I'm buying myself a little ranch. A man should own a piece of land, somewhere to belong. They'll blow their shares on gambling and women. After we get the money and split, we'll soon ride separate ways."

"Jed might turn around. Nobody tries to help these strays."

"It's a hard country, everybody for himself, except I'd like a woman with me. Hell, I'd even marry her. We could work the ranch together. Evenings, we'd settle down to a good home-cooked meal. After that, we'd go to bed...."

Mingo emerged, buckling his belt. I had put a big grin on his face.

"I poked her 3 times! She's a damned good piece of ass, for a late starter! It'll be a crying shame to kill her."

"Mingo, I'll set off to collect the money now and tell Jed to join you."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come along? You might need help. You might get lost?"

"Just stay here! I won't be long."

Jed returned. Mingo became restless.

"Jed, you watch them. I'm going up top to watch and make sure Travis doesn't stray."

"Alright, you two go inside," Jed told us.

Brodie found me still undressed.

"This is our chance! Travis rode off to collect your ransom. Mingo got suspicious and rode out to spy on him.."

"Now, no man will want me after I've been used by outlaws!"

"I'm sorry about them using you. I'd want you. Now you know how much of a woman you are and your power over men. Distract Jed long enough for me to get his gun away."

"You'd want me?"

"I'd marry you, if you wouldn't mind going with me to live on my ranch."

Brodie embraced and kissed me passionately. I could feel his arousal at my state of undress.

"I guess one more won't matter. Jed is the only nice one of the bunch."

Brodie went out. I lay down half naked.

Jed asked, "What's been going on? Did they do anything with her while I was gone?"

"They both went into her. I guess they were impressed when they got her clothes off. They seem to have enjoyed her a lot."

"What about her? Did she like it?"

"You know she's gone without all her life. Maybe, even with them, she discovered what she missed and maybe wants to make up some for lost time."

"Turn around!"

Jed tied Brodie's hand behind his back.

He looked inside and saw me quite disheveled.

"How many times did they fuck you?"

"Five times. Travis did it to me twice and Mingo three times."

"Did they hurt you or did you enjoy it?"

"They disgusted me, but I couldn't help that my body felt pleasure, being with a man for the first time."

"I want a turn!"

"I guess one more doesn't matter. I'll be a long time dead. Besides, you're the only nice one."

Jed's hands shook as he stripped me naked.

"I was the only one against killing you, and that was before I saw how good you look naked!"

"I know."

I raised my knees and slowly spread my legs for him. He dropped his trousers and nearly tripped on them in his haste to get to me. Semen leaked out of me. This seemed to inflame his lust even more. He quickly penetrated me, and with one more thrust, possessed me. He just enjoyed feeling his penis in me while he caressed my thighs and breasts. He bent to kiss them and suck my nipples erect. Then he began thrusting steadily. I allowed myself a moan of pleasure.

"Do you like it? Really?"

"Yes! Don't stop!"

Not knowing that Brodie's hands were tied, I clasped Jed to me wrapping my arms and legs around him. He did it harder and faster in haste not to be interrupted. Like Mingo, he was so excited to have me that he quickly unloaded into me.

"Oh, hell! I'm sorry! Give me another chance and I'll do better!"

I was worried now, wondering why Mr. Brodie had not intervened. Jed was soon ready to prove himself. He was able to do it at a steady pace now with the expectation of much more time inside me.

"Alright, Jed, it's over! Dismount!"

"Just let me finish! You'll have to kill me to stop me from cumming in her!"

Brodie moved to pull Jed off me, but I shook my head.

"One more doesn't matter. Let him finish."

"Well, he'll be easier to manage after his satisfied and before you excite him all over again."

Brodie had another erection from watching us. He definitely wanted me, too!

Jed brought me another spasm of pleasure as I felt his penis swell further and pump his semen into me again. Then he collapsed on me. After no sex for 46 years, I had it 7 times in one day!

"Give me a minute more inside her, please!"

"I know how you feel, kid. You have one more minute with her."

After Jed pulled regretfully out of me and rose slowly, as if drained of energy, Mr. Brodie tied his hands and feet, and gagged him while I dressed. We left him in the shack and ran for cover behind some rocks. He fired his rifle into the air.

"I don't want both of them coming at us. This will bring Mingo first."

Soon we heard galloping hooves. Mingo rode up with a gun in one hand. He called out Jed's name. He looked around and dashed to the shack Brodie handed me a pistol and told me to start shooting. He took the rifle and ran to circle around behind. Mingo decided against being trapped in the shack with bullets ricocheting off the rock wall. He fired back with both barrels. Then he darted behind some rocks to re-load.

Soon, I heard,

"Drop 'em, Mingo! It's over!"

Mingo swirled around with both guns to sight his adversary. Brodie shot him. Mingo turned away, but Brodie shot him again and again, until he dropped his guns, fell, and lay still.

"Do you think Travis will be back?"

"If I know Mingo, and Travis knows him a lot better, Mingo would trail him to the ends of the earth, kill him, and take all of the loot! He'll be back, alright."

About an hour later, we did again hear galloping hooves. Travis reined up, looked around and called,

"Mingo? Jed?"

He carefully dismounted, carrying the saddlebags of money. He drew his gun and looked inside the shack. Jed, being unarmed, was no use to him. He emerged.

"Alright, Brodie, let's parlay!"

He holstered his gun, trusting Brodie's honor.

Brodie stepped out with his rifle.

"Well, now, the table has turned. Now I know why I like you. There's no sense in me killing you or you me. You can have the woman; she probably likes you. I'll keep the money. Her father has plenty more. I'll just ride off, a reformed man, to buy my ranch."

"I can't do that. Among other crimes, you raped her."

"I just broke her in to being a real woman! I kept you alive. Mingo wanted to kill you both back at the station!"

I said, "There's been too much killing already! I know you'll make it a fair fight. He might kill you!"

"Leave the money!"

Travis climbed onto his horse, tipped his hat and rode slowly away. Brodie watched, rifle in hand. Travis turned the corner out of sight. The sound of hooves faded. We turned back. Then we heard the hooves again! Travis rode like the devil was after him. Brodie pushed me away. Travis fired his gun as he tried to ride Brodie down. Brodie whirled around, and with his Winchester, shot Travis out of his saddle. Travis needed a lot of effort to turn himself onto his back. His last words were