Mary, My Matronly Mother-in-Law


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"I like it when your mother takes me in her mouth," I said.

"You dirty dog! Of course, you do," grinned my wife.

As my wife went down on me I sighed "Oh, Mary." I saw the door opening just a fraction. Enough so that a conservative matronly woman might be able to watch the action on the bed.

"I think your mother is watching us," I whispered to Jennifer. She let my cock slide out of her mouth and looked up at me.

"Sex-crazy slut! Can I try sitting on your face while you lick me? That'll give her something to watch," whispered Jennifer.

"Are you serious?" I whispered.

"Come on! Let's try it and see what she does!" whispered my wife.

This wasn't something we'd tried before, although I understood the concept. I just lay where I was, as my wife straddled my head, facing the door to our room, and lowered herself onto my face.

My view was, by necessity, obscured by my wife's backside, so I didn't see what happened. But I did hear Jennifer.

"Hey, Mom! Go ahead and open the door and get a good look at the action. Lose the robe, Mom!"

I just kept licking and sucking as my wife squirmed, raising and lowering herself on my face. I know I must have got hard again, because at one point Jennifer leaned forward and grasped my cock.

"You know you want to!" said Jennifer. "God, you're a glorious big woman! Here we are all three naked together. I'm sitting on Daddy's face. Do you like that? He's licking me and it's lovely! Look how hard his cock is. I need help with that, Mom."

"Jennifer?" Mary speaking very softly. I almost didn't hear her.

"You like the fantasy, Mom? Daddy's lovely hard cock has been inside me, too. We're sharing your man! Come closer! You can imagine taking this cock in your mouth, can't you? You want to! Go ahead! I dare you!"

"Oh, oh!" sighed Mary.

"You want it, I can see, Mom. It's OK, I want you to," grunted Jennifer. "God, you're enormous and beautiful! Your breasts! Your thighs!"

"Jennifer?" came Mary's voice. "Is this really OK? Please?"

"Do it, Mom," sighed my wife. "Look at me, naked, sitting on his face. I want you, he wants you. We really want you to do it!"

And, suddenly, as I was licking my wife, another mouth was on my cock. It could only be Mary's.

"That's it, Mom! Suck Daddy's hard cock while I ride his face! Suck Daddy Michael's cock!"

I licked and sucked like crazy, but was soon bucking my hips as I spurted into Mary's hungry mouth. And that's when Jennifer climaxed, crying out and pushing herself against my mouth.

Then, as quickly as Mary's mouth had been on me, it was gone. Jennifer dismounted and sat next to me. I sat up. The door to our room was still open, but Mary had fled.

"Oh, Michael! That was INSANE!" cried Jennifer.

"You're telling me. You've never sat on my face before," I said. "That was a powerful experience. Your bottom was so big and close!"

"Shut up! I'm talking about my mother! Of course, sitting on your face was pretty wild. Did it feel OK?" asked Jennifer.

"It was good. You were really gentle with me. I couldn't see or hear much," I said.

"Well, you know Mom went down on you, right? She walked right up, fat and naked, and took you in her mouth while you were licking my pussy. It was unbelievable!" said Jennifer.

"Unbelievable in a good way, or a bad way?" I asked. "For you, I mean. It felt great to me."

"Well, I liked seeing it, which is nuts. Why did it make me feel so horny? Did you like getting a blow job from my mother while your tongue was in my pussy?" giggled Jennifer.

"Both were wonderful," I said. "It's too much to imagine, however."

"We're probably all going to burn in hell, but it was pretty hot," said Jennifer. "Mom totally wants you, I can tell. She barely hesitated when I gave her the opportunity. She shrugged out of her robe and did you, swallowed, and walked out without saying a word. God, her ass is enormous! So are her boobs. I saw my mother naked, and sucking off my husband! Wow! I wish you'd have seen her!"

I didn't see a reasonable way to tell my wife that her mother already had had me, several times, in several ways. And that I was very familiar with her body.

"What're we going to do?" I asked.

"About what? Or do you mean was this a one-time thing?" asked Jennifer.

"I guess I just wonder what now?" I asked. "Seems like we crossed a bridge or border or something."

"I'll say," said Jennifer. "Well, Michael, how do you feel about my mother?" Practical, all of a sudden.

"I like your mother," I said. "I love your mother."

"Let me be more specific. How do you feel about sex with my mother? I think she wants that with you," said Jennifer. "She's already started!"

"But ... you're my wife," I said.

"And that's great. We have two wonderful kids. We're comfortable and happy. My Mom lives with us, and she wants to have sex with my husband," said Jennifer. "She's not the most attractive woman in the world, I'll admit. But I think ... I think I could cope. So, it kinda depends on you."

"On me what?" I asked.

"On whether or not you find my mother attractive in that way," said Jennifer. "She clearly wants you."

"You mean, like, for sex?" I asked.

"That's what I mean," said Jennifer. "I'm not sure it's a good idea, but I'm interested in how you feel. So we can figure out what to do about the future."

I was quiet for a moment. Then, "If you were really OK with it, yes, I guess."

"Yes, you can imagine having sex with my mother? Or, yes, you could imagine enjoying sex with my mother? Like I said, she's a homely fat old woman, so I understand if not."

"Both," I said. "I can imagine both. I'm just imagining, remember, trying to be nice."

"Which is totally amazing, but it gives us something to think about, to talk about," said Jennifer.

"You can imagine me having sex with your mother?" I asked.

"I've not only imagined that, in our fantasies. But I've seen my fat naked mother going down on you. With me, her naked daughter only inches away riding your face," said Jennifer.

"That sounds depraved," I said.

"But really, really arousing!" said Jennifer. "I don't know how I'd feel if we actually went ahead, with anything more. But thinking about you fucking her, eating her ... Wow!"

"Would you want to ... watch?" I asked. "We know she likes to watch us."

"Michael! Now we're really getting depraved. Would I want to watch? Watch you have sex with my mother? I've just had a preview! Watch you with my mother. Have her watch us? I don't know. Maybe, yes. Yes. Now I can't stop thinking about it! Come on, let's snuggle and get to sleep. I have a busy morning tomorrow. Maybe I can get free a little early, we'll see."

Mary didn't make an appearance until almost noon. Jennifer had gone to work, promising to come home early if she could. Mary came into the kitchen wearing her dressing gown, unfastened, arms opened to me. I turned to her and embraced her, without a word, then pulled the gown open and began to run my hands over her body. She kissed me, and I pushed her dressing gown off over her shoulders so that it fell to the floor. Mary now stood naked in our kitchen.

"You really do want me, don't you, Michael?" Mary shivered. "Still? Even with my daughter home?" She squeezed my cock through my trousers.

"All the time," I said, running my hands over her wealth of flesh.

"What about Jennifer?" she asked. "You want me so much? The mother, even though you're married to the daughter? You can have her any time you want ... you can have me any time you want ... I want you to have me any time you want." Still squeezing me as I got hard.

"I don't know," I said. "It might be OK with her. All I know is I want all of you all the time."

"Then how about right here, right now," hissed Mary. "Fuck Mommy on the floor!"

I spread out the dressing gown and pulled Mary down next to me on the floor. On her back, she fumbled with my belt buckle, then I helped her unfasten my trousers. I pushed trousers and underpants down to my knees. Mary spread her fat thighs and pulled her sagging tummy out of the way, and I entered her.

"Oh, Michael! Fuck me, darling!" sighed my mother-in-law.

Just as we began to fuck, the back door opened.

"I'm home early!" called Jennifer. She walked into the kitchen to find her fat, naked mother having sex on the floor with her husband.

"Mom!" cried Jennifer.

"Oh, Jennifer!" groaned Mary. "Michael! Stop!"

"Mary! Jennifer!" I gasped, without withdrawing from Mary's pussy.

"Oh, God! I just knew it!" cried Jennifer.

"What should we do?" asked Mary.

"It looks like you're doing what you want right now," said my wife.

"Michael! Pull out, darling, and get off me!" cried Mary.

"Don't stop on my account," said my wife, pulling up a chair from the breakfast table. "I'll just watch."

"Oh, Jennifer!" sighed Mary. "This is insane! You want to watch us?"

"Go on, Michael. Fuck my mother," said Jennifer. "You've started so the damage is already done. I can't unsee this. I don't want to unsee this."

So, I did. I could see my wife, sitting a few feet away from my head, staring at me making love to her fleshy old mother.

"Oh, honey! Your husband's making love to me on your kitchen floor!" gasped Mary. "Michael and I are fucking, and you're watching!"

"I know, Mom. I can see you both," said Jennifer. "I don't know how I feel about it. Well, I know I'm upset. And I don't know what I'm going to do about it, yet. How does it feel to have my man's cock -- my man's cock! -- in your pussy instead of in your mouth, you fat slut?"

"Oh, honey!" groaned Mary. "It feels marvelous! Please let this be OK! I know I'm a fat slut. And I want your husband to fuck me. And I want you to watch. I like you watching. I'm so sorry. I'll watch you with him! I want to watch you and Michael!"

"Watching you and my fake step-daddy fucking on the floor. And you're thinking about him fucking me, too, your lovely daughter?" asked Jennifer. "Because I'm thinking about that."

"Wicked girl! You and step-dad!" panted Mary as I pounded in and out of her. "Sharing him! You and me! Your Dad would have been so excited! Big Mary, fucking and sucking! That's what he wanted! Isn't she a go-er, he'd say, right to the end!"

"Dad? Geez, Mom! You're in your 70s, I'm in my 50s, we're both too old for this!" sighed my wife. "Dad was nuts. You're nuts!"

As I fucked her mother I watched my wife pull up her skirt and put her hand inside her panties. She began fingering herself as she watched us.

"Oh, Jennifer, baby!" I sighed. "I'm getting close!"

"What's she doing? What's she doing?" panted Mary, unable to see her daughter.

"She's masturbating watching us," I groaned.

"Oh! Oh! Like her father! I'm there! Push hard, Michael baby!" cried Mary. "Let Jen watch us climax! Fuck me hard, darling!"

I did push hard, and we climaxed together, something that seldom has worked out for me and Jennifer. I collapsed on Mary's fleshy form, then pulled out of her and crawled over to my wife.

"May I help you finish?" I asked, looking up at Jennifer.

"Oh, please, Daddy!" she simpered. "I'm so aroused after watching you fuck Mommy. Daddy's tongue is just what I need."

"But ... you're serious, right?" I asked, concerned about the potential for sarcasm.

"Oh, I'm seriously needing you eating me," growled my wife.

She lifted her bottom, pulled off her panties, and lifted her skirt right up to her waist. She slid forward in the chair, legs spread wide, leaning back and pushing her pussy towards me.

"You look delicious, Jen!" said her mother.

"Eat me, Daddy!" she sighed. "Watch Daddy eat me, Mommy!"

And I did eat Jennifer. Mary sat naked on the floor watching us, a mountain of flesh with bright and eager eyes.

"Eat her, Daddy! Eat pretty Jennifer!" sighed Mary. "Does she taste as good as me? I'll bet she does."

Jennifer climaxed with a cry, and there we were. My wife half-naked sitting on a kitchen chair. Her mother sitting naked on the floor on her dressing gown. Me kneeling naked between them.

"Mom, you're a sex-mad, cheating slut," said Jennifer.

"I know, I know," said Mary, eyes cast down.

"And I love you, in spite of it," said Jennifer. "Michael, you're a cheating horny bastard."

"Things got out of hand," I said.

"No kidding! And I love you, and I'm no better than either of you, egging you on, enjoying the idea of my mother ... my mother! ... having sex with my husband," said Jennifer. "Mom? You're enormous. Michael, she's enormous."

"I know," I said, looking over at Mary.

"And you like that," said my wife.

"I do. I love you. I love your mother. You're both amazing," I said.

"Well, come on, you two," said Jennifer, stepping out of her panties and straightening her skirt as she rose. "Get up."

"I need help," said Mary.

I stepped over to her and helped her up. I couldn't help having parts of her touch me as she rose. I admit I pushed my chest against her huge hanging breasts and I ran my hand over her vast backside. I was starting to get hard again ... the situation! ... and Mary didn't help by giving my semi-erection a little squeeze. She thought she was being furtive, but her daughter saw.

"Mom! Geez! You two can't keep your hands of each other," sighed Jennifer. "Go to your room and get dressed. Michael, come with me. And then we'll meet and talk about ... whatever ... in a few minutes.

I couldn't help but watch Mary wobble out of the kitchen carrying her dressing gown. My wife watched me watching her mother's fat ass. Jennifer sighed and took me by the hand and led me to our bedroom. We sat naked on the end of the bed.

"That wasn't the first time, was it, Michael?" asked my wife.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't act all innocent," said Jennifer. "I think you've done other things with my Mom. So, not the first time?"

"No, it wasn't," I sighed, giving up all pretense. "When you were away, your Mom and I ... well, she sort of seduced me!"

"She seduced you?" asked my wife. "My fat old mother seduced you?"

"She started showing me her body, and suggesting that it might help with our fantasies ..."

"And you liked what she showed you, didn't you?" asked Jennifer.

"She was surprising forward," I muttered.

"And I just watched you and her," she shook her head. "And I guess Dad watched her with other men, too."

"And she watched him with the other men's wives," I said. "She told me a lot of stuff."

"Crazy horniness in the blood!" sighed Jennifer.

"I have to say it was exciting having you watch us, touching yourself, and me eating you after."

"Watching you and Mom fuck ... I don't know. I did get horny," said my wife. "And now you're getting hard again, with us talking about it!"

My wife grasped my cock and squeezed. Then she gave me a quick kiss.

"You're ridiculous," she said. "This has been inside my old fat mother! Not just her mouth, I knew about that. OK, out with it. How was she?"

"What?" I asked.

"Intercourse with my mother," said my wife. "How was it?"

"There's ... a lot of her ... and ... it's better if she's on top ... easier move in and out ... and ... she's pretty loose ... and ravenous ..." I mumbled.

"And you want her," nodded Jennifer. Still grasping my hard cock.

"I'm crazy about both of you!" I sighed.

"Having an affair with my old, fat mother who you never seemed to like much ... "

"You're right. It's crazy," I said.

"And she's so hot for you. My husband! It's ridiculous," she said. "And talking about it makes you hard!"

"I know, I know," I said.

"I'm upset and horny as hell!" said Jennifer.

"I know. Me, too," I said.

"Inside Mom," Jennifer shook her head, considering my hard cock in her hand. "My husband's hard cock inside my mother. And I watched and it made me horny." Then she leaned over suddenly and took me in her mouth!

She sucked and rubbed me with great abandon. Much more energy than usual. It was fabulous and I told her so.

"That was fabulous," I sighed, after climaxing in my wife's mouth. "You're amazing."

"As good as Mom?" she asked, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"We need to be careful with the comparisons, I think," I said.

"I can't always be sloppy seconds. But if the price of us all living together happily is sex with my mother, I'm actually OK with that. As for watching sex with my mother, or her watching us, that seems unnatural, but weirdly arousing."

Mary called from the living room. "I'm ready to talk when you are! I put my robe back on!"

"Do you think she's wearing anything under the robe?" asked Jennifer.

"No," I said. "And I doubt she plans to keep it on."

"Who knew I had such a slutty Mom?" she sighed.

"Your Dad, it sounds like," I said. "A bunch of men and women they had sex with."

"Oh, yeah, right," she said.

"And now us," I said.

"Who knew you had such a slutty wife?" giggled Jennifer

"We could just wear robes, too," I said.

"To make her comfortable," giggled my wife.

"And for easy access," I laughed.

"You're incorrigible," said my wife. "I expect to be pleasured again later, mister. But don't automatically expect woman-on-woman action ... I'm not sure about that."

"I'd just be happy if you don't mind sharing me with your Mom," I said.

"Has she ... said anything about doing things with other women?" asked Jennifer.

"Well, yeah, but I don't know about specifics," I said. "Things she did with you Dad, and that continued until just before he passed. Are you ... interested?"

"I don't know ... one more thing to talk about, I guess," sighed Jennifer.

"I would watch," I said.

"Of course, you would, you perverted mother-fucker! You'd probably join in! Get your robe on and let's go talk to Mom," sighed Jennifer. "I'm concerned that our beds might not be sturdy enough, Michael. Could you give that some thought? I'm grateful ours is a king. I hadn't thought before, but Mom probably could use a bigger, stronger bed."

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FigjamkissFigjamkiss6 days ago

Fun and Sexy story! ~~ Husband Michael and wife Jennifer welcome her 70+ year old mother Mary into their home. Michael and Mary end up having sex on the kitchen floor while Jennifer watches.

Improbable? Maybe in your neighborhood, but it's not unheard of in mine.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Gr8. Kept me hard all the way through. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Take your fat chick and stick it in your dysfunction!!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


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