Mary's 20 Labors Pt. 07


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I am going to fuck her the first chance I get.

We get back to Mary's house and she asks if I would like to come in. Like she has to ask. We are no sooner in the house and Rob is asking if a friend can come over and play XBox on the big tv.

"Sure honey." she turns to me with a sad look, "I am sorry"

Mary & I are in the kitchen just talking when Rob comes out. "Can I ask a favor John?"


"Well actually two."


"You said you played ball in college so you must be pretty good. Could you show me a few tips?"

I smile, "I would be happy to, what's number 2?"

"The way you folded the $20 was cool, can you show me how you did it?"

"I sure can. I learned it from my Dad years ago. He learned it in the Navy years ago as a bar trick. It would go something like I bet I can fold this $20 to a small square so tight it won't unfold, and it will stay flat. The trick is the little tuck you do to it to keep it together."

I take 2 fresh $20s out. As I fold the first one, I make sure to give it nice hard creases. I then start folding it end over end once it's in a ¼ sized strip top to bottom. I then show him the trick tuck at the end that holds it together. I press it hard between my fingers and put it on the table, and it stays flat. I pick it up and undo it, and hand it to him.

"Remember what I did here and practice with this one. Just follow the creases." I then hand him the second twenty.

"What's this one for?"

"You showed me today that you are a good young man. You humble me by putting the folded $20 by Grumps picture. So since you are showing me that honor, I am showing you I appreciate it with another $20 for you to spend."

He looks at his Mom, and she just nods her head. He reaches out and takes it, and then reaches out to shake my hand. I am impressed with this kid. We shake and I tell him we will figure out some practice time later, and off he goes bounding up the stairs.

Mary puts her hand on my cheek and turns me towards her, and kisses me. We are making out like kids for a good minute until Rob calls out he is going to take a shower. Mary smiles at me and grabs me by the hand and walks me into the living room. We stop in front of the recliner. She starts opening my pants, and pulls them down.

"You have 5 maybe 10 minutes."

She pushes me into the recliner, kneels in front of me and wastes no time as she sucks me into her mouth. She keeps going deep and back up, after a few practice shots she doesnt stop, and I am in her throat. I just groan. She pulls back up and off me. She coughs a bit, and looks up at me. "I am amazed I can do that, but we are on a clock." She dives back down on me. She is going all out. It's a minute or two later and she pulls off me again. Looking sexy as hell with drool all over her lips and chin. She starts stroking me with one hand and gently massaging my balls.

"Come on he won't be long. I want the cum in these bad boys" and gives them a little extra squeeze and sucks the top of my dick back in while rubbing my balls. It's only a minute or so later and I warn her I am going to cum. She gives me a final suck and pulls me out, opens her mouth, & sticks out her tongue. She keeps jerking me. Her hand is a blur and I pop. My cum lands all over her face. It's on her lips, chin, cheeks, nose and some in her open mouth. She sucks me back in her mouth and sucks me clean, and then licks her tongue around her lips. She looks at me, "Get dressed I have to wash my face at the kitchen sink."

We are back to sitting in the kitchen for a few minutes when I hear Rob walk from the bathroom to his bedroom. Just a few minutes after that he is bounding down the stairs when the doorbell rings. "I got it" he yells. Rob comes walking in with his friend and introduces us. I shake Mike's hand and off they go to play video games.

They are into their game and Mary gets up and walks behind me. She wraps her arms around me and I can feel her boobs against my back as she starts to nuzzle my neck, and suck on my earlobe. Boy I haven't felt goosebumps like this in a long time.

Mary starts to whisper in my ear. "I want to take you upstairs to my bed. I want you to have your way with me. I want you to lick my ass again, & spank me. I want you to make me cum. I want to feel you cum inside of me. I then want to fall asleep again in your arms."

All I can do is mutter, "Oh jesus"

She giggles and turns me and holds my head against her chest as she rubs my face in her boobs for about 30 seconds and steps away and sits down. "I just wanted to make sure you wanted it as much as I do,'' she smiles. "If I am going to be horny and cant do anything about it so are you."

"I have created a monster." I whisper

"Too late you can't put the genie back in the bottle." she giggles.

I grab my phone, and she just looks at me. It doesn't take 45 seconds and I turn to screen around to show a girl in a barely there genie lingerie. "Lingerie for another time."

Her eyes go wide and she giggles. I notice the time and apologize, I promised Matt I would come help him install new non slip treads on the wheelchair ramp for his wife."


"His wife has ALS. She is in a wheelchair now."

She gasps and puts her hand to her mouth, "Oh I feel like a heel now."


"The other night I started to feel bad about having sex with a married man behind his wifes back. That's why I finished him with my hand."

I look to the living room and machine gun fire and yelling boys is still happening. "The labors are for me but I would never "whore you out". I told Matt to stay because I know the situation, and I know his wife has already told him she understands if he has a physical affair. He hasn't because he doesn't want to have anything get back to his wife and hurt her. He knew with me he was safe. We have been friends since Jr High, each other's Best Man and we know where each other's skeletons are buried."

Mary is just sitting there with a sad look on her face and a hand over her mouth. "My god that's awful. Now I feel so bad for him." She gets up and just hugs me. Just a nice soft hug "Will you tell him I said hi?"


I walk into the living room and say goodbye to the boys. They barely look up from the game they are playing to say bye. I just smile and Mary walks me out. She hugs and kisses me at the door.

I hold her face in my hands and tilt it up to me. "If I were to tell you I wanted you to perform a Labor after work Wed or Thur night, could you get away with the excuse with Rob that I was taking you out to dinner?"

She looks up with a puzzled look, but knows better than to ask what I am thinking. "Yes"

"Great. When Rob is asleep I want you naked on the bed, and I want you to Facetime me."

She gives me a big smile, "Yes sir."

One last kiss and I am off.

Later that night. I am enjoying vodka on the rocks watching ESPN and Facetime buzzes. I see her face and bare shoulders. I am in Labor mode. "I don't see you naked?"

Mary catches the tone, "Sorry" and she pans the camera down. She is naked and her pussy looks wet. "

"Have you been playing with yourself?"


"Well then continue while we talk." she smiles.

"Wednesday after work you will go directly to my house. There will be 2 boxes on my bed along with some of your toys. You will open only box #1 and put on the lingerie. When the doorbell rings you will open the door standing in the doorway. No hiding behind the door. You are my early birthday gift to Matt. I am going to share you with him."

Her face is almost blank, "You won't be there?"

"No. You know his situation. I want to share you with him. I want you to do whatever he wants. No saying no like with me, but I will tell him no anal. The two of you will then meet me at the bar for dinner at 6pm, and maybe we will all go back to the house and you can be desert for both of us."

Her face is still blank. "Really just the two of us, you won't be there."

"Correct this Labor is you reminding my friend what a woman's sensual touch is like. I want you to make him feel as nice as you make me." I soften my voice. "You know his situation. Will you do this for me? Will you allow me to share you with my friend?"

Again she just looks, "Alone?"

"Yes alone, and I realize you are nervous about it, but I promise he will be nothing but a gentleman."


"Good he thinks he is coming to pick me up. After the door closes tell him I want him to call me."

"What? He has no idea?"

"No, you are an early birthday present to him. I can't ruin the surprise."

"Oh jesus. I am going to be more nervous I think then when I meet you the first time at the hotel."

"He will probably be too. You can calm each other's nerves."

"Oh god." is all I get.

Wednesday 4:40pm

My cell phone rings, and Matt's name is one the screen.

"Um why is Mary here ½ naked telling me to call you?"

"Listen to me. No talking. I don't think you have been laid since your wife got sick. We have had lots of talks and I know it's hard. I know you have a pass but haven't acted on it because you don't want to take a chance on something getting back to her. This will never leave my house. She is yours to play with, have sex with, or make love to. It's up to you. If you just want to talk feel free, I wouldn't, but whatever. There are only 2 rules, no anal, and you both meet me at 6PM at the bar for dinner. So she is yours for about an hour. Do you want to keep talking?"

"No goodbye." and the line goes dead. Enjoy buddy.

Wednesday night 6:15pm

LOL, they are late. I wonder who is killing who? No sooner do I finish that thought, Mary walks in followed by Matt. I hug and kiss Mary. I hold her in a hug, "Are you ok?"


I get a catch in my throat, and Mary notices. "Thank you."

She smiles and pats my face. Mary looks over and sees Cathy watching. They say hi, and before I know it Matt has me in a big hug. "Thank you bud. You don't know what this meant to me." Jesus we haven't hug like this since I got married, and now we are both choked up.

We break the hug and Cathy & Mary are just watching and smiling. We sit at the bar and order a few drinks and dinner, and just talk and laugh like old friends do. At one point Matt gets up to go to the men's room and Cathy comes around the bar. She puts an arm around each of us.

She looks at Mary, "You are a saint," she turns to me, "and you are the best friend a person could ask for."

"Cathy what are you talking about?" I ask.

"I know."

I try to keep up the deniability. "You know what?"

"Ok I will say it." looking at me "You shared your girlfriend with your best friend," turning then to Mary "and you, you beautiful saint you said yes."

Mary starts to stumble a denial. Cathy cuts her off. "It's not wrong. I am not offended. I think you are both awesome, and I promise I will never tell a soul." Cathy leans over and gives us both a kiss on the cheek. She walks around the bar and comes back with a polo that has the bars logo on it. "It's not much but I want you to have this shirt," and she hands it to Cathy. "Everytime you wear it, think of the selfless thing you did for that poor man. I will always remember it."

Mary has a tear in her eye and wipes it away. No sooner does Cathy step behind the bar then Matt comes back. He sees Mary has a polo. "Hey Cathy how come she gets a polo we have been begging for one?"

Cathy laughs, "Because she is an angel for putting up with John, and tonight the poor girl is stuck between the two of you."

Mary looks at Matt and gives him a raspberry. We all just laugh. We have another round or two, and time gets away from us. Matt gets a text from his mother in law asking if he will be home soon. She has to go soon and Matt's wife can no longer be left alone.

I try to pay but Matt won't hear of it. He signs it and puts it on the bar. I pull out the 3 20's in my pocket, fold them and hand them to Mary. "Please go give Cathy a hug to thank her for her discretion and give her this. I don't want her to split it with another bartender."

I see them hug. Cathy then, I am sure, is saying no trying to give the money back. They hug again and Mary's face lights up in shock. My view is partially obstructed by the bar, so I don't know what Mary is reacting to. Cathy turns Mary by the shoulders and by the looks of it pats her on the ass to make her leave.

Mary comes to me with a shocked look still on her face. "She wouldn't take it."

I see Mary's hands are empty. I don't really care about the money but I ask, "Where's the money?"

Mary looks up at me, "She stuck it down the back of my pants."

I double over in laughter. I look over and Cathy has a huge smile and is giggling too.

I take Mary's arm and we walk out.

Matt is waiting outside. He walks right to Mary, and gives her a loving hug. "Thank you so much Mary. It was one of the kindest things someone has ever done for me. I needed this emotionally, mentally & physically. Thank you" and he kisses her cheek. They break the hug and Mary has a tear in her eye. He reaches out and grabs me in another bear hug.

"I love you brother."

"And I love you too."

"I can't even think of the words to say." and his voice cracks.

We just stand there hugging and trying to compose ourselves. We break the hug and Mary is watching with tears running down her cheeks. She reaches up to Matt, pulls his face to her and gives him a gentle kiss on the lips. She pulls back, pats his cheek and says, "Go home."

He smiles, nods and gets in his truck and drives off.

Mary takes my face in her hands. "I can't spend the night, but please take me home and make love to me."

I take her by the arm to the car, and I do just that.

We are laying in bed together in a post orgasmic bliss. Mary picks her head up off my chest. "So do you want to know what happened?"

"I think I would but only if you are comfortable telling me. If you feel it should stay between you two I am ok with that."

"I want no secrets from you. I want you to know it all."

Wednesday 4:37pm...Mary's Story

The doorbell rings and I am so nervous and anxious. I want to do this, but without John here I am nervous. I open the door and Matt just stares.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask him.

"Um yeah. Where's John?"

"He isn't here."

"But he told me to come pick him up. Did he forget?"

"No John told me to tell you to call him, right now in front of me."

John didn't say in front of me but I don't want Matt to get nervous and run. I hear Matt ask why I am here ½ naked. Then he says No goodbye,and hangs up.

Matt looks at me, "Really?"

"Yes really, "I answer.

"I would love to but I don't want to touch you."

Holy crap is he really saying no. Oh my god I feel like an ass I have thrown myself at him and he has said no. I think I am going to cry.

Matt sees my expression change. "Oh Jesus. No not that Mary. I got a bunch of oil spilled on me. My shirt is soaked and I am half covered in it. I want to take a quick shower so you don't have to smell me, or worse yet wind up smelling like me. I would love it if you were on John's bed waiting for me when I get out."

I smile, "I will be waiting."

He walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. I clear the the toys and box #2 off the bed strip off the lingerie and lay down. I spread my legs and start rubbing myself so when he comes out of the bathroom that will be what he sees.

Sure enough the shower stops, the door opens and he steps out wrapped in a towel only. "Wow" is all he says. After a moment of standing still I tell him to come to the bed. We walks up and is mesmerized watching me rub myself.

"Will you blow me while you play with yourself?"

"I would love to." I shift down a little, prop myself up on 2 pillows, lean towards him and suck him into my mouth. He barely lasts a minute I think. Maybe a minute and a half. The only warning I get is an. "Oh god" and he is filling my mouth with his cum. I swallow it down and look up at him smiling.

"I am so sorry that it happened so fast."

"Matt it's a compliment. I guess you really liked my blowjob."

"Jesus Christ yes."

He doesn't say another word. He just crawled onto the bed between my legs and started going down on me. He wasn't the best. He was a little clumsy, but he was doing ok. I was getting close even with his fumbling. I was trying to gently direct his head in my hands where to go.

He stopped and looked up at me, "I have always wanted to do that" and he started to climb on top of me. I was in shock. Did he just say he has never gone down on a woman? My train of thought was interrupted as he pushed himself inside of me. I noticed he was thinner than you, but longer. Just long enough that it felt longer. Again I hate to say it, but there was no finese it was just sex. After a bit he rolled off me and asked me to get on top. I was hoping at that point I would be able to rub and grind on him to orgasm. When he was going down on me, or when he was on top of me I could feel the beginnings of an orgasm, but it never lasted long enough to happen. It was almost like having sex with an inexperienced kid.

I started to feel the beginnings again and he rolled me off him, asking me to get on my hands and knees. I did and for the next two minutes it was just hard fucking until he came in me. I fell forward on the bed, and he crawled next to me and asked. "Can I just hold you for a bit?"

I cuddled into him. My first thought was he did get something spilled on him. Even after the shower I could smell something like gas. I was going to joke with him about it, but when I looked up he had tears in his eyes. I asked, "What's wrong?"

"I miss my wife. I miss having sex with her, and holding her in bed. I can't even sleep in the same bed anymore. She needs her own bed."

I didn't even know what to say. I turned my head into his chest so he wouldn't see my tears and hugged and soothed him, until we both relaxed. I figured we had a little more time so I reached down and started rubbing him back to life. Once he started getting hard I slid down him and started blowing him. Little by little I kept taking him a little deeper and deeper until he was in my throat. He really liked that, but I was trying to milk a 3rd orgasm out of him. I would deep throat him and then have to back off. I decided we were running out of time so I reached for the lube on the nightstand and called his name to make him open his eyes and look.

As I am rubbing lube onto my finger making it wet and shiny. "Just like last time I am going to finger your ass, but this time I am going to deep throat you until you cum."

"Oh god." was his only response. I got an "Oh" as I slipped my finger in him, and finally an "Oh jesus" as I felt his hair tickle my nose. I had to pull back, and was on my way back down he came. No warning. Just one quick shot. I gave his prostrate a rub or two. He shuddered a tad and I pulled my finger out.

I snuggled against him for a few, then we saw the clock and started getting dressed knowing we would be a little late. As I came out of the bathroom I saw him putting back on that stinky t shirt so I gave him one of yours. I didn't think you would care. And now again the clock is telling me it's time to go. I have to get home to my son.


Thank you for reading Part 7. I hope you are enjoying the story. This could be Loving Wife or Reluctance. I left it in Reluctance because even though there is a relationship forming there is more pushing Mary reluctantly out of her comfort zone.

Again I always appreciate Comments.

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Rhino77PIlotRhino77PIlotabout 1 year ago

I like the trajectory this story is taking!

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