Mary's Control Ch. 01 - Initiation

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Mary meets new neighbours and recruits them as pets.
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Editor's note: this work contains scenes of fictional incest or fictional incest content.



I see a car pull into the driveway of the house next door that was sold recently. A woman and a teenage girl get out and walk toward the door. The woman is very attractive, slim and fit, and the girl is also. They have smiles to melt a witch's heart.

They go in, and I feel compelled to welcome them to the neighbourhood. I run to my bedroom, strip off my daggy clothes and put on short shorts and a tight tube top that shows my braless little boobs with nipples standing out. I skip out the door and across the lawns between us and knock on the door.

The woman opens the door and says, "Hello."

I reply cheerily, "Hi, I'm Mary. I live next door and I saw you pull up. Are you moving in?"

"Why yes, Mary, we just moved from across town. I'm Gwen."

I extend my hand and say, "Welcome to the neighbourhood, Gwen. I think you'll like it here." She takes my hand and I give her a soft handshake as I smile at her, lingering for a while, just lightly teasing her palm with my finger. I feel a small shiver from her.

She stammers, "Uh, yes, it seems lovely. Um, won't you come in?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I reply cheekily.

"I'd ask you to sit, but as you can see, our furniture hasn't arrived yet."

"No worries. We can lean against the kitchen counter. I knew the previous owners of this house, so I know it well." I walk to the kitchen like I own the place. She follows, in a bit of a daze with a weak smile.

We chat in the kitchen for a few minutes. I give her hints about the house and the area. I catch her peering at my boobs and then glancing away as if embarrassed to be attracted to them. I smile, also admiring her trim body with shapely small boobs.

The girl walks into the kitchen. She's a gorgeous young woman, actually, wearing a dress that shows off her curvy hips and exposes a lovely cleavage between her B-cups, I guess. "Oh my, I have two stunning neighbours!" I say. I look up and down her exquisite body and step toward her and extend my hand.

"Hi, I'm Mary, from next door. I'm so pleased to meet you."

She replies, "Hi, I'm Cleo." I give her my teasing handshake also, and I see a slightly puzzled look on her face. I release her hand and step back. She's also gazing at my boobs now, but I can't read if she's attracted, repulsed or just admiring their firm shapes.

We are all silent, unsure of what to say. Then I break the ice, "Well let me tell you about me. I'm 20 and I live alone next door. My dad died six years ago and my mum died two years ago, right after I graduated from high school, so I've learned to be self-sufficient."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Mary," Gwen says.

"Yeah, it took a year to get back on my feet, but I'm fine now. I have enough money that I don't have to work for a while. I'm thinking of doing something in photography and videography, maybe a modelling agency. You two would be brilliant models."

I can see them blush. I get the sense that they haven't been very adventurous but I am hoping that they aren't too set in their ways. I am quite turned on by them both, and I am wondering if they can be the answer to my dreams. I drift into a memory.

I have always been attracted only to girls. But I was shy growing up so I never had any real experience beyond a few awkward kisses at parties. When Mum died, I was pretty shattered. When I started coming out of that, my desires flared and I knew I wanted affection and lust from girls but had no idea how to go about getting them.

I invited my friend Mei over for pizza one night for my 19 th birthday. We had been best friends growing up and I liked her a lot. She brought a bottle of wine and a DVD and we ate and drank while watching the movie. It was Carol, an elegant story of an aspiring young photographer who develops an intimate relationship with an older woman.

As a photographer myself, I related to the younger character intensely. I had never considered older women, but I found myself extremely excited as they gently drifted into a sexual relationship. I found myself holding hands with Mei as we watched. By the end of the movie, my heart was pounding and I was so wet.

When the credits were rolling I looked at Mei. She was smiling at me and asked, "Did you like that?"

"Oh, Mei, that was amazing."

"Yes, it was. You know, I've always felt that you liked girls, and so have I. I wanted to show you this movie because when I saw it for the first time, it validated my feelings. I didn't feel like a freak anymore."

I was a little embarrassed by Mei's revelation, but I realised that she was dead on. I felt the burden of being different lifted from my shoulders. "Yes, Mei, I know exactly what you mean."

We gazed at each other, understanding what was about to happen. Our faces approached and we kissed softly as she placed her hand around my shoulders and pulled me to her. Our gentle kisses lasted for a minute until our passion flared. We kissed madly and hands flew over each other.

"Come to bed," I eventually panted. I took her by the hand and led her in. Being inexperienced, we fumbled around, awkwardly undressing before finally sliding under the covers of my bed. Our naïveté made it almost comical, but our long-time affection for each other made it a sweet first time for us both.

We later made up for that, learning how to please each other with the help of books and videos and many hours of practice. She moved away, but we have kept in touch. I then started having fantasies about older women, but never had any chance to make that happen for real.

"Are you all right, Mary?" Gwen asks me.

I shake myself out of the fog of my memories and mutter, "Oh, yes, fine, I was just thinking about something." Snapping back into control, I say, "But now tell me about yourselves."

"Well, I'm Gwen, as I said. I'm 38 and we moved here because I'm getting divorced. My daughter Cleo is in her last year of high school, and she just turned 18. We're a bit raw from the separation, but we're hoping the move here will help."

"I'll try to help with anything you need," I say, trying desperately not to leer at the two luscious ladies.

"That's very kind of you, Mary," Gwen says.

"And Cleo, how are you coping?"

She almost seems to be crying. "Oh, okay, I guess. It hasn't been easy, but I hope that I can start a new life after graduating."

I say, "Yeah it must be tough. But hang in there. Life will get better. I'll do anything I can to help you. Let me give you my number. What's yours? I'll text you both so you'll have mine." They give them and we complete the exchange.

A removalist van pulls up outside. "Looks like your things are here. I'll get out of your way. I'm just next door," I say, pointing in the direction.

I step up to Gwen and give her a close hug, then a kiss on the lips, lingering a bit longer than a social kiss should be. I repeat that with Cleo. They are a bit taken aback, but they don't object. I smile and say, "See you later."

I scamper back to my house and run into my bedroom and flop on the bed. "Wow, these two are so hot. I must get them into my life!" I strip quickly and think of Gwen licking my pussy while Cleo is sucking and licking a nipple. My latent excitement that built over at their house explodes and I cum within a minute.

When I calm down, I start plotting my conquest. With the new separation, they will be vulnerable and hurting but hopefully able to be seduced. I reflect on how my relationship with Mei has been on an equal basis, but I have found lately that I need to have episodes with others where I control them. I need to be served, and only then will I deign to return pleasure to my servant.

I decide to invite them over for dinner. Not that I can cook, but I can order delivery from any of several gourmet restaurants. I text Gwen, "Is there anything that you don't eat?"

In a few minutes I get a reply, "No, we're fine with anything."

I send back, "Come to dinner tomorrow night, at seven." It's not an invitation but a command.

"Okay." Ah, a good first step toward compliance. This past year I have been more and more controlling. It feeds my desire. Not that I'm unkind to those I control. Far from it - I cherish them and make them feel loved. I must be extra careful with these two, though. They are kind souls who have had some rough times.

I go into the bedroom that I have converted into a photography studio and unclutter it, thinking that I might invite them for a photo shoot. Then I retire for the night and dream of having them serve my desires.


The next day, I clean the house and set the dining table for the Indian meal that I will be ordering in. I feel nervous and eager to perform up to scratch. I dress in a short skirt, no bra and a nice blouse. I look in the mirror and see that the blouse's fabric is thick enough to hide my nipples unless they get stiff, but the shape of my boobs is evident.

At around a quarter to seven, I'm so anxious that I quaff half a glass of wine. Finally the doorbell rings, and I take deep breaths and establish my aura of control.

"Do come in, Gwen and Cleo. So glad you could make it." Gwen is looking nice in a slim-fitting skirt and a frilly blouse. Cleo takes my breath away in a short dress with a V-neck displaying her cleavage.

"I'm so glad you invited us, Mary. It's so hectic over there, having to walk around so many boxes. Here's a bottle of wine for you."

"Oh, you didn't have to, but thanks." I lead them to the lounge room and have them sit on the sofa. "Oh, this is a nice drop, shall we have it now?"

"Sure, why not?" Gwen says.

I bring wine glasses to the coffee table and pour us each a glass. "Here's to new friends. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" they respond.

I engage in small talk with Gwen. Cleo is withdrawn and smiles and listens. She seems to be hurting still. I find out where they lived and where Cleo is finishing high school. The doorbell rings and I open the door. Our food is here. I direct the delivery girl to the dining table.

Cleo finally speaks, "Mmm, smells great. I love Indian."

"Oh, me too," Gwen adds.

"Well, good! Let's enjoy." I bring the wine glasses to the table and refill them. We all dig into the meal and fill ourselves. I clear the table and invite the lovely ladies to join me back on the sofa. I sit in the middle, and they sit around me.

We sit silently for a minute, and then Gwen says, "Oh, Mary this has been a wonderful evening. We haven't had much to celebrate in life for a long time."

"Oh, why is that?" I ask softly.

Gwen relates how her husband, Cleo's father, has been pretty awful. She hints that he has yelled at and hit Cleo and has abused her in some way, although she doesn't say how. I look at Cleo and she's in tears, so I know it must be true.

"I'm so sorry, both of you." I put my arms around them and pull them gently to me. Cleo throws herself into me, sobbing. I hold her close and let her cry on me. Her head is pressing on my little boob, starting to excite me, but I hold still. Gwen puts her arm around my stomach and pulls herself lightly onto my other side.

I am delighted that I have them where I want them - vulnerable and needing the affection that I can give them. I remind myself not to rush things; that can scare them away. I hold stock still until Cleo pulls away.

"I'm sorry, Mary, I got your top all wet," Cleo says.

"Oh, Cleo, it's not important. I care for you, and you needed that."

She grabs a tissue from the table and blows her nose. "Thank you, you are so sweet."

"Yes, you are sweet, Mary," Gwen echoes. "I feel safe with you. How about you, Cleo?"

"Oh yes, I do."

I smile back and forth at them and say, "Well this is your haven. I will keep you safe, and loved." I see a glimmer of happiness cross their faces. I want to kiss them, but feel it's just a little early for that. I just keep holding them.


"Yes, Cleo?"

"Can I confess something?"

"Of course, Cleo. You can tell me anything."

"Um, this is kind of embarrassing." She pauses before taking a breath and saying, "Um, yesterday you said we were stunning."

"And I meant it!"

"That's the nicest thing I've heard from anyone for a long time, except for Mum, of course."

I gaze at her beautiful face and her alluring cleavage and reply, "Well I can tell that you are not only beautiful outside, but all the way through."

"Oh, Mary," she says, perhaps wanting to say more, but holding back."

"So are you, Mary," Gwen says. I look back at her and see her face smiling at me.

"And you, too, Gwen." I feel like kissing them again but restrain myself. Instead, I say, "Hey, I also said you'd make great models. I have a photo studio in the back. I know you're not prepared for publication shots, but I'd love to take a few to show you what we could do with you."

"Oh, I don't know," says Cleo.

"I promise I won't keep the shots. I'll delete them after I let you see them. Let's do it just for fun."

"It does sound like fun," Gwen says. "I've had a few fantasies about being a model. Let's do it."

I lead the way to the studio. "On the sofa, Gwen."

"What do I do?"

"Sit or lie any way you want to." I move some lights around to provide illumination. She sits at first, then reclines slightly onto the end, stretching one leg out on the sofa and dangling the other over the edge. I get my camera and start taking shots from various angles.

I stop and say, "You're tense. Close your eyes and relax for a minute. Let yourself feel free."

"I'll try." She opens her eyes in a minute and rearranges herself, half-lying now.

"Comfy now?"


I start taking shots again, and she's looking better. "Give me that killer smile, Gwen." She grins and I snap away, capturing her lovely essence. "Good, now are you adventurous?"

"Um, I guess."

"Undo three buttons on your blouse and open it a little."

"Oh, my, um, wow. Okay." She does that for me and I see the edges of her lacy bra. She's an A-cup like me, I am guessing, so she doesn't have much cleavage but it's still quite appealing.

"Oh, yes, lovely, Gwen." She smiles as I snap a few more. "That's great for your first time."

I look over at Cleo and say, "Okay, Cleo, your turn."

Cleo has been sitting in a chair, watching her mum being photographed in a mildly suggestive pose. "Uh, oh, me?"

"Yes, you both can be great models. Let's get you started."

"Oh, I don't know."

"Try it, Cleo," Gwen implores. "Live a little."

"Oh, I can't."

"Sure you can," Gwen says. "She promised to delete them."

"Oh, all right." The two trade places. I sense that I have to work harder to loosen Cleo up. She is sitting rigidly on the sofa. I take a few shots while trying to figure out how to get her to relax.

"Okay, Cleo, I need you to relax and be natural. What scene does that for you? The woods? The beach?"

"I like the beach."

"Great," I say in a soft voice. "Close your eyes and imagine sitting on a secluded beach. The waves lap gently on the shore. A seagull cries in the distance. Let the sounds wash over you. Feel the warm breeze against your skin." I remain quiet to allow her to sink into the scenario. I see her face relax and she sinks back.

I take a few shots, then whisper, "It's so hot, you need to lie down on the sand. Lie down and let the sun bake your lovely body." She opens her eyes and rearranges herself, lying on the sofa. "That's it, feels the warmth. Relax. Let your body feel the warm sand below you."

A little smile comes to her face. I take close-ups of her beautiful face, then back off to get her whole body in her form-fitting dress. I can't have her expose more without taking off the dress, so that's out of the question this evening.

"Okay, great, Cleo. Sit up on the end, and Gwen, you take the other end. I'll show you the shots." I sit in the middle and show them the photos on the camera screen.

"Oh, god, I look terrible," Gwen says.

"No, you don't, Gwen," I say. "I admit the lighting wasn't the best and you didn't have the makeup that photo shoots need for the best skin tones and you weren't really ready, but all considered, not bad. When we do this properly, you'll look great!"

"Well, I don't know. Delete them all, please!"

"Sure, I promised." I delete all of Gwen's photos. I then show Cleo her photos.

"Oh, these are horrible," she says of the first few.

"Yes, you weren't relaxed then." I delete the ones before I had her envision the beach. "These are much nicer."

We go through the rest, and she says, "Oh, yeah. You got me relaxed, and I don't look half bad."

When she's done, I'm about to delete hers, when she pipes up, "Wait, I like the last one of my face. Can you send that to me?"

"Sure, no worries." I delete all but that one and take the camera to a table, turning off the photo lights, and leaving a soft light through the doorway to illuminate the room. I sit back down between them, placing my arms around them.

"That was fun," Gwen says. "We should do it again when we can prepare." I see them both smile at the idea.

"I'd love to. Another day. Let's just relax." I pull them gently to me. Gwen leans into my shoulder. Cleo moves onto me tighter, with her head resting between my shoulder and my boob. I caress their arms and feel them melt more into me.

My body gets excited at the two lovely ladies around me, but my mind tells me not to rush. I continue holding them without doing anything else.

Cleo says softly, "This feels so nice. Thank you, Mary. You are so nice to us."

Gwen says, "Mmm yes, nice. Safe."

I say softly, "You are two lovely ladies, and I don't just mean your pretty faces and great bodies. You have beautiful souls."

Cleo says, "Oh Mary, you are so wonderful." She looks up and kisses me on the neck and then on the cheek. I turn to look at her and see affection in her eyes as she's gazing at me. I try to hold back, but I can't resist slowly approaching her lips with mine and giving her a soft kiss.

She whimpers softly and presses her lips onto mine. I delight in her desire and kiss her back, my tongue slipping out and licking her lips. She opens her mouth and I accept the invitation to slide my tongue in and find hers. She moans and kisses me passionately for a few seconds before pulling back.

"Oh. Mary. Um, wow. I've never kissed a girl, and uh..."

I say softly, "It's fine, Cleo. How was your first time?"

I see her panting a little and a confused look crosses her face. "Well, I liked it, but I wasn't expecting it, and I'm not a, um, you know."

I know she means "lesbian", but I avoid using the term in my reply. "I don't like labels, Cleo. I believe in being who I am and doing what I want, as long as I don't hurt anyone else."

Her smile chases away the confusion. I smile back. I hear a little sigh from my other side. On Gwen's face is a look of surprise and perhaps a hint of excitement that I have kissed Cleo, and that she has kissed me back. I say, "I hope you don't mind me kissing your daughter, Gwen."

She blurts, "Oh, no, it's fine, uh. I'm a little surprised, but..."

"But what, Gwen?" I say, smiling at her. She is lost in a flurry of thoughts and feelings. "But maybe you want a kiss, too?" I cheekily venture.

"Oh," is all she can muster. I gently pull her to me and approach my lips to hers, checking her response. I see her tilt her head back, close her eyes and open her mouth slightly. I take this as consent, so I give her the same soft kiss that I gave her daughter.

She presses herself onto me, kissing me harder. I return the kiss and we gently tongue wrestle. She pulls back and pants, saying, "Oh goodness, I haven't had a kiss like that in so long, if ever."