Masked Ball

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Waiters scheme of deception to get back at nasty customer.
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"Waiter!... I say, Waiter!"

Ross Bromfeld's loud and insistent nasal tones boomed out across the restaurant. It was the voice of a public school arsehole and Jeff the waiter couldn't stand him. Unfortunately, the guy was a frequent visitor to the place. He usually came in with his lovely young wife and several other couples. They were all rich and successful and equally obnoxious. Tonight, their posh accents, sniggers and laughter were particularly loud and penetrating. Wisely, the head waiter had seated them in an alcove on the mezzanine floor, up some stairs and away from the main room, which at least kept them away from other customers and their noise partially under control. They came to the restaurant because the food was so good and was highly rated by the critics. The place was expensive, but had a great reputation. It was somewhere where only the well-off came to dine. After all, it was one of the best restaurants in London. Luigi the owner prided himself on everything being perfect for his customers.

As Jeff served at their table, he kept eyeing Bromfeld's wife, Glenda. It was difficult not to look. She was a beauty alright. A pretty blue eyed blonde. And her figure hugging low cut dress showed off her magnificent young breasts and superb curvaceous body. She stood out among the other ladies who were there that night, even though the standard was particularly high. But that was always the case, whenever she came to dine there, because she was something really special. Jeff thought so, anyway. How he envied the little shit she was married to. The guy had been a lucky bastard lucky to win a fantastic girl like her. Not only was she a stunner, but, it was rumoured that her father was a millionaire in the construction industry.

His thoughts about her were interrupted by Bromfeld's loud and irritating laughter ringing out only a couple of feet away from him. Oh, how that sound grated on him. He was holding a nearly full bottle of red wine at that moment, and, could have cheerfully, poured the full contents right over the man's head.

If only he didn't need this job...

Bromfeld's party had him running backwards and forwards all night. They were all finicky and demanding, constantly wanting something or other. As he did his work, he couldn't help but overhear a lot of their conversation. It was difficult to avoid, really, as they loudly bragged about stocks & shares, expensive holidays, property values etc...In other words, the language of the rich. Then another couple in their party turned up late and had to be accommodated. More work for the staff as table settings were changed, extra chairs provided, more orders taken... etc etc...

Suddenly, there was more laughter as Glenda somehow walked into a trolley on her way to the ladies. She was somewhat short sighted and that was the joke. She had spectacles, but, was always too vain to wear them. As she walked back to the table, Jeff managed a discerning look at her legs. Like the rest of her they were superb; long, well- shaped and tanned, putting on a generous display for leg-lovers and admirers, all around, in her short blue cocktail dress.

Bromfeld's, well-dressed party were all in a good mood, enjoying themselves. Some deal or other in the city had obviously gone well. In celebration, two bottles of champagne were ordered and consumed in no time. Then they were back on the wine. Red for the gents, white for the ladies. Jeff had his work cut out serving to their needs.

Then the group got on talking about some posh fancy dress ball. An event they were all going to the next Saturday night at Rosemount Hall, an exclusive venue on the river. Apparently, ticket's had been practically impossible to obtain and Bromfeld was in his element bragging about how he had used his extensive contacts to secure them.

On another visit to the table, Jeff overheard the ladies chatting excitedly about what costumes they would be wearing: French maid, schoolgirl, nurse, it was enough to get Jeff licking his lips just thinking about it.

His thoughts were interrupted, as a familiar irksome voice boomed out.

"Another bottle of wine, waiter, quick as you can, man."

Jeff seethed inwardly, as he went to the bar to fulfil the order. How the bloke irritated him. The guy had it all, money, success, a beautiful wife, everything he wanted. And he treated people like Jeff as dirt beneath his feet.

As he went through the ritual of pouring out more wine at their table, he heard Bromfeld's posh nasal tones again.

"Glenda and I are going as Batman and Cat Woman. We have some great costumes on order from Hardy Bros."

Everyone at the table was interested in his statement including the waiter.

They kept Jeff busy all night, and, even after they had gone there was much to do, clearing up their messy table. It took him ages and he was feeling tired after a particularly long shift at the restaurant.

The arrogant sods had never once said please or thank you and had left a tip that could only be described as derisory.

However, Jeff remembered that he had already received a tip of another kind. And a slow grin formed on his face as he later walked home.

He had just thought of a wicked and audacious idea to put one over on the detestable Mr. Bromfeld and his kind.

Later, as he lay in his bed, he went over his idea again. Yes, with a bit of work and planning and a nice slice of luck, he could pull it off. It was certainly worth a try. He pulled out a notebook and jotted down what he needed to do.

It was Saturday night and Rosemount Hall was seething with activity. A large historic building, in a beautiful setting, overlooking the River Thames. Reputably once owned by the Duke of Buckingham and now one of London's prime venues for balls, charity events and large parties. Tonight, there were nearly 200 guests at the Masked Ball and all were dressed in a wide variety of costumes. It was quite a sight to see. A gathering of some of the capital's rich, famous and well-to-do.

The main hall was packed: The music, and, dancing in full flow as Ross Bromfeld and his party, in full costume, rudely elbowed their way through to the bar. And there waiting to serve them was Jeff, the waiter from Luigi's restaurant. Not that they would have recognised him or acknowledged his presence even if they had.

Jeff busily organised their drinks and took payment. He saw with satisfaction that Ross was roughly the same height as him and approximately the same build. The mask he was wearing covered most of his face, but, his nauseating voice was still unrestricted and it boomed out over everyone else's.

As the party went on in full swing, a lot more drinks were consumed. Jeff gave Ross's wife a generous helping of gin in her tonics whenever he served them and generally kept a careful watch on proceedings. When he at last saw what he was waiting for, he excused himself from the bar and slipped away with a carrier bag under his arm.

Ten minutes later, the impressive figure of Batman, in full costume, emerged from the Gent's toilet and made his way into the crowded hall. He was looking for someone in particular and didn't stop moving until he found her.

A beautiful girl with long blonde hair and dressed as Cat Woman in a shapely costume stood there on her own, sipping a drink. She downed her glass and swayed towards him when she saw him. He noticed that she wasn't wearing her spectacles and smiled. He was pleased about that and she definitely looked better without them.

"Ah you haven't been long, then"...she said. "Well now that you're here you can jolly well give me a dance."

As they danced together on the crowded floor, Glenda felt a pair of hands grope her pert round backside.

"You're a bit frisky tonight my love, what's come over you?" She said. "We'll have to come to more events like this."

Batman leaned forward and whispered something in her ear.

She looked back at him shocked. "You're not serious are you?"

"Why not," he growled pressing his so obvious hard on into her body.

"But, where would we go?" She giggled, looking around the crowded room.

Suddenly, he pulled her from the floor and out of the crowded room.

"Ross, where are we going?" She whispered urgently.

"You'll see," he replied gruffly.

After climbing a staircase and meandering along a corridor, she found herself in a room with a fireplace and a chandelier. The fire was lit and provided the only light in the otherwise darkened room. There was a thick rug on the floor in front of it.

Batman turned and locked the door.

"But darling" she whined...We can't...not here."

But Batman was already kissing her neck and running his hand down her lovely mane of blonde hair.

Then his fingers fumbled with the buttons and zips of her costume until it was hanging loose.

"Ross, this is so unlike you," she slurred happily... "It's so romantic," she added, her face slightly flushed with excitement and gin.

The impetuous lover, it was a side to her husband that she had never seen before.

Then she thought mischievously of how she would be able to brag about this to her sister and friends. She could just imagine their eyes widening with envy and wonder.

They both struggled to get her completely out of her costume. When they did so, he celebrated by running his hands down the outside contours of her body, over her narrow waist and over the curves of her hips and thighs. Then he completed his initial tour of her body, by feeling her pert bottom and pulling her hard up against his erection. He couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was his, even in a onetime deception.

Taking advantage, he was soon unclipping her bra and admiring her amazing body in the firelight. Then, he took his time as he lovingly slipped her out of her white lace panties. It was if "Batman" had never seen her naked before, as he knelt there stunned, taking in every inch of her beauty. He put his hands round her lovely ass and pulled her in close. Then he put his lips to her pussy and inhaled the sweet aura of her sex.

"God, we've never done anything like this before", whispered's so exciting."

Batman slipped off his cape. "Let's keep our masks on, he growled, it'll be better that way, more erotic."

"You're voice sounds funny," said Glenda frowning.

"I know," agreed Ross. "I think I've got a cold coming on."

Jeff, in fact had been practising that unmistakable voice all week. He thought he had got it spot on, but, obviously his impression was not quite as good as he thought it was. He resolved to say as little as possible in case it gave him away. Claiming he had a cold coming on had been a good idea. Another good idea had been to slick his hair back in Bromfeld's peculiar individual style and colour it black...just like his. It had taken a while to get it right, but, obviously worth it to fool Glenda.

Down in the main hall, Ross Bromfeld was looking for his wife. He had been sidetracked in one of the reception rooms talking business with a fellow broker. Now on his way back to where he had left Glenda, he couldn't see her anywhere. Where was that wife of his?

He felt someone tap his shoulder. It was an old school chum. "Ross Bromfeld, I haven't seen you in ages..."

Jeff ran his hand over Glenda's slender thigh's as she lay back on the rug. In the glow of the fire her legs looked fantastic;

long, perfectly shaped and silky smooth. He moved them apart and kissed her inner thighs all the way up to her wispy blonde thatch. Then his fingers expertly teased in and around her vagina, as she gasped with pleasure.

"Ross, what on earth has come over you, darling?"

But he kept on loving her down there and soon he felt her relax. Her little whimpers told him she was beginning to enjoy his close attentions.

Also, he couldn't resist kissing her soft lips and feeling her tongue snake out and joust with his. She was holding nothing back.

It didn't take long before she was writhing and groaning under his expert fondling.

Then he chose to help himself to her lovely round breasts. He opened his mouth wide and greedily took in as much flesh as he could. He intended to enjoy himself as much as possible and that meant taking his time and sampling the goods.

"Oh...Oh," groaned Glenda, arching her back and breathing heavily. "You're so... primitive... tonight."

Jeff continued to squeeze and fondle her breasts. Then he tormented her nipples until she cried out.

"What are you doing to me?" She gasped, her head swimming with passion and drink.

Jeff eased his pants down and positioned himself between her outstretched legs. His big cock was hard and throbbing as he slid it deep into her moist love hole.

"Oh Ross, my darling" she crooned. "Do it to me...Do it to me."

And Batman obliged his cat woman in the most positive way imaginable.

Ross Bromfeld was fed up with looking for his wife and sought solace at the bar. He saw one of his companions there having a drink with his partner.

"I say, have you seen Glenda anywhere?"

"Not lately, old man," came the response, not since I saw you pulling her towards the far exit half an hour ago. You both looked as though you were in a devil of a hurry to go somewhere or other."

Ross looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face. "Are you sure?"

Meanwhile, Jeff was still fucking Glenda with great gusto. Her pussy squelching, as he rammed into her relentlessly. The lady in question was writhing and bucking up underneath him, her moans of ecstasy filling the room as she clutched her lover passionately. He felt her body shiver and tremble, then, inevitably a shriek of surrender reverberated from the room and along the corridor. Fortunately, the noise from the party below masked the sound of her noisy orgasm. Then, Jeff jerked and convulsed on top of her, spurting his seed into her married pussy.

(Batman had used a condom. Well, a super hero would, wouldn't he?)

Afterwards, Batman and his cat woman lay exhausted on the rug, still wearing their masks, her naked, him nor so much. (He was still playing Batman). Incredibly, a giddy Glenda had still not twigged it was not her husband lying beside her. To her, Ross was Batman and Batman was Ross. In any case, she had not come down from the giddy heights of the best sex since ...she couldn't remember.

Jeff roused himself first and quickly slipped back into his trousers and cape. Before he took his leave, he couldn't resist more kissing and hugs as he held her close. It was going to be such a wrench to leave her, but he knew he must. That time had come.

Then to Glenda's surprise, as she opened up her eyes, he backed out of the dimly lit room and into the shadows. He blew her a sweet kiss then was gone.

She sat up with her mouth open. Where had the silly man gone? Didn't he know he had just taken her to heaven and back?

She hurriedly dressed, and, after a minute or two, walked unsteadily down the stairs looking for her husband. Where the devil was he?

She eventually spotted him sitting alone at a table.

"You might have waited for me," she complained.

Ross looked at her angrily. "Where on earth have you been? I've been looking for you for well over an hour."

She started to speak and stopped. Something, had finally clicked in her fuddled brain. She froze instantly and went red. Something was very wrong.

Then she put it all together, as she spotted another Batman through the crowd, disappearing into the gent's toilet.

Her heart started to flutter as the implications of what had just happened began to sink in. She needed some air before she fainted or something.

Ross stood up looking concerned. "Are you alright, Glenda," he asked beginning to get suspicious. "What's been going on?"

Shortly afterwards, behind the bar, Jeff was back at work. He'd have to square his absence with the other bar staff at the end of the night, but he knew he would be O.K. He was on good terms with most of them. He worked hard for the remaining time right up to closing time.

Near the end, he had a smile of satisfaction on his face as he watched the Bromfeld's make their way slowly past him to the exit. He braced himself for whatever came next, but nothing did. She just turned and walked away with Bromfeld.

As he made his way home through the quiet streets later that night, he was a contented man. All his preparations had paid off, including his less than perfect impersonation of Bromfeld. The hire of the Batman costume had been very expensive but worth it. Luckily he had got the last one. And finding that room on the floor above in Rosemount Hall and getting that fire lit on the night of the ball had been a master stroke, even if he said it about himself. (planning in advance, that was the key). Of course, even with all that, it wouldn't have worked but for Glenda being slightly drunk and not wearing her specs. However, taking everything into account, it had worked out better than he could have hoped.

He knew his nights at the restaurant serving people like the Bromfeld bunch would be a lot happier in the future. The guy could never get under his skin now. After all, he had just fucked his wife.

Glenda never did tell her husband the truth about where she had got to the night of the party. And she always got a shiver of excitement whenever she watched a Batman movie.


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imhaplessimhaplessabout 2 years ago

Cute -- and entertaining. Need I say more? 5*

imhaplessimhaplessover 6 years ago
Cute and entertaining

5* from me.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 6 years ago
Fun story.

Yes, this is rape.

Yes, this is a wrong kind

of revenge.

But then again,

this is fiction.

Wife got good loving,

without being a slut.

The devil in me liked

this story.

And made me give it

top ratings.

Thanks Stripemoff!

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