Masks That We Wear Ch. 03


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"Da..." Virginia replied absently as Pavel closed the door behind her. She whirled in place and locked the door, laughing ruefully at the absurdity of it. The only people who'd come for her now was the Russian Mob. She was sure that any word on the streets within the criminal underworld was going to say that this whole building was under their protection now. Virginia wondered how that would play out.

Over on the kitchen counter, her cell phone was buzzing for attention. She rushed over there and saw that it was Caroline and that she'd called multiple times already. "Carri?" she asked in desperation, using the pet name she had for her sister.

"Ginny?" Caroline asked in a small voice on the other end. Just hearing her sister caused Virginia to collapse to the floor in a sobbing fit, relieved that her sister was alive and calling her. That caused Caroline to likewise start to cry on her end.

After they both had a good, long cry together over the phone, Virginia wiped her eyes and managed to choke out "are you okay, baby girl?"

"Yes..." Caroline said. There was a pause. "No..." she then admitted. "I... they... they took me tonight," her voice was a hitching sob. "I was taken to do a private performance for Alexi Petrov. After... he... he..." Her voice trailed off as she started to cry again, unable to bring herself to relate whatever happened to her.

The problem was, Virginia didn't need to be told. If Caroline's experience was anything like hers, then Virginia already knew. Virginia buried her face into her hand as a renewed crying, sobbing fit came on. "I know, baby girl, I know..." she said through the tears. "His brother over here in New York came for me for the same reasons. I just got home... er... well... new home. He put me in a new apartment that he controls and probably pays for."

"I wanna come home..." Caroline whined. "I'm sorry for not listening to you!"

"It's okay, sweetie, it's okay, don't worry about it." Virginia tried to sound reassuring. "Do what you have to for now. Just don't make them mad!" She said. "I'll... I'll..." what the hell could she do? "I'll see what I can do here." Surely to God there was someone she could talk to. But who? "Just stay alive. Do what you have to do to stay alive. Got it?"

"Yeah..." Caroline sighed. "I love you, Ginny."

"Love you too, Carri." Virginia hung up and then flung the phone across the room to the couch, noting in the back of her head that it was a new, black leather couch instead of that ratty blue one she had downstairs. She then leaned against the island counter, hugged herself, rocked back and forth and bawled her eyes out. What were they going to do now? Whatever protection they had was now gone. Whatever influence her father had that kept people like the Petrovs at bay had now waned. They were truly on their own and it seemed like the Petrovs were playing for keeps to move in on the power vacuum and get their revenge on the Peregrines. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. And Virginia had no idea what to do next.

For some odd reason, her mind fixated on her father. Who was it that took down her father? It wasn't the Petrovs. They would've gloated about it. Sure, they were obviously taking their revenge on her and Caroline, or just moving in on prime slave girl territory that was no longer protected, but they weren't the ones who brought him down. She got up and moved through her new apartment, finding her computer on a desk by a side window that was floor to ceiling glass just like Ivan Petrov's penthouse suite. She was sure that this wasn't a coincidence. How long was it going to be until Ivan insisted that he moved in with her? End of the semester? End of the school year? Tomorrow? She had no idea, which is why she had to move fast.

Virginia called up the information regarding her father's death and found what she was looking for. Would the enemy of her enemy be her friend? There would be only one way to find out. But... she'd have to wait until tomorrow; she couldn't trust any electronic item she possessed now. She'd go to the campus dorm rooms to see her friends and borrow one of their phones. This would either work or she and her sisters were about to be Russian sex slaves for the rest of their lives.



The next day Caroline had two surprises. The first, which shouldn't really be a surprise, was that Alexi had called for her to dance for him one last time before he left Moscow on business. So she was in the back of his limo heading to his suite in the city after her normal day of practice and rehearsals were over. The second surprise came during the drive in which her sister texted her and said "Hi baby girl! I'm flying home on Monday to see Grandpa Hill since he's not feeling well. Anything you want me to tell him for you?"

That gave her pause. The last member of their family died with their father. They had no living relatives. But she also knew that her sister was far smarter and craftier than she would ever be. This had to be some obscure message and so she thought long and hard about it. The first part; flying home. So she's leaving New York. The only other place home would be was Texas where they'd lived as kids when mom was still alive... and dad too for that matter. Dallas? Was she going back to Dallas? The second part; Grandpa Hill. Who the hell was that? Someone who could help them maybe? Not wanting to give anything away to her 'escorts', she calmly tapped out a response to Virginia. "Tell him I love him, hope he gets better, and that I hope to see him soon," she hit the send button and went back to looking out the window of the limo as they passed the Kremlin. Alexi's thugs assigned to take her to and from the Mob Boss didn't say anything after all, what could they say? Caroline had her friends here in Moscow and it wasn't like this was Communist Russia anymore. She was free to text her friends and her sister all she wanted to.

When she got to Alexi's penthouse, she found yet another surprise in that Alexi was quite the dancer. She was directed to use a changing room to get into her leotard (no tights this time) and her pointe shoes. After she got changed, got her hair back into a tight bun, she went into his studio where she found him already there in his own dance shoes and a speedo boxer on. He was practicing a routine that looked like the classical Cavalier Prince from The Nutcracker. The music playing was from Act II near the end where the Cavalier and the Sugar Plum Fairy danced together. "You recognize this, yes?" Alexi asked her in his native Russian, dispensing with the English that they'd used last night, as he jumped and twirled to the music.

"Yes," Caroline nodded as she walked in over to the double bars by one set of wall mirrors. There she lifted her right leg up and proceeded to stretch a little bit to keep her muscles loose. Alexi immediately came over to her, standing right behind her intimately with his hands around her body to help her keep her posture while she stretched. She shivered and froze under his touch as her body instantly responded to his. Sure enough, his hands went into immediate roving mode with one sliding up her body to grope her breast through her leotard and the other sliding down between her splayed open legs to feel her up through the crotch of her leotard. "Ahhhhh..." she gasped and breathed, caught off guard by the suddenness of him being frisky with her. "Why..." she gasped out, talking to him in fluent Russian. "Why even bother with the ballet?" she asked in a whine.

"Because certain... decorum... dictates it," he purred into her ear while he rubbed her mound and fondled her breast. "I can honestly say that I am helping you with your dance and your pointe technique by allowing you use of my private studio. No one can say otherwise. Authorities will not be involved. Now that we are here and we have fulfilled the letter of the agreement we can move on to other... intimate... business. Business like how I am now going to help you on pointe now. Please, grab the barre in front of you and lift up." Caroline did as she was told, lifting up into a perfect pointe posture. Alexi dropped to one knee, running his hands up and down her bare legs. "Beautiful..." he said, lips kissing her thighs. "You have strong, lean legs... powerful calves... excellent structure in your ankles."

"Uhm... thank you..." she said, looking at him in the mirror when he stood up behind her. His hands roamed back up and down the front of her body, making her feel more and more uncomfortable. She mentally reminded herself of what her sister told her early this morning. Stay alive no matter what.

"Relax," Alexi ordered her and Caroline immediately dropped down to her standing rest position as he continued to molest her body through the fabric of the leotard. She focused in on her own eyes, trying hard to ignore the image of the Russian man feeling up the ballerina in front of her. He stopped for only a moment, to roll down the front of his speedos so that his large cock could fall out. She felt it nuzzle against her polyester clad bottom as his hands went back around her front to play with her breasts. Caroline stood perfectly still in first position as he started to hump her butt. She could feel his cock growing and hardening behind her. "Fourth Position, Croise," he ordered. Caroline instantly went from standing with her feet spread apart, pointed away from each other, to lifting up and settling back down so that her feet crossed in opposite directions, one in front of the other. She went to bring her hands up and Alexi grabbed them to guide them back down to the barre.

Caroline swallowed hard, her heart hammering away in her chest so hard that she swore it was going to burst. His hands came up to pull down the shoulder straps of her leotard. Unlike last night, this time he continued to pull them down until she was topless. Then he came up to cover her breasts with his hands to knead and massage them. Her nipples were hard under his palms and he took great joy in tweaking and pinching them. Then came the command that she knew was coming but had been dreading. "Pointe. Bend over." She instantly rose up to her toes in her pointe shoes, feet together in perfect position. Still grasping the bar, she eased herself over so that she was presenting her rear to him, acutely aware how her sex must look to him clad in the pink leotard. Alexi didn't waste any time with her.

As she was focusing on keeping her legs and ankles straight to avoid injury while she was bent over, Alexi hooked the crotch of her leotard, pulling it aside, and burying his cock deep into her. Caroline let out a short, curt, "AH!" as she was quickly penetrated. With her on pointe, her pussy was now at the perfect height for him to fuck her. Once he had bottomed out inside of her, he grabbed her hips and pounded away. "AH! AH! AH!" Caroline cried out with every thrust. He slammed into her cervix each time, tiny sparks of pain combined with the overall feeling of pleasure that came from his cock moving in and out of her. It was an odd feeling compared to the previous night as this time they were only joined together at their loins. Only his cock and his hands were touching her. It was weird and at the same time it felt good.

She felt his cock bulge and then twitch inside of her. He blew his load deep into her body, coating her cervix and flooding her pussy and womb. "OH!" she gasped as she felt his cock suddenly pump and throb within her.

When he was done, he immediately pulled out of her and had her go back flat on her feet before directing her to follow him. They went into a guest bedroom close by where he stripped the leotard off of her the rest of the way and directed her onto the bed. "Do the splits," he told her, "Along the edge, and then lay forward on the bed." He gave her a sly smile. "We can call this a test as to how limber you are."

And also test how you can stay hard... Caroline thought wryly as she noted that his cock was still pretty hard. She wondered if he'd taken Viagra in which case she was in for a long afternoon. She clambered up onto the bed, spread her legs wide to each side so that she was doing the perfect splits. It was easy for her. She'd been able to do the splits before she could remember and do them without having to stretch too much. It was why she did well in ballet because she could do amazing jumps and leaps, to the splits in midair, and land gracefully. Once she had her legs apart and feet pointed properly as directed, she crawled her arms across the bed until she was laying flat.

Alexi was back inside of her the moment she settled. Caroline grabbed the covers, bunching them in her fists above her head, while burying her face down between her arms. "Oooohhhh..." she groaned as she was penetrated a second time. She heard the drawer to the bedstand up at the head of the bed open and close. A moment later her head jerked up as she felt something cold and slimy squirt between the cheeks of her butt. She looked back in alarm and saw that Alexi was now lubing her up with one hand while holding a dildo in the other. With a quick twist at the base, the thing started vibrating. She watched with wide eyes over her shoulder as he brought it down to the opening of her back passage and slowly pushed it inside. "AHHHHHH!" She now arched her back and cried out as her ass was penetrated for the first time ever. Her body rocked back and forth as she tried to get away from the offending thing but was pulled back by Alexi's powerful grip. The angry buzzing little thing sank deep into her ass, vibrating both itself and his cock inside of her pussy. It was another weird feeling for her but at the same time it was oddly pleasurable.

There was another click behind her and another buzzing sound. Now panting hard as her butt stretched to accommodate the dildo up inside of it, she looked back and wondered what Alexi was going to do with a second one that looked just like the first. With this one, he reached underneath her. "Lift up," he told her with a cruel smile. She shook her head no and he smacked her ass. "LIFT UP!" he commanded. Caroline managed to do so and she felt him part her labia wide, put the buzzing little dildo up against her clit, close her labia over it, and then press her back down onto the bed to keep it in place.

Caroline screamed as the vibrating was now directly on her clit. She'd used vibrators before, but never to penetrate herself with them. This vibrating was intense as instead of being around the hood, it was right on her sweet spot to stimulate her. She tried lifting up off of the thing but Alexi pushed her hips back down, keeping his hands right on the small of her back. It was pleasure so intense for her that it hurt. Caroline buried her face back into the covers and screamed endlessly as she was forced to endure. Then, to make matters worse, Alexi was obviously ready again as he now started fucking her. His cock seemed to effortlessly slide in and out of her pussy in between the two vibrators that were both in and out of her body. Tears streamed from her hot face as she experienced the mind blowing, mind numbing, painful pleasure that was forced upon her. She climaxed so hard that she didn't even know when Alexi had cum until he was pulling out of her and turning the vibrators off.

"Rest, kitten," Alexi cooed at her, stroking her back affectionately. "When you have calmed down we will shower and dine together before I send you home for the evening. When I get back from my trip, there will be much pleasure to be had."

As he left, Caroline just lay on the bed in a daze, not sure if she could survive anything else Alexi might have in store for her.



"Just where do you think you are going on Monday?" Ivan demanded, waving a printed out itinerary at Virginia as she walked into his penthouse suite the next night wearing the little black dress, diamond choker, and black pumps as instructed. The only other thing she had was a small black shoulder bag/pocket book to hold her cell phone and wallet.

"Back home to Dallas to see my Grandfather," Virginia said at once, expecting this out of Ivan the moment she got here. She knew that he'd find out the moment she booked a ticket on Southwest Airlines so she had the story all prepared. "He got sick all of a sudden and I want to make sure that he's alright. Monday was the first flight I could get otherwise I'd have been outta here today. He would've preferred that both us grandkids go back and see him but I doubt that I could've got a flight for Caroline all the way from Moscow on such short notice."

"You don't have Grandfather! All of your family is dead!" Ivan thundered, slamming the papers down on his coffee table. "What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to run away on me? Do you want your sister to die?"

"We're from Texas, moron," Virginia said, making a show of rolling her eyes. "We have extended family everywhere. While yes, you are correct in that he's not blood relation, he was my mother's boyfriend's father after she divorced my father and went to live somewhere else. He always treated us girls like family despite the fact that his son and my mom never married before she died," she said as quickly and matter-of-factly that she could. Ivan was glaring at her, trying to find any inconsistency in her story. So she laid it on thicker and heavier. "Look, if you don't believe me, call up the hospital yourself and find out. He's at UT Southwestern Medical Center in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. Ask for Mister Young." She cocked her hip and presented her phone to him.

Ivan snagged it and looked at the call log, finding the number instantly. "Mister Young's room, please," he asked when the receptionist picked up. He put it on speaker for them both to hear.

The receptionist asked him to hold and a minute later a gruff, grizzled sounding old man answered. "Eh? Yes? Who is it? Ginny? Is that you sweetheart?"

"No, this is her boyfriend," Ivan said all the while staring at Virginia.

"What? Boyfriend? She never mentioned that she had a boyfriend to me." Mister Young said on the other end.

"We are new development," Ivan said evenly while eyeing Virginia. "I just wanted to call and see how you were doing as she is busy in class."

"Well, aside from the dang gurn heart attack that put me in here, I'm doing just swell," the old man on the other end said. "So are you coming out with my Ginny? Is she still coming out on Monday? I'd love to meet the man who's stolen her heart away. Say, I didn't catch your name, son."

"No, you didn't," Ivan said evenly, his eyes narrow slits on Virginia who simply stood there looking as innocent as could be. "She will be there. I just wanted to make sure you were alright and could put up with stress of seeing her again. Goodbye." Ivan punched the End Call button and tossed the phone back to Virginia. She caught it and stuffed it back into her pocketbook. He wagged his finger at her. "I know not what game you are playing here, girl, but you will come back or else your sister will suffer."

Virginia spread her arms in innocent confusion and then pointed at the itinerary. "Look at the dates! I've booked a return flight! If I was going to run do you think that I'd bother making that round trip? I'll only be down there for a couple of days to check on him and then be back. I can't help that his medical emergency is such an inconvenience for you."

"It's just the timing of it all is suspect, that's all!" Ivan snapped. Then he let out an irritable huff as he grumbled under his breath in Russian about a week of preparation going down the toilet and that his plans for his party might have to be changed if he didn't have her properly prepared in time. Virginia didn't let on that she understood him. When he was finished ranting he smiled coldly at her. "I guess we will just have to move on and accelerate plans for you. Instead of sweet sex that I originally had planned, we will move straight on to punishment for your insolent manner tonight. Come." He beckoned her to follow.
