Massage Therapy Ch. 04

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Layla wonders why Ashlyn hasn't been messaging her.
21.3k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/24/2023
Created 06/15/2023
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It was Sunday afternoon and Layla was getting ready to pick up Ashlyn for a shopping date they had set up a few days prior. As she put her wavy brown medium-length hair up into a half-bun, she wondered why her close friend hadn't called or texted her over the last two days. Usually, Ashlyn would at least send her a message or give a quick call to check up on her. So her being totally off the grid seemed very abnormal.

Layla wondered what Ashlyn had been up to. Then, thinking about what she had revealed to her a few days back, Layla began to speculate. Since Ashlyn had told her about the explicit arrangement with her massage therapist, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Her head had been running in circles at the idea that her friend was having sex with an old foreign man who was hung like a horse. The mere prospect of what her friend was doing had left her in a state of devious curiosity.

Of course, Layla had to keep it a secret, Ashlyn was her best friend after all. She didn't want to rat her out or anything. But what Ashlyn was doing seemed awfully like an affair. Although she had insisted that this was a unique form of therapy from Japan and that it was purely physical, it still seemed suspicious. Then again, Layla knew absolutely nothing about Japanese culture and she had never taken Ashlyn to be the naive type. So, despite her concerns, she was willing to accept her friend's explanation at face value. The girl was happy so, in return, Layla was, in some shape or form, happy for her.

Layla was well aware of Ashlyn's sex life with her husband. Or lack thereof! Hell, she could even relate to her since her own husband, John, was frequently too busy playing golf with his friends and going on constant company business trips to pay attention to her. So Layla could understand why Ashlyn sought out these certain 'services'. But weirdly enough, it wasn't the extramarital sex that was bothering her - hell, Ashlyn deserved to get some side-action - but rather the fact that Ashlyn was doing it with an old man in his sixties! Some old creep was fucking Ashlyn, and apparently with quite the skill, too! It was something Layla was simply having a hard time wrapping her mind around.

Ashlyn had informed Layla that this old man was hung like a horse and could fuck like no tomorrow, so that offered some explanation. But still, it sounded extraordinary. Unbelievable, truly. But strangely enough, when she thought about her friend doing the nasty with this mysterious man, Layla felt a little jolt of arousal. She was unable to imagine what it could possibly be like, but she kept catching herself before it got too far.

Layla kept going over the details Ashlyn had shared during their lunch date together. "There's no way an old man like that could really be like Ashlyn says, right?" Layla wondered. She couldn't wait to hear more from her friend, but the damn woman had kept details to a minimum!

Shaking her head back into focus, Layla finished doing her hair and observed herself in the mirror. She examined her 5'6'' frame, her well-matched D-cup boobs, her perfectly curved body, and her nicely light white skin. Layla was quite the looker. She and Ashlyn had always been seen as an attractive duo. Plenty of men tried to hit on them whenever they went out together. Back in their college days, pretty much every guy on campus had taken a run at hooking up with them.

As much as Layla had appreciated the attention, she had never been the type of girl who would get with every guy she met. Ashlyn adhered to the same approach as well. As a result, they had only been with one guy each during their time in college and those were their future husbands, back when they were more lively and actually gave a damn.

Layla checked out her outfit: She was wearing a black strapless long-sleeved blouse and a pair of tight form-fitting jeans that accentuated her curves. "Damn, I look good," she muttered before exiting her en suite bathroom.

Heading downstairs, Layla gathered her purse and slipped on some shoes. As she was about to head out, she saw her husband, John, getting ready to head out as well. He was wearing some fishing gear and carrying several bags with some additional equipment.

"Um, where are you going?" Layla asked, cocking her brow.

"Oh, me? I'm just going on a fishing trip with some of the lads for a day or two," John explained. "Of course..." she thought rolling her eyes.

"What?? A day or two? What are you talking about? You didn't tell me you were going on a trip. What the hell?!" Layla exclaimed, bracing her hands on her hips.

"It was a last-second plan. I couldn't miss out on this!" John said, defensively.

Layla rolled her amber eyes. Like Ashlyn, her relationship with her husband had deteriorated over the years. Nowadays, he is much more focused on his own interests than he was on his beautiful wife. You could say that her sex life was better than her best friend's. But that was only by default since he would sleep with her occasionally, albeit not nearly as often as she would like. On the rare occasions that they did have sex, he would either be drunk from hanging out with his friends or just do it to get Layla off his back about it. Their sex was utterly devoid of passion or love and usually ended with John finishing early, leaving her unsatisfied and disappointed.

Then, hearing honking coming from outside their home, John urgently went to the front door. "Oh! That's them! Okay, honey! I'll see you later," he said to Layla in a rush.

Before she knew it, her husband had dashed out the front door and quickly locked it behind him. Layla pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed heavily. "God, whatever happened to him? He used to be full of such vigor," she thought miserably, missing the good ole days.

John was your average brown-haired Caucasian man. Back when they had first gotten married, he had been a lot fitter. They had gone to the gym together almost daily. But now, he had let himself go a bit and had developed this dad bod - well, dad bod if you were being generous. He'd been too focused on hanging out with his buddies, and working long hours, instead of hitting the gym and spending time with his gorgeous wife.

Hearing the car out front accelerate off into the distance, Layla frustratedly sighed and pulled out her phone to see if Ashlyn had texted her about their plans for today. Still nothing. "Ugh, this is just what I need right now," Layla irritatedly muttered to herself, staring at the empty screen.

She then decided to just call her to see what was up. "Does she even remember what we had planned today??" Layla wondered. She didn't want to be stood up by both her husband and her friend. She dialed Ashlyn's phone number and waited for her close friend to respond. She restlessly tapped her foot on the ground as her phone just kept ringing and ringing.

Hearing Ashlyn's phone go to voicemail, Layla snarled in annoyance. "Ashlyn, what the hell?! Answer your damn phone! Don't you remember we had plans?!" she angrily spat into her friend's voicemail.

Layla needed to keep her mind off things. Off of John just leaving her home alone yet again. She had really been looking forward to hanging out with Ashlyn. Spending time with her friend usually helped with whatever might be messing with her mood. Layla was willing to drag her from whatever she was so busy doing that she was failing to keep their date.

Layla waited a few minutes to see if Ashlyn would call back, but there was still nothing. She snarled in annoyance and then decided to take matters into her own hands. Ashlyn had said that she was taking the day off from work, so she must be at home or something.

Hopping into her car, Layla exited her garage and drove off to Ashlyn's house. The entire drive there, her mind was wandering. "What is Ashlyn actually doing?" she thought as she went over several scenarios in her head. "Perhaps she has family over? Augh, no way, she would still find the time to message me."

In most cases, Layla might have been willing to conclude that Ashlyn had just forgotten their get-together. But this time, their plans had been exceptionally clear-cut. Layla tapped the steering wheel with her thumb as she tried to deduce what had happened. Then, a thought crossed her mind. "Could she be with her masseur?" she thought to herself. "No, no. That can't be it. She told me that her sessions only last a few hours."

Every idea Layla had was plagued by the fact that Ashlyn wasn't messaging her. She was starting to get worried. Had something happened to her best friend? Almost before she knew it, Layla had arrived at Ashlyn's house. Parking her car out front, she got out and rushed to the front door. Layla wasn't entirely sure if Ashlyn would even be home. But her worry was starting to weigh on her. She had to figure out what was going on.

Raising her hand, she knocked on the door. Layla waited for a few moments. Still nothing. She knocked again. But nothing. Grinding her teeth, she decided to take a more direct course of action. Stabbing her finger on the doorbell, she pressed it a few times. Layla never liked ringing people's doorbells, she thought it was intrusive and annoying. But that was more of a personal thing.

To her dismay, there was still no response. "Augh, dammit..." she exclaimed to herself. "Where could she possibly be?"

Layla didn't want to spam the doorbell, so she just waited. She brought her phone up and tried to call Ashlyn again. Once more, no response. Layla was really starting to get frustrated, and worried. It wasn't like Ashlyn to just go off the grid like that. Something fishy was definitely going on. Then, an idea popped into her head. Opening her finder app she brought up Ashlyn's location. They had always shared their locations just in case something bad happened to either one of them.

To her disbelief, Ashlyn's location pinged right here, at her home. Layla gasped, then went to the doorbell again and started spamming it. She didn't even stop to consider that Ashlyn might have left her phone going somewhere since she never would forget her phone, ever.

"Ashlyn?! Hello? Are you home?!" Layla called out, pressing the doorbell a few times. "If you are, I know you're here! Ashlyn! Please! Answer the damn door!"

Then, Layla suddenly heard rapid footsteps coming from the stairs since the staircase was near the front door. "That better be her," she thought.

After hearing what sounded like bare feet slapping behind the door, the door unlocked and slowly cracked open. Layla quickly tried to peer into the small opening. Her amber eyes widened to see Ashlyn in a state of disarray. Her curly hair was disheveled, her alluring hazel eyes were glazed, and she had this weird crust frosted around her mouth.

Ashlyn tried her best to hide behind the door, but Layla could still see that she was desperately trying to hold a towel around her apparently naked body.

"Ashlyn! What the hell?! What the fuck is going on? Have you forgotten the little date that we planned? I've been calling you! And why haven't you been calling or texting me?! That's very unusual for you," Layla ripped into Ashlyn.

"I- uh. Shit... Erh. That was today? Sorry... erh... I forgot about our plans... Dammit..." Ashlyn shamefully admitted. "And um, my uh, my phone has been... Broken! It broke a few days ago. That's why I haven't messaged you... yes..."

Layla's amber eyes burned with vexation. Ashlyn was lying through her teeth. And her current state of mess was very suspicious. But taking a deep breath, she composed herself. "It's fine... It's fine!" Layla said, looking down and pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Are- are you mad at me or something?" Ashlyn cautiously asked, timidly hiding behind the door.

"What?" Layla looked back up. "Why would I be mad? I'm not mad. It's just... You had me worried. It's not normal of you to go off the grid like that."

Ashlyn visibly looked guilty but sighed with relief as she saw her friend wasn't really angry at her, just worried. "But now that we got all that out of the way, I know you're lying," Layla declared.

"Wha- wha- what do you mean I'm lying??" Ashlyn nervously stuttered.

"Ugh, your phone isn't broken. And don't even try and lie again because I have your location on, and it shows you're right here," Layla said, showing her screen to Ashlyn.

Staring at the irrefutable evidence on the screen, Ashlyn averted her eyes to the ground in defeat. "Okay, now you're gonna tell me what you've been up to." Layla then tried to further push the door open to get a better view of Ashlyn.

As the opening widened, Layla immediately got a good whiff of musk coming off of her caramel-skinned friend. Her sudden actions caught Ashlyn by surprise and the door gave in more than she would like. She stumbled back revealing more of herself to Layla.

Layla's amber eyes widened as more of her friend's current state came into view. Ashlyn's body was draped in nothing beyond the loosely wrapped towel that Layla had already glimpsed. Although they had seen each other naked before, the connotation behind why Ashlyn was undressed this late in the day - breathless, blushing, and covered in a fine sheen of sweat - was embarrassing. Not to mention the strange musky smell and the weird crust around her mouth!

"Jesus! Ashlyn! Why are you like that?! And god, you kinda smell. What have you been up to?!" Layla exclaimed.

Ashlyn's face got red hot. "Right now is really not a good time! Could you just wait outside for a moment so I can get myself cleaned up?"

"Cleaned up?? From what?" Layla queried, cocking her brow and bracing her hands on her hips.

Ashlyn spilled too much. "Ugh, just wait outside! I- I will explain more later!" she shouted and attempted to push Layla back outside.

"Hey! You can't just push me out here!" Layla hissed.

The two struggled, pushing against one another. At this proximity, the musk coming off of Ashlyn was more apparent than ever. "Geez! Why is your skin so sticky?! And why do you smell like that?!" Layla pried.

"I don't know what you're talking about! Just wait outside, dammit!" Ashlyn reiterated, pushing even harder.

As they struggled, Layla's mind went in circles and was starting to piece everything together. Ashlyn's messy state, the smell, why she'd failed to return her messages. Layla quickly deduced the most likely answer to all her questions. But things still weren't adding up all the way. Something was still fishy about all this suspicious activity.

Hearing another set of footsteps coming down the stairs, Ashlyn had a sudden surge of strength and managed to push Layla mostly outside. She tried to slam the door on her, but Layla wouldn't concede that easily. She quickly wedged her foot against the door so it wouldn't close.

"Gah! Get your foot out! Get it out! I'll be out in a bit! Just wait, dammit!" Ashlyn urgently said, as if someone was getting closer.

"What are you hiding from me?! I know something is up! Just let me in!"

"Augh! Not yet! Just wait! Plea-" Ashlyn tried to say but was interrupted by another person.

Goro came up from behind Ashlyn. Layla's eyes were immediately drawn to the short skinny old Asian man. "Who this?" he asked.

Ashlyn's face got red hot and whatever reply she meant to make got caught in her throat, rendering her incapable of speech. Layla kept looking back and forth between the two and quickly connected the dots. "Is that why she wasn't answering the phone?? Because she was with him??" she thought. But there were still a lot of questions needing answers.

"Is- is that??" Layla queried, pointing at the supposed old man Ashlyn had been talking about.

Ashlyn timidly nodded her head. Layla was now able to get a better look at the old man. Like Ashlyn, he was just wearing a towel around his waist. But his towel was smaller, affording him such minimal modesty that he might as well have been naked. Layla was taken aback. Clearly, the little old Asian guy was in his sixties and wasn't remotely attractive, appearance-wise. He looked just like a pervy old man.

There was an awkward silence between the three of them. Standing right next to Ashlyn, Goro sneakily reached for her ass with his right hand and gave it a squeeze. "So, you going to introduce me to your friend?" he cheerfully urged.

"Eep!" Ashlyn squealed in reaction to his squeeze. "Gor-! Ahem. Mr. Tanaka... Em, this is my friend, Layla."

Goro's beady eyes scanned up and down the alluring brunette. He licked his lips seeing her lovely curves, long legs, and big tits. Accompanied by her very attractive-looking face, she was certainly on par with his current lover. He liked what he was seeing.

"Layla, this is Mr. Tanaka. My... masseur..." Ashlyn continued, looking abashed as she held onto her other arm.

Noticing the old man's leering stare, Layla covered her body with her arms. "Um, nice to meet you," she greeted, trying to keep a friendly composure.

Goro raised his wrinkly left hand for a handshake. Layla was a bit apprehensive since the strange man was giving her weird vibes. But wanting to be polite, she shook his hand. Immediately upon contact, a shiver ran up Layla's spine. Goro's hand felt moist and sticky.

"Kon'nichiwa, Layla. Very nice to meet you," the old man said, bowing his balding head.

"Wha- er, ahem. Nice to meet you, Mr. Tanaka..." Layla had a hard time focusing because of how mysteriously sticky his hand was.

Layla tried to speed up the gesture as they shook hands, but Goro just retained his hold for what felt like centuries. Then, turning her hand over, he ran his bony fingers over Layla's palm.

"Oh, you have very nice hands. Very nice," he smiled.

Layla froze. She didn't know how to feel about this old man caressing her hand. He was very delicate about it but, still, she felt creeped out at how intimately he was touching her. As she allowed Goro to stroke her hand, Layla looked over at Ashlyn. Her almost-naked friend looked surprised as well.

"What you do to get so nice hands?" the little man queried.

Returning her attention to the old man, Layla jerked her hand away from him and said, "Uh, thank you? I just moisturize them. Nothing too special." She tried to be as polite as possible.

Goro gave Layla a warm smile. "Oh, so sorry," he bowed his head. "I just like to voice my thoughts. Don't mind me."

Layla tilted her head to the side. Since he was a foreign man, maybe interpersonal interactions were different wherever he was from. So she just let it slide for now.

Goro's almost naked form was also distracting, but not really in a good way. Layla observed his skinny form, almost sagging chest, and small gut. "I can't believe that Ashlyn sleeps with this guy," Layla disgustingly thought.

As she took a quick glance down at his towel-covered waist, her amber eyes shot open at the sight of a noticeable tent protruding out. But before she could react, Ashlyn spoke to her.

"Em, I'm glad you two could meet, but Gor-, Mr. Tanaka, can I speak to my friend, alone, for a moment?"

Goro nodded, but before he returned deeper into the house, he reached behind Ashlyn and gave her ass another nice squeeze.

"Eep-!" Ashlyn squealed again but quickly covered her mouth. She hoped that Layla wasn't catching onto what her 'masseur' was doing behind the scenes.

"Don't take too long," he stated in a suggestive tone. He then looked up and down Layla's fetching body in a lecherous manner.

Layla's eyes widened and she blushed upon hearing his little statement and catching his leering eyes. "That doesn't seem very professional at all," she pointed out to herself.

As Goro disappeared from view, Layla locked eyes with Ashlyn and gave her a suspicious glare. "So, are you gonna explain yourself now?" Layla said sternly. "I'm not going to stop pestering you until you do."