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Vampire Chronicles: Daniel & Armand reunite.
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Entering his Master's suite of rooms, he surveyed the area in Armand’s absence. The room smelled like him, a soft warm scent, masculine but unidentifiable. He had been here a few nights prior, their embrace ... comforting, reminding Daniel of the past, but promising something different in the future. He strode forward, long lean muscles stretching against the denim. He stood before Armand's bed, smoothing his hand over the coverlet, easing the creases over the sides of the mattress. He leaned forward, crouching low, running his cheek against the fabric; it seemed to linger with his warmth, the touch of his body against the sheets. He closed his eyes slowly, his soft ashen hair falling against the cloth, as memories flooded his mind. He blinked once, pushing up against the bed, the muscles in his arms laboring under the white cotton tee. Again he surveyed the room, walking to the window sill to look down on the crashing surf below. The cool night breeze flowed over him like a gentle kiss, whispering in his ear solicitous suggestions. His hand traveled slowly down his chest, feeling the expanse of strength in his body beneath the shirt. His hand wasn’t his own in his mind, but that of his Maker’s, trailing slowly, seductively along the foundation of his body. His Master could always make him crave such things. When there was silence, long enough for them to appreciate it, they would both give in to it, no matter how often they had both grown tired of each other’s company. The intimacies of some of their moments together had been flawless.

He stood back from the curtained window and thought of Marius. He had spent a considerable amount of time in Marius’ care; he had been a companion, teacher, a good friend, and often a father even when he had sheltered himself away from reality. Daniel hung his head slowly, letting his hair fall forward into his eyes. Some memories were too painful; those days were not the exception to the rule. No, he wouldn’t think of those days now, tonight he was here to find his Master when he returned. Hopefully he wouldn’t be displeased with him for entering on his own. He crossed his arms in front of his chest, pulling the t-shirt over his head, letting it fall to the floor. His bare chest, beautifully sculpted alabaster, revealed his distinct musculature – his defined abdomen and the soft flaxen pathway following into his jeans. He ran his hand through his hair, smoothing it back and letting it settle in its natural way. His violet eyes circled the room once more as he laid back against the bed waiting for Armand’s arrival.

Armand opened the door to his room and raised a brow, looking towards the bed. He was surprised, but happily so; his fledgling rose up on his elbows and smiled slowly to him. He could feel his heart flutter under the weight of his long jacket at the sight of his naked body leaning back against his bed. It had been weeks since Daniel had returned to Night’s Island, and while they had shared a few intimacies, this was not the norm. The moonlight caressed Daniel’s bare skin as Armand drew further into the room. He cast a sideways glance at his child, face absolutely unreadable, while he continued his walk through the room. His amber eyes locked on Daniel’s amethyst holding them captive with so much promise.

Daniel drew in a slow breath watching his Master’s calculated movements. He circled the bed once fully, short strides, his body hard and tone. He looked no older than seventeen, his dark auburn hair falling down his shoulders. Daniel shook his head and leaned it back against the deep ‘V’ of his shoulder blades. His neck was exposed to Armand’s purveyance and he watched lustfully the throbbing beat of the pulse at the apex of his collarbone. He wanted nothing more than to put his lips right there against that pounding rhythm, sinking his razor-sharp teeth deep into his hard skin, and drinking in his lush, vibrant life. He stood before the bed, stopping to look down to Daniel, brushing soft fingertips along his cheek. He wanted to speak but he couldn't find the words, letting his coat slide off his shoulders and down to the floor. Armand bent over and picked it up, brushing it off with the full weight of his hands. He straightened and laid the jacket over the chair in the corner, before moving his longer thin fingers to the cuffs of his long sleeved shirt.

Daniel slowly crossed his legs and pushed up from the bed soundlessly. Walking to his Master he stood before him and caressed his cheek as he had, pushing down his throat down spreading his starched collar, before he leaned forward to place his cool lips to Armand's neck. His tongue flickered out to touch his skin and Armand shivered against his child, shutting his eyes with a slow groan, his hand traveling into his fledgling's hair to stroke Daniel's neck.

“Oh, Daniel,” Armand whispered. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to feel you again? How many nights I’ve laid here dreaming of you?”

Daniel stood back from his Master, his eyes fierce with desire. Armand’s arms slid around him as he drew him back towards his body, tilting his lips to Daniel’s ear with a growl. “Mmm, you’re here now, you’d better not be thinking about escaping, my little child.”

With a smirk, Daniel’s eyes flashed a deeper violet. His hands slid down into Armand’s back pockets, grabbing his ass firmly, pulling his hips into him. Armand was surprised by his fledgling’s show of force, gasping at Daniel’s strength. “I’m not the child you once knew, Master,” he said unquestionably. His lips hovered inches above Armand’s, teasing him as he tilted his head first to the right, then to the left. The more Daniel felt Armand lean in, the more he taunted him, licking at his lips, making him moan.

“Damn it, Daniel,” Armand hissed. “Kiss me.”

“Are you ordering me, Amadeo?” Daniel asked calculatedly; he rarely used Marius’ nickname for Armand and he was nearly taken aback by the change.

“No,” he sighed slowly, shaking his head. “This time I will order you to do nothing, my beloved.” Armand’s eyes showed his sincerity. He had not been fair with Daniel their first time together. He had loved him, but not the right way. Daniel deserved much more, much better, and he wanted nothing more than to give it to him... to give him whatever he desired, without owning him, without locking him away as he once had.

“So, no handcuffs then,” Daniel teased. “Will you not tie my hands above my head Master; lay me naked on the bed, forcing my thighs apart? Will you not bite into me, make me feel every painful rip into my flesh, every bloody trail your fingernails carve into my flesh while you lick the blood from me? Will you not slap my thighs and drive yourself inside of me until I scream before you cover my mouth with your hand and beg me to take it all, Master?” Daniel’s eyes explored Armand’s deeply watching for the yearning and hunger in his Maker, looking for the need and perhaps his humiliation for his past behavior.

Armand pursed his lips, looking down to the floor between them, his hand sliding along Daniel’s thigh, up his groin, settling on the hard bulge in his jeans. “I think you liked it, beloved,” he whispered huskily, cupping him completely. “I think you liked it when I was rough with you. You’d always beg me for it harder, faster.” Armand’s hand mimicked his words while he spoke, stroking harder and faster, making Daniel’s breath caught in his throat.

“Yes Master,” he said, shutting his eyes and whispering the words with equal ardor. Armand’s touch was driving him wild and his body was responding, drowning quickly his Maker’s touch. He wanted desperately to be able to hear Armand’s thoughts at that moment, to hear his inner longings, but their connection prevented it. He caught Armand’s chin up with his fingers and brought his eyes back to his own. He pushed forward, letting his lips touch Armand’s slowly, sharing their first passionate kiss in what seemed like forever.

Armand’s breath assailed him, sweet and heady, tasting like the sticky sugar-laced crimson of some mortal youth. He had been hunting before he had returned. Daniel licked his lips seductively after breaking off their kiss and pressed harder into him, parting his lips with his tongue, dancing it along the roof of his month and against Armand’s. Armand pushed up against Daniel, dragging his long fingernails against his naked skin, leaving long red welted grazes against his beautiful pallid flesh. Daniel cried out, feeling the blood well up against each ridge. Armand smiled menacingly. “Turn around,” he ordered.

Daniel turned his back to him gradually and awaited the cool slide of Armand’s tongue against his back, drinking the blood from his skin greedily his hands wrapping around his waist, finding his zipper. His fingers deftly unbuttoned the denim, working the zipper down, trailing lustfully against the silk of his boxers.

“You want more?” Armand whispered against Daniel’s ear. Daniel quivered against his Master’s stomach feeling the length of his hard abdomen resting against his back. “Yes,” he murmured once more, turning in Armand’s arms and dragging him toward the bed. By the time they reached it he had already taken his Maker’s shirt off leaving both of their torsos fully exposed.

Daniel leaned back against the bed once more, holding Armand’s hand, slipping it down the length of his chest. “Angel,” he panted. “Come to me.”

“I think that’s my line, my love.”

Armand sank down against the bed next to Daniel’s side, his hand tracing along the curling hairs at Daniel’s stomach, bending forward to place kisses in the soft lovely curls that begged him to move further down his body. Daniel arched his hips letting Armand slide the blue jeans down his legs. As he did Armand’s hands caressed his fledglings thighs, his hard calves, then back up his legs to his smooth hips. His fingers skimmed the velvety black silk, creating friction against his skin below, causing Daniel to squirm beneath his touch. “You’re so beautiful darling boy. I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone.”

Daniel opened his eyes in surprise. “You don’t mean that.”

Armand reached for Daniel’s hand. Finding it he dragged it to the firm length between his own thighs and began to stroke the large hardness, gasping with Daniel’s gentle contact. “Can you feel it my fledgling? All for you... my need, my want, my desire. I want to fill you Daniel, I want to pleasure you in ways I have never before, until you collapse in my arms and know without a doubt the extent of my love for you.”

“And I came here to seduce you,” Daniel choked softly, still stroking Armand’s firm cock through the fabric of his khakis. Armand’s mouth found his once more and suppressed the moan sought to release, driving his tongue into the back of his throat eagerly.

“Take these off now,” Armand snapped, pulling the material left against Daniel’s hips roughly, both of their hands working it down his long legs. Armand pushed between his thighs, laying his body flat against the mattress before letting his lips settle against the pulse at the apex of his child’s groin. The pulse beat rapidly with Daniel’s excitement, his beloved so close to his urgent desire, while Armand’s tongue worked languidly at that muscled part of him. He pushed up against the femoral artery, feeling it thud against his lips and sliced into it with his fangs. The blood pooled into his mouth in hot bursts, Daniel’s body racking with spasms.

Daniel groaned shallowly, his hand twining in Armand’s hair, as he called to him. “Master, please.” Armand cooed softly, feeding from Daniel’s slender sinew, filling his mouth with great draughts of his life until he was nearly drained. He lay limp against the sheets, blood sweat streaking down his forehead, his eyes glossy and distant. Armand’s bit his tongue delicately and lapped elegant droplets of the healing fluid to the tender wound in his child’s skin, healing it quickly from within.

Armand trailed up to Daniel’s ear and taking it into his mouth he whispered, “I’ve almost drained you, my love. Your heart beats faintly, your breathing falls so shallowly, and your mind swirls with thoughts that I cannot comprehend, doesn’t it my Daniel?”

Daniel moaned gently, attempting to lift his hand from the bed, but Armand caught it first, winding his fingers into it. “Shh, no my dearest, no. You will have from me what you desire, what you haven’t had from me in ages. You will drink my blood, the strong blood, the blood of our kings and those men that have died since, those that have given up their life that I may live. My beautiful violet-eyed devil, drink me tonight ... let me be your Master once more, but this time, know that you master me ... completely.”

Armand drew his wrist to his mouth and severed his vein ferociously, dragging it to his child’s lips. Daniel opened his mouth slightly, allowing the blood to trickle onto his tongue, then drip down into the back of his throat. His jaws convulsed, forcing him to swallow and soon his body began to teem with the sound, the ringing echo of Armand’s heart, his heart, together beating as one. Armand took advantage of his weakened state and pulled his wrist from him, then pulling Daniel from the bed held him close to his neck. Daniel’s tiny blades cut into Armand’s neck making him whimper, before Daniel clung to him drawing the life fresh from his body.

Once he was full and sated, Daniel pulled himself from Armand and they both began to swoon in one another’s arms. The swoon was powerful and immediately pulled Daniel under. He felt weightless and heavy at the same time, like a drowning man floating on the surface of the ocean, only to be pulled down again and again by the current. He gasped, clawing at Armand, who was much less overtaken, but still experiencing something akin to what Daniel suffered. Armand climbed up against his child, cradled him gently into his arms and worked his body once more until he was rock hard. Daniel’s mind swam out of control; he was beside himself with the intensity of the pleasure created at the hand of his Master and he screamed, his head pushed back into the pillows, his body arching almost completely off the bed. “Master,” he sobbed loudly. “Oh my God, Master.”

It was the last bit of encouragement that Armand needed, as his hands pushed his khaki’s down. He leaned forward, spreading Daniel’s thighs further, pulling his chin down so their eyes met, as he sheathed himself inside his fledgling. The first thrust was nothing gentle, but Daniel was prepared and opened himself for his Maker. His cock was trapped against Armand’s silken skin and every thrust upward brought Armand’s body in contact with that sensitive length. Armand’s hand’s grabbed Daniel’s shoulders for leverage and he drove deeper and harder inside of him. Daniel was nearly weeping with the intensity of it, the swoon, his cock being worked between their bodies, Armand filling him so sweetly. He wailed while he writhed beneath Armand, begging him for more.

“Arrrrrrrmannnnnnnnd, oh God, Arrrrrrrrrmannnnnnnnd, please... please don’t stop,” he called, his hands pushed through Armand’s and around his shoulders. “Master, I want to please you, I will give you anything. I love you, I always have.”

Armand groaned low, placing his lips against Daniel’s neck, grunting with each hard plunge into his tight opening, feeling Daniel’s muscles clench against him, pushing him towards ecstasy. “Oh God Daniel, you’re too tight,” he managed. “I’m going to burst inside of you, my bab...,” he could hardly finish, gasping for breath with every inch he slid solidly home. Daniel’s legs pressed up against Armand’s taut ass, drawing him completely within him and Daniel shrieked, shuddering hard, his full length jerking against Armand’s stomach, pulsating jet after hot jet of thick blood semen between them.

“Ahh, yes,” Armand cried, his eyes pressing tightly shut, feeling Daniel’s hole milking him forcefully. He leaned forward to Daniel’s ear and with the last of the control he had he groaned, “I love you, my boy,” and then filled him to overflowing with his sticky release. The sound of his Master cumming next to his ear the sweetest music he had heard in a long time.

Armand fell forward against Daniel’s heaving chest. He reached up without looking to brush his hair from his damp face, lovingly stroking his forehead. He felt Daniel fall asleep under his weight, his arms wrapped delicately around him, a soft smile on his lips.

Daniel woke alone in Armand’s bed, satin sheets drawn up around him. Next to him on a pillow lay a rose and a piece of paper folded in half. He reached over to the lamp beside the bed and turned it on, picking up both the flower and the note.

My dearest Daniel,

You have given me two things tonight that I thought I might never have again. You gave me your trust and you gave me your love. I cried as I sat near the bed this evening while you slept, I cried as I wrote this. There was a time when I thought every emotion had died in me. Now I know that I can feel and how glorious it is to know my boy that I realized this with you.

I am so sorry for every abuse you ever suffered at my hand, my Daniel. I know you may never forgive me, but I plead that you’ll at least allow me to try to make it up to you. Thank you beloved for returning to the Island we once shared. I hope this time ... I hope this time I’ll make it right between us.

I love you.

~ A.

Daniel smiled as he lifted the rose and breathed in the familiar scent. For the first time in a long time, he was happy to be home.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
Oh God

Oh my god,

Mastered had to be one of the best stories I have ever read from Literotica. Not only did the author captured the essence of the Anne Rice vampires but she took that essence melted it, furnaced it and gave it a new form. I still shiver just thinking about the story. I congratulate her for her gift in the art of writing.

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