Mated Forever Ch. 09-12


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"What things butterfly?" I shook my head.

"I would never know your touch, never get to really know you, and for losing my virginity to somebody besides you. That's what I was thinking." Trent looked at me.

"Your holding something back." I bit my lip.

"I can't tell you right now, maybe some other time." Trent looked somewhat disappointed.

"You should sleep." I grabbed Trent as he started to step away.

"Stay with me." He nodded. I looked down at myself I was practically naked, I sighed and pulled the blanket over my cold body. He stripped down to his underwear and slid under the covers, I rolled over to him and his warmth. "Hold me?" Trent kissed me lightly and pulled me to his chest, I heard his light intake of breath as my naked breasts made contact with him. It felt nice and I snuggled down more.

It took a minute, but I fell back into oblivion with Trent's warm and safe arms around me.

* * *

I woke up on top of something warm and hard, I felt safe and I curled closer to the thing. I felt prodding in my left inner thigh and my eyes popped open as I remembered where I was.

"Don't move you'll bother my friend."

"Who in the hell is your friend and why the fuck is he or she here in our bed?"

"My buddy is always in the bed with us." I squinted at him and looked around, no one was in the bed or the room.

"Who the hell are you talking about?" But then I got it. I blushed he meant his friend downstairs. It poke me again.

"DAMN IT, YOU MEAN YOUR PENIS!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and sprang away only to remember that I was naked from the waist up. I hugged my chest and blushed scarlet. I closed my eyes.

"Don't look at me." I begged. Trent got up and walked to me, he caressed my lip.

"Why? Your so beautiful, lovely, ravishing."

"Are you making a complement or asking?"

"I'm trying to find the word that will give you enough courage and open your eyes."

"Try your the most exquisite woman I've ever met in my five hundred years alive." Trent smiled and repeated the sentence with sincerity. I opened my eyes.

"You meant that!"

"I never say anything I don't mean, so is my little human hungry?" A second later my stomach growled. I nodded, dropping my arms to my side.

"You are lovely." I looked up at him and smiled.

"You really think so?"

"Yes." I blushed again, and kissed Trent sweetly. I quivered as Trent kissed me back, I grabbed his hair and tugged him closer. I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to give Trent my one gift I reframed from anyone. I was desperate to have him to myself, to have him love me, to have him take my innocents, and to give him all my love. I knew it then. *I'm in love with Trent. (Yes, you are :D)* For once I didn't mind the truth telling commentary.

"Trent." I moaned his name out loud and I inched his hand to my breast, when his hand engulfed my breast I felt triumphant. I pulled him towards the bed and fell on it bringing him down. I needed him to be so wanting of me that he will take me and quickly. I kissed him more tugging on his lip, and brushing his back. He pulled away from me and look me in the eyes.

"Why are you doing this Ella, I can tell your hearts not in it, your every move is thought through like with Thea. Why?" I shook my head and brought him back down, I brushed his stomach and I felt his penis twitch. I was nibbling on his neck when he pulled back and stood up. "Answer me, Ella." I felt detached and rejected, tears swiftly came to my eyes and my face fell into my hands as I let the tears slip.

He came down almost instantly and he pulled me into his embrace. Shushing me until I stopped crying. "Is this what the psych did to you, did he make you feel this way? Desperate?" I nodded and pulled him closer.

"If you had just let things go the way I needed them to, I wouldn't feel this way." He pulled back to look at me as more tears fell.

"Why, why do you need me to make love to you?" I sobbed out.

"So you have what I saved for you, so I can feel better, so I can known you before something else happens. Something that will take me away from you." He shook his head.

"Nothing else is gonna happen, nothing will take you away from me. Is that what he told you that he would take you away?" I nodded.

"So I would be his and I'd never get to see you again." Trent spit out a curse. "But I do want you to love me not just because of Frank." Trent looked into my face and saw I was telling the truth.

"I can't take you today not like this. I want it to be special even with everything that has happened. Can you wait till tomorrow? I'll make it very romantic."

"You promise?" Trent nodded. I smiled and swiped my face. "I'm sorry I'm acting all weird. By the way what is today?" Trent's eyes went back in forth in thought.

"Tomorrows Thanksgiving."

"Oh shoot! I promised to be with my mom today!" Trent's face contracted in thought.

"You wanna see her?"

"Yes, do you wanna come along?" Trent's face lifted.

"If you don't think she'll mind."

"Pff my mom's been on my back about getting a boyfriend. We will have to pretend we're dating, but it shouldn't be that hard."

"With the way we act, not at all. So what time do you have to be there?"

"Twelve pm." Trent looked at the clock.

"Well if we leave now we can make it."

"Can you go out in the sun?"

"Yes love, it's just a wee bit bright. So lets go." I nodded happy my mother and my vampire soon to be lover was gonna met. *This is gonna be interesting.*

Chapter Twelve

"All right my mom lives on Median street, 23rd."

"What you don't wanna drive?"

"I CAN DRIVE?!" Trent chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"Only if you feel up to it." I threw myself at him and gave him a big hug and kiss.

"Yes, of course I wanna drive your sexy car." He chuckled.

"Come on butterfly lets go." I ran down the stairs and turned around before I realized I had no clothes on.

"HOW in the HELL do I keep forgetting I have no clothes on?" Trent came down holding my pants and one of his shirts. He threw them at me. I tugged them on laughing.

"You knew I was gonna do that didn't you?" He nodded. I sighed and went to find my flats. I found them by the door and tugged them on humming. I jumped out the door without my jacket and climbed into the car revving it. He came out dressed and with my new jacket. He carried it to the passengers side of the car climbed in and helped me into it.

"Thanks, I'm a little impulsive. I also forget things very easily."

"I can tell little butterfly, why don't you start driving." I nodded and backed out of the driveway and onto the road. I turned the radio on to a station and out poured Like a Virgin by Madonna. I blushed at the irony at that.

"This is just weird." Trent nodded and squeezed my knee. I drove down another street and then down my mom's street, parking in front of her house on the side of the curb I shut off the car.

"Hey you didn't crash, I guess women drive better than people say." I got out of the car and stuck my tongue out at him. He just smirked. I walked around the car and gave him a quick kiss.

"Come on, be good and keep your hands to a minimum of touchingness." He rolled his eyes.

"I'll try to, but you underestimate your gorgeousness and sexy ass."

"No I underestimate your capability to control your lust and your friend." Trent chuckled and tugged me to him holding my waist. We walked up the drive way and to the front door, I knocked and waited for my mom. Trent's hand gave my ass one last squeeze before my mom opened the door.

A smile hovered on her lips and she saw me.

"Ella." I smiled and threw myself at her hugging her, I had missed her. After I pulled away I introduced Trent.

"Mom this is Trenton my boyfriend, Trent this is my mom Jovi." Trent smiled at my mom.

"It's nice to met you Mrs. Makyla, I see were Ella gets her gorgeousness from. You don't look a day over twenty five." My mom giggled like a school girl, and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright Trent now that you have made my mother giggle like a teenager, keep your flirtatious self in check." He chuckled.

"But butterfly, I like being a flirt. I'm so good at it." I tugged him into my moms house by his ear.

"What did I say?" Trent smiled.

"Which one? Keeping my hands off your ass or being good?" I blushed, and stuttered.

"B-both!" He chuckled.

"Sorry Mrs. Makyla I have fun making your daughter blush, I hope you don't mind me for being a little inappropriate." My mom shook her head.

"It's perfectly fine Trenton, Ella's fathers a flirt much like yourself."

"Is dad back from his trip?"

"Not yet." That's when I heard crying.


"Yes, little bugger. Can you go see what's wrong with him?" I nodded and went into Dayton's room. He stood up, holding the sides of the crib.

"Sisa!" Dayton said jumping up and down. He was one beautiful baby, his black hair ruffled from sleep and his piercing Makyla blue eyes twinkling and his lips in a cupid's mouth look.

"Hi gorgeous, hows my little guy?" He giggled and held out his arms. I lifted him up and over the railings of the crib and onto my hip. I held him there as I looked around for a binky, I spotted one on the changing table wiped of the nipple with a wipe and popped it into his mouth.

I grabbed his blankie as well and placed it back on the railing as I smelled something ripe. I sighed.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" He giggled and nodded. I hauled him onto the changing table and unbutton the flap. Pulling the dirty diaper off and throwing it away I wiped him clean. I held his tummy as I grabbed a new bag of diapers he was playing with his toes looking at them like he had never seen them before. I giggled and put the clean diaper on the little bugger. Buttoning him back up I lifted him to my hip, he pulled his binky out.

"Bah." I smiled and grabbed his small bear. I tucked it to his chest and wrapped his blankie around his lower half.

"We all good?" He nodded. I smiled more and gave his head a kiss. I walked out of the room and to the kitchen I saw no sigh of Trent until I walked into the kitchen he was helping my mom cook. I saw him chopping up some carrots.

"What he's awake?"

"Yea, I think he knew I was home. I changed him up, stinky guy did it on purpose." Dayton giggled, as Trent turned around.

"Trent this is my little brother Dayton, Day this is my boyfriend Trenton." I said pointing to Trent.


"Can you say Trenton?"

"Ta." I giggled.

"Close enough, huh baby? Do you want mama?" He nodded and reached for mom. I handed him to Mom.

"Baby hungry?"

"Ta, ma." She held him to her.

"Mom where are the twins?"

"At a friends house having a light early thanksgiving dinner, the Masons."

"Ah I see my little sisters trying to get boys already? The Masons are cute."

"Please I hope not their only ten." Trent chuckled.

"Any more siblings that I may be thrusted into knowing?" I laughed.

"Nope, theres my brother, me, the twins and Dayton."

"Where is your brother?" I bit my lip.

"He died in a car crash, a few months ago, but weird thing his body was never found. So it doesn't feel like his dead. Right mom?"

"I think he's still alive out there without his memory." I nodded.

"Same, is Sara coming over?"

"Yes, she should be here soon."

"Is she feeling any better?"

"I think so."

"Good she needs to keep healthy."

"Who's Sarah?"

"My brothers fiancée." He nodded continuing with the veggies.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm just missing my family, that's all." I nodded sadly. My mom looked at me.

"Why didn't you go visit them?" Trent smiled kindly at her. "I wanted to be with Ella, and my parents died."

"Oh I'm sorry you poor thing."

"It's alright it happened a long time ago." Dayton squirmed in my moms arms.

"Baba ma."

"Alright let me get it warmed up, Ella could you clean out the bottle?" I went over to the sink washed out his bottle and handed it to mom, I grabbed a small bowl and a spoon. Pouring a packet of instant apple oatmeal in the bowl I waited as mom heated up the water, pouring the warm water in his bottle she gave me the rest. I dumped it into his bowl mixing it up. She put the formula in the bottle and shook it up. I pulled the table of the high chair up as mom gave me Dayton, I place him in the chair and set the little table back down. I put the bowl spoon and napkin on his table, and mom gave me the bottle.

"Here Dayton, drink your milk." He grabbed it and shoved it into his mouth, I ruffled his hair.

"Piggy." Trent finished chopping the veggies and sat down, he patted his lap. I sat down on him and sighed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and popped his chin on my shoulder.

"You guys are quite the couple, very cute." I blushed, and Trent nodded giving me a kiss on he cheek. "How long have you been together?" I looked at Trent, and he shut his mouth.

"About a year." I lied smoothly.

"You guys act as if you been with each other for years."

"I noticed that, everything feels natural."

"Hmm, weird I thought that we felt natural, too." I nodded and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Ella could you help me with something? As long as you don't mind keeping an eye on Dayton, Trenton."

"I don't mind watching Day, right bud?" Dayton nodded and kept drinking. I stood up and gave both Trent and Dayton a kiss on the head. I walked out of the kitchen with my mom.

"So what did you need help with?"

"Nothing it was a ploy to get you alone, so lets get right to the subject, do you love him?" I looked back in Trent direction and pulled my mom to Dayton's room.

"He has super good hearing. Yes mom I do, I love him very much."

"Does he not know?"

"No, and I don't plan to tell him right now."

"Does he love you?"

"I don't know, maybe?" I sighed. "We care about each other, that's for sure. I have a question."

"What sweetie?"

"Trent and I talk about a lot of things most of the time randomish stuff and we came across the subjects of babies I don't remember how it happened, but it did. Trent wants a baby, and I don't know what I should do. He for reasons I can't fathom wants to have a baby with me and I'm so confused." My mom being the best pulled me into one of her hugs.

"Do you want a baby?"

"Of course I do, it's just that I care about him and I don't want him to be hurt if things don't work out with us. And the baby if we have one what happens with him or her? I'm just trying to think of everyone."

"I think you should take a leap of faith." And that's how my mom shaped my whole future.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I. Wish you had finished this story.

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaalmost 11 years ago
It was,,,,,

Good while it lasted.....such a waste of readers time,,to get this far and then,,NOTHING,,another one added to the unfinished story list,,they need a section we can send these to,so others avoid getting caught up and then dissapointed with no ending,......If you cant finish it,,DONT START IT.....

tuty0201tuty0201about 11 years ago

Ohhh come on finish the stories. All the you have written. Please! !!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

It just irks me to no end to see stories unfinished after 2 years,,,why even bother to start,,,get a following,and just NOTHING.....It seems so common on here anymore.I think you should be made to post only FINISHED stories,,,,just totally so not right....

sadisticmpsadisticmpover 11 years ago

please oh please continue the story....its SOOOOO good!!!

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