Mated to the Pack Ch. 02


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The observances taken care of, we were able to sit down for a meal and chat. Our reasons for being in Wisconsin were discussed and approved.

"Who seduced you to be a breeder?" Gerhard asked me.

"Strictly speaking, I wasn't seduced. I'm being paid for each werewolf pup I produce."

That surprised Gerhard. "Paid?"

"This is America, where free enterprise is king," I said. "I fell on hard times when I lost my job with a lot of debt, both student loans and a house. I was probably looking at something disgusting like prostitution to survive anyway. Rene offered me 200 grand per pup, plus a million bonus if I'd have four. After considering the alternatives, I took his offer for at least two pups, more if I was still willing."

"Have you had sex with a wolf already?"

"Not as a wolf, except Brigitte licked me. I did witness what a wolf/human breeding would look like before accepting the offer. While it looked strange to my eyes, I wasn't disgusted by it. Mostly, you wolves fascinate me, as you're like legends made real. I'm curious what it's going to be like."

"Would you like to see what it's like fucking a wolf as wolf?"

"I have someone to show me that, but I prefer to wait until I'm fertile before fucking a wolf."

"Would you consider us breeding you when you're fertile?"

"I'm already promised to the New England pack, and been paid for it, but I'll make a counteroffer to you. As I told Rene when he allowed me to visit my folks, my doctor told me I'm unlikely to get pregnant during my next ovulation as I just came off birth control, but I'm going to be here during that time. I'll allow you one of your wolves to have a go at me during my most fertile day for free because you treated Conor and Brigitte reasonably well during their submission. However, if by some fluke, I do conceive a pup, it belongs to the New England pack and they'll raise it as theirs. The wolf you choose should be a reasonably tender, gentle lover. If you don't agree to those conditions, don't bother.

"Additionally, if you offer the same deal to other human females as I received, and they seem at all squeamish about the prospect of mating with a wolf, I'll speak to them about my good experiences with packs thus far. And you might be able to get another female for half the price I was paid. Be aware you'll be asking for a great deal of a woman's life if she gives you four puppies, so be prepared to pay a sizable bonus if she agrees to four, at least five hundred thousand for what's going to probably be six or more years of her life and a lot of wear and tear on a human body. The economy sucks right now and I can't be the only person who got desperate when I lost my job."

"An interesting offer, and I'm inclined to accept both. The second choice does have some appeal."

"I feel you deserved some polite response for your hospitality. If you should find someone to breed within the next week, I'd be willing for her to witness my breeding so she realizes it won't be as bad as she might think it would be. I've been happy with my wolf services thus far. Also, I wish to tell you how much I appreciated the restraint you showed to my bodyguard, Brigitte, when she was doing her obeisance. You were reasonably gentle with her. The last wolf she had to submit to was a nasty fucker, and I'll never breed with that bastard. Your kindness to them both is the only reason I extended my offer."

"You've given us a lot to think about, Miss Huppert. Thank you. We'll be in touch if we find anyone. Let us know when you're fertile."

"Of course, and you're welcome. Since this is where I grew up, I might check with a few of my friends and see if anyone is hard up for money. Perhaps I can break the ice for you. You'll need to prepare the government documents I needed to sign, and a contract."

It was a friendly meal we enjoyed for the rest of our stay. As we went back to the Jeep, Dawn, the wolf Brigitte met last night, stopped us.

"I heard about the offer you made to Gerhard. That was really sweet. Would it be possible for me to visit during your stay in Wisconsin?"

"I have no objections," I said, "but be aware my parents are not aware of werewolf packs and haven't signed any paperwork, so you need to remain human during your visit. I was thinking of inviting some girlfriends over and explore the possibility of finding you some breeders. Why don't you come over then. You can give your personal opinion on their fitness to your pack. I'll call you as soon as I set something up if you give me your phone number. By the way, how old are you?"

"Twelve." She looked ten years older.

"Do you have your government license?"


"Don't say you're any age but what's on your license. It will freak humans out to think a twelve year old is having sex, and since the people I invite will be from around here, and they won't have gone to school with you, say you're from someplace else, like Marquette or Green Bay."


She gave me her number and I entered it on my phone. On the way home, we stopped at Target and got Brigitte and Conor swimsuits. I was afraid my parents might have a heart attack from too much vigorous sex, if they witnessed the wolves playing naked again.

Imagine my fucking surprise when we got home and both Mom and Dad were starkers! My jaw just about hit the floor.

"Whoa, did we just interrupt something?" I asked.

Nothing but a drink on the back porch is what it looked like we were interrupting.

"Not for about a half hour now," Dad said.

Mom gave him a playful slap on the arm, laughing. Between giggles, she managed to say that they'd talked it over and if my friends were more comfortable naked, they thought they should be comfortable. I felt Conor squeeze my shoulder.

"So if you all want to run around the house naked, it's okay by us," Mom finished, blushing.

"That's very kind of you," Brigitte said. "I do think we'll join you."

I told you their outfits was really easy to take off, so off they came. Conor's cock was already showing interest, smelling the hormones in the air. Damn puppy. Mom's eyes widened and nose flared, seeing it up close and personal this time. Daddy's cock wasn't far behind when Brigitte's naked perfection came into view. Can I say how fucking strange it is to see your father's cock erect for the first time.

My parents had both kept themselves in pretty good shape for people in their fifties. He'd taken an early retirement, and hadn't become sedentary. He'd played American Legion baseball each summer since his twenties, added golf and tennis in his thirties, and I knew he had a standing appointment to play racquetball with one of his colleagues once a week at their club. I'd gotten my love of running from my mom, who still ran five miles three or four days a week, taking a day between each run. and she started playing tennis when dad did, so they could enter mixed doubles tournaments. They both enjoyed cross country skiing in the winter. Oh sure, there was a little middle aged spread that had seeped in. Gravity had it's way with boobs unless you were a wolf, (remember that Brigitte was six years older than my mother), but mom's still looked pretty good. I shook my head in wonder.

"Aren't you going to get naked, dear?" Mom asked.

"Yes, but I'm going to go up to my room instead of tossing my clothes on the floor like these heathens." I collected their clothes off of the floor, and grabbed our Target bags. "Can I get anyone a drink?"

"We're good," Dad said, holding up his half empty glass of whatever they had. Looked like Coke, but they might have added rum or bourbon to it.

"Water for us, please," Brigitte said, sitting down across from my parents, Conor sitting beside her.

"Coming up."

I went to my room and removed my clothes. Okay, this was going to be a little weird, no question. But I had already learned to love lounging around naked, and whole families joined nudist colonies, right? Hopefully, the wolves wouldn't start fucking in front of my parents, would they? Or vice versa; that would be really weird. I went back downstairs and got three glasses of ice water and went back to the porch where they were having another friendly chat.

"We were just telling your parents that we didn't get a new bodyguard job, but did meet someone we might like to have visit at some point this trip," Brigitte said, taking a glass from my hand.

"Yeah, and I was wondering about some of my high school friends who might still be around, especially the single ones," I said. "Maybe you have the deets on some of them?"

"Deets?" Dad said.

"Sorry, details. Who's still around, what they're doing, that sort of thing?"

I handed Conor his water. If anything, his erection was a little more prominent than when I left. I swore, I could almost smell my mother myself, and I didn't have a werewolf's nose. I took a seat next to him. I wondered if I should throw a towel over it, especially since Mom had a hard time taking her eyes off it.

"Let's see. Do you remember Brenda, the head cheerleader?" Mom asked, finally looking at me.

"Definitely. She got married to the star quarterback, Tommy, right after high school."

"Yes, and had a baby seven months after she got married. Methinks that was a shotgun wedding. She went to Madison with Tommy when went he went to play for UW. He got kicked off the team for fucking an intern coache's wife. Brenda was the one who caught them in the act, and it was their divorce that got him kicked off the team when the coaching staff found out about it. Turns out she wasn't the only one he slept with. He was quite the serial cheater.

"She tried staying in Madison for a while, but with Tommy getting cut from the team, and him not finding or keeping a job to pay child support, Brenda had to move back in with her parents." Bingo. Candidate number one. "And her with the cutest little boy, who's five, almost six, I think." Good, fertile, if she was disease free.

"I'll have to look her up. Who else?"

"Do you remember the artsy one, Gretchen, who won all the awards for art at school?" I nodded. "She never got married. I think she's a lesbian. Never seemed to show any interest in boys." I knew she was. She'd hit on me twice. "Turns out good enough for awards in Rhinelander, is only mediocre at best in New York. She's moved back in with her parents as well" Being a lesbian didn't disqualify her. Only refusing to fuck cocks when you were fertile would disqualify her. She could have all the pussy she wanted otherwise. I should know. Candidate number two.

"Let's see, then there's Melinda who dated Martin all through high school and they got married soon after graduation. She's separated. I don't think it was infidelity or anything like that, though. They really seemed to love one another. I think Martin is infertile, and Melinda really wanted to have children."

"Why not adopt?" I asked.

"Melinda doesn't want to just raise children. She wants to have a child. Kind of hard to do that when your husband is infertile."

Melinda might be a little trickier. A wolf could give her a human child while in human form, but they wanted to raise a puppy, not give it to humans. Let's say possible candidate number three.

"Why are you just asking about single friends?" Dad asked.

"Because I know there are other infertile couples out there who might want to pay for a child like Conor and Brigitte. I'm assuming if my friends were married, it would be out of the question, but if they were single and needed money, maybe they'd be interested. It certainly seems like Brenda and Gretchen might appreciate the opportunity. Gretchen can still do her art while she's pregnant, and she only has to have sex with a man while she's fertile if she's into women, and by the way, she's definitely lesbian. If Brenda were to have another child, she wouldn't have to raise it on her own, it would go to the infertile couple, and she'd have some money on her own, maybe move out of her parent's house. Melinda is a little trickier, especially if she's still in love with Martin. I'm sure having a child for someone else isn't in her plans, but perhaps if she had two and gave one up, she'd have the baby she wants."

"Oh my," Mom said, "that does sound a little trickier, especially if she were being fertilized like you've chosen to do." Which was a requirement, because wolves couldn't jack off into a cup.

She looked at Conor's erection again and it twitched. Mom sucked in her breath. I knew Dad couldn't be oblivious to her attention. Maybe he had a look, don't touch mentality. It certainly seemed to be helping their sex life if they'd fucked three times since last night.

"Are they in the phone book, or do you know how to get in touch with them?" I asked.

"Brenda's and Gretchen's parents are both in the book. I'm not sure about Martin or Melinda. Both of their parents retired and moved, one set going to Florida, and the other to Arizona. Martin still lives in their house, Melinda's living with a friend at the moment, Doreen. But I think she works as a waitress at Culver's. Rhinelander isn't that big. I'm sure you can figure it out."


I went down to the dock and made a call to Gerhard.

"What can I do for you, Miss Huppert?"

"It's what I might be able to do for you. I've got three possible candidates as breeders, two more probable than the third. You might not have to pay money for the third, however, just provide a human child the mother can keep. She'll be tricky. The other two are more likely for at least a single child. How much are you willing to offer?"

"We're not as rich as the New England pack. On the other hand, things cost less in Northern Wisconsin and the UP, than they do in New England. We'd like to shoot for $75,000 a puppy, with a bonus of $300,000 if they have four. We're willing to go as high as !00 and 400, but I don't want to start there."

"And you cover the hospitalization for the delivery and any pre conception medical tests you'd need run?"


"I'm going to have a chat with the two who may be interested in money together, and I'll invite Dawn, let her get their scent, and a feel for them. Send paperwork with her. I'll give her a date and time after I have it set up. The other one, I'll let you know, but I don't think it's going to take money, so I won't offer it to her."

"Thank you, Miss Huppert."

"You're welcome, Gerhard." I hung up.

A boat went by on the lake with three guys in it and I absently waved at it, forgetting I was naked, and it started in toward's shore. I realized what I'd done and tried waving it away. They ignored me. I sat down on the bench Dad had for fishing since they seemed determined to get close.

They put the boat in idle about ten feet from the dock. "Hey, there. Are you looking for company?"

"No. I have plenty of company. I just forgot I was naked when I waved, trying to be friendly."

"We can be plenty friendly."

"As I said; I have plenty of company. I don't need any more."

"Hey, honey, are you having a problem?"

I turned around and Conor was on the shore at the beginning of the dock, looking like a Greek God, and still erect, thereby proving I had no need for company.

"No problem. I think these boys just misinterpreted a friendly wave because I was naked. I've explained that I don't need any more company. As you can see gentleman. I have everything I want, right there."

All three of them were staring at Conor, their attention off me for the moment.

"Thanks, fellas, but my girlfriend is pretty happy the way things are. You can push off now," Conor said. "You don't want me to come out there."

"Yeah, we're leaving," and they put the boat in forward and gunned the engine, throwing water up on me. I didn't care, I was naked anyway.

"Brigitte sent me out here to keep an eye on you."

"Fine have a seat, and see if you can lose your boner."

"Be pretty hard. I can tell you want me. So does your mother, by the way."

"Yeah, Mom's attention on your dick was pretty evident."

"Would they be offended if we offered to fuck them?"

"They might be, if you put it like that. As far as I know, they've never cheated on each other, and so far, your presence is making their sex lives more enjoyable. Maybe I'll ask them about it later. Let's see, Melinda got married to Martin. What was his last name, Johnson? No, Johansson. Let's see if Melinda is working at Culver's today."

I'd worked at Culver's as a waitress in high school and still remembered their number by heart, so I called it.

"Culver's, how can we help you?"

"Yes, is there a Melinda Johansson who works there?"

"Not at this one. Could it be at the other Culver's?"

"There's two of them?"

"Built a second one three years ago."

"Do you have their number?"

"Give me a second. That number is," and she rattled the number off. "Do you need me to repeat that?"

"Please, I don't have anything to write with. I can put it in my phone if you go slow enough."

"Tell me when you're ready."

I set up a note and said I was ready. She repeated the number slower and I typed it into the note. "Got it, thanks."

"You're welcome." Midwesterners are so friendly compared to easterners, especially in the big cities. Part of the reason I lived in Maine. They were pretty nice too.

I tried again.

"Culver's, how can we help you?"

"Is Melinda Johansson working today?"

"She's off today."

"I'm a high school friend named Jessica Huppert. It's very important I speak to her. I know you can't give me her phone number, but it is important. Can you call her and tell her to call me about a matter of some urgency. This is my phone number." I gave it nice and slow.

"We'll let her know."

"Today, please, not the next time she's working. It is urgent."

"I'll call her myself."

"Thank you."

Conor and I went back to the house. Brigitte was still talking to my parents. Dad had half an erection. He'd been hard for too long to maintain it, but still excited enough for some blood to be flowing into his organ.

"Could I get a few minutes alone with my parents please?" I asked.

"Sure, we'll be down playing in the water," Brigitte said.

"What do you need, Jessica?" Mom asked after they were gone.

"How strong is your marriage?"

"Pretty good, baby. Why do you ask?" Dad responded.

"Could it withstand having sex with other people, if you were both willing for it to happen?"

"What do you mean, Jess?" Mom asked.

"Mom, I've seen the way you look at Conor's cock; you can barely keep your eyes off of it. And Daddy has a near constant erection looking at Brigitte. You're attracted to them. I can tell, they can tell, and your spouse can tell. They are in an open relationship and willing to have sex with other people. They'd be willing to have sex with you if you want. The question you need to ask yourself, is can your marriage withstand the strain of you stepping over the line, as long as you're both agreeable to the possibility. It would only be sex to them. They're not interested in forming romantic relationships with other people.

"Dad, could you still love Mom if she had sex with Conor, perhaps even sex with them both, because Brigitte would be happy to lick her pussy while Conor fucks her? Mom, could you still love Dad if he fucked Brigitte's mouth, pussy or ass, because she would surrender any one, or all three to him? Or what if both men fucked one of the women, say Conor fucked Mom's pussy while she sucked your cock, Dad? Could either of you watch your spouse with another person?

"Or would you prefer not to watch? To go out to dinner or a movie while your spouse was having sex with someone else, and let them tell you about it or not, as you both decide.

"So far, you're using their casual attitudes about sex and nudity to fuel your sex drives with each other, and that's okay too. They won't force themselves on either of you. But they are open to the possibility of more if you want it. Why don't you discuss that with each other. You don't have to decide today. We're going to be here for a little longer than two weeks. You've got time if it's something you think you'd like to try."