Mated to the Pack Ch. 05


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"It's not that unusual," Brigitte said. "It's a fairly common sexual fantasy among humans to see your spouse have sex with someone else."

"But not wolves?" I asked.

"We look at sex differently, and always have. Fidelity isn't expected as part of our mating. That's the main difference. We know we'll see our mates have sex with others. It's not at all taboo."

"Do you have any juice left?" I asked Conor.

"Of course."

"Show me."

Conor showed me he had lots of juice left, which Brigitte cleaned out of me. Sweet.


Tuesday was an almost exact repetition of Monday. Conor bred Melinda twice in the morning after our run, while Brigitte and I worked on our martial arts in the back yard. He bred her twice more in the afternoon while Brigitte and I had sex, then Martin watched Conor and his wife fuck again after supper before Martin reclaimed her, while Conor showed me what I was missing by only having Brigitte with me in the bed.

Wednesday would have been the same except I became fertile around two in the afternoon. So instead of watching Conor fuck his wife, Martin, and everyone else, watched Conor fuck me as a wolf, the first possible time I might fulfill my bargain. I did it facing the wolf for the first time, slid to the edge of the bed, with Brigitte holding my legs up and open so Martin could enter me. It took two or three stabs of his cock for him to find my fertile opening. Finding it, he drove forward until he was deep inside of me and I felt him knot.

One thing I noticed this time as opposed to the first time, because it was all so new, was how Conor's cock seemed slightly warmer to me as a wolf than a human.

"What's the internal temperature of a wolf?" I asked her. "His cock seems warmer to me, but it's not much."

"It averages about a hundred and one with a degree fluctuation on either side. Indoors like this without a lot of exertion it's probably on the low side."

As he plunged, jerking my hips with each powerful thrust, I stroked his muzzle and fondled his ears. We remained locked together even after his climax. He wanted to howl. He raised his snout as if to howl, but nothing issued forth from his throat. It was much different down below where our genitals were locked together. There, large quantities of cum bathed the interior of my loins, and his knot kept us together while his seed attempted to do its work on the egg vacating my ovaries. We remained locked for fifteen minutes after he ejaculated, until he shifted, and it was Conor, the man, filling my pussy, finally pulling out.

Martin and Melinda found reason to depart suddenly, and we could hear them going at it in their bedroom. Conor cleaned up after himself, but only the outside. The interior soaked in his wolfie cum.

Brigitte had been turned on by our spectacle, and needed an injection of her own, so six times Conor stepped up to the plate and hit a home run, and only Brigitte's deposit was a total waste.

We were returning from our run when two Wisconsin wolves, one in his human form and another bitch in wolf shape, showed up at Martin's door to take over protection detail while Brigitte and I left.

The wolf whined as soon as the bitch smelled Melinda.

"Congratulations," Brigitte told Melinda. "You're pregnant."

"You're joking," Melinda said.

"Not at all," Brigitte said. "Carol, the wolf bitch smells it. You're definitely knocked up, probably since early Tuesday. Since you're no longer fertile and having a human child, your wolf protective detail can leave now. You might want to call Martin and give him the good news."

Melinda gave Conor a huge hug. "Thank you, Conor. I wish you'd be one of those to breed me for the pack. I enjoyed myself more than I expected.

"You're welcome. It was my pleasure."

I also gave Melinda a congratulatory hug, then we packed up all of our things and went back to my parents' house, the three of us, as Melinda shared the good news with her husband.

When we arrived home, and all of us walked in, my parents were surprised.

"I thought you were staying through Friday?" Mom said.

"We planned to," I replied, "but a wolf smelled that Melinda was already pregnant. If we continued staying, Conor would have just been having sex with Martin's wife for no purpose."

"I'm not sure either of them were all that upset once it happened," Brigitte said. "Martin seemed to enjoy watching, and Melinda certainly seemed to enjoy the sex."

Mom and Dad looked at each other.

Eric was the first of the expected guests to arrive.

"How old are you?" I asked. "Am I robbing the cradle or fucking a fossil?"

"A hundred and four years old."

"I'm definitely fucking a fossil then."

"Are you ready to start?"

"Just waiting for a couple other potential breeders who want to see what it would be like."

Brenda was the first to arrive and she was pleased to see Conor was there as I told her he wouldn't be. She was without Tommy, Jr., and asked if she could spend the night, since her grandparents had him for the night. I told her she could if she helped wash and change the sheets in the spare bedroom. Gretchen was there right at ten. She greeted the women with a kiss. I introduced them both to Eric, as my local breeder.

I told Gretchen that if she wanted to spend the night, she was welcome to. "My idea is that Brenda might want to spend the night with both Conor and Eric. You could spend the night with Brigitte and me." Gretchen quickly agreed.

My parents stayed downstairs while the rest of us went to my room. We all removed our clothes. Brenda was happy to see that Eric looked every bit as promising as a lover as Conor was. Eric shifted to wolf. Brenda sat on Conor's erection on a chair beside the bed to watch. Gretchen sat in the other chair we'd set up, but Brigitte's human was licking her pussy as she watched.

"My wolfie, what a big cock you have," I said, mimicking Little Red Riding Hood. Eric yipped softly.

I got on my hands and knees and Eric mounted me from behind. As soon as he was deep inside of me, I felt him knot. I described to my friends what was happening, so they'd know what to expect when it was their turn. My breeding, in addition to the pleasure they were receiving from their two werewolf lovers had them cumming as often as I was. I made sure to tell them, so they wouldn't be afraid of mating a wolf.

A good fifteen minutes later, I felt Eric flood my pussy with his wolf cum.

"As a wolf, there's even more cum than there while in their human form," I said. "They remain knotted for some time after ejaculation to keep their semen trapped inside your womb, the better to make you pregnant, my dear," still carrying the Riding Hood theme.

Not only did Eric remain knotted, he developed another erection, and began to fuck me again, which I also described.

"What if you begin to get sore?" Gretchen asked.

"If you tell them to stop, they can shift to their human form, as they don't develop a knot as a human, and slip out of you," I replied. "They still have manners as a wolf. They won't rape you, or continue past your pain threshold."

"Does it hurt?" Brenda asked

"It's a very full feeling," I said, "but not much different than just a large cock or strap-on would be. They just can't pull out, while they're knotted. That would hurt. It actually does a good job of rubbing against my g spot. Since there isn't a lot of sliding, or thrusting, going on, that's where most of my pleasure comes from."

Eric deposited another load of cum inside of me. He remained knotted another ten minutes before his knot dissipated and he could pull out of me. The amount of cum he'd deposited was voluminous, and I felt some run down my leg, which Eric lapped up before shifting again.

We dressed and descended the stairs and had lunch to refuel, the wolves eating raw hamburger again. The humans eating salad.

For my afternoon breeding, Conor and Eric changed places, and Conor mounted me front wise, with my bottom at the foot of the bed, so they could see what that looked like, while Brenda rode Eric and Brigitte's wolf form licked Gretchen. I stroked Conor's neck and head while he fucked me. He enjoyed the attention I gave him as he mated with me.

Not to be outdone by Eric, Conor bred me twice while knotted. It was a wonderful fucking. Conor was beginning to know my body so well. When he was finished, he licked the cum leaking outside of my pussy, just as Eric had done. My two girlfriends looked at each other when Conor shifted and pulled out of me.

Brenda said, "I'm convinced. I'm ready to breed at least a couple of werewolf puppies, but I do have one more condition to add to my breeding contract."

"I'd need to get it approved, but what are you looking for?" Eric asked.

"I want one of you werewolf studs to take me out on a date twice a week, then fuck me after my date for as long as I'm providing breeding services to the pack. I want out of my house and to live a little bit. If that means one of you needs to provide babysitting services, that's part of the price. I'm sick of having to raise my child all by myself with no help, but if I could get out twice a week, I can get by. Men are scared that I'm a mother. I don't need a lifetime commitment. I just want to go out twice a week, and have some fun. Is that a problem?"

"And for this, you'd agree to mate with four different wolves for all five days you're fertile, or at least until you're pregnant?"

"I'm willing to fuck four wolves a day, but not the double fucking you and studly here hit Jessica with. Eight fuckings a day might be a bit much. I'll guarantee one each and possibly more if I feel up to it. The wolf at the end of the day might get one or two more if I've got energy left, but I won't promise more. Four is all I'll promise."

"I suspect the pack can live with that if you don't need the same person for all of your dates."

"Nope, just someone handsome to wine me, dine me, perhaps some dancing or a movie every so often, then fuck me stupid."

"A reasonable request. You do realize that we can't fuck you as a human once you're fertile, even on dates." Brenda agreed. Eric looked at Gretchen. "Are you ready to proceed?"

"I guess I am," Gretchen replied, "but I have two requests, and one of them is similar to Brenda's. I want a wolf bitch to take me out once a week, and spend the night with me, but when I breed the wolf, I want to be facing him so I know I don't have a human cock in me. I guess four times a day is enough for me as well. I'm not sure I could tolerate a cock more than four times a day anyway."

Eric did a half bow. "Thank you, ladies. I'm reasonably certain that Gerhard would agree to your additional conditions. I'll arrange for your doctor appointments immediately."

"I've got breeding contracts in Dad's desk, Eric. If you can get approval, we can pen and ink the changes, and they can sign."

He nodded, and went downstairs to make a call. When he returned, he said Gerhard had agreed to the changes. He gave the two women their doctor appointments to be cleared for breeding.

"Eric, can you get it up again? Since this is the only day for your pack, I feel I should give you some more time," I said.

His cock started to grow before my eyes. He climbed into bed with me as a human, licking me and kissing me all over. He also entered me as a human, and I orgasmed when he did, but then he shifted as I was holding him, a first for me, and the human cock was replaced with a wolf cock. He made sure to drive it deep before he knotted with me again. Two more times, he climaxed inside of me during his knotting. Six total batches of wolf semen flooded my pussy that day.

I mentioned that werewolves produced abut three times the normal amount of cum a man produced, right? It was like eighteen men had cum inside of my pussy. I was surprised it wasn't squirting out of my nose the last time Eric drained his balls inside of me. It felt like my pussy was sloshing when he pulled out of me. Gretchen helped me take a shower and clean up a little before we went down to supper. Dad was grilling more of the meat we'd brought. I got out the breeding contracts and Brenda and Gretchen both signed one after Eric made the changes Gerhard had approved.

After we sat down for the meal, Dad surprised me.

"Are you going to be keeping everyone busy tonight, Jess?"

What surprised me was his asking me in front of the other three who might not have known he and Mom had allowed others into their marital bed. I'd thought they'd want to keep that secret in Rhinelander, because there were no secrets in a town this small. Except the fact that werewolves existed in the first place, but the other two already knew Mom was the daughter of the local pack leader, so maybe not so strange.

"Both Gretchen and Brenda were planning to spend the night," I said. "I haven't talked to Eric about it yet, but I was wondering if he wanted to spend the night with Brenda and Conor, so she could try out two cocks at once. I was planning to bed Gretchen and Brigitte. Why are you asking?"

"Could we have Brigitte for the night?" Dad asked, Mom blushing up a storm.

Gretchen squealed in delight. "You're licking pussy now, Mrs. H?"

Mom nodded shyly.

"That's great! And Mr. H doesn't mind you rug munching?"

"Not at all," Mom said.

"You are the coolest fucking parents in town. Jessica is so lucky to have you."

"I agree," Brenda said. "You are cool."

"That brings up another point," Dad said. "If Eric would like to spend another night, we wouldn't mind spending the night with Eric and Conor. Anita wanted to see what it was like being airtight."

"I'll breed with you again tomorrow, Eric, if you'd like to stay and make my folks' fantasies come true."

"I'd be honored to fuck Gerhard's daughter," Eric replied.

"I'm sure Gretchen would be happy to have me all to herself tonight, so if Brigitte is willing, we won't have a problem with sharing her."

"Not at all," Gretchen said. "I'd love having you all to myself."

"Then I'll spend the night with your parents, padawan," Brigitte said.

That's how we ended the night, Gretchen with me, Conor and Eric showing Brenda a wonderful time, (if the moans and half-muffled screams coming from the third bedroom were any indication), and Brigitte getting it on with Mom and Dad. A good time was had by all.


No one bothered to dress in the morning. Clothes seemed superfluous at this point. We all knew what the others had been up to last night, so there were no secrets. The five females all seemed to be aroused, because even I could smell the pheromones on the air, and the wolves were erect through breakfast, and Dad was interested, shall we say.

Brenda had to leave right after breakfast, so couldn't stay, but she definitely gave her two lovers a goodbye kiss, tugging briefly on their stiffies before she left. Gretchen said she could stay until noon before she had to go. She sunbathed in the yard while the three wolves, Mom and I went for a fast eight mile run.

When we got back, Eric, I and the two bodyguards did more unarmed combat. Eric showed me some things that Conor and Brigitte didn't know, just from fighting for over ninety years, and we all practiced those things until we were relatively proficient. We took a quick swim in the lake to cool off and freshen up, then I took Gretchen to bed one last time before she had to leave.

"Would you ever consider marrying a woman? I'd move to Maine if you would," Gretchen asked. We were snuggled together in bed, both of our faces glazed in the other's honey. Our bodies were flushed and sweaty.

"I'm sorry, Gretch, but I don't think so. I like dick too much to give it up, and I know how shitty some people can still be about gay marriages. What I'd like to find is a man I love who wouldn't mind me having sex with women, but that's the most I could ever promise you."

"At least you're honest about it. I become fertile in five days. Could I ask you to stick around for at least a couple days of my breeding?"

"Of course. I'll hold your hand."


Gretchen went home before lunch, and after lunch, I let Eric mount me again. He did another double breeding, then Conor did the same.

After supper, Conor and Eric joined Mom and Dad in bed and from her squeals of delight, she enjoyed the experience, several times over. Brigitte and I had to laugh a few times when we heard some particularly loud moan. She was quite vocal about her pleasure when a cock wasn't stuffed in her mouth.

The following morning, Eric left and it was just Conor breeding me for the last two days of my fertility. Each day, we ran, did martial arts, and I had sex with Conor once in the morning, twice in the afternoon. Each night, one of my partners joined Mom and Dad in their bed. If Conor was in mine at night, he started his fucking as a man, but had to shift to his wolf before depositing his semen inside of me. I was one well fucked puppy before my fertility ended. Each time Conor shifted, he sniffed at my privates and smelled me to see if I was pregnant. As the doctor predicted, I was infertile this round. I never caught, no matter how much semen had flooded my womb.

I got a call from Gretchen and she said that her doctor had proclaimed her fit for pregnancy and she had to report to the wolf compound the day after tomorrow to begin her breeding.

"Brigitte and I will take you," I said. "We can stay with you a couple days if you want."

"Thanks, Jessica. I really appreciate this. I'll come over to your house. I told my parents I was going to spend some time with you and that's where I am. Will your parents cover for me?"

"They will, Gretch. No problem, girlfriend. I've got your back."

I told my parents what I was doing, and told them that Conor could stay with them and see to their needs while I was gone. They agreed to cover for Gretchen if her parents called them, as opposed to calling her on her cell phone.

The next day, Conor and Brigitte said I'd advanced far enough in my training that I could be given a silver knife. She gave it to me with great solemnity, because for the first time, barring luck, I could kill her or Conor. I didn't bother bringing it with me to the werewolf compound, where I figured I was as safe as I could be anywhere in the country., but left it beside my bed.

Gretchen arrived the following morning while I was still on my run with Mom and the two wolves, and she was definitely nervous when I saw her after our run.

"You told me you're not a virgin anymore, right?" I asked.

"If you can call having your hymen broken with a strap-on, then no; I'm not a virgin, but it's the first time I'll have a real dick inside of me. Strap-ons are a lot less messy than a dick."

"I understand. The wolves will clean up after themselves. It's not that bad, really."

She nodded and waited as we showered. Brigitte drove and I rode in the back with Gretchen, holding her hand.

Brigitte and I stripped as soon as we reached the compound, my grandfather welcoming us to his pack's headquarters. All of the wolves were naked this time, including my grandfather, who had a seriously pretty prick, that looked like it would be at least nine inches long when erect. I'd now seen both of my parents and my grandfather casually naked. Half of the wolves, about forty, were in human form, mostly the females, perhaps knowing Gretchen was a lesbian. The males were mostly wolves, and I wondered which ones would breed Gretchen.

"Can I offer anyone a drink?" Gerhard asked.

My bodyguard and I got water as we were still trying to hydrate after our run.

"Do you have white wine?" Gretchen asked. "I'm a little nervous and wine might help settle me down."

Gerhard snapped his fingers and a female rushed to obey, soon returning with a glass of white wine. Gretchen took the glass and drained half of it. She slowed down after that. Gerhard gave Gretchen a necklace.