Mated to the Pack Ch. 10


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"Bring this one with you tomorrow," Nat said, holding one that seemed to show a wolf spirit flowing out of an Indian woman. "Sasha will buy one like it. You might make another ten to twenty sales."

"You really like them?" Gretchen said.

"Love them," Nat said, "or I wouldn't be paying five thousand for one. It's really more than Daphne and I should afford, but I have to have one."

"For helping to promote my work here in New England, I'll sell it at half price."

"Then I'll take two," Nat said, laughing. "I'll see if I can get one of them promoted at an art gallery I know in Boston."

Gretchen hugged both of them, laughing and excited.

After the second helping, everyone got dressed and left. We kept the leftover food for tomorrow, and soon retired. Almost all of us had had enough sex for the night, but Ingrid still licked Gretchen and me to three amazing orgasms apiece before we fell asleep in a warm pile of feminine limbs. I felt wonderful.


The next morning, it being Thursday, there were no classes. We decided to do our run at the compound, and Conor and Ingrid climbed into the back of the Jeep as wolves for the drive. They were licking each other in the back, as wolves do. Brigitte drove, the most familiar with the way. As soon as we turned onto the dirt road leading to the compound, we had six wolves running alongside the SUV.

When we pulled into the compound, there were close to two dozen wolves there, most of them in their human forms, and dressed. Ingrid and Conor shifted back to humans as soon as they got out of the back. Rene and Sasha were waiting outside to greet us. Brigitte introduced all of us to them and the other wolves. Ingrid had to lick Sasha while Rene fucked her as her submission to their authority while she was in New England. Rene didn't fuck her to completion, although both Sasha and Ingrid came once, Ingrid on Rene's cock. After the fucking, she was smelled by all of the other wolves. Ingrid informed Rene of the two rogue wolves she'd run across at the rest stop, and thanked the New England pack for Lisette's protection from being raped.

"Let's put Quinn on those two next week," Sasha said. "Would you like to help hunt them down, Ingrid?"

"I'd love to, but Jessica has arranged a road trip for us beginning Monday."

"Rene, since there will be seven of us going on the road trip," I said. "We were hoping to borrow one of the big Suburbans while I have my guests."

"Of course, Jessica. If you give me the keys to the Jeep, I'll have one of them detailed for you. You can take it today," Rene said. Brigitte handed him the keys.

"Thank you, sir. We didn't have a chance to run before coming. If possible, we'd love to stretch our legs before lunch. My Mom runs as well. A good ten mile run would be nice if someone could show us the way."

"I'll go with you," Sasha said.

"Before you run," Gretchen said, "Nathaniel said I was to show you one of my paintings. He said you'd really like it."

"Of course."

Gretchen took it out of the Jeep and handed it to Sasha.

"My God, this is beautiful," Sasha said. "How much to get one similar?"

"For you, Ma'am, I'll paint another for you for free, for helping to look after Jessica."

"Sasha, why don't you take this one. I've got another painting at my house," I said. "I can wait to get the next one she paints."

"How much for any other ones I'd like to get?" Sasha asked.

"I've sold two others for five thousand apiece," Gretchen said.

"I'd like at least two more similar to this one, Gretchen, at that price. Just send me some photos of your finished works and I'll pick out the ones I want."

Before she went back to Wisconsin, Gretchen had orders for fifteen more of her paintings, seventy-five thousand dollars worth of art.


We had a good run, and Sasha was surprised my mother ran right with us. There were a good half dozen wolves who ran as humans, and another half dozen who ran with us as wolves, although they were constantly circling and running outliers to check on anything they scented. Rene didn't want his mate harmed in any way, and quite a few were her honor guard.

"Does Rene worry about your safety?" I asked, puffing a little, more than the wolves anyway.

"It's possible some rogues would try taking me," Sasha replied. "Not so much to breed me, but perhaps extorting Rene to let some wolves back into the pack. We don't do all that well on our own, and wolves who are excommunicated would love to get back in the pack."

"Would they ever seek another pack?"

"Occasionally, they can get accepted into another pack, but mostly they'll form mongrel packs of their own, but they usually don't have substantial numbers, and seldom have enough bitches for sex. It's usually males who are outcast. Bitches tend to be more compliant."

"Are you the equal of Rene in pack hierarchy?"

"In some matters, I'm superior. In others, he is. Most critical decisions are made by us both. I'm definitely the top bitch, and he's definitely the top male, but the rest kind of shifts back and forth."

"If another bitch won a challenge with you for the top, would Rene need to mate with her?"

"Rene will always be mated to me, but I'd be cut out of decision making. Rene and the new bitch would make the decisions. I'd have to offer obeisance to her if she demanded it. She probably would on a frequent basis after I'm deposed, to keep me in my place. When I've grown to accept her leadership, it would wane. Rene would have sex with her, but likely never more sex than he has with me. That would defeat the entire purpose of mating. Except for death, or excommunication from the pack, we tend to mate for life."

"You can get excommunicated?"

"Or 'banished' would be a better word for it. Everyone can. Rene and I can do it on our own for other pack members. It would take a supermajority of the wolves to banish either of us. Generally, it would occur if we didn't keep the pack's needs ahead of our own. At the moment, there's almost no way that would occur, thanks mostly to you."

"Me," surprised.

"The pack has at least sixteen new puppies to look forward to, Jess, including the two Martha promised, and not even the other two you've promised us, but haven't contracted for. We're lucky to get sixteen puppies in ten years, let alone contractual agreements for sixteen in six months. A lot of wolves are getting a chance to breed a puppy."

"Has Martha been set up with breeders?"

"Not necessary. She's already pregnant. It won't be a puppy, but she's pregnant. When we sent a couple wolves over to set up her breeding, they shifted, and could tell she was knocked up from when she was in Maine. She and Douglas have a live in bodyguard, not for her human pregnancy, but to fulfill Douglas's cuckold fantasies. His name is Adam. He sleeps in their bed and fucks her several times a day, although they've told their families he's a boarder they've taken in for extra income."

"Is he black?"

"How did you know?"

"When Douglas and Martha first chose a wolf for sex, they chose Nat. When Conor said it was possible she could get pregnant, and the odds were over 50% it could be one of Nat's, I suggested a possible out as a story, if for some reason she delivered a biracial child. It probably makes them more comfortable knowing they've got a way to explain one away, although if both of her children are biracial, there's no way to get around that."

Sasha laughed. "I'm so looking forward to spending Saturday night with you."

"I am too. You're so fucking sexy. I wanted to have sex with you when Rene wasn't trying to knock me up, just us girls."

"He'll give us privacy that night, find another wolf to have sex with."

"Have you heard how Quinn's preparations are going?" I asked.

"Not a peep. I do know a dozen wolves are at his house almost every single day, but I have no clue how good they're going to be."

We had a nice lunch together before going back home in one of the Suburbans. Nobody had to ride as a wolf in the luggage area.


We'd already settled on a night time routine. Conor and Brigitte spent the night with my parents, while Gretchen, Ingrid and I spent the night together. I didn't mind giving up cock for the time being, as it was only for a couple weeks, and I couldn't say I wasn't getting enough sex. Gretchen was almost insatiable. She said being pregnant made her horny, and I had to agree that I was enjoying a lot of sex for the same reason.

Friday was a heavy workout day. Mom and Dad attended the morning fitness gym with us because it was raining, and the only way to work out without getting soaked. Even Gretchen was there. She had started running with Ingrid, but she was only up to five miles a day. We then enjoyed our usual lunch together, and then on to the martial arts studio. They were impressed at the number of students Brigitte had acquired for her class. They watched for awhile, then a tai-chi class started and Mom asked to try that, as it was a lot less violent. Dad decided to do it with her. They both enjoyed the class, and decided to sign up for a class when they returned to Wisconsin.

That evening, I asked Dad if he'd have a problem letting Mom loose for the night on Saturday. I told him that Simone, Daphne and Nathaniel were coming over before we left, and would keep him company for the night.

"No, Anita can spend time without me." He squeezed Mom's hand, smiling at her.

"There's likely to be sex. You know wolves, and how aroused the women will likely get as the men strip. Does that present a problem to you?"

"No, I'm good. Nat won't mind sharing?"

"Not at all."

"Then it shouldn't be a problem at all."

"Did you ever imagine saying that you'd have no problem if Mom had sex with another man?"

"Never, but then it's not a man, is it? It's a wolf. I think it makes a difference."

"You didn't know that when you first started," I said.

"That's true, but I imagine I trusted you when you said it would be okay, and it's worked out. I'm having more sex with your mother now than before all of this started. I've got to say it's been a remarkable time."

I was glad that they were enjoying themselves, but still found themselves in love with each other. That was a very good thing. Nor did it take them long to take Brigitte and Conor to bed. Who knew what kind of mischief they got themselves into together. I was busy myself, so didn't need to know what they were doing. Gretchen and Ingrid were taking turns giving me orgasms, and I was exhausted before they were finished.


We were in the Suburban on our way to Wolf Central. In addition to Ingrid, Brigitte, Gretchen and my mom, Dani, Lisette and Randa were with us. Simone was having more pregnancy sickness than the rest of us, and had agreed to stay with Daphne, Nat and my Dad as a result.

"I know you don't care about men stripping," I said to Gretchen, "but mostly, this is supposed to turn into a mass pussy licking after we get warmed up, although I'm sure a few of the bitches will end up fucking some of the strippers. I'm planning to spend the night with Sasha. You can spend the night with us if you don't find some other bitch who tickles your fancy."

"I'm sure I'll find a spare pussy, and if nothing else, I always have Ingrid."

"No offense, Gretchen, but I'm hoping to get a little wolf dick tonight," Ingrid said. "I don't know these wolves all that well, but I want to find out if any of them are as good as the Wisconsin wolves. They look studly enough."

"Abandoned, just because I'm getting fat and ugly," Gretchen said, a fake frown on her face.

"We're all getting fat and ugly," I said. "Can't use that as an excuse this time. I'm just real attracted to Sasha and she hasn't had time to spend with me except during my breeding."

Gretchen said, "I understand. The world of pussy is still so new to you. I'm sure I'll find one or two new pussies to play with." She patted my head. "You'll have to make it up to me on Sunday, though."

I agreed.

Happily ditching our clothes when we arrived, we made our way to the meeting hall, where Sasha and several other women were waiting. The room had a low stage set up with tables placed around it. Sasha had some lupine bitches there making non-alcoholic drinks for the pregnant women, with mostly water for the rest of them, although I did see a couple bottles of wine.

My group sat at two tables right up front, with Sasha and another senior bitch named Ramona seated with our two tables. They served some heavy appetizers as a meal, with only females serving the tables. Gretchen really liked one of them, a young bitch named Lenore, and she apparently made arrangements to spend the night with her after the show.

At 6:55, they dimmed the lights around the tables, leaving only two spot lights on the center of the stage.

At seven, Quinn came out with a cordless mike. "Ladies and bitches, the group now known as 'The Lords of the Prance' are here for your entertainment. Welcome to Ladies Night. Feel free to let yourselves go as we entertain you tonight. Our dancers love to be touched, and we hope you do too. For one night only, 'The Lords of the Prance.' Our first dancer is named Rodrigo. He will be exposing his Spanish heritage, by dancing the Flamenco. There's just one thing more to tell you before Rodrigo dances his way into your heart. If you wish to spend the night with any of our dancers, you have only to suck on their cock as they pass through the crowd, to mark him as yours. Without further ado, I give you Rodrigo."

Oh, my. That was new. Out onto the stage bounded a muscular, fine looking specimen of wolf, dressed in a ruffled red shirt and tight black pants. Tight enough to expose the size of his package. He paused, hands upraised, poised for a second before the music started, and damned if they didn't play flamenco music. He danced through one song, his heels and toes tapping against the stage. The first song ended and he tore his shirt off, bare to the waist. The next song was as vigorous as the first and soon, the sweat was pouring off his body as his feet slapped in staccato rhythm against the floor. Then his pants came off and he was erect. His cock a stiff spear as he moved. He didn't get past the first table before someone had their lips around his cock. I didn't know who had claimed him, but I knew they'd be happy with what they'd claimed. He handed her a token with which to claim him later, but continued through the tables, letting other women fondle his manhood, and he fondling them, before he disappeared behind the stage.

"Give it up for Rodrigo, ladies. Wasn't he something? Next we have Ivan. Ivan will be dancing the Hopak, from the Ukraine. Please welcome Ivan to the stage with a loud round of applause."

So far, this show had exceeded my expectations. I happily added my cheers and clapping as another wolf entered doing flips, landing on his knees at the front of the stage. Fuck, these wolves were hot. He was wearing loose pants which hid his family jewels well, and an embroidered peasant shirt. He was kicking his feet from a crouching position, doing all sorts of leaps and jumps to Slavic music. His shirt came off during the second song, and his pants before the third song. One might have thought his dick would flop around as he was leaping about the stage, but his cock was a steely rod as he scented the arousal of the females present. Randa claimed him for the night by sucking his cock all the way down her throat.

He handed her his token, and Quinn took the stage again. "Ivan, everyone. Please give a round of applause to Ivan. Next we have Lorenzo, and I'm sure you'll have no problem figuring out what he's dancing."

Ingrid shouted, "Are you going to be dancing tonight, Quinn?"

"Yes, I am."

"Hold up a second then."

Ingrid ran up to the stage and pulled Quinn's cock from his pants, then sucked half of it down. She then shoved it back in and rezipped him.

"I already knew who I wanted to spend the night with," she said, looking up at him with a hungry look in her eye.

Quinn looked a little disappointed, but he handed her a token for his services for the night. He looked at me, a little sadly, I thought. I hoped he hadn't thought I was going with him tonight. Even if I were in the mood for a cock and not Sasha's pussy, it wouldn't have been his.

The music started, a hip hop song with a driving beat and a wolf came running out in sweats and head band, and immediately went into a head spin, followed by some handstands and a flip. After he lost his clothes, he should have, and probably was, getting friction burns on his back, knees and hands, but with wolf healing, ignored them. The gyrations he did after losing his pants didn't affect his rigid cock in the slightest. These wolves were all hot looking, cunt dripping specimens, and it was easy to see how deep they'd plumb a pussy.

Following Lorenzo, there was a wolf doing a Mãori Haka warrior dance from New Zealand. He'd started with a loin cloth and a string of shells. If you've ever seen The Rock do his little dance, you know what I'm talking about here. He ended up naked except for the shell string. Another unfamiliar bitch claimed his cock for the night.

The next wolf came out with a kilt, dancing the Scottish sword dance, ending with only his sword, as hard as the two he'd been dancing over, claimed by Brigitte. Then came a Greek dancer dancing the hasapiko. Think Zorba the Greek with a much younger looking Anthony Quinn and an eight inch pecker, claimed by another strange bitch.

Next came a tall black man in tradition Kenyan robes, dancing the Adamu, the Masai jumping dance, to nothing more than the beat of African drums. When his robes were gone, I saw the longest cock I'd ever seen, perhaps more than ten inches long, leaping straight up and down. You'd think his cock would have been flopping all over given it's size. Think again. It barely bobbed, it was so stiff. Dani claimed his prick for the night. She told him to bring a friend as she wanted to film the fucking for her fiancé. I had to stroke his cock when he was at our table, as did my mother.

Another wolf danced the Salsa, gyrating hips twirls and spins without the normal partner, yet still incredibly arousing as you could almost tell he was fucking an invisible partner on the floor. He got claimed by Lisette.

The next one I hadn't seen before. Quinn said it was a traditional dance from the Philippines called the tinikling. Two other dressed wolves came out and holding two long, thick bamboo poles, they began pounding them on the floor and against each other. The wolf stripped while dancing between the poles in rhythm to the music. I suppose it would have been easy to get broken ankles dancing the tinikling, and it was a good thing it would have healed easily as a wolf, but he didn't need to heal, as he did just fine, dancing between the heavy poles.

Another wolf danced the Brazilian Capoeira, which was like a mixture of dance and martial art, with a lot of dancing around like you were fighting someone, leaping like you were kicking them. The next wolf did the Mexican hat dance, mariachi music playing in the background. You could have hung ten Mexican hats on the stiffness of his pecker. Both of those wolves were claimed by strange bitches.

"Our next wolf is a surprise guest. Please welcome Rene, dancing the Samba, with a huge round of applause."

I looked at Sasha, and she was as surprised as I was that her mate was dancing. He came out with a Carnival costume and danced a credible Samba, again his hips almost doing an imaginary fucking as he shed his sequined pants.

When he came to our table, Mom wrapped her lips around Rene's rigid rod, and claimed him for the night. So, I would have the bitch, and Mom the husband, alphas of the pack. I wondered if he reminded her of her father, though they looked nothing alike. Just his alpha personality.