Maternal Girl


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"...Jess, I'm an adult!" Maggie chuckled.


"'So'??...It would be silly!"

"All the more reason. Justice served to a further degree with you being made to feel foolish as well."

"Jessie, this is ridiculous!"

Jessie turned ominously serious.

"Well, guess what. You're doing this my way or no way. You're still my blood mother, and this is just discipline. Just like what you and Dad used to do to me. We're both human, we've both made mistakes. And we both need to pay for 'em and learn from 'em. So if you don't like it..." She gestured to the exit. "There's the door. So you can either get out and stay the hell out for good, Margaret..."

Just as abruptly, her voice turned calm, friendly and warm again.

"...Or you can lay down over my lap and do this how I say...Mom."

Margaret let out an exasperated sigh with a face that read the same. With a huge reluctance, she brought her feet onto the mattress, and got on all fours, unable to believe she was doing this.

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

She adjusted, shifted and lowered into Jessie's prescribed position, face down, midsection over her daughter's thighs.

"That's a good Mom!" Jess praised. "Now put your hands in front of you, hide your face, and accept your comeuppance. Sooner it starts, sooner it'll be over. Sound familiar, mother?"

Margaret obediently placed her face in the mattress between her arms, tossing a groan of embarrassment. She felt a draft on the backs of her thighs as Jessie flipped up her dress.

"Wh—Jessica!" exclaimed Maggie, whipping her face to the side. "What are you doing?"

"Why, making it sting, of course, mother. You have to feel and remember the pain so this doesn't happen again. Don't get freaked out. I may be a dominatrix, but I'm not into incest. I'm not gonna pull your panties down or do anything explicit to you like I did to Gretchen. And I'm just gonna use my hand."

Margaret re-buried her face, and uttered some naughty words into the bedspread.

"What was that??"

"Nuffieh..." insisted the muffled voice. "Pweav juff gif if over witt."

"As you wish, Mom." Jessie kept a just firm enough hold on her middle with her left arm, and raised her right hand. Not wanting to start out too harsh or overwhelming, she delivered the first spank with controlled, moderate force, over the middle of both cheeks.

"Mmf!" said Maggie.

"That was a very naughty thing you did, figuratively young lady, running away from home like that."

"I know, Jeffi—" Spank! "Mmff!"

"And don't talk back to me either." She began alternatingly slapping her Mom's butt cheeks. "Are you sorry?"

Her mother didn't say anything. Jessie gave her another spank!

"Answer me, mother! Are you sorry??"


SPANK! "I said don't talk back to me! Did you not hear me?"

More silence. Another spank!

"Hello?! Speak up, Mom! Didn't you hear me??"

"YEFF! I h—"

Spank! "What's the matter with you?! I clearly ordered you not to give me any lip! Bad!" Spank! "Bad Mommy!" Spank! "Bad, bad, bad! Can you not do what you're told??"

The spanks didn't actually physically hurt a great deal. The belittlement and the mind-fuck "game" Jessie was playing with her started to irritate Margaret a bit more. She raised her head and turned in her daughter's direction.

"Jess, this is humiliating!"

"Good." Spank! "Humiliation's appropriate. It's a punishment; it's not supposed to be fun or enjoyable. Now down, I said."

Her aggravated Mom blew out her breath and again dropped her face. On went the chastisement. True to her words, Jess only spanked with her hand, with skin-on-fabric contact, over Maggie's panties. But this didn't make it ache a great deal less. Margaret began to feel her rump get red from the blows. Jessie still wasn't hitting quite hard enough to really wound her or force tears. But she upped the frequency and rapidity of spanks, while giving the verbal admonishment a rest. This collectively smarted some more. She mostly adhered to the alternating pattern, but broke it up unpredictably, keeping Margaret on her metaphorical toes. Eventually—her mother could only guess how much longer—Jess inevitably slowed back down to talk to her again.

"All right...I think I'm starting to feel satisfied, Mom."

As burning red and stinging as her bottom now felt, hearing these words and Jessie call her "Mom" again felt as good. This "Mom" was sincere, not ironic to make a castigatory point. Margaret tried to catch a deep breath.

"You still wanna be my Momma?"


Jessie allowed some good-natured humor into their interaction.

"Then say it!" Spank! "Who's my Momma??"

"I am!"

Spank! "Who's my Momma??"


SPANK! "WHO's my Momma??!"

"I AM! ME!! I'm your mother, Jessie, you're my daughter! I'm your old lady, you're my little girl!"

"Good!" SPANK!!

"OW!! Motherf—!"

"HA! Exactly!" SPANK!! "I love ya, Mom!"

"OWW!! I love you too, Jess! Now can we please stop this??!"

Jessie laughed. "Oh, I guess so..." Just to top it off with a little teasing, Jessie reached down to her right and tickled her feet, making her jump. Then leaned back down to her left, and gave her a kiss on top of the head.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mommy..." Spank! "...Ya naughty ol' gal."

She let go of Maggie's middle. Taking this as the permission it was, Maggie pushed herself up, and went to resume her sitting position to Jessie's right. Sitting, however, was less than ideal at the moment.

"Ooh! Ouch! I, uh...I think I'll lie like this a while," she announced, turning to rest on her hip. Jessie smiled at her, warm and loving.

"I forgive you, Mom."

Love infused Margaret's heart.

"Y'know, Jess, honey, I...ooh!...For the first time since all this happened...I think I finally forgive me too."


...Only A Motion Away, Oh, Little Darling Of Mine

Sunday, May 11th, 2014, 8:24 p.m.

"Punishing" her mother put her in such a good mood, Jessie welcomed Maggie back into her life with open arms. The others were still out enjoying supper and a movie, so after they returned downstairs, Jess decided to order Chinese for dinner. She put down a soft, plushy pillow for Margaret's tender posterior. And in ironic, facetious honor of the holiday, she put on a DVD of one of their favorite old movies: Serial Mom, with Kathleen Turner. It was a dark '90s comedy with a lot of humor in very bad taste, which was exactly what they liked about it. Once through with dinner, Jessie fixed them mugs of decaf French Roast. They clinked.

"Voici de la...saleté humide, dans...tes yeux, Mom," said Jessie, drawing on her semester abroad in Paris. "I...hope I said that close to correctly. And if we have breakfast together sometime soon, I'll make you the other kinda French toast."

"I'm impressed, Jess. When did you learn French?"

"Well, I didn't exactly learn it...I'm real rusty. But last year, and year before last. I was away at school, one of my semesters in Paris."

"Oh, you lucky girl! What I wouldn't have given for that kinda opportunity when I was in college."

" was nice. But what really made me see how lucky I was was when I got back and met Annabella."

"Oh? How'd that happen?"

"Funny story, actually. I was trying to call my hair girl for an appointment, but I hit a wrong number and got Annabella instead. So, we chatted for a minute about how amusing that was, then we...chatted some more, and...eventually one thing led to another, and here we are. And I love her, mother. I am so in love with her. She's wonderful. She's the world to me."

"She does seem really sweet. And cute and whimsical. She's dressed like it's 1956." They giggled.

"She is the sweetest thing in the world. Sometimes she almost literally makes my teeth ache. She's really talented too. She speaks Italian, she sings and plays piano, she shoots pool, makes perfume and works full-time. She's amazing. And...I owe her one, turns out, Mom. If...if it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have even come back down to let you talk to me today. See, uh...this is really sad, but...her Mom had a drinking problem. And one night, she snuck outta the house, blind drunk, got in the car, and...boom."

"Ohhh, why, how awful."

"Yeah, so...she really wanted me to give you another chance, 'cause she never got to tell her own mother all the things she had to say. And...I'm glad I listened. She's always right. Sometimes it drives me crazy, but Annabella's always right. She helped me be able to accept Gretchen in my life too, without even meaning to. Mom, when I got home from Europe, and Dad sprung her on me as soon as I came in the house...right away we didn't get along. She didn't even know I was gay. And when I told her, she seemed, just...horrified. She's a hardcore Christian. And a Bible-thumper. And a Republican."

"Oh dear."

"Yeah. But I could deal with all that. What I couldn't deal with was when she started giving my phone number to these guys she knew, so they'd ask me out. Guys, Mom. Dudes. Men. She legitimately thought I needed to just go out with some guys, and that'd 'fix' me, and everything'd be fine. I really do regret doing what I did to her now, but...I had to do something to set her straight."

"So to speak."

"Heh! Right. I have to tell you, Mom, as mad and upset as I was at you for leaving, I'm so glad you never cared I was gay. You and Dad made it clear, right from the closet, you loved me no matter what. And that's way more than I can say for my classmates and peers in school. We were just dumb kids, but I didn't know that at the time. And...they really hurt me."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart."

"Ah, it's all good. And...I really like my life now. 'Course, again, a lot of the credit for that goes to Annabella. God, Mom, I just fuckin' love her so, please pardon that French of mine. You're probably gonna be hearing a lot of it now that you're...y'know..."

She slipped her free paw into her Mom's. Margaret smiled warmly. She picked up Jessie's hand and kissed it.

"Thank you, Jess. I really do love you so much too."

Jessie kissed her on the cheek. "Happy Mother's Day one more time, Mom."

They heard the car doors slam. A minute later, the key clicked in the lock. Bill, Gretch and Anna came back in, toting multiple bags of purchase. Seeing a happy Jessica and Maggie sitting together, hand in hand, pleasant surprise came over each. Annabella gasped.

"W—!...What have we here!"

"Yeah...we made up," Jessie nodded. "Thanks for being a giant pain in the ass and making me do it, babe."

Her girlfriend brought her elated fists to her heart. "Awww, I'm so tickled to hear that!" she exclaimed.

"That's fantastic, girls, I'm happy for you too," William added.

"Yeah—and Dad, it's not like with me and Gretchen, when I lied about it and made her lie with me. Honest, we worked it through, I forgive her. But, Gretch? If you do wanna play tennis one day, maybe we could go all together and play doubles."

"You're on, kiddo," said Gretchen.

"So what movie'd you see?" asked Margaret.

"Oh, Heaven Is For Real," Annabella fielded. "Gretchen picked it out. We liked it. Real touching."

Gretchen turned to the TV. "So what're you guys watchi—" Gasp. "Oh my goodness, she just hit that lady with the phone!"

"Ooh," said Jessie. "Yeah, that's bad timing. It's the end of this John Waters movie we like called Serial Mom. My Momma bear has a fun twisted sense of humor, and I got it from her. Which makes this perfect for us on Mother's Day. And that 'lady' Patty Hearst."


"Oh yeah. On Father's Day they used to like to make me watch The Shining," said William. "As far as movies for Dad's Day go, I always kinda liked Field Of Dreams, or Lion King, or Finding Nemo. Silly me."

"Well, I like those movies," Gretchen assured him. "I happen to think they're cute."

William gave her a seductive smile. "I like you," he told her. "And I think you're cute."

"I think you're both super cute," Annabella chimed in.

"So, Margaret," said William. "I'm aware this could be a bit of an awkward subject, but...were you...thinking about staying over?"

"Oh, I really don't think that's necessary," Maggie replied, as Jessie got up to eject and put away the DVD. "Whether you and Jess forgave me and accepted my apologies or not, I wasn't about to impose."

"I concur in hearts, diamonds and clubs," said Jess. "I've been spending a lot of my nights at Annabella's. So, you could hypothetically have my room if you wanted to stay, Mom. But I can see how that might make Dad and Gretchen uncomfortable."

"Well, maybe tonight," Gretchen shrugged. "But we're leaving for our honeymoon Tuesday. You guys'll have plenty of time to bond."

"Oh, of course!" said Annabella. "You guys just got married! Where're you going?"

"The fabulous Bora Bora."

"OHH!" gushed Annabella. "I legitimately wanna ask you to take me!"

"No worries, gummi bear," Jessie assured. "Dad's a doctor, and he doesn't mind spoiling me anymore. Wait for the next major flu epidemic, put a ring on my finger, and I'll take you all over the world. And rock your world in every city."

Annabella felt a warm shiver all over. Her special happy spots tingled. She took Jessie by the hand and began leading her off.

"And on that note...Papà, Mamma one, Mamma two, don't be alarmed, but I'm absconding with your figlia to have my way with her.

"...Actually, it's probably gonna be more like vice versa."


May We? Mais oui!

Sunday, May 11th, 2014, 9:20 p.m.

Several goodbyes, Xs and Os and promises to meet up again soon later, the girls indeed departed for Annabella's. Jessie parked, Annabella took her inside, and led her once more by the hand.

"Anything to eat or drink?"

Jessie yawned. "Oh god...I don't think so, Annabells. I'm so tired I just wanna crash and get some winks."

"Long day, huh?"

"Mother's Day's been long since I was fucking nineteen. This one was extra long. Turned out nice though. Honest, I'm not in a bad mood or anything, just wiped."

"I hear that. Nakie or jammies?"

Jessie chuckled through her exhaustion.

"Let's go naked. I am tired, but I still don't mind if our 'girls' wanna mingle."

Annabella grinned, leading the way to her room. "I was hoping you'd say that."

Ten minutes later saw them discard everything in a pile, slide nice and nude into bed, and huggle up. Jessie let her eyes flutter, felt Annabella kiss and nuzzle her cheek, and smiled.

"I love you, y'know," whispered the honey-voiced ragazza.

"Ti amo too, cara mia," Jessie murmured back. "You're the best damn thing ever happened to me."

Her consciousness was fading fast, but she heard something unusual. She half-opened one eye.

A sniffle.



"You cryin'?"

Her sweetheart nodded.

"I am...because I'm so cloud nine."

Jessie opened the other eye. Annabella's beautiful face was indeed shimmery with traces of tears.

"That is so you."

"'re the best thing that ever happened to me too. And...when I..."

Jess let her gaze float back up to Annabella's again. She'd paused. In fact, she'd seemed to freeze in thought.

"...When you...?"

Annabella swiped a paw at both eyes and under her nose.

"When I came back in the house with Gretchen and your Dad, and saw you were all groovy with your Mom again, was...well, it-it was like..." She sniffled, keeping an atmosphere-altering sob from escaping.

"...It was like walking in there and seeing myself with my Mom again."

An unplaceable but intense emotion came over Jessica. She felt her heart being pulled at, but didn't know exactly how to feel.

"...I'm sorry about yours, honey."

Annabella let out a small blubbering weep.

"Please don't be sorry, Jessie. This is a good thing. Yeah, I miss my mother,'re double-blessed. You have two of 'em now. In a way, it almost feels like I have one again too. But I didn't want you to forgive your Mom just so I could kinda...feel in touch with mine again. I just want nothing but the best for you. And your Mom. And Dad. And Gretchen. You're all so great. I just...I-I just..."

Jessie hugged her again, pressing her flesh warm and cozy against Annabella's. She looked up to just faintly make out the hook in Annabella's ceiling. An impish smile crossed her lips.

"We all love you too, babe. And we have a lifetime of fun ahead of us. Our gatherings, shopping trips, huge Italian meals, kisses in the park, perfumes, serenades, games, family occasions, pillow fights, tickle wars, 'wrestling' matches..."

Annabella swept in with a kiss. All four arms and legs found way around one another. Annabella supplied the last activity.


Jessie was too tired for foreplay, but being on the receiving end of some hot carnal love still seemed nice. She took Annabella's hand, guided it to her pussy, and wordlessly urged her to stroke. She then put both arms back around Annabella, pulled her close, and rasped, "Sorry I'm too tired to be Mistress Jessie tonight. But if I can ask you to just do me, that'd be great."

"Of course," said Annabella, other hand petting and caressing Jessie's multitoned hair. "Anything for my angel."

They exchanged a few more kisses, and Jessica eventually fell to sleep. But Annabella kept rubbing her. She could feel the wet love generating around her fingers and see her nipples stiffen and twitch, even as Jessie drifted off. She continued giving off soft, silent moans under the veil of slumber. And after her paws fell off Annabella and dropped lifeless to the mattress. Annabella became amazed. She didn't know Jessie—or anyone—could sustain vibrant sexual arousal while out like a light. She was so fascinated she had to keep going and see if she could make her cum. Even though she was unsure if she'd be able to tell.

She could tell, however, it wouldn't take long, as Jessie unconsciously flopped like a fish and kicked her feet. She gave off small, unintelligible utterances, rolling her head on the pillow, repeating the actions. Annabella was drowsy and tuckered as well, but her fatigue was overridden by intrigue. She was right, as the ride didn't last very long, and she felt a bit of Jessie's cum seep and cake around her digits. It wasn't as much, or as explosively as would be in a conscious orgasm, but Annabella was astonished nonetheless.

Wow...I just made my girlfriend climax in her sleep!

Once done, Jessie's limbs ceased movement, and she began to snore. Taking this deeper sleep as the compliment it was, Annabella licked and sucked her fingers, carefully slipped off the bed, exited to the bathroom, relieved herself, retrieved a towel, returned, performed a bit of maintenance on Jessie's nether-area, discarded the towel and put herself to bed, pulling the cover over them both.

"I just love you so much..." she mouthed. "...Too much to express in words. At least English words. Italian ones might do it."