Maternity Paper Chase

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Mother-to-be struggles for final leave approval from boss.
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Author's Notes: All characters below are 18 or over.

The below story contains themes of pregnancy, cheating, humiliation, roughness, and dominance. if those arn't your things, then just move on.

Lydia Hoyle is a career woman and mother-to-be. Now dealing with the symptoms of her condition its time to take some much deserved leave. But her overbearing and stern boss Greg Steele isn't quite prepared to sign her paperwork. Below is the story of that paper chase as well as the single symptom of pregnancy that leave wont entirely help with...


Maternity Paper Chase

An oppressive dizziness overtook Lydia Hoyle as dozens of office phones rang in unison. Her own off the hook as client after client wanted an update on their account. Clutching her forehead, Lydia donned her headset over her neat bun, Wincing as it would ring up until the moment she clicked accept on the call.

"Cloggin Group, this is Lydia speaking how can I help you?" Her ability to don a customer-service tone despite her chronic pains impressed even her, hand creeping down over her large pregnant belly as she took long deep breaths amidst the day to day demands of a working woman.

All around her noises were amplified times a thousand, her pregnancy making life as a career woman even harder to cope with, beyond the already demanding job and impossible boss. Her back ached, stomach felt heavy, head often spinning, and breasts over-laden. On top of all of that, looking at her phone lock screen she could see the pressuring texts from her husband.

"Have you talked to him yet?" The green bubbles constantly pester her to stand up for herself.

"No... I haven't had the chance." She would reply, clearly an excuse as she watched her boss walk around the cubicles like a vulture. Lydia frantically sent the text before she could be caught on her phone. Closing her eyes tight for a moment, she imagined she was someplace warm, outside in the warm breeze as she relaxed with her swollen feet up. Her hands rubbed her long tanned arms as she pictured this serenity, only to be stolen from that moment by the plopping of a stack of papers on her desk.

"Hoyle." Her boss, Greg Steele stared down at the pregnant woman with a cold and unsympathetic expression. In fact as Lydia strained her sore neck to look up at him she could have sworn he curled his lip in disgust with her condition.

"Yes Mr. Steele?" She invoked a soft tone, trying to draw out empathy as she rested a hand on her watermelon-sized stomach hidden under a white blouse.

"Looking at last week's numbers, your average report closure time has increased. I'm doing you a favor to make some of that up with this extra work..." The tall man, incredibly imposing, with broad shoulders and a moderate build stared down at her as her eyes strained to stay focused. She winced as the fluorescent lights above his head burned her retinas.

"Uh well sir, I've been mea-"

"Don't make it a second week trend Hoyle." He stormed away, adjusting his red tie even tighter, which surprised Lydia as she thought his thick neck would surely explode.

"Girl.... you alright?" Myra turned and leaned close. She was Lydia's cubicle mate, a gossip and a try-hard for the most part but she had a sweet demeanor that made up for it. Often they would complain together, Myra even giving a few tips in dealing with the pregnant-in-office situation from her own experience just two years ago.

"He's riding you hard... did he approve it yet?"

Lydia winched, a sharp pain in her stomach as she dealt with some braxton hicks, hand lovingly yet firmly on her belly as she breathed through them.

"Sorry..." she blinked several times as the pain subsided. "What was that?"

"Your baby leave, did the big square approve it?" She nudged her head towards Steele's office.

Lydia widened her eyes, whipping her head around to peek at her email and ensure there wasn't anything urgent waiting on her. Then she gave Myra a rather plastic and shallow smile, obviously indicating that it had not been.

"Sam has been texting me every day for the past week to put my foot down." She looked at her phone, another text from her husband that read:

"He will milk u for all the time u let him take, u have to walk in and not leave until he signs."

"Well... I guess he has a point." Myra gritted her teeth. "Didn't H-R approve it?"

"Yeah but the manager still has to sign before it becomes official... unless I can build a case against him..." she looked at Myra with pleading eyes, hoping she would help her in some way.

"I'm sorry darlin'." Myra shook her head and looked around the busy office. All the men in their tight collars were busy-bodying themselves around the cubicles while "networking" themselves into better deals.

"It's a rough competition out there right now." She sat up suddenly as Steele passed within eyesight, the men of the office schmoozing their way around with the boss as they talked about the stock market play by play like some sort of sports-ball recap.

"I can't upset the vibes right now, else I'll end up at the bottom of the pecking order..."

"Like me." Lydia shook her head knowing Myra wouldn't have her back, though it was not a terrible surprise, she was an aspiring try-hard after all. A few long moments would come and go as Lydia went about the stack of work she had been given. Lower back pain, migraines, and more false contractions making the mother-to-be stew in her mind all the frustrations at work.

"I'm worried abt u hun." Her husband's texts continued. Lydia shifted in her seat wishing she was bolder, more pushy. If she were not only would she be on baby leave but she would be able to get Sam to scratch an itch she can't reach. Her mind turned to the night previous, she had slid into something tight and sexy, adorning herself in his favorite perfume while waiting for him in bed. She had even strained herself to shave her nether region, a near impossible task while pregnant. But despite her pregnant glow he only put half himself into it, not feeling the pregnant sexual energy. The encounter ended in a pitiful ten minutes and without a conclusion on her part.

With a stiff huff Lydia pushed her chair back and stood. She was a short 5'3", petite, long legs covered by a black tube skirt, and pregnant belly magnificently flowing into her curvature as if it was meant to adorn the space between her hips. By all means she was extremely cute, a soft look to her yet definingly beautiful all of it highlighted by the fact she was pregnant. She was carrying low, her belly button poking through her white blouse as she held the bottom of her stomach. Her breasts were modest in size, she was never a busty girl, but her condition made her fill out in more than one way.

Clenching her fist she took one of her doctor prescribed calming breaths, patting her stomach before she began her march across the cubicle farm.

"Good luck..." Myra cravenly hid behind the guise of her work as her office-friend strode off to upset the status quo.

Amidst the hustle of the business casual drones Lydia squeezed past as best she could with her pregnant belly, few noticing her, nearly being doused in coffee or toppled into the printer. Those who did take notice had a rather unsavory expression towards her, whether they were just annoyed with a pregnant woman's presence or their eyes traveled a little too freely.

"Hey watch out there darlin." One man placed his hand on her stomach uninvited as a way to ensure they didn't collide. It lingered a bit too long for her taste, though she was hardly the type of person to say something to the contrary. Polite smiles would end the exchange, fingers gingerly gliding off her stomach as he admired her glowing aura.

If her back was not in such pain she would have felt a shudder travel up it. But before she could have more close encounters with those who viewed her as a speed bump or those who viewed her as something to pet, she arrived at the solid white door of her boss's lair. It ever loomed in the distance from her cubicle, something she tried to not look towards less arrive at.

In golden letters his nameplate intimidated those who had half-baked ideas or stupid questions, the memeories of the response to those foolish to have either baked into the department's collective memory.

Deep calming breaths, Lydia held her hand beneath her pregnant tummy, blouse struggling to cover its crest before it rolled down into her pelvic area and waist. Her other hand contacted the door, one... two... three soft raps to announce herself, straining to hear the command to enter amidst the chaos off the office. A few long moments of silence made her heart race, she worried she would go into labor from nerves, yet a stiff and unforgiving voice answered her through the solid wood door.

Opening it just a crack she peaked in, big brown eyes looked inside the office lit in a much less fluorescent and artificial manner. Lamps and other softer lights gave the office a more calming feel, despite the occupant who more than made up for it with his own menacing aura.

"Mr. Steele?" She opened it more, her dainty sandal covered foot daring to step in. "Do you have a moment?" Her voice soft and weak, she typically was cut off mid-sentence in meetings, with hardly the gaul to reassert herself.

"Tsk, come in." A low huff answered her, ungrateful for the interruption. Closing the door behind her, the oppressive sound of the office disappeared, Lydia jealous of the insulation they packed his office walls with.

"Hoyle, I have a two-o'clock, make this fast." He brought his glasses from his nose and raised them to the top of his receding hairline. The imposing man sat back in his large comfy reclining office chair that was leagues better than the one the pregnant Lydia was offered. As she stepped closer ss he glared at her hatefully, eyes sunken in and malicious.

"Uh sir, well I was-"

"Hoyle did you take care of the Markenson case last Tuesday?" He hardly allowed five words to leave her mouth before he interrupted her, hands sifting through papers on his desk as he abruptly questioned.

"Um, yes sir I closed that one out the following day. But I came to ask abou-"

"Well I received an email from the client about the quarter one actuals this morning, I want you to follow up with them before close of business today." He nodded productively while sliding the papers across the desk for Lydia to take.

"Oh, uh, yes... sir." She stepped closer, hand still under her belly, framing it. Her blouse had slid up just slightly, the bottom crescent of her stomach peaking through like the waxing moon. Greg Steele's cold and sunken eyes caught that fact, slowly trailing its edge as she picked up the paper.

"Well sir I actually..."

"Is this about the work I just gave you Hoyle?"

"No sir, I wanted to talk to-"

"Because I am trying to do you a favor. I don't give opportunities out much you know."

"Of course sir but I..."

"This is a top ranked firm, we have to strive for-"

"SIR!" Lydia sharply found an iota of gall to assert herself. Her boss merely raised an eyebrow at the outburst, unimpressed overall but silent for a single moment that Lydia needed.

"I am here to talk about my maternity request. H-R sent it to you for signature two weeks ago... I need it signed before I go on bed rest." She stood head held high, heart pounding in exhilaration.

But all of that was lost as Greg Steele, Senior Departmental Manager for Gross Net Market Adjustments stood from his chair. The six-foot five office professional loomed over her with a menace that made her gasp, breath departing her laden lungs as she took a single pace back. The aura of the office seemed to darken as a green lamp on his desk flickered.

"Ms. Hoyle." He adjusted his tie, often a tick he exhibited when he was about to go in for the kill during meetings.

"Mrs..." Lydia tried to correct him, though it came out more a whisper.

"MISS... Hoyle." He maintained. "I received your package." He nodded, coming to the front of his desk and leaning on its edge. Even half sitting he was still taller and broader than her.

"But I have not signed... you know why that is Ms. Hoyle?" A pompous grin sliding along his thin lips.

"No... sir... if there is an error I can fi-"

Steele's hand raised up signaling her to stop talking.

"Please MISS Hoyle, let's end this charade. We both know you are not pregnant." His words fell firm, not a single inflection to signify he was joking or browbeating her. It was as if he just told a junior manager that their department case net cash flow load was under the month-over-month expectations. Just a simple tone of fact used to state the employee standing before him grasping the bottom of her watermelon sized stomach was not indeed pregnant.

Lydia on her part had no words in response. Her mouth opened once or twice to refute such a statement but she couldn't even manage to form her tongue around the words. Her long eyelashes batted around her dumbfounded yet beautiful eyes several times as she contemplated how he could come to such a conclusion, but it was lost on her.

"Sir...I uh, I am pregnant!" Being forced to prove the obvious made her migraines worse. All she could think to do was turn to the side and show her profile. Her petite body stood there amidst the soft light of the boss' office, engorged breasts fighting with her blouse before the gentle curve of her frame descended into her bump.

"I am six months." Her hand ran from the top of her stomach and around its curve till it met her lower abdomen, Steele's eyes glowing in the lamplight followed it.

"If that is so Miss Hoyle, prove it then."

"Ppprove it?" Lydia flabbergasted by the density of his head.

"Show me your stomach." His voice mirrored his request that morning to see the previous slide of quarter 2 metrics.

Lydia's heart pounded a bit faster now, a panicked look taking over her features.

"Well sir." She tried to pacify the request by rubbing her blouse covered shirt, a beckoning of 'here see' in her movements.

"No... lift your blouse and show your stomach." His tone grew to levels of annoyance reserved for the most unprofitable employees.

Lydia froze, gazing up at her imposing supervisor in the shaded room. Her eyebrows furrowed and face stiffened in preparation to serve an undignified rejection, yet one look into Steele's eyes and her hands were at the bottom of her white blouse slowly pulling it above her stomach.

Inch after inch her pregnant tummy came into plain view. Its tanned surface without blemish or mark aside from her faint linea nigra that decorated her from mid stomach until the waistband of her skirt. All of that highlighted by the cute outie belly button. Her petite hips flanked her stomach on either side helping Lydia hold up the hem of her white blouse as she placed it there, returning her hands to her bare stomach and rubbing it for some warmth.

Lydia took deep yet increasingly uncontrolled breaths, the baring of her stomach to her boss incredibly intimate. The only man to have seen her like this outside of wearing a bathing suit was her husband. Yet a strange feeling was creeping over her as she submitted this courtesy to Steele, her eyes glistening with humiliation while excited palpitations rumbled in her chest.

Steele for his part simply stared at her, his eyes traveling all around her in such a cold manner that she could not tell if he was truly crazy and doubted her or if he was getting a rise from this. Her eyes traveled to the front of his pants, she couldn't tell if he was getting an erection from this sick joke, yet his gaze still frightened her.

Sitting on his desk he crossed his arms rather dissatisfied, grimacing as he huffed. It was not long before his large hand reached out, placing itself on the surface of her stomach to feel its warmth, then the second one joined it. His fingers and palms traveled around her bump, thumb toying with her belly button, and hands finally wrapping around her hips and pulling her slightly closer. Lydia faintly yelped as she was drawn just inches from him, pregnant belly bared to a man with no right to it.

"Tsk... this doesn't prove anything, it could be fake." His hands left her stomach, yet she stayed close not wanting to anger him. He crossed his arms once more and slid his glasses onto his nose looking down at her with discontent.

"Raise your shirt further." He waved his hands as if to beckon her blouse to rise. "I want to see that you can produce milk." His tone was just as serious as every statement Lydia had heard him say since working here.

At this moment, there was a click in Lydia's mind, and a choice to make about the situation. She could right now say "hell no" and run out of there in an undignified manner alerting H-R to the perverse practices of a sicko boss and maybe even suing the earnings right from under this company. All rightfully so, there would be few that blamed her.

But as she stood there, helpless hands holding onto her exposed belly just inches from a giant man whose very face made her tremble at the knees, some feeling down inside of her allowed this to go on. A heartbeat swift and yearning drove her as her hands found the rolled up edge of her blouse. Lydia's eyes looked up at him, brows furrowed, fear dimming her big brown orb's light as she fought her lungs to try and calm herself.

"Sir... thats... this is inappropriate..." a small part of her was forced to say.

"Up Hoyle." His voice was so stern she felt no choice but to obey his commands. It even excited her some to hear his low and impatient tone, giving her no choice but to expose herself.

Without further delay, as if she was submitting a report before an urgent meeting, she lifted her blouse over her engorged breasts. There was a quaint black bra struggling to hold her tits in as she had begun to outgrow most of what she owned. A small sliver of her dark areola sneaking past them. Awkwardly she held her blouse up to show him, yet he just stared her in the eyes with a twitch of his lip telling her it wouldn't be enough.

"Take it off, both of them." He hadn't even moved his eyes to see her bra when he commanded her to disrobe. Lydia's gasp at the order heavy, his tie fluttering under the force of her breath as her lower lip quivered.

"Yes Mr. Steele." Her squirrely voice responded, hands raising her blouse up and over her black neatly wrapped in a bun. Black bra and black skirt all that was on for now, her blouse finding the floor of his office easily. Looking up at him, the last spec of decency in her eyes begging to be allowed to remain like this. But his own expression told her no, there was no half-assing this assignment. Thus her hands reached behind her back, Lydia straining a bit given her condition, unclipping her bra and slipping it down her arms.

There they hung engorged, areolas dark and puffy, and nipples hardened. Lydia's instinct would be to cover herself, but she knew Mr. Steele wouldn't be happy with that, so she let her arms hang at her sides.

"Hmmm." A satisfied hum was usually a good sign with him, Lydia hoped that meant this wouldn't go much further. However, his hands soon returned, taking both breasts in hand and kneading them roughly.

"Eee..." she winced as her sore tits were groped. He paid little attention to that with his own expression, but given that physical queue he became a little more gentle, much to her surprise. He lifted one breast up, as if to judge its weight, then dropped it and let it bounce before him while nodding approvingly.

"Let's see then." The stern man took his index finger and thumb to her nipple,a sharp pain radiating in her chest as he began to pull and squeeze at it, begging her to produce something. Steele looked frustrated for a time as he did this, nothing coming out of the dark puffy nubs. Lydia soon took his hand that attempted to milk her in her own, looking at him with large doe eyes as she brought his fingers to the flesh of the breast around her nipple and beckoned him to gently squeeze and pull there.