Matter of Taste

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He called her a liar, and she made him eat his words.
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Many thanks to blondevixen40735 for first editing and improving this story.

Special thanks to SlaveGirl70 for further editing and for inspired suggestions that made it much better.

"It doesn't make sense."

"I didn't say it did."

"But you don't object to eating me out," Madge said. "You even seem to enjoy it!"

"I wouldn't put it that way," Everett mused. "What I taste and smell are not pleasant to me. When girls first asked me to do it, I used to gag, and a couple of times I threw up. If the air conditioning isn't on, sometimes, the heat and the fumes and the sliminess make me so nauseous that I feel like I'm about to pass out."

A smile spread across Madge's face as she listened.

"Come on, Everett. Don't be so polite. Tell me how you really feel."

She burst into laughter.

He waited for her to stop laughing to speak seriously.

"I do it to make you happy, and when it drives you wild that makes up for my discomfort."

"Don't you see? This would be the same thing! The aroma and flavor would disgust you, but the effect on me -- well, all I can say is that just thinking about it is almost enough to make me come."

"There's a big difference between swallowing the stuff that comes out of you and swallowing the stuff that comes out of me," he muttered.

"I swallow the stuff coming out of you," she said, "and I hate the taste and smell!"

"Yes, but you're a woman, so you do it for your man," he said, "and when I go down on you, I deal with your fluids. That's not the same as eating you out after I come inside of you."

"Other men do it," she argued. "They eat the cream pie and hate it. They do it if they come first, rather than leave their wives frustrated."

"I'll be glad to eat you out if I come first," he said. "But before I do, you'll have to clean yourself out, because if I see, smell or taste even a drop of my come, I'll throw up all over you!"

"No you won't! I felt like throwing up the first time a guy came in my mouth, but I controlled myself and it became a lot easier with practice. I still don't like it, but I do it for you sometimes. You could learn to do that, too."

"But I don't want to. Just talking about it is making me nauseous."

"Try it one time," she pleaded. "It might not be as bad as you imagine. I would do it for you."

"You can say that because there's no way for me to disprove that statement," he said, laughing. "But there's also no way for you to prove it since you can't ejaculate and I don't have a pussy."

"I'm saying I love you enough that I would do it, but you don't believe me."

"Let's just forget this whole thing. All it does is get us both upset."

"I'm not going to forget that you don't believe me. That's the same as calling me a liar. I'm telling the truth, and I'm going to find a way to prove it."

"Good luck!"


Two weeks later at breakfast, she announced, "I've found a way to prove it."

"Prove what?"

"You said I was lying when I told you that I would eat a cream pie from your vagina if I was a man and you were a woman. But I'm telling the truth, and I found a way to prove it."


"I'm not telling you. It will be a surprise."


The next morning was a Saturday and he always slept in if they had nothing scheduled in the morning. He was dreaming that he was swimming in molasses when he blinked his eyes around nine o'clock. When he opened them and looked around, he saw the reason for the strange dream.

He was lying on his side the way he usually did when he was sleeping, but he could barely move his arms and legs because his wrists and ankles had restraints on them.

He saw Madge sitting on a chair next to the bed looking at him.

"You're awake," she said excitedly and jumped up and walked quickly to the bed. As he reached his right hand to remove the Velcro band around his left wrist, she pulled something and his left arm was extended straight out, pulling him down on his stomach. A couple of seconds later, she did the same to his right arm. And then she moved to his legs. Soon he was lying on his stomach spread-eagle on the bed.

She moved her chair close to where his head was, sat down and spoke.

"I didn't want to disturb your sleep, so I put the restraints on loosely until you woke up. But now I need you immobile for a while. We should be done with my proof in less than an hour and then I'll release you."

"What's going on, Madge? Get these things off me! Have you gone nuts?! Who are those women?"

Several women had entered the room holding pieces of equipment.

"They are videographers. This is all about the proof. They're setting up a couple of cameras on tripods and some lighting to shoot what happens. They'll also be on both sides of the bed with handheld cameras shooting close-ups.

"They should be set up in ten minutes. Meanwhile, let's get these raggedy old things off. They were going to get tossed soon anyway."

She went to work with a pair of scissors. A few seconds later, she pulled his shredded boxers off him. She addressed the women.

"I need your help, ladies. I'm going to loosen his leg restraints just a little, and when I do, you need to push all three of these big pillows under him, right below his stomach. He may try to kick, so be careful. As soon as you have the pillows pushed under him, I'll tighten him up again."

Everett began yelling as the women went to work, but Madge had a thick white gym sock handy and stuffed it in his mouth. They worked fast and were finished in a minute. Madge sat down next to his head again.

"I'm going to take out the sock in a minute, Everett. I just didn't want the ladies to be distracted. I checked out the acoustics of our bedroom, and even with the radio blasting, I couldn't hear anything as I walked around the perimeter of the house, so you'll be able to yell as loud as you want, but right now I want you to listen.

"This is Danilo. I found him on Craig's List. He works naked, which is why he's taking off his clothes. As you can see, he has a huge one, but that's only the second reason I hired him.

"To prove I would eat a cream pie from you, I'm going to do it for real. Since you don't have a vagina, the only way I can do it is eating it from your asshole. But before I can eat cream pie, it has to be baked. That's where Danilo comes in."

Madge took a breath, and Everett tensed as she continued.

"The first reason I hired him is that the videos he sent me show he spurts out huge amounts of come. He's like a garden hose. I've seen videos of him with both men and women, and he fills them to overflowing and then has enough left to coat their faces like they dipped their heads in paint. He won't give you a facial, but I didn't want you to accuse me of skimping. After he deposits his huge load inside your ass, I'm going to lick up every drop!"

Madge got on the bed behind him, and he couldn't turn his head around enough to see what she was doing, but then he felt her finger pushing into his anus. He tried to move away from it, but she followed him, pushing her finger in, removing it and then inserting it again several times.

"I'm greasing you up for the plastic syringe," she explained. "It's going in deep. You'll thank me for filling you up with lube."

A second after she withdrew the syringe, he felt Danilo pushing at his anus.

"You can't see, but it's huge now," she said from behind him. "I told him to go slowly at first because you're a virgin. The video of that huge snake slithering into you will look great."

Everett tried to say something, but he couldn't. Fear paralyzed his voice. Madge moved to the bottom of the bed and lay down on her back between his legs. She slowly moved her head up until her mouth was right below his ass, which the pillow was pushing up into the air.

Because of all the lube, Danilo didn't have much problem pushing into Everett. As he went deeper, he stretched Everett so much that he started groaning in agony.

When Danilo began moving in and out slowly, Everett began screaming loudly and gasping from the pain. He continued as the pounding grew faster and harder. It didn't take long until Danilo flooded his insides, and then Everett screamed once more as the giant cock pulled free of him.

All was silent for a minute. Then Everett felt something licking his anus and heard the sounds of gagging and gulping. It was Madge below him. After a while, she made a loud retching sound. It sounded so horrible that Everett shuddered, even though he was still in agony from Danilo's reaming.

The licking, gulping and gagging resumed. After a while, they stopped, and all was quiet again. He felt Madge get off the bed. She came up to his head and spoke to him.

"I'm removing the pillows, Everett, and the girls are loosening your arms and legs slightly."

Her voice sounded as though she was talking from her deathbed.

"They're going to help me lift you up. I know you're out of breath and have lost your voice from all the screaming. Save your energy."

Once he was on his hands and knees, she slid into the sixty-nine position. Her bush was right below his face on the bed. He realized she had been naked this whole time. He jumped when he felt something else inserted into his ass.

"It's just rubber nozzle from a bulb syringe," she said from behind him. "I'm using it to squeeze air into your ass. Now I'll take it out and repeat a few more times."

After the third time, Everett began to squirm. The air was causing major discomfort inside his already bruised anus.

"I see that your body already wants to pass gas in the worst way," she said, "and you are holding back. But you can't do that for long."

"Madge, stop this," whispered Everett through clenched teeth. "You don't need to do this."

"Oh yes I do," said Madge. "I'm going to eat every drop of come inside you, and this will make sure it all comes out. My proof will be on the video. Maybe next time I tell you something, you'll believe me.

"I'm going to squeeze a couple more loads of air into you and then lick you. When I see you're about to explode, I'll stop and put my mouth on your asshole. You'll shoot all that come right into it.

When she put the bulb syringe down, she began licking his butt crack. We winced as her tongue lashed the irritated tissue at the entrance of his ass and then entered him and did the same inside him. He sweated as he tensed his face and body trying to hold back what was building inside him.

Suddenly, he couldn't anymore. The first release sounded like a gunshot, and he screamed from the pain caused by the explosion of air.

Again he heard sounds of gulping mixed with gagging that erupted into retching a few times. Once he started, he couldn't stop, and the disgusting noises of air and liquid squirting out of his ass felt like they would go on forever.

When it was finally over, Marge quickly pushed herself out from under him, jumped off the bed and ran away. He heard water running in the bathroom, but it didn't drown out the sounds of her painful heaving for nearly five minutes. Then it was quiet again.

He heard her coming back to the bed and lifted his head. Her face was scrubbed and shiny, but she looked green and sickly.

"I'm glad that's over," she said. "You'll see it all on the video. I almost drowned in it, but I managed to swallow most of it. The rest went up my nose, all over my face and in my hair. It was horrible!

"It's time to finish up. I think I proved I was telling you the truth beyond a reasonable doubt, so the only thing left is for you to keep your end of the bargain. I know you won't cooperate and eat a cream pie from me. That's why Roberto is here."

He looked up and saw another large man standing next to her taking off his clothes.

"Roberto also came from Craigslist, but as you can see, he has different qualifications. His cock is about the same length as yours but thinner. That's because it's going into my ass.

The women and Madge turned Everett over onto his back and retightened the restraints. Then she got on top of him, facing his feet. It was like a sixty-nine again, but this time, she was on top and her bush was above his face instead of below it.

"Do you like the view? You'll be able to see Roberto's cock doing my ass. Even though he's thin, he produces as much come as Danilo.

"I have some advice for you. After he pulls out, ignore the come that covers your face and fills up your nose, forcing you to open your mouth to breathe. Focus on swallowing as much as you can as fast as you can, because you don't want the come to go down your air hole and make you start coughing it out. That's almost as painful as it is nauseating.

"I'll squeeze out all the come that I can, and once you've licked it up, Roberto will pump my ass full of air the same way as I did to you. When I tell him, I'm ready to fire, he'll position your open mouth on my asshole. And then you'll get the cannon. It's a doozy!"

Madge laughed.

"There's one big difference, between you and Danilo, and me and Roberto. I was doing it willingly, and you aren't. To make up for that a little, I'm going to give you a blow job while Roberto does my ass. You'll get to come in my mouth, so you'll get some pleasure out of this. I hope that will be your incentive to cooperate and do your part like I did mine.

"If you decide to be stubborn, I go to Plan B. Instead of my hands massaging your balls while I give you head, I'll grab them and start squeezing until you do what you need to do.

"I know you can be stubborn, and you might resist so much that you pass out from the pain. I've got some smelling salts here for the girls to use in that case, so it won't take long to revive you. I promise you I won't stop squeezing until you do what I want! So think hard about whether you're not better off cooperating.

"One more thing. You have it a lot easier than me, because I prepared myself. My insides are completely empty and sparkling clean. They're so clean you could eat off of them. You seemed to be clean when I lubed you, but I don't know for sure, because when once I started on you, I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see."

She gave a big laugh.

"Okay, Roberto, I'm ready. Get that thing in my ass and come as fast as you can."


The next few weeks were physically painful for Everett and mentally painful for Madge. After a few days, she realized that she turned him into a seething caldron of anger.

She burst into tears and locked herself in the bathroom after he told her one day that every time he looked at her, it took all his strength to keep himself from smashing in her face.

She stopped eating and couldn't sleep. One day, she got on her knees begged him to tell her what she needed to do to make up for what she had done to him. When he said nothing, she got hysterical. He said nothing as she ran to their bedroom.

What worked for her in the end was time. After a few weeks, when he no longer felt any pain while walking, he began talking to her again. One time, during dinner, he looked at her and the thought came to him that there was some humor in her "proof."

When she saw him smiling, she was happy and asked him what he was smiling about. Her voice made him stop smiling, and he didn't answer.

It was at least half a year before things got close to normal. They were having sex again and back to their comfortable bantering and bickering. She no longer had to walk on eggshells when she talked to him. Once again, nothing was off limits.

One night at dinner, she said, "I'd still like you to go down on me and eat some cream pie. I'm sure it's a lot different coming from my pussy."

"You'll never get me to do that," he said loudly.

She didn't reply but gave him a penetrating look.

"Don't say anything," he quickly blurted out. I take that back. I can tell you disagree with my statement. Yes, Madge, I'm sure you could. What I meant is that I would hate it.

"I want to be clear so you don't twist what I say, call me a liar and hire someone to rape me. Last time you did that, I nearly went to prison for aggravated assault. Would you like to see the souvenir I still keep in my desk at work? The papers are signed but not dated and ready to be served."

He laughed.

"I promise you that I will never again question something you feel strongly about, because I don't want you serving me a meal I don't want to eat."

"Never say never," she said with a laugh.

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InfiniteXaosInfiniteXaosover 1 year ago

So how come she got to take the smaller cock huh? He wasn't even willing...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Disgusting drivel

How stupid is it to make a video of yourself committing multiple crimes? He simply has the police arrest his wife, they take the videos for evidence, arrest everyone else involved and go to Court. In order to avoid excessive jail time for themselves everyone there testifies against his wife. She goes to prison, he gets a divorce and gets to keep all the marital assets since his wife has been convicted of multiple felonies. Her idea that he would believe anything she says going forward after she ass rapes him was just stupid. The end to a really poorly thought out story.

No stars as even giving this crap one star would be an insult to the star.

johsunjohsunover 5 years ago

I've read a lot of stories by this author, and this fits in with them. The premise is more than a little weird, and I can't believe that it would ever happen in real life (but 'never say never'.)

On the other hand it is consistent within itself. And I have known people that are pale imitations of the wife - they go on and on trying to convince someone that yes they do like something or would do something etc. Just not to the degree of forcing them and putting it on a DVD.

I like this story, regardless of the subject matter and believability, it's well written and entertaining and brought a smile to my face once it was done and over. 5*

49greg49gregalmost 6 years ago
It's well written

But that's about all I can that's positive.

The thing is that the guy that fucked his ass was committing rape. The wife could have also been charged as an accessory.

The story seemed nonsensical after that. Why didn't the husband leave his wife after.

GrandPaMGrandPaMalmost 6 years ago
I feel...

Both more stupid and vastly more disgusting for having read this. Too bad I can't give less than 1*, because I would.

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