Mature High Ch. 01

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Maturity earns him his HS teachers.
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This was inspired by aimingtomisbehave33's classic series, Senior Year Memories. As such, it takes certain artistic licenses with regards to plausibility and probability. All characters are over eighteen, despite being in high school. Every student's mother is in her early forties (at most) and nowhere near menopause.

In this chapter, underage drinking is referenced, though not depicted. The story involves a woman choosing to have sex with someone other than her abusive husband. If any of this offends you, please leave now.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. I also encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well.


As far as I was concerned, maturity did have its rewards. Case in point: despite being eighteen, I was the only one in the room who wouldn't wake up with a hangover in the morning.

I was always a bit of an outlier. Everyone has been telling me I was mature for my age since I was eight. I wasn't entirely sure if that was absolute or just relative to the rest of the town. Even adults were known to pull plenty of crude pranks and jokes that made me roll my eyes. In a high school of over 3,000 students and a small army of faculty, you'd think I'd find at least some company. Sadly, we were few and far between. For the past four years, little old Adam Kurt was probably recognized by more teachers than students.

If you guessed all this made me a nerd, then you were correct. Since the emphasis in our school was overwhelmingly devoted to sports instead of academics, nerds ranked at the bottom of the school's unspoken hierarchy.

That wasn't all bad; it meant high performers like me stuck out enough that we all tended to be in our own social groups. Unlike grade school, which meant being piled together with several dozen immature children, I spent most of my classes in the company of students closest to me. High school wasn't terrible; I'll give you that. I was even the leading favorite for class valedictorian.

Despite being slightly underweight, I wasn't out of shape. I was known for trying my hardest at everything, even things I didn't like. That included gym class, which earned me an 'A' and helped keep me fit.

I turned eighteen at the start of the school year. I was expecting another year of dodging jocks, jerks, and assholes before graduating and moving far away from the circus I called home.

Little did I know some higher power decided to make things far more interesting.


"Hey, dweeb, make sure you're at my house tonight at five!"

I rolled my eyes but internally started preparing myself. Unlike many of the other jocks, Brad had proven he wasn't afraid to follow up on his threats.

Senior year was just starting, and the football team had already won its first game. Mr. Frederich would be hosting a celebration tonight, and, apparently, I'd been 'invited' to set up the entertainment system, despite my previous efforts to teach both Mr. Frederich and several players how to do it themselves.

So there I was, biting my cheek in anger at being forced to wire Brad's own home on a Friday night.

If I'd known how things worked out, I would've thanked him for delivering the best thing that ever happened to me.

The perfect encapsulation of this entire town was that Mr. Frederich had provided beer to his underage students, and none of the police would've even cared. His job as a star coach gave him more than enough money to afford enough beer for himself and all of his students.

By 10 pm, the room was strewn with the bodies of passed-out teenagers. In the center was a middle-aged coach already showing signs of a beer belly.

How Mrs. Frederich could put up with this on a daily basis was beyond me.

Speaking of which, where was she? I hadn't seen much of her since I arrived, not that I blamed her. I figured she'd likely slipped by me and headed to bed.

Catching an Uber ride home sounded tempting to me as well, but when I caught sight of the giant mess of empty beer bottles and trash covering her living room, I hesitated. Mrs. Frederick didn't deserve this. Gathering a batch of bottles, I looked until I found where they kept the trash bags and started picking up all the trash I could find.

Mrs. Frederick couldn't be any less like her husband if she tried. My AP English teacher last year, I'd always known her to be a kind, sensitive woman who made me question what she saw in her rough-house husband. She was intelligent, compassionate, and appreciated my attempts to make her laugh. And, I won't lie; I wasn't above noticing that she was smoking hot.

Rachel Frederich was a natural redhead with the kind of green eyes that would sparkle so brightly when she smiled that it would instantly make your day. She was slim, borderline skinny, but still very sexy. In fact, her narrow waist and rounded ass were enough to make anyone hard, even without what appeared to be generous cleavage.

Every hormone-driven teenager in the school would openly ogle her, if not much worse. It had to be torture, seeing hundreds (if not thousands) of people only seeing her for her body when I knew she was much more.

But although she was nice, Mrs. Frederich had a dark side. She'd recently confided to me that she was dealing with severe depression.

That sympathy for her led me to spend a half-hour cleaning up trash and fixing furniture on a Friday night. Plus, I could never refuse anyone in need. It wasn't like anyone would miss me anyway. I lived with my uncle, and he was away most of the time. Travelling seemed to help him cope with the loss of his wife of over twenty years. Since I had long since proved I could handle myself, I encouraged him to get out and experience as much of the world as he wanted.

My aunt's death had been long and drawn out. No one should have to go through that. But one lesson she made sure to impart was the value of empathy. The ability to truly understand someone. She taught me that was not something to be shut off, as so many others in this town had done. It was a gift, no matter what anyone else thought.

Little did I know how much that gift would earn me on this night and many more to come.


"Thanks, Adam."

"Ugh, you're welcome, Mrs. Frederich. It was my pleasure."

Not my smoothest delivery ever, but I think I deserve a few points because I was caught off-guard by her current attire. A dark-purple blouse that did little to hide her breasts and everything to make her smooth red hair look magnificent. Combined with a skirt that didn't come anywhere near close to her knees, and I was already fighting not to get a hard-on in front of my teacher.

It turned out that Mrs. Frederich had not gone to bed. After I finished picking up the trash, I'd found her sitting outside just as I was preparing to order a ride home. I was tired, but not so tired I couldn't hold a conversation with one of my favorite teachers.

"Have you applied yet?"

"Yeah. As long as I stay at the top of my class, I should have a ticket straight to my dream university. My uncle is even ready with the tuition."

"That's great, Adam. I always had faith in you. You're one of the greatest students we ever had."

I blushed with pride for several seconds. Once my throat was unblocked, I croaked, "What about you? How are things with your husband?"

Mrs. Frederich's face didn't fall; it structurally failed.

"That bad, huh?" I asked, feeling like an idiot for bringing it up in the first place. What made me think it would be a good idea to bring up the fact that she had told me she was having marital difficulties.

"Honestly? If I could safely leave him, I would," she said in a melancholy voice.

"Yeah, that's bad," I winced. She didn't need to feel in the blanks: our town would have one of the highest rates of domestic abuse in the nation if the police actually bothered to keep track of it. I had no problem believing Mr. Frederich had threatened to hurt her if she left.

She sighed and took a sip of the wine she had brought out. "I'm tired, Adam. I just want out."

"Hey, if you could leave your husband, what would you do?" I asked, trying to steer her away from this dangerous direction.

She pondered that for a moment. "I'd look for someone better," she said with a slight hiccup. While nowhere near as intoxicated as the other members of her house, she was still a bit tipsy. "Someone nice, and younger, and attractive, and considerate. Someone like you."

My jaw dropped. Did my high school English teacher just let slip she found me attractive!?! Sleep was suddenly the last thing on my mind.

Mrs. Frederich seemed to realize what she said because her eyes grew wide. "Oh, Adam... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I can't believe I—"

"No, no," I interrupted, trying to hide how much I was sweating. Could this really be happening? "Be honest. Do you really think I'm attractive?"

I thought I was blushing, but she grew pretty red herself. She eventually mumbled, "...yes."

We were both silent for a long time. I have no idea where it came from, but without even thinking of it, I said, "And what would you like to do with me if you weren't married?"

Yeah, I actually said that. To my eternal surprise, Mrs. Frederich didn't look offended or outraged (as I had expected). She did look surprised, but she wasn't looking at me like I had said something I shouldn't have.

"I... Adam, are you serious?"

My head felt light as I nodded, "Yes! If you're okay with it, then so am I. I want to help you, Mrs. Frederich. Whether you want me to go home or go to your bedroom, I'm here for you."

My head meant what I said, but my cock really hoped she would say bedroom. She looked like she was actually considering it.

"Would you really be okay with it?" she questioned. "My husband would kill us both if he found out."

I took a deep breath so I could put at least some thought into my next words. "I don't care. I'd do anything for you. And, like you said, you'd leave your husband if you could. As far as I'm concerned, you don't owe him or anyone else anything."

Those heartfelt words seemed to make the difference. For a brief moment, all her anger and resentment at her husband came out. She looked at me, smiled, and said, "Then I'd like you to go to my bedroom."

My limbs moved without thinking. I passed the heap of bodies strewn throughout the first floor, trying to answer one simple question: was this happening?

I can only imagine how my face must've looked when we reached her room. Was the universe actually about to hand me the chance to have sex with one of my most beautiful teachers? One I had crushed on, fantasized about, and even masturbated to over the years?

She followed close behind, making sure the door was locked behind her.

"What's wrong?" she giggled, probably referring to my face.

"Ugh, well... it's just... you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen!"

My gut instantly told me, 'Adam, you idiot! You just ruined the whole thing!'

But she smirked and said, "You really think so?"

"Ugh, yeah. You're fucking gorgeous!"

Smooth? No. Honest? Yes. I decided honesty would be the best way to go.

Her grin grew. "Then why don't I give you a treat?"

While she gathered herself, it hit me with the force of a ton of bricks that this was actually fucking happening and not a super-realistic dream. Mrs. Rachel Frederich was actually about to strip naked in front of me. Surreal or not, my rapidly swelling cock fully approved of this.

It had always frustrated me how no one ever saw her as anything but physically, but I'd never failed to notice how hot she was. My rough estimate was that she was sporting a pair of D-cup tits, generous on any woman but even more prominent on her petite 5'2" frame. It was also impossible to miss her round ass, but what really made her beautiful to me were the things that no one else noticed. Her beautiful, healthy face and incredible green eyes. Below them were a cute little nose and a pair of delicate lips, while above was her trademark silky deep-red hair that reached several inches past her neck.

I watched, enthralled, as she began to unbutton her blouse. My eyes zoomed in on her fingers as she began to disrobe. When she reached low enough, I saw she was wearing a bright-red bra that matched the color of her hair. After what felt like an eternity, she finished and maneuvered it off and past her arms. My breath hitched when I saw her tits were everything I thought they would be and more.

Then came her skirt. It slid past her smooth hips and down her shapely legs to the floor. Her panties were tight and matched the color of her bra. Better yet, I could finally appreciate how smooth her skin was, the result of decades of taking care. It made all the difference in the world.

Whatever nude porn stars I'd been planning on watching on my laptop had nothing on this real-life tiny redheaded goddess.

My cock had graduated from hard to painfully stiff.

"Your turn," she said.

Nervously, gulping in the hope that this was real, I flicked off my shoes and unzipped my shorts, which were soon forgotten by the side of the bed. Soon joining that pile was my worn-out t-shirt. The only thing holding back my cock now was my boxer shorts, which weren't doing a particularly fine job of it.

"A little eager, are we?" she laughed.

I nodded for a full five seconds.

"Well, let's see what you've got," she said with her usual kind smile. I usually towered above her, but sitting on the bed, we were almost level. "Now, just be clear, we—HOLY SHIT!"

I'd had the foresight to avoid tight-fitting shorts because I knew there was a good chance I'd run into Mrs. Frederich this night. Now she was seeing why even that wasn't enough. My cock is ten inches long and as thick as a can of soda when fully erect, which happens quite easily.

The sight of Mrs. Frederich with her large, round eyes locked on it triggered an involuntary twitch.

She dropped to her knees, unsure how to react, as she found herself up close to a cock that came close to comparing with her head.

"Wow... Adam, I... I wasn't expecting this. You're so big!"

"Thanks," I blushed.

"Are you... still a virgin?"

"No!" I said a bit more defensively than I had meant. "I just, uh, don't have a lot of experience yet."

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

Deep breath. "My first time was with this bitchy cheerleader I was working with for a group project. She wasn't very good, so I had already planned on doing it all myself, but she had it in her mind that she needed to bribe me or else I'd tell on her. She was amazed when she saw my cock, but it wasn't very satisfying. She was still a self-absorbed bitch who didn't care about me or anyone but herself. In the end, I did all the work and had to threaten to expose her if she didn't keep quiet. Not exactly the memorable first time I was hoping for."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Mrs. Frederich told me sympathetically.

"Yeah," I agreed. Then I forced myself to move back to the present. "That's why I'm looking forward to an older woman. I'm hoping you'll be better than any of those bitches my age."

She grinned. "Let's see."

Reaching out, she held the base in her hand. I groaned as I felt a real woman's touch on my cock for the first time. Every memory of that cheerleader who couldn't be bothered to use it as anything but a sex toy was swept away as she began pumping it back and forth.

"Wow," she said as she began to jerk me in earnest. "I can't believe it. I can't even wrap my hand around this!"

Gripping my hard cock with two soft hands, she began to pick up the pace. Any thoughts this was a dream were dispelled by seeing my hot teacher jacking me off. No dream could ever be this clear.

What was clear was that her husband was an idiot for not taking care of a creature who could give such amazing handjobs. Her smooth, cool hands contrasted with my warm, hard cock as she glided across my cock. She beat every time I'd jacked myself off hands down, and it wasn't even close. Just the thought of my teacher holding my cock in her hands was enough to make me want to cum.

"You gonna cum soon?" she asked. Unable to form words, I nodded.

With that, my ultra-professional teacher opened her mouth and began to engulf me. Even with just the head, it was clear how tight it was. That was when my cock really twitched, nearly popping out of her mouth in the process. But she had a look of fierce determination in her eyes that told me she was going to do whatever it took to swallow the whole thing.

Several more inches slid into her throat, and I was surprised when, with a few more bobs, my entire cock disappeared into her mouth. Handjobs had absolutely nothing on blowjobs, especially when she started jacking me off with her hot oral cavity.

Whenever she lifted herself off for a quick gulp of oxygen, there were strands of saliva connecting her to my crotch or dripping down her chin. Seeing her look at me with her green eyes with her mouth stretched obscenely wide around my cock made me feel strangely proud.

My only part was to groan and throw my head back. I didn't know how she became so good, but I wasn't complaining. My cock started swelling, and her face was stretched wider than ever.

"Fuck!" I groaned. "I'm gonna cum!"

I tried to give her time to pull off, but she didn't move. Rope after rope of my hot cum shot into her throat. She swallowed several spurts, but even with my warning, it proved too much to handle. Her head popped off just in time for the next shot to blast her head-on. More shots followed, and soon her entire face was coated with my cum. Even her hair had a spot or two.

We were both silent as we took heavy breaths.

"That was amazing," she said.

"Thanks," I panted.

"You wait here," she said. "I'm gonna clean up."

The sight of her covered with my cum was something I would treasure forever. There was definitely an extra switch to her step as she shook her ass and disappeared into the bathroom.

My breathing was still irregular as I relaxed on the king-sized bed. The paranoid corner of my brain was still questioning what the catch was. There was no way the universe would hand me something like this free of charge. But for the moment, I could just relax and enjoy the feeling of having my cock sucked by Mrs. Frederich. Just picturing her—

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed from the bathroom doorframe. "You're hard again?!"

I was more than that. As soon as I sat upright, I saw she had removed her bra and panties. Her incredible tits were on full display. They were as round as I could've hoped, with a stiffness to match. I'd fantasized about seeing Mrs. Frederich with her tits uncovered for years, and they were better than I'd imagined. Her pussy was shaved with only a thin patch of hair remaining.

I don't think my cock had ever been as hard as it was right then.

She wordlessly turned off the lights and shut the bathroom door. The room was now fully cloaked except for the sliver of moonlight illuminating her.

"Um, why don't you... lie down on the bed?" I stammered.


"Well, it's just... you sucked me, so it's only fair that I, uh, eat you."

"That's sweet," she said with a genuine smile I swear made me harder. "But you don't need to."

"I still want to," I told her. "Tonight is about you, Mrs. Frederich. You've been taking care of everyone else's needs for so long, it's time someone took care of yours."

She looked at me with a newfound respect as I sat up and moved out of the way. Watching her petite body move up the bed felt like the candy store to end all candy stores. Then she flipped over and made herself comfortable, spreading her legs and showing me her bare pussy. It was wet and glistening, and there was just enough hair to prove she was a natural redhead.