Mature Mary Attracts More Attention


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Mary didn't know where to put her face, she was so embarrassed, but she also felt a tinge of excitement as both men were now bombarding her with compliments. She squeezed her thighs together under the table, as there was just the faintest feeling of excitement creeping down between her legs. Were her little panties beginning to get moist? Charlie carried on.

'Well, I for one would love to take some pictures of Mary if it was ever possible, but I expect she is too shy and reserved to ever do that......what do you think, Eric?'

'Oh, I wouldn't say that, Charlie. She has a very kind nature, don't you, Mary,' and Eric looked straight into Mary's eyes as his hand slipped inside his jacket pocket. Mary tried to protest, taking yet another swig from her glass.

'God, you two men, you're making me blush......I don't know whether it's the drink or the suggestion that I enjoy posing for pictures. You're making me go all gooey and shy! I don't feel comfortable having my picture taken, and I haven't got the figure for it anyway,' trying to avert the subject. 'I just like keeping fit with all the swimming down in the bay, and doing my little job. And, anyway................what do you mean, 'I have a very kind nature!'

Eric's hand appeared from his jacket pocket, and he slipped two photos onto the dining table. Mary gulped a deep breath sharply, and Charlie smiled as he ogled the pictures.

'Oh my God, Eric.......where did you get those?' Mary was aghast with horror!

'I think you know where I got them, don't you. I expect Charlie would like to know that we have a friendly old neighbour who just lives a few doors down the lane from us. We try and look after him, don't we Mary, and I know he has a soft spot for Mary. He enjoys my wife popping in to see him each day, and we've often had a chat about how sexy Mary is.' Mary was going redder with each word. 'Well, a couple of months ago, he asked my permission to take a few pictures of Mary, if she was agreeable and, obviously she was agreeable........good aren't they, Charlie?' Eric smiled at his wife as Charlie picked up the pictures and studied them in detail.

Mary just hung her head as her indiscretions with old Bert were now out in the open. God, how much had Eric and old Bert discussed?

'What else have you been talking about with Bert, then?' She asked the question with trepidation, knowing that her husband now held all the aces in this exchange. Not only that, but Charlie was now party to her misdemeanours. Eric went on, relishing the fact that his wife was now completely at his mercy.

'Oh, I don't think I need to say anything else, Mary, do I? These photos are wonderful, and I'm really pleased that old Bert persuaded you to pose. What do you think of them, Charlie? Hasn't my wife still got a wonderful figure?'

Charlie was holding the pictures in his hands and almost slobbering at the stunning figure.

'Well, Mary, I don't know what you're worried about. I knew you had the most amazing figure, and those legs go on forever. And you thought that Eric didn't know, did you? You shouldn't keep things like that to yourself, you know,' and Charlie, just like Eric, was teasing her now. 'I think your wife has some explaining to do, don't you, Eric? After all, if she can let your old neighbour take some naughty pictures of her in the privacy of his home, I think the least she can do is ask for forgiveness from you. What do you think?'

'Absolutely, Charlie. What do you think, Mary?

'Why haven't you said anything else before?' Mary asked, being totally confused now. 'If you knew, why didn't you say anything until now? was just a bit of fun with old Bert.....honestly,' she tried to feebly protest. 'No harm was done and.......oh God!' Both men were watching her and Mary was like a rabbit trapped in a car's headlights.

'Well, I've left it until now, because I think that perhaps you should have to pay some kind of forfeit and, with Charlie here, there is no way of escaping it, if that's what we decide. Do you think she deserves to pay some forfeits, Charlie?'

'I think you're definitely right, Eric. Mary has been a naughty girl, but she's so sexy and alluring (Charlie was looking right into Mary's eyes, a twinkle passing across the table), so I think if she agrees to whatever we suggest, then I don't think you need to take the matter any further! And, also, perhaps it wouldn't need to affect Mary still going to visit old Bert each day......after all, I'm sure it brightens up his life, without a doubt.'

Eric continued the torture for his wife, but it was leading where he and Charlie had previously discussed!!

'I know it definitely brightens up his life.....he's like a spring chicken when I see him, and I know it's not doing any harm, but................Mary, you know you've gone behind my back, haven't you, but I'm prepared to turn a blind long as you agree to the suggestions that we might make. OK?'

'What?....forfeits? Oh my God, Eric!' Mary took a swig from her glass again, and actually emptied her glass. 'What sort of forfeits?' Her head was a little swimmy but both men were teasing her and World War 3 hadn't broken out, so what options did she have? Eric could have been a lot angrier, but it suddenly dawned on Mary that her husband had deliberately waited until his friend was dining with them to reveal all this. Oh, God, she had been set up, she told herself. Charlie smiled at her and spoke for both the men.

'I think you just have to agree, Mary. You are as gorgeous and sexy as Eric told me you were, and a few little forfeits to pay are the least you have to worry about. I tell you what, Mary. I'll call the first forfeit, just to see if you are willing to pay the price of being a naughty girl.'

Mary didn't say anything, but just toyed with her fingers and lowered her head as the two men watched her.

Then, Charlie rose from his chair and bent down to whisper into Mary's ear. At the same time, his hand was gently caressing her shoulder and sending tingles down Mary's body. He then sat down again and waited.

'Go on, Mary. Go and do it and then I'll decide what to do next.' Mary, looking very embarrassed, looked at both men before taking a deep breath and rising from the table.

'You really want me to do this?' she asked. Both men just nodded their heads and smiled at her and then watched her walk out of the restaurant. They then ordered more drinks and smiled to themselves.

Mary's heart was thumping against her chest as she entered the cloakroom. She had been caught out by her husband, and he had chosen an evening out with his old friend Charlie to bring the matter to a head. Oh God, what lay in store for her, she thought! There was no doubt that Charlie was a handsome gentlemen with a glint in his eye and, she had to admit, he was paying a generous amount of attention to her, showering her with wonderful compliments, mainly concerning her legs and sexy body.

All this was being done in front of Eric, her husband, but Eric seemed to be condoning it all and even appeared to be enjoying the situation. But forfeits?.......forfeits?......Christ, what had the two men planned?

Perhaps it was the drink and her sense of not being in control that was making Mary feel just a little excited, even a little submissive, and when she slipped her fingers down into her little panties in the cubicle, a sly caress of her cunt confirmed that she was definitely wet!! Oh God! However, she still didn't have the nerve to remove her little panties, and was going to try and bluff the forfeit!!

The two men watched her return to the table, and she was now blushing again. Charlie took control.

'Well, Mary, have you done it? We both need to know that you've done it!' Mary almost whispered her reply.

'Y......yes.....yes, I've done my purse!' she lied.

'Oh, we can all say that, can't we, Eric. We can all say 'Yes, I've done it.' How do we know? Put them on the table, Mary, there's a good girl!' Mary was trembling but excited at the same time. She was being teased just like a teenage girl would be, and it was horrible but sexually erotic at the same time. Here was an almost complete stranger asking to see her panties, in front of her husband, and telling her to put them on the table in the middle of a busy restaurant.

'I can't.....I can't,' Mary stammered. 'They're in my purse, I promise!' Charlie smiled and turned to Eric.

'Well, Eric. I think there is only one thing for it. I think we need to continue this discussion up in your room, don't we?' Even Eric was getting excited at the way proceedings were going, although his private discussions with Charlie only a few days earlier had fully planned just this scenario. Eric was quite happy to let Charlie pull all the strings.

'I think you are absolutely right, Charlie! Mary, let's go and have another drink in our room.'

All sorts of thoughts were whirring round Mary's mind......should she protest? ......should she say that she didn't want to play forfeits? Or were the games something that she was starting to enjoy? The decision was taken from her as Charlie stood up at the side of her chair and held her arm.

'Allow me to escort you, Mary,' smiled Charlie. Mary didn't want to make a scene and the strong hand on her arm was giving her no choice.......but there was definitely more moisture between her legs and the drink had certainly helped to lower her natural defences. She rose from her chair, feeling Charlie's arm slip around her waist.

The three of them were soon in the luxurious bedroom, and Eric was pouring more drinks from the fridge. Mary looked nervous but took another sip from her brandy glass......God, she hadn't drunk so much for a long time. Charlie moved straight to the verbal attack. He and Eric had sat down in the comfy armchairs in the room, sipping their drinks, and Mary was standing by the window, her eyes darting quickly from man to man.

'So, Eric, your old neighbour down the lane has had the joy of seeing Mary's wonderful figure. I think it's only right that we have the same privilege, don't you? After all, she failed to complete the first forfeit properly, didn't she?' and both men grinned at the blushing, mature wife.

'I did it, I did it,' protested Mary, and made a move for her purse, still trying to bluff the fact that she was still wearing her underwear.

'Too late, too late,' laughed Charlie. 'We want to see those wonderful legs. Come on, Mary. Will you raise your dress so that we can both admire those legs.....after all, they are magnificent......and old Bert has seen them, hasn't he, Eric?' Again the compliments hit the right spot with Mary and, with her husband sitting there smiling, she knew there would be no repercussions......would there? Just a little look, she thought!

'God, you men, you're awful! Must I?' Eric nodded and Charlie licked his lips, his eyes drilling seductively into Mary's own eyes.

'Yes, Mary, you must,' he commanded powerfully. Charlie was definitely in charge.

Mary's hands nervously went onto the front of her dress as the two men watched every moment. As she moved the hem slowly upwards, she turned her body until she was facing away from the men and looking out of the window. The dress went up her legs bit by bit, revealing her stunning thighs in nylon and, just in case she was thinking of stopping, Charlie pushed her further.

'Keep going, lady.....keep going until I tell you to stop!' It was more a command than a request. Mary was shaking slightly but she obeyed, and her dress continued to rise up her long legs, passing the tops of her nylons to show the tanned skin at the tops of her thighs, and then, suddenly, her little panties came into view. It was a stunning sight for the two men.

There was silence as the whole effect was frozen in time. The two men watched the obedient wife standing there with her dress beautifully hitched up to her panties, and there was no more erotic sight than the shapely form of a mature woman. Charlie saw another excuse to tease and control the situation.

'Old Bert certainly has good taste, doesn't he, Eric? Those legs look so inviting and enticing.........don't let go, Mary. We want to see more!' Mary obeyed again and kept tightly hold of the material. It was as though she were submitting her body and mind to this powerful man who had taken over the events, and then she shivered a little as she heard Charlie continue.

'Of course, we can see that you didn't carry out the forfeit we set, did you, Mary?' Mary remained silent, shuffling from foot to foot but still holding her dress up for the men to ogle her. She had quite got used to her display, but was a little nervous about having left her panties on.

'What do you think should be the punishment for not taking her panties off, Eric?' Eric just smiled and made no comment as he admired his wife's display for his friend. Charlie quietly rose from his chair and walked over and stood behind Mary. 'What do you think happens to naughty ladies who don't do as they're asked, Mary?'

'I don't know......I don't know.........but you two have arranged this, haven't you? I bet your wife isn't really ill, she? You had this worked out all the time, didn't you?' Charlie bent down and ran his hand right up from Mary's ankle to the top of her thigh where her panties began. Mary shivered and forgot what she was saying. The strong touch of a strange hand going right up to her wonderful ass had made her shiver and her mind go blank, and she stood there, nervous but enjoying the firm touch on her skin.

'Don't talk, Mary, don't talk! I'm afraid that we'll have to show you what happens to naughty girls who misbehave,' and Charlie began to rub Mary's bottom all over her panties. 'Lift the dress higher, Mary, go on!'

She was suddenly like a zombie, with no control over her own actions. It was as though the two men had put her into a trance and it wasn't really her who was going through the experience. The drink had had an effect, the relaxed holiday had made her a little blasé, and the fact that Eric's handsome friend had such a strong personality and had taken control of her actions was making her weak. Did she have the will power to resist...Did she want to resist?

Mary, just as instructed, began to ease the dress higher up over her waist, like an obedient schoolgirl, as Charlie continued to caress her ass and the tops of her thighs. Eric watched from his chair, his fingers straying to his slacks to stroke his cock. It was already hard and thick as this was a sight he never thought he would ever enjoy.

He and Charlie had spoken on the phone at length about meeting up with Mary, and, yes, it had all been planned up to a point. He had told Charlie about old Bert taking photos of Mary, and suggested that he would reveal what he knew when they met for a meal. They had agreed to have some fun with Mary, but that was it.....they would see how things developed on the night!

Well, things were, and Eric was now watching his old work colleague caress his wife's delectable ass while she was quite willingly holding her dress right up to her waist.

'Look out of the window, Mary, and put your hands on the window sill!' Again, it was more like an instruction than a request, but Mary just obeyed diligently. As her hands went onto the sill, she could feel Charlie take hold of her dress and move it firmly up her body, to reveal the small of her back and the little black panties nestling around her stunning, firm bottom and down between the cheeks of her ass.

'Open your legs a little, Mary, that's a good girl.'

Oh my God, she thought. What's happening? Not only had she raised her dress at the command of a complete stranger, but now he was holding her around the waist, stroking her legs and ass, and now he was ordering her to move her legs apart. Eric's cock was rock hard now and he felt no shame as he stroked it gently while watching the events unfold in front of him.

Mary was breathing heavily as she looked blankly out of the window and contemplated the situation, but the strong hands stroking her were having a wonderful effect. She knew Eric would be watching closely, and she felt her thighs just ease apart a little, as though working automatically.

God, these were the things of mucky stories and fantasies, weren't they? Two men teasing and toying with an attractive woman, one of the men being her husband......never in her wildest dreams did Mary think she might be part of such a scene, but it was happening now, and she didn't seem to have the power......or the inclination...... to stop it! The hands were still caressing her.

'Wider, Mary. Move them wider!' Charlie was quiet but firm and now his other hand had moved around Mary's waist as she was bending over. She was in his grasp and she was completely at his mercy.

'What now, Eric?' he asked of Mary's husband. Eric was shamelessly rubbing his fingers up and down the front of his slacks, his cock now making a tent-like rod at the front. He added a little more spice.

'Well, old Bert did keep saying that Mary's bottom was the sexiest that he'd ever seen, and........he also wondered what it would be like to smack her while she was bent over.'

'No, no, you can' can't!' pleaded Mary. 'Oh my God....please!' but still the feelings winding around her body were giving her a sense of sexual pleasure and submission. Charlie kept stroking her and he smiled at Eric as he carried on.

'I think old Bert was right, Eric. Your wife has such a delectable ass and, after all, she didn't carry out the little forfeit we set her, did she? mean just like this, Eric?' and Charlie held Mary's waist tightly as his other hand swished through the air and landed squarely right across the two cheeks of the stunning ass.

'Ouch!' Mary gently moaned. The smack wasn't too hard but it was the embarrassment and humiliation that made her call out. 'Smack' and Charlie's hand landed again on the wonderful, waiting cheeks.

'Ouch,........oh God!' and she moaned once again, and this time her hand tried to come round to protect her nether regions. Charlie was able to fend her hand away, and his palm slapped her again, for the third time. Suddenly, Mary felt Charlie's fingers slide between her legs from behind, rubbing over the thin material of her panties, easing her hot cunt lips apart as the fingers explored her most intimate parts, and then she felt a finger caressing gently over her clit. My God, that felt good, and it was a wonderful alternative to the hard slaps!

'Ummm.......oh no.....ummm!' she moaned, a little louder now. Whatever her brain was telling her, her body was telling her that this was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to her. Her husband was watching as another man was spanking her bottom, and now there was a probing hand discovering the wetness between her open legs.

'She's beautifully wet, Eric,' announced Charlie to his friend. 'I think she knows that she's been a naughty lady and deserves a little punishment. Isn't that right, Mary?' and his hand moved up and smacked into Mary's ass once more. Immediately, his hand went back between her legs to caress her clit and feel the wetness in her opening cunt lips.

'Agghhh! Oh my God....ummmm!' and Mary had given up all pretence of protesting her innocence.

'I think I need a little help, Eric.' Charlie grinned at his friend. 'Perhaps you could come over and hold Mary's arms, just so that she can't protest too much!' Eric was quickly on his feet and the two men manoeuvred Mary so that Eric was in front of her, holding her arms and keeping her body bent over, while Charlie was still behind her, one arm wrapped round her waist while the other hand concentrated on exploring the gorgeous woman, as well as occasionally sending a stinging slap across her glorious bottom.