Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 09


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"One of her teachers decided to give her a B on an assignment and she continuously harassed the poor woman wanting another chance to take what was simply a practice test. It was her first public meltdown, we had to take her on academic sabbatical."

"Yoli begged us for days on end not to put her out even though we had no intentions of the sort. We thought she might get better with therapy, but then we got a visit from one of her classmates who perceived himself as her boyfriend."

"He outed her." I added.

"We're open minded, so we just acknowledged the young man's concerns but later, it was so much worse."

"What happened?"

"The other girl in question discovered our daughter "entertaining " a number of her male classmates. She was devastated wanting nothing more to do with Yoli, but our daughter didn't seem to have the capacity to understand how much she'd hurt that girl. Understand, we're very liberal minded, we had the talk with her."

"I know what happened." I interjected before Mr. Van Allen went further.

"Then you understand that she'll do anything for approval, even use her body."

Mrs. Van Allen already knew the answer to that question in ways only a mother could just by looking at a person's face. Images of my numerous interludes with Yoli and her pinned down under my cousin flittered about my mind. I hunched over mulling whether to continue talking with them.

"It's okay, you seem like a really nice guy." She seemed to know what was going on behind my eyes.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I feel responsible for Yoli ending up in that hospital."

"Could you elaborate."

"We kinda hit it off when we first met; I was with your daughter, a lot. One day, I found her with my cousin who is Renee's uh, significant other. I was uhm, mad and didn't want to be involved with her anymore. Even though I said that we were still sleeping together. She got like, really angry and jealous when I started working with one of her former coworkers. I'm sorry but they got into a fight across the street, Yoli humiliated and sent this woman to the hospital."

"Oh no!" Jane Van Allen fretted.

"It's my fault she got hurt ma'am; I'm really sorry."

"You were involved with the other girl?" Her father asked instantly putting me into a dilemma.

He was unknowingly asking a question that would expose my culpability in his daughter's injury along with my recent activity shooting amateur porn. I'd shot footage of Yoli but turned it over to her on a thumb drive after we'd fallen out. I hesitated trying to find some basic answer that wouldn't lead to more questions. I found resolve in the fact that I'd been exiled from Renee's supposed inner circle.

"Yeah, I guess I was mad but I didn't know Yoli would get so angry after she slept with my cousin. She was also mad because she found out the other girl did the same thing but didn't get fired. I'm sorry but I've got to disclose that other girl was bullying your daughter beforehand. I didn't know that, and uhm, we were working together which made Yoli feel more isolated afterwards."

"You worked at that salon?"

"No, the other girl uhm, does part time work as a cam girl." I softened things up noting the latent horror in their faces fearing the worst.

"What were you doing with this uh, cam girl?" Jane Van Allen queried wringing her hands while Mr. Van Allen looked stoic.

"Social media, uhm helping her shoot content for a website."

"Adult work?"

"Uhm, yeah; yes sir." His eyes narrowed, face clouding over.

"Was our daughter involved in this kind of work?"

"No." I watched Jane Van Allen bury her face in her husband's chest relieved their daughter wasn't involved in pornography.

I had to lie after all Yoli had gone through. Two scenes were currently on the original host site that started this mess. I really was responsible for everything in hindsight. Renee used me to subsidize her income proving yet again how far ahead of everyone she always was.

The woman was a strategist also gifted uniquely with the ability to take something and upgrade it for her own use. This was apparent from the moment she locked me out right after the launch of an adult website she steered me into creating. Her hustle would be inspiring if not for her ingenuity at getting people to serve her needs to the exclusion of all else.

"Uhm excuse me sir, and ma'am; do you mind if I use the bathroom here?"

"Help yourself, we have to call porters to box all of Yoli's belongings up for storage."


"Yes, she will be returning home with us until she is well enough for sabbatical. We've decided to place Yoli in assisted living for a time until she can properly function as an adult. It's for the best."

"Does she know about that sir?"

"She will come to understand, its for the best." Jane Van Allen replied aping her husband's answer.

I found myself staring at the Van Allens coming to some understanding unsaid about their relationship with adopted daughter Yoli Van Allen. All their talk of loving this troubled young woman they raised felt shallow considering what she'd been through. It seemed as if they threw money at the problem for the most part instead of talking and legitimately caring for her. Now these people were intent on putting her into storage.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Yes young man; you've earned the right." Mr. Van Allen admitted.

"Did anyone ever try to find Yoli's birth father?" Both of them exchanged glances before Jane spoke.

"From what we understand, this uh, man would be of no use. He was many years younger than Yoli's mother. I'm afraid to admit he was barely around your age now when Yoli was conceived. She was supposed to be his mentor in academia, but I suppose they became lovers after a fashion. It ended very badly and Lamar was never the same again. Yoli's mother started her tenure after being transferred here to university, five months pregnant."


"Tyrell, Lamar Tyrell; I can't elaborate but it's best he remains unaware." She added again sounding robotic to my ears.

"It's for the best, right?"

A knock at the door interrupted us. Mr. Abelman appeared following up with the Van Allens who began making plans to have some people pack up their daughter's apartment. At this point I was becoming a good study of people noting Mr. Abelman's deferent nature before the power couple. They were capable of playing chess with Renee Kelly.

I took the opportunity to slip into the narrow corridor leading to the rest of Yoli's apartment bypassing the bathroom which was similarly cluttered with haphazard items and bits of clothing. The floor was made up of tiny black and white checkered tiles. The interior was cramped, her tub a vintage high sided model matching the sink like something from the twenties. There were some fashion magazines and junk mail littering the floor as I cracked the door listening to her parents converse.

I was on a mission to protect Yoli's reputation and cover my ass.

From the bathroom door, I could see her kitchen at the rear of the unit cluttered up, short counters topped and packed with numerous unopened boxes of cereal, pop tarts and various items. There was a ten speed bicycle wedge at a forty five degree angle against the back door leading outside to the second floor back porch. The Van Allens were conversing with Mr. Abelman joined by his wife allowing me to slip across the corridor into Yoli's bedroom.


Yoli's bedroom was a testament to shut-ins and hoarders abroad with this large odd looking floor mattress as the centerpiece of a bedroom cluttered with various toys, knickknacks boxes stuffed full of magazines and books. These were ladies magazines and dirt rags like the Enquirer mixed in with what looked like college level school text books.

The floor mattress was made to look like a massive anime themed cat fluffy ears, appendages, and all. I found it hard to stifle a half smile noticing the dressers piles high with beauty product, baskets of the high end stuff. I took a step accidentally stepping on some robot action figure nearly toppling into the cat bed head first.

"Sorry Optimus." My hand was on something hidden under a bath towel among other disparate items in the bed including more than a few sets of thong panties.

"Oh fuck me." I mumbled finding myself in possession of this massive vibrator. This was one of those "Magic Wand" numbers I'd seen in a lot of Japanese porn but bigger than I'd ever seen. I tossed it aside looking to my immediate right finding a few photos on the sliding doors of her closet.

"Oh." There were three pics simply Scotch taped there, one of Renee taken some time ago.

She was looking away but still seemed aware at her work station. The other was more alarming because it was me taken at some unknown time in front of the salon from a distance. It looked like something taken from her phone enlarged and cropped using a laptop. There were a few other sex toys scattered about as I found what I was looking for in the corner. A expensive laptop sat atop a milkcrate plugged in and active, another photo from the salon as the screen saver.

This was a group pic with Renee, Yoli, Carlie (Obviously taken before I came into the picture) and Rashida. Yoli had taken the time to edit a shit emoji over Rashida's face. The hate was that real. Sticking out of the computer's side port was the thumb drive I'd given Yoli containing all of the footage I'd shot of her the first night we hooked up. I scrambled for it unplugging the smoking gun turning to find Mrs. Van Allen in the doorway staring at me.

"Uh, I loaned her some movies, ma'am."

"I like you, don't ruin it by lying to my face; you definitely want to keep me and my husband on your good side young man." Her face remained static with just the slightest indication of her displeasure in the age lines at the corner of her lips and the wrinkles in her forehead.

"I felt bad, didn't want you to see this because you've already been through enough. She never did anything with the stuff on this thumb drive ma'am."

Mrs. Van Allen folded her arms across her chest rubbing a bicep as she surveyed the excessive clutter in the room focusing on the copious beauty products gathered about.

"Yoli wanted to be a model in her last year of high school, I knew a photographer and got the ball rolling. She barely had a few shoots under her belt before endorsements started pouring in. We were getting boxes of this stuff addressed to her, then one day she just stopped."

"Burnt out?"

"No, she enrolled in a critical thinking curriculum preferring pursuits of the mind over "exploiting herself" as she put it when confronted. Another mess I had to personally clean up, also an affair with her married female photographer too. She left that woman a mess and her marriage barely survived. Yoli said uh, Marisol was uhm, crowding her, stifling her aura. Honestly, it was the first time I employed corporal punishment, on a nineteen year old no less. I was so defeated when she looked back at me asking if her parents were "throwing her away"; almost triggered another meltdown in both of us. She offered to return to the affair if it meant "we still wanted her " and weren't putting her out. She craves acceptance and, love young man; starves for it constantly."


"Had sex with her therapist; his marriage didn't survive and we obviously shredded his career. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?"

"Yeah, but I feel like shoving her into a home isn't the answer ma'am." I slowly got up pushing the thumb drive into my pocket.

"I think I like you, but you don't understand our daughter. She's work, twenty four seven, three hundred sixty five days out of the year. We're tired of this shit and Renee Kelly was obviously in the same mindset, even though we assisted her with a flagging business and provided her with a stipend. Yoli must have annoyed her so much, she didn't want the money."

"That's my fault too, ma'am."


"I unintentionally built her a new stream of revenue; I didn't know what I was doing at the time. She was ten or more steps ahead of me this whole time. It's my fault, I take responsibility for everything that happened to put your daughter in the hospital. I wanna say I was used ma'am; I won't but I didn't know what I was doing. Now, I just want to do the right thing and flush this thumb drive."

"What's on the drive?"

"Yoli having sex, with me; we were hanging out here and she implied that she needed cash after being fired by Renee. There's this pay site that a lot of people use to make money selling sex; I didn't know any of this shit about Yoli ma'am."

Mrs. Van Allen suddenly cupped my chin. I could feel her nails in my flesh, her face clouding over.

"You're going to flush that drive while I watch; if you're lying to me, I'll destroy you, then I'll tell my husband."

"I'm not lying and you can tell your husband anyway; I just didn't want you to see Yoli like that ma'am." It felt like she could throttle me to death if she wanted.

"I've seen my daughter every way a parent shouldn't and yes, I've considered throwing her away. When I think about it sometimes, I hate her birth mother for putting us in this position. Her father is useless and an embarrassment to his wife and children. He was little more than your age when she took him and turned the poor lad out."

"Yoli's father?"

"Lamar Terrell; he was "indoctrinated" by my long time "friend" and associate; she warped his mind gone before his parents could even react. To our great shame we hid her away professionally, while assuring he would "make it" in our circles as a caveat. Yoli is unfortunately our "monkey's paw" and she's going away to get better; do you understand?!"

"It's for the best." I answered as she released my chin, favoring her hand.

"Do you know why I told you all of this shit?"

"No ma'am."

"One day Yoli is going to find true autonomy independent of us; it's a given. If she ever appears before us with these talking points, I will find and take care of you by any means necessary; pardon the expression."

I didn't say anything but gathered her meaning being marched across the corridor back to the bathroom where I promptly flushed the thumb drive under her watchful eye. Mr. Van Allen's ninth hour rescue of me from some jail time and much worse notwithstanding; the Van Allens were decidedly dangerous. My bicep was still in her grasp as Jane Van Allen got in my face brooding.

"I want to know what you created for Renee Kelly; as a matter of fact bring up that site on this." Her I-phone was slammed into my palm. There was no way I was getting out of anything, so I brought up Renee's site. She glanced at it for a few seconds before bookmarking it.

"My husband went down to Mr. Abelman's apartment to settle some affairs; I think you should go now."

It was late afternoon as I crossed the gate in front of Yoli's apartment building knowing I'd never return. Mrs. Van Allen's words stuck to me like glue as I glanced across the street finding some of the punks who attacked me still hanging out. Carlie was even playfully being taught how to ride a skateboard by the kid who'd hit me with it. It seemed I was all but forgotten, but I'd unwittingly been given more pieces of a puzzle I never wanted to solve.

"She's a fraud."

So much came to the fore in a day triggered karmically perhaps by my expulsion from a faux inner circle. I took stock of my experiences in exquisite detail happening upon one uneven piece.


I arrived home just before dusk knowing it was a race against time. I still had a loose end to be tied up in the form of Renee's laptop computer. Her bootlicks in a hurry to get me out of the apartment likely mistook it for my property. I encouraged my uber driver to challenge the speed limit. Renee Kelly would be compelled to cover her tracks completely and I didn't know what lengths she would go to quote unquote bury the body. I didn't want to find out with visions of Rashida climbing into my bedroom window. The sudden foil didn't like to get her hands dirty.

"Son of the bitch." My car pulled up on the side of the house. From my vantage point I could see my cousin Jaquan standing on my front porch. He was looking directly at my uber as I stepped out, mirror shades expectedly covering his eyes.

"AW SHE IS SO PRETTY, JUST THE CUTEST LITTLE GIRL!!" My ears were assaulted with the familiar falsetto screech of mom's voice.

"I'm a princess."

Little Daisy Kelly replied earning more doting and laughter from my parental unit. I was looking my cousin dead in the eye working an internal herculean effort to keep my emotion in check as I approached the front of the house.

"Thank you so much; I'm so glad we were able to retrieve my property. We're lucky you were home and Daisy got to see her favorite auntie." My blood ran cold at the sound of Renee's voice.

The whole family was standing on my front porch, Renee slinging her computer bag across a shoulder like a purse. She was wearing a white sundress trimmed with an ethnic print at the neck, midsection, and hem, respectively. It stopped high on her thighs leaving her thick shapely legs exposed white wedge sandals on her feet. Despite all I'd learned, her ridiculous hourglass figure was the realest thing about Renee Kelly. I popped wood, but it wasn't visible luckily for me as Jaquan slightly altered position glaring from behind his shades. This nigga was actually standing guard.

"Stop looking." I cracked a half smile, actually more of a smirk caring little that she spoke.

"WHAT'RE YOU DOING BOY? COME ON UP HERE AND SAY HELLO TO YOUR COUSIN AND HIS LADY!!" Mom appeared clueless holding little Daisy Kelly. That spoiled little princess was definitely her mother's child wrapping her arms around my mom's neck feigning fear at my presence. Renee didn't turn around giving me only a view of her back.

"Nah, I'm good." I replied without verbal malice.

"He's scary." The toddler commented earning a deep hug from my mother as her parents responded.

I watched Jaquan take custody of his little girl holding her to his chest cradling her tiny head. I really had to give it to that kid as I backed onto the lawn just in front of my house clearing a path for them to pass as they descended the front steps. Renee turned around chin tucked holding my cousin's arm as they walked down to the sidewalk. She didn't look in my direction and neither did Jaquan. I found myself looking at little Daisy Kelly who surprised me with a wave goodbye. We knew this was the last time we'd see one another.

"NO MATTER WHAT; WE FAMILY AND I LOVE YOU CUZ!!" I yelled after them. I saw Renee glance at Jaquan, a look of concern on her face, more pensive actually.

Jaquan didn't let her down walking to her car placing his daughter in her car seat. I stopped looking as he got in the passenger seat, arms folded across my chest.

I waited on the lawn eyes averted from Renee's car until it passed by me speeding off to only god knows where.


Mom's screeching voice was wholly welcome as I slowly walked up the stairs feeling a days' worth of grief and familial pathos on my shoulders. I glanced at her slightly trembling holding the screen door open for my mother.

"You hungry?"


"I got some chicken on the stove from Churches; wash your hands boy." I followed her inside locking the screen door. Then something snapped as I slammed the front door with all my might. The diamond shaped window vibrated as the sound briefly echoed across the living room. I mashed my face into the back of the front door leaning against it at a diagonal angle.
