May Bernadette O'Brien


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Kim paused at the door.

"Should I carry you across the threshold, do you think?"

Her eyes looked mischievous and the question had thrilled May. She blushed then shrugged and mumbled something that sounded like 'if you want.'

Next she knew Kim had scooped her up. She threw her arms round Kim's neck to take the strain off her Kim's arms and Kim carried her across the threshold before collapsing with them both ending on the carpet. Kim was about to apologize but May had that look on her face and had moved up to be lying on her.

"I've never kissed a girl before Kim."

"I have- want some pointers?"

May rolled her eyes then closed them and parted her lips. She wanted to be kissed. To be taken. Kim brought her lips to May's watching for a moment as May's mouth opened for her then closing her eyes tight to make up for cheating just before. May was a lovely kisser, a receiver but a responder none the less. The kiss lasted a little over a minute then May rolled off, got up and helped Kim to her feet.

Her arm hooked round Kim's bicep. In anyone else it would have been a lovely gesture but for May it was stating a fact. It also thrilled Kim. She showed her round her new home then led her back to the bedroom and pulled her on to the bed.

"In winter we can save money on power if we cuddle under the covers," Kim told her trying to sound innocent.

May, who was, agreed.

"That's a good idea. Oh" (The penny dropped.)

She looked at Kim, thinking how clever she was and how lovely it would be to cuddle up to her naked but she hoped she wouldn't have to wait till it was cold at night to cuddle her. May caught sight of Kim's brief case and remembered she was going to remote access something. Well something to do with her work and she felt a huge surge of pride that her Kim was so important.

"You better access up,I guess," she told her having already decided she could do a little cleaning first then get lunch ready.

"Yes, I'd better access up hon, won't be long."

"I'm fine darling, it's your work and it's important. I'm not jealous of work."

She pulled a face for Kim and confirmed in her innocence what a sweet heart she was.

However they set to work in different parts of the unit. Kim at the dining room table was soon engrossed. The remote access was now accompanied by the direct phone line and Kim was at work. May could hear her from the various rooms she was in. Kim was an overall strategy type and so her cleaning was perfunctory rather than fastidious.

May was fastidious but also practical; she couldn't clean in her nice work clothes and so she took them off. At first she was just going to have them off while she cleaned. Later she decided just until she had got lunch ready for them and then she would make herself decent for sure. The problem was that the longer she went nude (having started in bra and knickers) the more she liked it and the more she heard Kim's voice and how involved she was with her work and how stressed she got sometimes the more certain she was that her Darling Kim would enjoy it too.

Kim, for all her involvement with the people at work was aware of May. May sang when she was happy; a beautiful pure voice that trilled effortlessly on the high notes and went straight to her heart. Unaware May had spent the last hour nude she began to detect the most inviting aromas wafting through from the kitchen.

Clearly, she thought delightedly, May was well past the 'pour contents into one cup of boiling water' level.Equally clearly she decided work didn't need to be micro-managed and she could give them some slack to let them try to get things done without her watching their every move so to speak. And that, a responsible Management decision, is why she closed down the lap top and put the phone on voice mail, she tried to tell herself over the cloud of butterflies flapping like mad in her tummy.

"Hey babe," (God she loved saying that) "whatever it is it smells fantastic."

The sound of her voice brought May back to earth was a thud. She was naked and the confidence sank rapidly in her sea of anxiety.

"Oh, um, thanks, I um hope it tastes alright;I just have to go to the bathroom- back in a jiffy."

"No you don't, you don't ever need to get dressed again as far as I'm concerned. Now give me a kiss."

Kim had come over to the kitchen entrance while May's back was turned and her jaw hurt she grinned so hard. She was just gorgeous her May. Round bottom, wide hips, nice waist, shapely womanly legs and real full breasts. May turned into her with that nervous look of hers so wanting to get Kim's approval. She had stood square on when she turned with her eyes glued to Kim's face. There was nothing subtle about the look Kim gave her or the arms out wide for her and May rushed to her for her cuddle.

Fairs fair of course and Kim stripped on the spot refusing to allow May to pick her clothes up. They sat to eat their lunch at the corner of the table stopping frequently to lean forward and kiss. May loved it. She hadn't kissed a girl before, well apart from Moira Carter in the girls' toilets when they were fourteen and Sister Frances has given the lecture on The Perversion of Lesbianism and everyone was flat out seeing what it was like and after they had all nodded wisely and agreed it was gross- even May. Only she didn't really and she knew from the way Moira brought her tongue back for more that she didn't either- well not deep down anyway. And she avoided May for the rest of the term.

Kim liked a lingering kiss and May soon learned to pace her kisses to Kim's. However half way through the meal Kim stood and pulled her up.

"Fuck multi-tasking Babe, let's go to bed."

She led the way and May was, to be honest about it, just a bit nervous. No, she was terrified. What should she do? What did Kim expect her to do?

'Lie there," Kim ordered.

"On your back and spread those gorgeous legs of yours doll."

She got down and leaned between May's legs.

"Close your eyes and focus on the part of your body I am mistreating; don't think of England, what your mother might think or what people will say. Enjoy the moment babe."

May felt the bed sink from Kim's weight , then her hair tickling her tummy, the feel of Kim's breath on her skin right down there and then the touch. A fingertip stroking lazily over, across and in her pussy. She could feel her left leg quiver and she could only manage half breaths. Her chest tensed tighter and tighter as the fingertip tormented her mercilessly until finally all the breath escaped from her and she felt herself go delightfully, sinfully, wantonly, limp and the only thing she could focus on wasn't where the finger was, no, it was her clitoris. It throbbed.

In her dark erotic world she gave in and responded to Kim's every touch. Her first orgasm swept over her and she felt a glow of enormous pride that Kim had got her off. it was proof, absolute of how she adore Kim with her body as well as her heart and mind.

She was wide open of course and could feel the movements in her pussy. Naturally she craved affirmation and hinted ever so subtly at this by pushing herself towards Kim in case she hadn't yet figured she was quite partial now to a bit of pussy stimulation.

"My God May babe," she heard ", oh fuck you're unbelievable.Oh come for me babe; just cum and cum and cum and let me lick it out of you."

That bit May hadn't thought of. That was what she had regarded as 'the mess" but it wasn't it was the result of her arousal and it tasted beautiful from what Kim was telling her (mainly by the Mmms and noisy licking occurring between her legs).

"You're stunning Babe. Oh fuck I can see right inside you.No you're wet. You're wide open babe. My God! Let me get some fingers inside you. That's it; spread your legs for me babe."

May pushed her legs just that little bit wider her legs and waited as every fiber of her being screamed the same two words

"Fist me!"

The finger slid in so easily, two, three then four and now Kim's hand was up to the knuckles and had met resistance.

"Fist me Kimmy, fist me doll," she gasped as the hand turned and probed.

"I don't mind if it hurts babe I want your hand inside me. Oh fuck, oh push baby push it in," she implored and suddenly she shifted a fraction and with Kim working a slightly different angle Kim's hand slipped right inside her.

She smiled up at the woman she adored and who's hand was now deep inside her.

"Explore me."

The hand did finding the g spot with ease to work in tandem with the other hand on her clit to produce the most powerful orgasm of the session. It overpowered her and she pressed her thighs tight as her head spun.

"I love you." She managed as the hand was tenderly withdrawn.

The voice sort of reached up to Kim from the bed and drew her down to the reclining figure there. The one with the cheeky smile on her face. She leaned over her and felt the soft and surprisingly strong arms pull her down. May wrapped her legs round her .

"God you're sexy."


'Really. Did you know there's actually no legal limit on the number of orgasms a girl can have?"

"What about you?"

Kim's voice had been light, bantering; May's full of concern.

"Please let me May. Please?"

She didn't offer to bargain and May knew enough of tone to know Kim would be desperately unhappy if she didn't allow her to get her off- again. It didn't seem fair- that was all.

"Anyway you made that fantastic lunch so I have to repay that, don't I?"

It wasn't the same thing at all and they both knew it. Still, it would do.But not just now. Right now May was fucked.

"Just lie on me Kimmy. Please? I love having you on me."

So she did and as she lay there, feeling the warmth of May's body and the strength of those arms holding her tight, the tears came for some reason and, much as she wanted not to, she shook so that as May settled into a perfect relaxed stillness the woman she adored was sobbing. It was the work of Saint Bernadette, it had to be. She had known that May couldn't possibly do all that fiddling and licking- wonderful as it was- so she gave May something else to do. Who else but a genuine adored Saint would have the kindness to do that?

She held Kim gently, her hands stroked her as she cooed gently to her and Kim, twigging to what May was doing smiled into May's shoulder.

"I was crying because I was so happy for you," she told her.

And May smiled and hugged her again then closed her eyes in a quiet thank you to Saint Bernadette who always knew what she was doing. It had been fun, though not the sort of think to admit you did to Mum or Father O'Loughlin.

"Mind you," she thought, going into the subject in some depth now ", Saint Bernadette didn't have any problems obviously so past all this Church Malarkey about the Sin of Lesbianism the real Saints, well my Saint anyway, don't mind one bit."

It cheered her up because she wasn't too naive not to know that the path she has chosen this day led her from Sunday Mass at Saint Josephs but now she was sure some how there was a relationship with God there for her- it was just that the details had yet to be worked out.

She told none of this to Kim but she felt so much stronger to have that side of things covered.

"I don't think I can match that," she whispered as they lay side by side.

"No? Well that was pretty good, if I do say so myself," Kim looked away as she spoke.

"Well I said I couldn't match it; I didn't say my hands had dropped off and my lips were stuck together." There was an edge to her voice.

"Yeah, OK."

"My God she's got a temper!" Kim thought clenching her jaw to stop from grinning.

'What does, 'er hem yeah ok' mean exactly?" May asked through very narrow lips.

"Well, you know..."

She couldn't keep it up and her face broke.

"You Cow!" May shrieked at her grinning so hard the tears came.

'Right, that's it. Sodding well lie there and prepare to be tortured."

Kim lay on her back only to find May had slid off the bed and was hunting in the wardrobe for something. What? Oh shit! Scarves. She found four and in no time Kim's unresisting wrists were tied to the head board, one leg was secured to the bed leg and May was finding another one to allow her to reach the right leg restraint to the other bed leg. She did too and, more or less helpless- these were expensive silk scarves after all- Kim lay waiting for the torture to start.

The fingertips just made contact with hr skin and in a feather touch trailed down to Kim's pussy, round her pussy, along her inner thighs to the backs of her knees then over and slowly up the out side of her body to her armpits where they circled seemingly endlessly until they trailed across to her nipples, teased them then went back to the arm pits.

Kim had gritted her teeth and tensed her body to keep control but finally it was too much and she shrieked convulsing and wriggling this way and that to get away from those fingers.

"Close your eyes babe," May told her and obediently she closed them.

The random tormenting stopped and the focus was on her nipples and her pussy. Unlike Kim she didn't take the indirect rout to clitoral stimulation; she tickled the little hard nub direct. Not too much, no. Down into the wet and wide pussy the finger went returning to stroke up the length of her slit, over the clit then all the way over it again and now probing inside her. Then it was three fingers, it had to be, and they had just slid in.

'We quiet little Convent Girls have a reputation for having a darker side for some reason," May told her evenly.

A premonition then she felt the fingers twisting and turning inside her. The three were joined by a fourth and the knuckles stretched her but her vagina resisted heroically until finally, against overwhelming odds, it yielded and Kim had May's hand inside her.

"It was those bloody nuns, wasn't it?" Kim demanded trying, unsuccessfully, to keep the smirk off her face.

May didn't even try.

"Absolutely; insatiable closet lesbians the lot of 'em. Ha bloody ha ha. Fuck this feels good girly girl. You liking it?"

Kim clenched her jaw and nodded. The truth was; sort of. She should have been but even though it was May, the woman she adored, and, more importantly, knew she couldn't live without but she was helpless and that terrified her. May picked it and her mood changed in an instant from playful to somber.

The hand was eased out of Kim's vagina and the scarves untied (after May had made her wait by going to the bathroom and washed her hands thoroughly).

She sat on the bed after freeing Kim, deflated.

"So I'm supposed to let you do it to me but you won't let me do it to you? Not much of a relationship really, is it?"

"May! Fuck May, be fair. It's hard for me; that's all."

"No. No it's not all. It's hard for me too but all I had from you was talk. When it came to the real trust you couldn't do it. I think I'd like to go home thank you."

She got up and went to her clothes as Kim watched growing more and more desperate. She was right, Kim absolutely knew that and the only way she could keep her was to do what terrified her. Kim still lay the same position as before and in a little voice murmured,

"You can tie me up properly if you like."

May was by her in a flash.

"Really? Want me to truss you up?'

"Yes please."

""And fist you?'


"And you won't look all panicky? And you love me and you can't live without me? And you make a rotten poker player?"

"Did you trick me?"

"Kind of looks like it huh?"

"Does a bit. Thanks babe. Do I get a kiss?"

"Seeing as how you asked so nicely scaredy cat."

May lay beside her and cuddled up.

"We don't have to hon. Not really."

She was terrified and May knew it wasn't Kim being a control freak it was something deeper in one of those private recesses we have. When she wanted to share that she would but now wasn't the time.

"Really? I still will if you want to."

"No. No sweetie you don't have to prove anything to me. Now hug me and kiss me like a good girl."

Kim loved to lose herself in her cuddles May had noticed. She loved it; being needed like that. It made her important in the relationship and that was a real boost to her self esteem. This particular cuddle went on longer than the rest but May figured Kim needed it and held her until she was ready.

The thing was that she had seen it done in a movie from ages gone where the beautiful heroine was tied up by another girl using scarves and it had long reigned as her Best Ever Erotic fantasy. So it hurt, just a bit, that Kimmy wouldn't get into it because May was dying for it to be done to her.

"It's hard," Kim said finally ", for me; I have so much responsibility at work and I have had to make all the decisions being on my own. We're under pressure to increase our figures and that falls on me. I've had no idea how we were going to produce the results and today with you."

"Uh huh?"

It's been such an eye opener for me being with you, being loved by you. I want this, I want you so much and all the rest, well, it's not so important now. My job was everything before. If I lost that I had nothing but now?"

"But you're not going to are you? You're not going to quit because it's too hard? Keep fighting Kim. I'm on your side cheering you on but don't quit. I don't care about the outcome but be my gutsy little fighter and if we lose everything I'll still love you to bits."

She had spoken with such passion she took Kim's breath away. It was good to get something else to talk about and maybe be of some help to her Kimmy.

"Would you like to talk about it? I probably won't be much help- but I might be."

And so Kim did talk about it. How the project was proving so hard and the team wasn't behind it.

Was it worth doing? May had asked and as soon as Kim had given a thoughtful yes she asked why. That had elicited a list of benefits and May saw how important the project really was to the company's survival.

They talked about it, still in each others' arms, and a plan was formed. It was a huge weight off Kim's mind and to May's delighted surprise Kim was singing away as she tidied up then joined her in the shower.

Once they were dressed reality, in the form of getting May's things from her mother's place, confronted them. Jason. Would he be nasty? Most likely. Kim actually fancied her chances; she could fight and she was very fit but May was clearly opposed to her risking anything so Kim accepted her decision and rang her big brother.

Martin Sinclair, a builder by trade adored his little sister. She had got off side with her parents when she came out of the closet but Martin hadn't faltered.

"It's what you are Kimmy," he had told her, "I want you to be happy sis."

He was her rock and now she was ringing on his mobile- it must have been important. She told him that she was in love and her name was May and they wanted to get her things but her mother had a boyfriend and he had punched May last night. He had interrupted, his question sharp and intense.

Kim had put May on and Martin fell in love with her too. What a great match for Kim. He would have a shower then get changed and pick them up about five. They were waiting for him when her got there in the Jumbo Bedford. It was his toy. Powered by a 351 V8 transplant motor with an iridescent paint job but fitted van tires because that was what it was; a van. A builder's van and it carried and towed weighty things frequently. He had cleaned it out and laid a drop cloth on the floor to keep May's things clean. A supply of card board boxes and a clip board with a check list he had thought up lay on the front seat.

"I will go to the door and deal with Jason May."

The voice was firm; a man's voice and a man on a mission. He was awesome was her brother Kim thought and the pride was unmistakable to May. She thought it was wonderful.