May December Pt. 01

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David falls for his late son's girl.
8.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 04/03/2024
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May December Part 1

Chapter 1:

There was never a plan for things to happen the way they did. Life tends to throw things at you both good and bad. For a while, it seemed to be nothing but bad. I was afraid for a time, that the bad stuff would not stop. That my life had become one big downward and depressive spiral.

It started with my son Calvin. Of course, everyone called him Cal. With a big smile and a big heart, everyone loved Cal. I know, parents always see the best in their kids, but in Cal's case, it was true. He was such a nice guy that he attracted the most beautiful girl in his Middle school. All through those years, all through High School they were an item. My wife Lena and I both loved her, a smarter and prettier girl our Cal could not have picked for his girlfriend.

Then the bad things started to happen. Cal and Marsha had planned their life together, even deciding to go to the same college. No one, her parents, or myself and Lena did anything to dissuade their relationship or their plans. We all loved them both.

Cal was driving to his part-time job. I guess the saving grace was that it was him driving to a job, and not some place with Marsha. The driver of the truck never saw him. It would be easy to blame the poor guy, but the truth is my usually very aware son turned into him and it was probably his fault. None of us ever blamed the guy in the truck. Maybe it would have been better if we had. At least easier in our grief

The funeral was more than a dark affair. It was like something out of a bad movie. It was June, you know spring, but it rained horribly on us and all I could do was stare at poor Marsha. My heart broke not just for my own family, but for this beautiful young woman whose life was just turned upside down. In my entire life, I don't think I have ever seen a young woman look so defeated, so sad. Honestly, I worried for her. Maybe, just maybe worrying about Lena, and my daughter Emily was not enough for me. I had to worry about Marsha for my own piece of mind. Emily, Cal's sister, was born a couple of years before Cal and I believe she was as devastated as any of us.

Months, maybe years before Cal's death my wife and I Lena had been drifting apart. Maybe if Cal had lived we would have worked things out, or at least lasted a bit longer. I did love my wife for many years but for some reason, we just seemed to fall out of love. It happens I guess.

I was sitting in the living room. My wife walked out of our bedroom with a suitcase. I knew what was up, but I let her speak first. "I am leaving, David. I'm sorry, but I think we both know this marriage is over." It was the fall, a few months after Cal had died. I just sat there, not sure what to say. "Well, have you anything to say?"

Staring at her I then stood up. "Okay, did you expect me to cry..., or get angry? I mean..., I guess we both have seen this coming."

She lowered her head but then looked back up and I guess I saw sadness in her eyes. "I..., I guess we both have not been happy. I'm sorry, David."

"May I ask you something, Lena?" She nodded her head yes, "Is there someone else? Another guy?"

"Not really. I have not cheated on you. I mean, I am hopeful. There is a guy I am interested in. But, before anything were to happen I want to divorce you. I am sorry if that is harsh, David."

I did not know how to respond. I led her to her car, helped her with her suitcases and watched as she drove away. The next time I would see my wife was when she stopped by for me to sign the divorce paper a few months later. We agreed that I would give her a reasonable amount of support as I make a decent living. Anyway, it only lasted a few months after that as she did meet a guy and remarried. I never begrudged her happiness, but I was lonely.

Chapter 2:

The months passed into the new year. My daughter Emily made it a habit to stop by and check on me occasionally which I truly appreciated. She is a lovely young woman, and I kept encouraging her to go out, but she is a very serious woman about her job. At the beginning of the New Year, she moved away for a new job, and then my loneliness became even more acute.

I thought about Marsha a lot. I had heard she decided not to go off to college, that she was going to put it off for a while. I also learned she worked in a local coffee shop. I work as an electrician for a good-sized business, so I manage to set my own schedule. I also as I mentioned make decent money. My boss has offered to bring me in as a partner, but in truth, I did not want the heartache.

I started scheduling my lunch break at the same time each day so I could stop by the coffee shop and check in on Marsha. We would say hello as she wrung up my order three or four days a week and would have a light conversation. It was always friendly, but I never asked how she was. It just felt wrong to intrude into her grief.

Then one day she walked over to my table where I was sipping my mocha, "Uhm, Mr. Daniels, it's my lunch break. May I join you."

I immediately stood up and went to the chair across from where I was sitting, "Of course young lady. I would love the company." She smiled and sat across from me and I realized that the smile she gifted me, was the first smile I had seen on her face since, well..., since Cal had died. "You look nice today, Marsha." I know I sounded inane to myself, "Uhm, how have you been?"

She again smiled at me. She is a lovely young woman, "Ya know. Doing okay. I turned twenty, so there is that." She gifted me with a pretty smile and a small laugh. "How..., how have you been? I heard through the grapevine that you and your wife broke up. I am so sorry."

"Oh, water under the bridge. Neither of us was happy even before..." I let my words fade away as we both knew what I meant. The conversation continued to more standard fair and then Marsha went back to work. "Thanks for stopping by my table, Marsha."

"Of course, we should do it again sometime."

I kept stopping by the coffee shop, but she never offered to share my table for lunch again. I thought to myself that perhaps being around me brought up memories she was trying to forget. Because of those unpleasant memories, I decided to leave her be and just be happy with saying hello as I bought coffee.

Some more weeks passed, and I still saw Marsha at the coffee shop regularly, but it seemed she was reticent to talk with me, so I let her be. It was a Friday, I had a light schedule and there was a movie, a comedy, coming out with an actor I loved. I decided to see the late show. I did the old-fashioned thing and was buying the ticket at the box office when I saw Marsha walk through the door to the place. I called out, "Hey, Marsha!"

She turned and looked at me and I noticed that she smiled at me. "Hey, you! How have you been Mr. Daniels?"

"I think by now you can call me David, Marsha. Mr. Daniels makes me feel old."

She smiled again, that lovely smile, and replied, "Sure, uhm, David. What movie are you here to see may I ask?"

As it turned out we were there to see the same movie at the same time. Our seats weren't near each other, but I talked her into taking seats at the back of the theater where nobody generally sat. "I love this theater," I said as we set down.

"I do too, I come here a lot. Well, not recently. But God I do need to get out more. I am glad I ran into you..." Her voice sort of trailed off and I wondered why she suddenly seemed uncomfortable. But the previews started, and then the movie, so we both became engrossed in what was a very good movie. Thank God it was a comedy, and her laughing and occasionally touching my hand, or grabbing my arm added to my enjoyment.

We walked out of the movie together and I of course offered to walk her to her car. Once there we both became a bit uncomfortable, but it was Marsha who spoke first. "I am glad I ran into you Mr., I mean David. I have not laughed like that in a very long time. Thank you."

"I did not do anything, but I did enjoy your company." She climbed into her car and closed the door. I motioned for her to roll down her window, "I was just thinking. What are you doing tomorrow night? Do you have plans?"

She hesitated for a moment but finally replied, "Well, not much I guess. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I have not had the opportunity to cook for anyone in a long time. I was just thinking, maybe you could come over for dinner?" I am sure that I blushed, perhaps thinking that inviting her over for dinner was inappropriate. But I continued, "Really, I would love to cook a meal for someone other than myself."

She hesitated. I was sure that she thought of me as just the father of her late fiance. I was about to say maybe my invitation was a bad idea, but she interrupted me giving me no chance to do so. "Uhm, ya know, I would love for you to cook me dinner. Honestly, my parents aren't the best cooks in the world. Sure, what time?"

I was a bit surprised but in a happy way, not just at her saying yes, but because I had asked her over to dinner. "Say seven. I promise to cook you a very nice dinner."

Again she smiled through the window and then rolled it back up. She said through the window, I read her lips, "See you at seven."

Chapter 3:

For some reason, I was very nervous about the evening with Marsha. I kept thinking to myself that inviting her to dinner was possibly inappropriate. Even so, I went all out and made a complete spread. It was nice to cook for someone other than just myself.

The hour arrived and Marsha was at my door. I have to describe the vision that stood before me as I opened my door. Marsha is five feet six inches tall. She has long dark brown hair, and incredible deep brown eyes that draw you in. Marsha has a narrow, pretty nose, and cherubic round and pretty cheeks. A round, pretty chin and a sexy smile with full lips. Her body is incredible. Normally I would see her in jeans and a t-shirt, but they could not hide her incredible figure. On her breasts she wore C-cups and I learned that there was enough there for a nice amount of cleavage. For, before me this evening she was wearing a low-cut blue blouse that let me see that wonderful cleavage. She also wore very right black slacks, nothing like the jeans she normally wore. She also wore two-inch heels that just made her legs, even through the slacks, all the more sexy.

My cock came to attention in my pants as I stared at her. "Well, are you going to let me in?"

I know I turned beat red, but I quickly recovered from my embarrassment, "Oh, sorry. Come on in. Have a seat in the living room while I finish up with dinner. Would you like something to drink, Marsha."

"A soda will be fine," she responded.

"You are not a kid anymore, Marsha. Would you like a glass of wine..., or perhaps a beer?"

She smiled at me and asked for the beer. I brought two beers out and sat on the couch next to her. "Just a couple of minutes and things will be ready. The table is already set." I then stood up took my beer with me and went to the dining room table which is attached to my kitchen. We sat down and enjoyed a nice meal and it was good to see that Marsha has a nice appetite. "God, you are an incredible cook, Mr., I mean David. This is amazing."

"I am glad you liked it. It's nice to cook for someone for a change." We finished our dinner and I was clearing the dishes. She started to help, "You don't have to do that sweetie. I will put most of this in the dishwasher. Grab another beer." I hesitated but decided to ask her to stay for a movie. "Would you like to, uhm, stay and watch a movie?"

She gave me a huge and genuine smile, "I would love that. What did you have in mind?"

"Go have a seat on the couch and then we can go through my collection together. I have a bunch of movies on disc."

As we were going through the movies I suggested a comedy. Mostly because we had enjoyed the movie at the theater together. "How about an action flick, David?" I smiled at her as I have a bunch of action flicks and I love them. We decided on a movie and I put it in, I could not believe how excited I was to just have a guest over.

We both sipped our beers as I sat back on the couch, a decent space between me and Marsha. I kept looking at Marsha out of the corner of my eye, and I wondered about what was on her mind. I wondered about what she thought of me. At the time, I was a forty-five-year-old man. In decent shape, but not exactly a handsome man. Plain looking at best, at five feet eleven inches tall I am not exactly tall. I still had and still have a full head of hair, with graying temples at the time. A few pounds overweight, I was not exactly a stud. But God, I was lusting after this beautiful young woman.

I tried desperately to pay attention to the movie, but I had seen it a few times and Marsha so close to me was a distraction. I did notice her glance my way a couple of times, a small sweet smile on her face. Each time I noticed this smile, my heart skipped a beat. I was glad I was wearing loose pants as my dick popped to attention many times that evening.

It was towards the end of the movie when she shifted positions moving slightly closer to me. At first, I was not sure, but then she moved again making it a bit obvious. I guess I was testing, for I then moved closer to her, and to my shock, she laid her head on my shoulder. I could not believe it but I thought it was just a fatherly gesture. But then I thought, she has to know I don't think of her as my daughter.

She cuddled close, wrapping her hand through my arm, her head still on my shoulder. She was so warm, and I almost made a move but hesitated too long and the movie ended. Perhaps, at the time, that was a good thing.

Marsha stretched and moved away, neither of us commented about her leaning on my arm. "It's getting late, I really should get going," she said. "It was a lovely dinner and I enjoyed the movie. Thanks for having me."

"It's late, should I drive you home?" She had walked as she only lives a few blocks from my house. Though it was only about ten thirty in the evening, I still worried about a young woman walking alone at night.

She looked at me with that smile, "I would not mind a ride. Thank you, David."

Chapter 4:

For days all I could think of was Marsha. I still saw her at the coffee shop and she did seem friendlier and more upbeat than I had seen her in months. One afternoon, a couple of weeks after I had made dinner for her she saw me at the coffee shop and sat down in a corner, the place mostly empty. "So, David. May I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what's up Marsha?"

In a half whisper, she inquired, "So..., what do you think of me? I mean personally."

I was a bit shocked. It was kind of a forward question if I was reading her right. Or, maybe, she was just curious if I thought she was a good person. "Uhm, well. You know I have always thought you were a very sweet young woman. My son loved you and the rest of my family also truly likes you."

She sort of looked down and sighed. "That's not what I mean. I think you know that. What I mean, is, what do you think of me as a woman?"

God, my head almost exploded. I was so glad there was a table between us because my cock involuntarily popped to attention. "Uh, Marsha... I, am not sure what you mean."

"Can we stop outside for a moment?" I nodded my head yes and followed her out the front door and we sat on one of the covered patio tables. There are four chairs at each of the three tables and she sat first. I sat across from her, intentionally, and she gave me a sort of exasperated look. At least I think it was a look of annoyance. She reached across the table and put her hand on mine. "David, am I attractive to you?"

Now I am sure I blushed and it took me maybe half a minute to reply. I sort of nonchalantly leaned back in my chair, removing my hand from underneath hers. "That is such a difficult question to answer, Marsha."

"What do you mean, David? Either I am attractive to you, or I am not."

"It's been less than a year since Cal died. I..., I am not sure we should be having this conversation."

She then surprised me and got up and moved the chair to my left closer to her. She sat down and said, "I get that. I get that you think of me as your son's girlfriend. I really do get that. But, David, other than your son you are the only man who has ever been so nice to me outside my own family. I like you..., a lot." She then stood up. "I get that you think of me as young..., and in many ways I am. I get that you are afraid of me..., of the embarrassment of going out with such a young woman. But I don't care. You should not either. Anyway, think about it." She then walked back inside to go to work. I wish I had followed her in, but instead, I left and went to finish a job I had scheduled.

For the next few weeks, I stayed away from the coffee shop. I guess the reader must think I am an idiot, but I just could not think of Marsha, without thinking of my son. The year anniversary of his death came around and I visited his grave. I went early in the morning, in all honesty hoping to avoid Marsha. I guess I did for I did not see her.

One day, maybe a week after that anniversary, I was at the local grocery store. There she was, and with her was a young man. A young man I did not know. I could not believe how suddenly jealous I felt. Then I remembered in the back of my mind, that I had no right to feel anything like this. I finished my shopping, and I am sure she saw me, but neither of us approached the other.

That was the first time I went home and fantasized about the beautiful young woman. I lay back in my bed that evening and in my minds eye I saw her undress in my bedroom. She would then climb onto my bed, and settle her already wet love canal down on my hardness. I imagined her beautiful young body, her breasts swaying before me as she pumped up and down on my cock; as I used my hand to make myself cum. Very soon I fell asleep, not exactly satisfied, and supremely saddened by thinking I had lost an opportunity to be happy. To be happy with lovely Marsha.

Chapter 5:

The weeks and months passed. I learned to mostly forget about Marsha, but every once and awhile her memory would come to mind. During those months I met a couple of women and went out on dates. Older women. Women with whom it was obvious there was no chemistry. Christmas was only days away. My daughter had decided to spend this Christmas with me. I was excited and cooked and baked a ton of food.

My cousin also decided to visit that year. Richard is a few years younger than I with young children, but growing up we had always been close. It was nice to have kids around again, and Richards's wife Delilah is an absolute riot. She kept us all laughing the three days before Christmas that they were there. It was a very nice time.

It was Christmas morning. The kids of course woke us up very early, but we were all excited to watch the three kids open their gifts. Again, a wonderful morning. I was in nothing but my tighty whities with a robe. I was with family after all and we were all dressed in kind. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "Now who could that be," I said out loud.

I went and answered the door and to my surprise Marsha was at the door. "Hello David," in her arms she had a stack of presents. "Here, grab these. I have more in my car." I was too shocked to reply. I simply took the gifts into the house and set them next to the tree. I then walked to the door just as Marsha arrived with a few more gifts.

She walked into my house smelling heavenly and looking like the true beauty I remembered. Except her hair was in a new style, her locks over one ear and hanging down in front on the opposite side. "Uhm, uh, I mean..."