May Sucks - Happy Mother's Day, Bastard


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Mary chimed in, "YOU TWO ARE DESPICABLE!!!"

I sagged into a chair.

"Where is my Frank?"

Just then, my cell beeped- "The Lone Ranger's Theme," which was my husband.

I thumbed it open and saw my scumbag husband with one blonde slut sucking his cock, and another with a thirty-eight C boob in his hand while he suckled on her nipple. They appeared to be in the back of a limousine. The face of Linda Graebel moved into the screen.

"Hey, grandma, we saw you were not using him, so we're borrowing him for the weekend. Don't worry, old lady, we'll have him back on Monday-maybe." She laughed.

My soon-to-be ex-husband pulled himself away from the boob's boob and, with a shit-eating expression on his face, said, "Don't worry, honey. There's plenty to share."

"SON OF A BITCH," I exclaimed.

Maxine and Mary both looked at the video as it continued, and blanched.

"Hey, we're on our way to the hotel room, so you might want to join us there. See you soon, babe."

I screeched and came apart. I cried and cried and slammed my head down on the table.

My two friends came to my aid. Mary stared daggers at the two saps that my friends were married to.

"Get your asses home and stay there."

Maxine continued, "You might want to move into the spare bedrooms, if not out of state. MOVE IT!!! "

Mary stood me up. "Come on, sweetie. We're gonna try to fix this."

They got me out to the Expedition, and we left for the hotel. We pulled up to the front door, and we went in.

I got myself semi-straightened, and we strode to the front desk.

The young lady behind the desk looked up, smiled, and asked if she could help us.

"Yes," I said," My husband and I have an emergency. We have to go home right away. I believe he is upstairs getting our luggage. Can you cancel our reservation, please?? Room 1217."

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Lawson. I can take care of that for you, but I can't refund your money. I'm so sorry."

I looked at her and said, "That's O.K., sweetheart. Just cancel the reservation. After all, it's not your fault."

She gave me the receipt, and we turned and left. I started to cry again, then the anger boiled to the surface. Maxine took my keys and helped me to the passenger seat.

"Please take me to my parents.'

Maxine said, "Sure, sweetie. Just let me go to my house and get my car. I'll follow you."

As we drove to Maxine and Joel's, Mary said to me, "Give me your phone, sweetie."


Mary and Maxine

I worked in the computer department at the hospital where Maxine and Lydia worked. I had been in the Air Force, assigned to the Pentagon's Cyber Warfare branch before getting out and marrying Mark.

Lydia handed her phone to me and asked, "What are you doing?"

"First of all, I'm saving the last call from dip shit- sorry, sweetie- and then I'm moving it to the cloud. Now you've evidence for whatever you want to do. If you get any more 'correspondence' from that man-stealing cunt, save it in your gallery, and I'll show you how to move it."

Lydia immediately started to cry again, and we told her it would be alright; we would get over this, and we'll make them all pay.

We pulled up to her parent's house, and Lydia looked at her watch. It was half-past midnight.

"Oh, crap, it's so late, but I can't go home. What am I going to do??"

"You're going to go in there, hug your kids and tell your parents everything that occurred. We'll stay for a while and then we'll see you tomorrow. How's that?"

"I don't know what I'd do without you two. Thank you so very much."

................ And Lydia started to cry... again.

We pulled up and went to the front door and rang the bell. There were lights on in the family room, and we could hear the television.

The door opened, and there stood Lydia's father, Joseph. In shock.

"Princess, what's wrong? Where's Frank??"

Lydia started to cry again, and her father gathered her in and told us all to come in. Her fifteen-year-old son, Michael, came out to the hall and rushed to his mother's side.

"Mom, what's wrong? What happened??"

Lydia came apart. She sank to her knees, and her beautiful black dress wrinkled and bunched around her huddled form. Michael came closer, and she wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, baby, mommy's so sorry."

Lydia's mother came out of the living room, wrapped in a terry cloth robe.

"We were just getting ready to turn in....what happened, Lydia?" she gasped.

We helped Lydia to her feet and led her into the living room. Her dad shut off the TV, and we all sat down.

We told Michael to go to his room and then told them the horrible story. Her parents sat in horror as the details spilled out.

Lydia's dad Joseph was an assistant district attorney, and her mother, Francine, was a nurse practitioner. They had two sons, in addition to daughter Lydia: the oldest was a Texas State Trooper; the youngest a local cop. Her father was fuming, but his mind was working.

"What do you want to do, Princess??"

She sobbed.

"I want my life back, dad. I just want it like it was before tonight."

Her phone blasted the 'Lone Ranger's Theme' song. I took it and thumbed it open. It was from the 'party girls,' and they definitely were partying. One of the skanks was stretched out naked with lines of blow on her belly, and the other three and Frank were busy filling their noses.

Alissa Cho stuck her face in the screen and said, "Hey, old lady, we are trying not to hurt him, but I don't think you're gonna see him before Wednesday."

Then Linda Graebel pushed her aside and said, "Hey, granny, look at this." She opened her mouth and dripped cum out of it.

"Guess who gave me this?

"Actually, I sucked it out of Beverly's snatch after lover boy deposited it there."

Our friend just about passed out. Her wails probably woke her other two children.

"Too bad you didn't join us. When the hotel kicked us out of your suite, we with just moved the party to ours." Her look got malicious. "So we're going to use the shit out of him. See you Wednesday, bitch."

Lydia's dad fumed.

"What do you want to do, sweetheart?"

Her mother was holding her and Maxine kept kissing her hair. I had taken the phone and saved and moved everything.

That's when Michael spoke.

"WHAT THE HELL DID DAD DO, MOMMY?? Was it with that slut at work?"

Everyone's head turned to Michael, and his grandfather went to him.

"What do you mean, son? I want you to be straight with me, O.K.? Tell grandpa the truth."

Michael looked like he was going to throw up.

"Last month, the school was closed because of a power outage, and dad was off. He took Steve and me to work to get some tools. Steve had his face in his game-boy, so I went in with dad, 'cause it's always neat in his service bay. He got the tools he needed, then told me to wait here while he checked up on some things.

"He went into the parts area, and I saw him kiss this lady. They went into the back, behind the shelves. I heard her laugh, then she kind of shrieked a little, then there was a lot of moaning. Grandpa, they were kissing and hugging and.......... other things."

Lydia's dad seemed to age ten years. Lydia howled, and the look in her eyes made me glad I wasn't Frank.

Lydia turned to look at her father.

"I WANT HIM TO PAY, DADDY! I WANT TO HURT HIM!" Again, she burst into tears.

Francine helped her daughter to her feet and led her to her old room.

Joseph looked at his watch and turned to us.

"I'm going to make a phone call in a little bit and start procedures against that asshole son-in-law of mine. Thanks, girls. It's good to know she has friends like you."

"It's no problem, Joe. Let us know if you need anything. We're going to go home and rain hell on our husbands."

We went out and got in Maxine's car.

"Just wait until I get home," said Mary. "I'm going to rip him a new ass hole, and he'll be sleeping on the couch for two weeks, the shithead."

Maxine turned and looked at me.


"What do you mean, 'is that all?'

"Hell, I'm going to sell his golf clubs!!" said Maxine.

"Oh, you're evil, girl. Really evil!" I chuckled.


Joseph's input

I love my daughter no end. She had been hurt, and I was not about to let it go.

Saturday morning, I called an old friend from the prosecutor's office.

Well, he had been.

He had left because 'There was too much politics in the office.'

That and his best friend made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He was now a partner in the law firm of Tremaine, Anderson, and Dowling. Younger than me, he had a wife and three kids now.

He answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Joe, how you doing?"

"Not too bad. How's the wife and kids?"

"They're find, sir. And yours?"

"Actually, that's why I called. Isn't one of your partners a first class divorce lawyer?"

"Giselle Anderson, she's the best." Hesitation. "I hope you and the missus....."

"No, Alan, but my soon to be ex-son in law is about get shit on."

"Sorry, sir. I'll send you her info right away, including her cell. I'll get you and your daughter an appointment for Monday morning. Again, I'm sorry, sir."

"Thanks, son."

I saved the text and moved the phone numbers to my contacts. I looked at the time. Ten thirty a.m. I figured I would try and call her.

Four rings, and then a lady answered. It sounded like I had connected to her car, definitely high-end. The audio was crystal clear.

"Hello, this is Giselle Anderson. Whom am I speaking to?"

"Mrs. Anderson, this is Joseph Kaster. I am sorry to bother you, but I need your services."

Brief silence. "Are you the assistant D/A for Montgomery county??," she asked.

I chuckled.

"Guilty as charged, ma'am. I hope you won't hold that against me."

"Not at all, counselor. What can I do for you?"

"My daughter needs the best divorce attorney there is, and Alan Dowling says you're the person."

She chuckled. "I guess I'm on the hook for donuts Monday morning for payback. What seems to be the problem?"

I briefly filled her in and told her Lydia needed a restraining order and that they had kids. I told her about the coke we had seen.

"I will need to see everything you have. Have your daughter and her friend in my office at nine o'clock sharp, Monday morning. Bring everything.

"And tell her not to do anything stupid. The restraining order will be delivered to your home as soon as my 'tame' judge can get it done. Are we good, counselor?"

"I think my Princess is in good hands, counselor. Thank you."

"For the record, I am officially attorney of record for Mrs. Lydia Lawson in the matter of a pending divorce. There, you can pay me a retainer Monday when you come in. Have a pleasant weekend, what's left of it."

"Thank you, Mrs. Anderson. We appreciate it."

I hung up, and my wife came in and hugged me and kissed my nose.

'I only wished everyone could be as happy as we are,' I thought.

Francine came down and held his hand.

"Who was on the phone, honey?"

I sighed.

"That was Giselle Anderson. Alan Dowling recommended her for Lydia's divorce. I hired her. We can always stop the action if they decide differently, but I don't think they are coming back from this."

He hit speed dial for his oldest son and told him what was going on.

"OH SHIT," said Joe Junior.

"What are we going to do, dad? Is Lyd's alright?," using his childhood nickname for his sister.

Just then, Joe Sr. heard voices in the background.

"Who's on the phone, baby doll?"

It was Joey's wife, Consuelo. She was a middle school teacher and mother of five.

"Dad, toots. Lydia's getting a divorce."

"WHAT???" she screeched.

She came and grabbed the phone from her husband's hand.

"Dad, what the hell........?"

"We'll explain later, Connie. Right now, just keep your sister-in-law in your prayers."

"Madre Dios,.... We will, dad."

HER husband took the phone back and told his father to keep them updated.

He dialed his #2 son, who was only married for about seven months. He chuckled as a sleepy voice answered.

"Hi, Dad, how's things.........(Giggles; then 'Stop that, Jenny. It's my father.) "

Then "Good morning, pops. How are you and mom??"

Joe smiled. His new daughter-in-law was sweet and bubbly. She had lost both her parents in an automobile accident. They had been hit by a drunk driver. The newlyweds were trying to get pregnant.

And putting in overtime to do it.

Joe's second son, William, had been the responding officer and had arrested the guy.

Her parents had been killed instantly. Of course, the driver of the other car had only minor scratches. He did suffer a broken arm when he assaulted the arresting officer after exiting his wrecked BMW and attempted to flee.

"That God for body cameras," Joe had said, as it showed the drunk cursing and swearing as he attempted to decapitate William with a tree branch.

"Do you know who my father is?"

"Nope, and I don't care. You're under arrest for impaired driving, vehicle homicide, attempting to flee the scene, and assaulting a police officer."

He read him his rights as he handcuffed him and stuffed him into a squad car. The E M T's treated his abrasions and documented everything.


William's story

My father delegated the prosecution to Alan Dowling because his son had been the arresting officer. It was Alan's last case, and he put the guy away for 25 to life.

I went to her apartment and broke the news. When she opened the door, my life changed. Jennifer was cute, lively, and smiling. 'Oh dam, why me?' I thought.

I was lucky my partner was an older black female officer.

"Are you Miss Jennifer Lawson?"

"Yes," she grinned back at them. She looked me up and down and then flashed a smile.

"If you're going to arrest me, can I get him to frisk me?" she pointed to me.

I blushed and looked at her.

'I'm sorry, God,' I thought.

Lucy, my partner, sighed and took the lead.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, Miss Lawson, but your parents have been killed in an auto accident."

Jennifer's smile froze, and she started to crumble to the floor. But I was quick and caught her. I scooped her up and brought her inside to her couch.

Lucy went to the kitchen and returned with a cold wet towel. We stayed with her until she came back to herself and asked if there was anyone we could call.

"NO, I'm an only child. I just moved here, and I start my new job on Monday. I don't have any other relatives. I don't have anyone." She lost it. She was crying uncontrollably.

The look on her face melted my heart. Lucy thought, then said, "I'll see if we can get someone from social services here to stay with you."

As Lucy reached for her radio, I made a snap decision.

"No, let me call my big sister, Lydia. She's an R/N, and she won't mind coming over to help."

'I hope.'

I whipped out my cell phone and speed-dialed Lydia. Long story short, Lyds dropped her kids at mom and dad's, and she came and stayed with Jennifer. She took her to mom and dad's house for a few days, and Jenny found herself part of our family.

I fell hard for her, and she for me. I proposed, she accepted, and we found ourselves married and in bed, late Saturday morning 'discussing world affairs.'

Dad laid everything out as we listened on speaker. Jen whipped off the blankets and jumped out of bed.

"Come on, lazybones. Lydia needs us...... We will be there as soon as we can, pops."


Joseph, Lydia's father, again

Joseph smiled. His family was coming together.

About twenty minutes later, Lydia came downstairs. She looked like hell. She was still tired; she had not slept well at all.

Her kids were up, watching Saturday morning t.v. Ten minutes later, William and Jennifer showed up. Jen had bonded with her soon-to-be sister-in-law and was attending the U of H nursing school.

She blew into the house, kissed and hugged her in-laws, and threw her arms around her sister-in-law. Her husband was right behind her, and everyone adjourned to the large dinner table.

Soon afterward, Joseph Junior and Consuelo arrived along with the three youngest of their kids. Their oldest daughter was a freshman in college, and their number two child was at baseball practice.

The three youngest ran herd on Lydia's kids in the backyard, and the council of war was convened.

Joseph Sr. went over everything they knew and told them they had a meeting with a lawyer Monday morning. He asked Lydia to get a hold of Mary and Maxine and have them be there.

In between sobs and bouts of tears, she said she would. But her determination was strengthening. Her sadness morphed into cold fury.

"How could he do this to me?" she fumed. "HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO US??"

Her mother consoled her and said some males often didn't think with their big heads.

Her husband and sons avoided her gaze and were glad they were not included in mom's generalization. Her sister-in-laws hugged her and glared at their husbands.

Guilt by association. Not that pop would ever do something like this.

I pulled my sons aside and explained they would not be involved in the police action against their current brother-in-law, although they clearly would like to be.

He called the sheriff's office, informing them of the 'alleged' drug use.

There would be arrest warrants coming Monday. As soon as they finished with the lawyer Monday, he would assign this action to his best guy.

Grandma and the girls started getting dinner ready, although the kids had already consumed sandwiches, hot dogs, and beans.

The rest of the weekend crept by with little joy but lots of love and empathy.



Nothing was heard from 'Frank and the skanks' as they had come to be known. Maxine and Mary came and visited, minus two very repentant husbands.

They said they would be there at the lawyer's office on Monday morning and told Lydia that she would get through this.

Monday arrived, and we arrived at the law offices of Tremaine, Anderson, and Dowling. We were ushered to the third-floor offices of Giselle Anderson.

Mrs. Anderson was already there, and we went into a rather comfy parlor-like conference room. Waiting were Jake Dunleavy, asst. attorney of record, Louise Smith (aka one of her 'sharks,' her paralegals), and Giselle's secretary.

We took a seat, and moments later, Giselle entered.

My dad introduced us all. I was still a basket case. Giselle looked at the recordings and listened to the story of the fateful night. She asked some questions of Maxine and Mary, then my dad, and finally turned to me.

"Lydia, what do you want to do? It's your decision because it's your marriage. You have a strong case, especially with minor children and the specter of abandonment.

"We will have our investigators follow your husband to determine if the allegations of his workplace dalliances have any merit.

"As I understand it, no one has heard from him since Friday evening, and you have not been able to locate him.

"So it is your decision. The restraining order is in place, and as soon as your husband can be found, it will be served on him. We will also have it amended to include the four female individuals. It's your call, dear."

As I sat there, I saw my whole world crashing down. My dad was sad and pissed at Frank. Maxine and Mary were seething and would probably gut him if they could find him. I was just so livid and disappointed with everything.

Mrs. Anderson was studying me and finally shrugged and leaned forward, taking my hand.