Me and My Sisters

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My Sisters And I Visit the Photo Studio.
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Many folks have read about and/or seen a series of pictures of the Brown sisters, four siblings who had their photos taken together, posed in similar settings and in the same order from left to right, by professional photographer Nicholas Nixon, the husband of one of the girls. They began in 1973 and continue yearly to this day, at least thru 2017. I haven't actually seen a photo for 2018. It's really stunning to see how these somewhat prosaic looking women have aged over the years. It's well worth googling to find the photos. I'd post a link but that's not allowed on Literotica.

Regrettably Nicholas Nixon made headlines recently and retired from his teaching job in Massachusetts where I live after allegations were made of inappropriate behavior with students, including asking undergraduates to pose in the nude. Which brings me to the subject of this story. My Dutch mother Emma and her sister Ella began a similar series of photos while living in The Netherlands when they were in their early twenties. The difference being that, unlike the Brown sisters, Mummy and Auntie were naked. It's kind of a Dutch thing, I guess. After thirty five years in America Mummy still sunbathes in the nude in our yard, somewhat to the chagrin of my father, a native American, and the surprise of various tradesmen who come to the house.

No matter. At the urging of my mother, my two sisters and I began a series of similar photos once we came of age. Mummy, still the Dutch girl at heart, insisted we should be naked. Nothing pornographic of course, no spread leg stuff, just a hint of snatch to show our femininity and track how our bodies changed with age. Left unexplained was why she didn't urge my brothers to do the same thing. Anyway, as I have described elsewhere, after I turned eighteen I had begun nude work with my regular photographer Harry, who my sisters knew from his more conventional work, such as school graduation photos. One might think that the fact that they knew Harry might make them comfy with him doing our nude shots but it didn't. Neither had any intention of posing nude for a man they might see at the grocery store, though later he did do their pregnancy photos, many of which showed them completely naked.

Anyway it was necessary to find another photographer. This was not as easy as one might think. There are lots of fellows about with cameras who would leap at the chance to photograph three reasonably attractive sisters sans their clothing, especially on a yearly basis and for a fee. Just how legitimate most of these fellows are is a subject for debate. Similarly there are lots of professional photographers out there who run from any kind of nude work fearing that if it came to light they would lose all their profitable straight gigs like school graduation stuff.

Trust Mummy to come to the rescue. Her network of Dutch nationals in the Greater Boston area came up with a gent named Pieter from the old country who had a profitable photography business in Hull, on the other side of Boston. Pieter offered several advantages. First, Mummy's Dutch friends could vouch for both his talents and his integrity. Second, he lived and worked forty miles away, eliminating the possibility that my sisters would encounter him in the produce section of the local Market Basket. Third, he was old, having been born during World war II and named after the wartime Dutch prime minister Pieter Sjoerds Gerbrandy. So if I were twenty in 2005 he was at least sixty if he were born during the war. We didn't want any young bucks seeing us naked. Well. Unless we intended to sleep with them which we didn't in this case.

So the four of us, Mummy, my sisters and I, made the trek to Hull to meet Pieter. Driving in we were struck by the beauty of this seaside town and were not disappointed by the venues reflected in the sample photos Pieter showed us. He seemed a lovely man who in fact resembled his namesake, of smallish stature with thinning hair and a bushy mustache. We told him what we wanted to do, he checked our ids to make sure we were all three over the age of eighteen and suggested we come back for test shots for our first year's installment and there would be no charge if we were not pleased. Mummy was quite happy since she was after all paying. My sisters and I were as happy as we could be without at this point getting naked for him.

So we started work and everything went swimmingly for years. Eventually when my sisters married they stopped participating at the request of their American born husbands, who were not comfortable with the idea of having other men see their wives naked. I, of course, continue to visit Pieter to this day. One change we did make from the Brown sisters, besides being photographed bareass, is that unlike them we were photographed separately, a sensible change since if we were naked together we could not freely show the photos to friends and family without them also seeing our sisters naked. So my descriptions of my yearly visits describe largely what I did, as I posed alone and in any case want to respect my sisters' privacy, to the extent I haven't already violated it by saying they did this.

The first year we visited Pieter we went in the early Fall. That's when this all started. Truth is Mummy thought we should go in the Spring, reason being she wanted our bodies to be lily white, thinking that tan marks from the summer sun were distracting and unnatural, and Mummy of course wanted everything to be natural, which is why we had to be naked in the first place. In her photos with Auntie Emma they were as white as sheets, in part because the summer sun in The Netherlands just isn't that strong that often. When we visited the nude beach at Scheveningen in The Hague one year the wind came right off the North Sea and we almost froze our very bare bums off. So we went that Fall and then six months later in the Spring and then forever after each Spring. You can still see a hint of tan on just above and below our bare bums but pretty much we showed the whiteness Mummy wanted. I never told her my regular photographer Harry was the same way.

Anyway the Hull area is full of great locations, though maybe not right in the town which is very densely populated. Hull resembles a small Cape Cod, jutting out into the sea like a bodybuilder flexing his arm muscle, just South of Boston. We'd go in May or early June before the beaches started filling up, making it easier to find venues where we could safely be nude. When we first went we were told the same things Harry told me. Just wear a simple shift, no undies at all and no other clothes with any kind kind of bindings that would mark the body, least the markings show on us when we stripped. No jewelry, no tampons, think twice about getting any tattoos or piercings. Shower and wash the hair before driving down. No make-up. Don't eat a big meal before hand. Watch the fluids because it was too early in the season for the bathrooms to be open so we'd have to pee outside.

Only objection I ever had to all this was, though I don't have tattoos or piercings, is if you do that's a part of your personality and what better way to show off what your body is really like than showing off how you adorn it. I don't think Pieter ever mentioned pubic hair to me but of course there was never any there to talk about, at least not much. I shaved bare so I could wear bikinis and never liked that ramp stuff so it all came off. I never had a serious boy who wanted hair down there so as soon as I had it I got rid of it. Harry never wanted it because his aged customers had never seen a real girl shaved down there and it helped my photo sales if the customers could see everything down there in detail. Pieter wasn't going to sell my photos but they were supposed to show what I really looked like naked and what I looked like was all pussy and no hair and he took me as I was.

Anyway as I said we were going to be photographed separately and I was chosen by acclamation to go first so Pieter, Mummy and I left the studio and drove out of Hull on Jerusalem Road and down to the White Rock area and found a spot which offered enough privacy for me to be completely nude for an extended period of time. Through most of this Pieter used a handheld and a minimum of lighting equipment and I kept my shift nearby in case we were interrupted and felt a quick exit might be advisable. Soon it was time to start and that meant I had to strip. Of course I had nothing on under my shift so stripping was pretty easy. I just pulled the shift over my head and threw it to the side and was completely bareass instantaneously.

Pieter caught his breath slightly when he first saw me nude. I was standing front to him so he could see everything and I got the impression he liked what he saw. Considering that I had no real ass my body wasn't too bad. I was skinnier than most boys liked but that was OK, they fucked me regardless. I was pretty well tanned from the summer except for my ass and the little triangle right above my girlhood as well as where the top of my suit usually was except when I was trying to play Dutch girl and left it off. Pieter had his instructions on what poses I was to do. He favored a lot of bare bum stuff and not much pussy. Mummy wanted lots of snatch, just like there was in her nude pictures and she was paying so she got to see plenty. And somewhat to my consternation so did my Dad because Mum showed him all the photos. So too with Robin and Molly upon which Robin almost left town.

It took Pieter kind of a long time to get what he wanted. It seemed like an eternity to me, not because I was naked with him but because I was afraid someone would come along. At least it was a workday and it wasn't summer yet so there weren't many people around. He took all the standard poses. He kind of got around the dictum to take a lot of snatch shots by having me cross one leg in front or put my hands down there or lean up against something. He did seem to like bum shots and took as many as he could get away with. There was no way he would know I didn't take it in the bum and I didn't tell him that just to preserve any fantasies he might have. Of course he didn't have to send us all of them and didn't but his fondness for my ass really came through once when he put his hand on my left cheek to move me into the position he wanted.

Finally we were done with my stuff and I got dressed and we drove back to the studio and he repeated the same routine with each of my other sisters. While I was waiting I got to look on a laptop at the shots he had taken of me. They looked good. I was skinny enough that the tendency of the camera to put weight on you didn't really show. I know when I saw my sister Robin's shots you could tell she had a bigger ass than I do. My regular photographer Harry always said I was a good subject because my buns didn't spread when I sat down. Possibly because I HAVE no buns. There were some nice head shots and a few of just my bottom and a few direct close-ups of my bunny hole that unnerved me just a little, but as long as he didn't touch me down there like he had my bare ass I was OK.

When Molly and Robin were through with their individual sessions we all stripped again in the studio and Pieter took all three of us together and a few of my Mother alone and with us. These were for Mummies private use. As I say we were all unwilling to show nude pics of our sisters to our friends, not to mention Mummy, so she kept the group stuff and, of course, the pictures of herself except for a few she gave us. Her pictures were really for her and her sister and, of course, my long suffering American Dad. She had framed and hung in our house each year one picture of her three daughters and one of herself so Daddy, if he was interested, had access anytime to a nude picture of not only his wife but his three girls.

At any rate our session was done and Pieter gave Mummy a DVD with all the photos on it, or all the ones he wanted her to see anyway. I didn't see the close-ups of my snatch on the DVD. When we got home we looked at all of them on a screen and my Dad and my brothers got to see them too which quite a few of us thought was a little much, but the boys were all of age and had girlfriends so nude girls were probably not all that new to them. The pictures were very good, but somewhat stark, the three of us there in the nude like that. My sister Molly was definitely the prettiest of us and Robin had the best body. She was the only one of us who inherited my mother's very generous bosom and she had a real girl's ass whereas mine looked like a boy's.

Looking at snatch shots of all three of us I got a better idea of why Mummy insisted on them. Including pussy gave one a real idea of what a naked girl looks like and the cross legged stuff seemed fake though I kind of thought all those snatch shots of his daughters was a little hard to take for my Dad. I hoped he couldn't see the shine on the nether lips of all three of us from being turned on by being naked outdoors where people might see us and where the camera definitely could see us but he probably could. In any case he never mentioned it to me.

Of course Pieter could see that shine as well. I hoped he didn't think it had anything to do with him, especially given that pat he gave me on my bare ass. I hoped he wasn't going to try anything else. Later I found out he'd done roughly the same thing to my sisters, a hand on the back or the shoulder, all while we were naked. I had been naked with plenty of boys over eighteen and always enjoyed it. Sometimes I REALLY enjoyed it, but being naked with an older man was different. My father had seen me naked a million times, especially because we had only one bathroom at our camp in New Hampshire and we got in the habit of showering while he was shaving. But he didn't really look at us. After I came of age and started posing nude for Harry he looked at me because he had to, kind of like I was a tree he was photographing. I never felt uneasy about it. We'd have to see where things went with Pieter.

Anyway Mummy was happy with the work and we were happy with the work so Mum told Pieter we'd be back in six months so we'd be properly white all over and then come each year in the Spring. Nothing eventful happened when we went in the Spring except we weren't QUITE lily white, you could still see bikini shadows on our bodies but they didn't really distract. The only thing unusual was that somebody saw me stripping naked for my session but I did nothing. He was essentially my age and I found posing there in my birthday suit knowing he was watching me a tremendous turnon, like I always do for someone in my age group except this was bigger because it was so unexpected.

He watched all through my shoot. He never tried to come nearer, just watched what was happening, presumably drinking in the sight of my naked body, or maybe devouring it is better. At least that's what I hoped. Molly saw him too when it was her turn. Even now my nipples get hard just thinking about it and I was wet the minute I saw him. I loved it, the guy watching, me being naked, the feel of the sun on my body, the breeze on my bare chest, and my own inner engine churning away. I was dripping by the time I put my dress back on and finished myself off in the studio bathroom when Pieter brought me back to get Robin.

Going back after six months was too soon if the object of the exercise was to show how our bodies changed with time. Not even our hair had changed. Of course we only did it to get on a Spring schedule. A year later there actually were some visible changes, but they were hard to quantify. Molly was still the prettiest, Robin still had the best body and I, well, I was me. Happily I did at least get plenty of interest from boys, not necessarily for having a great body but possibly because I had a semi well deserved reputation for being what they used to call loose. In the movie Caddy Shack Judge Smales calls it a zest for life when describing his niece. In any case both the niece and I got plenty of dates and got laid regularly.

At any rate we were getting a bit used to Pieter when we went back still a year after that. He definitely appreciated our nude bodies more and more as we aged and continued the routine of a hand at the back, the shoulder and/or the bum. I think Robin got the worst of it, but of course she had the body. We did feel more comfortable with him though. During a nude photo session you do develop a kind of intimacy with the photographer, emotional that is. He does after all see all your private parts and, in cases like us, sees your body change as you mature.

I thought of it almost like being with a boy you have sex with. If you do it long enough over a period of time he gets to know your body well enough to see changes just like you do. That's what happened with me and Harry. Of course he didn't see me nude till I was eighteen but he saw me grow up and recorded it, albeit then with my clothes on. And I fucked Billy Andrade all the way through college, again being at least eighteen each and every time we did it, when we were home for vacation and by the time we were through he knew every inch of me including some of the inches inside of me.

Speaking of knowing every inch of me, shortly after this session nude photos of all three of us became fairly common currency among the boys we knew. Of course none of this was illegal since we were all of age. By this time I was twenty one and Harry had been selling nudes of me for three years, so I was used to it but my sisters weren't, at least really straight out full nude shots like Pieter was doing. Of course all three of us were used to sending revealing photos to our boyfriends, at least Molly and I, not so much Robin. Molly and I sent whatever made us feel sexy and the boys loved it. Robin was more concerned with being slut shamed if the pictures got out.

I think most girls send pictures and the boyfriends or friends with benefits or fuck buddies or whatever love the idea of just them being able to see pictures of your body. Guys like pictures of cute women, especially nude, and especially if that cute woman is someone they know and can see and talk to and whatever more. They think if a girl gives them pictures it shows trust and commitment. This helps some guys relax so they aren't a jealous boyfriend. And why not? If my boyfriend or some other boy I know wants them and enjoys them and they make him happy well it's just the body God gave me. And if he's looking at my nudes, it's less likely he'll be looking at nudes of other girls.

Anyway a year later we were back. It differed because Pieter's focus definitely changed from our bare bums to our bare tits. Robin's being the biggest she got the most attention but Molly and I didn't escape notice. I thought again about the relationship that comes about between nude model and photographer. Every part of you is offered to him: tits, cunt, ass, everything. For a time during the session you belong to them and when you are done they take with them a little part of you you can never have back. A little bit of your innocence, a little bit of your heart. They forever have an intimate connection with you because you've stripped naked for them and let them see and enjoy your naked body, albeit visually.

Again I'd compare it to letting a guy fuck you. For a time he owns all of you. You're pinned underneath him and part of him is inside you and you can never totally erase the connection you have with him, that he's had your naked body. I found I enjoyed being nude outdoors and in front of the camera, my body displayed so freely. I could feel the sun on my back and on my bare white ass. It felt strongest on my bum. I've noticed that same thing sunbathing in the nude. Standing there in front of Pieter I kind of threw my hair back and stuck my tits out and ground my hips a little. I squeezed my thighs together and felt the warm wetness of my cunt and the tightness in my abdomen that some time later would explode into orgasm and despite him being there I slipped away into my own little world.