ME, Inc.

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An organization that protects men from cheating wives.
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An average looking man sat at the edge of the party. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, but nothing made him stand out. He wore a three-piece suit and just sat quietly at the edge of the activities, scanning his tablet.

The party was a joint wedding rehearsal dinner/dance, with one couple being Gary Harris and Belinda Cummings. Gary was roughly six feet one, two hundred pounds with wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a ready smile. Belinda was somewhere in the neighborhood of five feet eight inches tall with short curly brown hair. She had deep gray eyes and an outstanding figure. Her cup size was at least 36 C but could be closer to 38 C.

The other couple was Jason Witten and Melissa Foster. Jason was a hair under six feet. He always joked that his life's ambition had been to be six feet tall. His dark brown hair was a little on the long side and gave him more of a roughish look. His eyes seemed to switch from dark brown to black, depending on the lighting. Melissa was only five feet five inches, and her long auburn hair stretched half-way down her back. Even though her breasts were smaller than Belinda's, the proportions of her body were perfect.

Both women were beautiful, and both men were quite handsome. Everyone agreed that they both made perfect couples.

Gary and Jason had been friends since their first day of elementary school. In contrast, Belinda and Melissa had been friends only since their junior year in college. Even though their friendship had been a relatively short one, the two girls were very fond of each other.

Gary was wandering around the room, mingling with the guests. Most he knew, but some were guests or relatives he didn't know, so, he made a point of introducing himself to as many as he could before the food was put out. Gary finally took notice of the man sitting by himself with the tablet and made his way over to him.

Sitting down in the chair next to the man, Jason extended his hand with a smile. "Hi, I'm Gary Harris, one of the grooms."

The man took Gary's hand and shook it. "I'm Preston Fulton. But everyone calls me Pres."

"Which bride or is it the other groom you are here for?" Gary asked with a wider smile.

"Well, I'm actually here for you and for Jason," the man said and then continued. "But I need to speak to you first, and then, if you'll permit me, I'd like to speak to you and Jason together."

Gary found the man's request quite odd and wanted to know more before he agreed to anything.

"I'm afraid that you've got the advantage on me," Gary said, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. "What exactly do you need to talk to me about? For that matter, what would you need to talk to Jason and me about?"

From his pocket, Pres pulled an envelope. "I believe this letter will explain most of what my intentions are. If, after reading it, you don't wish to hear anymore, then I'll just talk to Jason alone."

Gary ripped open the envelope and started to read. First of all, the fact that it came from his father stunned him. But it was the contents that rocked Gary's world to its core.

Dear Son,

It pains me that I have to send Mr. Fulton to deliver this message. To be blunt, Belinda has been cheating on you, and Mr. Fulton has the proof. After you see the evidence, I beg you to follow Mr. Fulton's advice. I have engaged the firm he works for because they offer much more than just proof of your future wife's infidelity. Please listen to Mr. Fulton carefully and believe what he has to say.

Your mother and I love you, and I am truly sorry that you have been betrayed in this offensive manner.

If, after this sorry affair is over, you need someone to talk to, I will always be there for you.



Gary reread the letter several times because he couldn't believe the contents. He loved Belinda with all of his heart. She was everything that he had ever dreamed of in a wife. She was beautiful, intelligent, witty, and loving. How could she cheat on him? His father had to be wrong. Maybe the letter was a forgery, but the signature was spot on. Gary just couldn't get his head around the accusation that had been made about his future wife.

"I don't believe what my father says," Gary said with his anger growing. "If it was true, he would have told me himself."

"Let me further introduce myself," Pres said as he pulled a business card from his wallet.

Gary took it and read it. All it said was, "ME, Inc." in the center. Then on the bottom right was Preston Fulton -- Field Representative.

The card made no sense, and Gary made no attempt to disguise his confusion or his suspicion.

"What is hell is ME, Inc," Gary asked.

"It stands for Men's Equality Incorporated," Mr. Fulton said simply.

"What the fuck is that," Gary was now full-on pissed.

"Over the last several decades, the Women's Liberation Movement has been extremely successful in stripping rights from men. Ours is an organization dedicated to restoring equality between the sexes. As it stands right now, the National Organization of Women has done irreputable harm to young men and especially young boys."

"What? I've never heard anything like that," Gary challenged. "Besides, what has that got to do with Belinda cheating on me?"

"As to your fiancé's cheating, nothing except she feels entitled to do it because of the garbage spewed out by NOW," Pres said calmly. "But our organization was founded to fight back against the unfair laws that are now on the books and also to protect young men and young boys from the hatred directed at them from these women's organizations."

Pres stopped for a moment to study Gary. Satisfied that the young man was still tracking with him and not totally lost in thoughts about his fiancé, Pres continued. "As an example, most elementary teachers are women, and study after study shows that these women consistently give boys lower grades than girls. A boy can go through his entire academic life and not hear one good thing about being a male. Quite literally, we are producing generation after generation of wimps. When young men finish college, more and more of them decide to live at home with their parents. Fewer men are even going to college. And, of those who are, fewer still are going into the scientific fields. ME, Inc. is dedicated to reversing that trend."

Gary's mind was close to melting down at this point. Up until ten minutes ago, he had been the happiest man in the world. Now he was on the verge of going nuclear. He had to know if it was true about Belinda.

"Okay, all of that may be true, but where is the evidence of Belinda's cheating?"

"Gary," Pres put his hand on the young man's arm, "before I show you the evidence, I want you to remember your father's advice. Please listen closely to what I'm going to suggest and follow my instructions. After I show you the videos, you'll want to confront your fiancé immediately. You will, quite naturally, want to punish everyone involved. However, if you do that, you'll rob yourself of exacting the maximum revenge possible. And I want to stress that this is not just revenge for revenge's sake. What I'm going to suggest is designed to send a very strong message about cheating. So, can I count on you to keep your cool?"

Gary found his heart begin to beat much faster, and his hands began to sweat. But, finally, he nodded.

"Regardless of whether you decide to go off on your fiancé tonight or not, I still want to talk to you and Jason. While that discussion isn't going to be helpful to your situation, it will help protect both of you in the future."

Again, Gary nodded.

Satisfied, Mr. Fulton pressed the start triangle on the screen and handed the tablet to Gary. A few seconds later, Gary saw Belinda giving a blow job to some guy he didn't know. There was no time or date stamp on the video, so Gary dismissed it. He had bedded numerous women before he became engaged to Belinda. He wouldn't fault her for her sexual activity before they became exclusive.

Then another video started, and this one angered Gary. It showed Belinda being eaten out by a former boyfriend, and the date stamp was two days after they had decided to only date each other. He remembered because they had decided to become exclusive on New Year's Day. The video was dated January third. Still, Gary felt if it was a one-off thing to end a relationship, he would overlook it. But the next three videos left no doubt that Belinda was a slut. They spanned six months while he and Belinda were engaged. The videos showed Belinda getting fucked not only by half a dozen different men, but some of the men were friends of his.

The last video almost caused Gary to lose it and start a rampage through the rehearsal party. It was a picture of Belinda and Gary's best man, Spencer Tolliver, having sex in Gary's apartment. And the audio was what almost caused Gary to burst into flames.

"Belinda, you are one fine piece of ass," Gary's best man, Spencer, said as he stuck his dick in her ass. "I guess these little fuck sessions will end after you get married?"

"No way," Belinda giggled. "I love Gary to bits, but I love your big cock also. I'll find a way for us to get together."

"I kind of feel bad about cucking old Gary," Spencer laughed, patting Belinda's ass, "but I'd be crazy to give up all this."

Pres watched as Gary looked like he was going to get sick. Pulling a bottle from his pocket, the field representative opened it and waved it under Gary's nose. Then he handed Gary a bottle of water that had been by his feet.

"Are you feeling better?" Mr. Fulton asked. "Your reaction is pretty typical for someone who has been blindsided. In a minute, I'll explain how we intend to handle this situation. But take some comfort from the fact that you're finding out about Belinda now and not ten years from now when there could possibly children involved."

Once Gary had more or less pulled himself back together, Pres asked him to call Jason over. Pres advised Gary to tell his friend about Belinda. It would be better that Jason knew before tomorrow's ceremony. Pres also told Gary that Jason wasn't facing the same problem, but they both needed to hear what he had to say. The information was important for both their futures.

It took several minutes for Gary to separate his friend from his fiancé. Finally, Gary insisted, saying that he had someone that Jason needed to meet. On the way over, Gary whispered into Jason's ear. Jason abruptly stopped and said, "No way." But Gary assured him that it was true.

The introductions were a little awkward, and at first, Jason didn't want to stay. He only did so when Gary explained, in more detail, what he had just learned about Belinda. At first, just like Gary, Jason didn't believe it. But rather than show Jason the video, Mr. Fulton produced three pictures that left no doubt as to Belinda's betrayal.

Once both men were settled, Pres set up his tablet to record their conversation. He then went into a detailed explanation of the organization that he worked for. Pres would review his presentation later to see if he had left anything out. Then, of course, he would forward a copy to headquarters for their review. Every such interview was critiqued. ME, Inc. was always looking for better ways to grow their organization, protect their members, and get their message out.

Pres, again, told Gary how sorry he was for the mess his fiancé had created. He handed him a package, which included a detailed list of what he should do at the ceremony. Then Pres gave each of the young men a book that described ME, Inc.'s mission, listing some of the problems facing the organization and how they hoped to correct them. There was a list of recommendations of things that each married man should do. The book was just to reinforce the advice that Mr. Fulton had given the young men. He also explained that their fathers had each paid the lifetime membership for their sons.

Mr. Fulton stayed a few minutes longer to ensure that Gary didn't go off on his fiancé. He nodded in approval when Gary told Belinda that his stomach was giving him problems, and he was going to his parent's house. Staying with his parents had already been arranged. This was because of the old superstition that the groom couldn't see the bride before the wedding. Mr. Fulton also approved when Gary just gave Belinda a peck on the cheek and left. If the bride suspected anything, she didn't show it. She danced and drank for the rest of the evening. Some of the dances raised a few eyebrows, but people cut Belinda some slack because it was the night before her wedding.

Grabbing his coat from the cloakroom, Pres headed out. He still had another meeting tonight. Also, he had to be at the church tomorrow to observe Gary's wedding. And he had a meeting the following day. Then, thankfully, he'd be able to return home to his family.

Wrapping his scarf around his neck and then putting his winter coat on, Pres strode out into the cold Ohio night. The temperature was hovering around twenty degrees, and with the wind blowing, it seemed much colder. Snow flurries were flying and the cloudy skies seemed to promise a snowstorm. Pres would be very grateful to soon be back in sunny South Florida.

Pres jumped on route 20 and headed toward East Cleveland. There wasn't much traffic at this time of night, so finding the main campus of the Cleveland Clinic was easy. And finding the proper building eased his mind considerably because the Cleveland Clinic was a massive enterprise that covered many square blocks. Thankfully, the parking lot was mostly empty, so finding a parking spot, which during the day was a chore, was not a problem.

Inside the building, Pres checked in at the main desk. His superiors had provided him with the necessary credentials to gain access without any fuss. After a few wrong turns, he found the cafeteria and looked for his next challenge. Fortunately, he had done all the heavy work already. Most of the details had been done at the office, but a few items still needed to be done on location.

Pulling a picture out of his pocket, Pres scanned the cafeteria. He spotted Ben Sharpen against the far wall, at a table by himself. Ben was forty-nine years old and looked at least ten years older than that. He was about five-ten but weighed close to two hundred and forty pounds. His hair was a mixture of gray and brown, with gray being the predominant shade. He looked like a beaten man. His shoulders were hunched, and his skin was pale. Looking at the man, Pres wasn't sure if Mr. Sharpen had smiled any time recently.

"Mr. Sharpen, I'm Preston Fulton," Pres introduced myself. "You can call me Pres if you like. I work for a company called ME, Inc. We work to help people like you."

The man stood up and shook hands. "Pleased to meet you, but like I told you on the phone, there isn't anything you can tell me about my ex-wife Connie that would shock me. And I pretty sure there isn't anything you can do to help me. Truthfully, I don't give a damn what Connie does or with whom. As for my kids, they are not worth the powder to blow them up."

"I think I have some information that you'll find very interesting, but before I begin, why don't you tell me about your marriage and divorce."

"Not much to tell," Ben shrugged his shoulders. "It was a shitty marriage. Connie and I were married right out of high school. The first two years of marriage were pretty good. I thought we really loved each other. But then things began to change when she got that job at that brokerage firm. Her attitude changed, and I was thinking about divorcing her. But then she got pregnant, and at that point, I was stuck. She finally got fired, and we moved. Things got better for about a year, but when she went back to work for a law firm, things went in the shitter again. Then she got pregnant again and quit the job. With two kids and a wife like Connie, it wasn't a great situation. But I stuck it out for the children. However, I kept thinking long and hard about divorce, but then Connie announced she was pregnant again. What a waste of my life."

Mr. Sharpen shook his head and took a sip out of his coffee mug. Then he sighed. "We were married for about twelve years, and then I caught her with the UPS man, in our bed. I immediately filed for divorce. Stupid me didn't get a high-priced lawyer like she did. Of course, I had to pay for her lawyer since Connie wasn't working. In our last years married, I got very little fucking from Connie, but the courts fucked me over good."

"Tell me about the final divorce decree," Pres asked.

"I had become the head of the X-ray department and was beginning to make some decent money. After the judge finished with me, I was left with about what I was making when I started working. Connie got the house. And I got to pay the mortgage and real estate taxes. I had to pay Connie alimony and child support for each kid. What really galls me is that I'm paying so Connie can stay at home and fuck her lovers. I'm sure they have a big laugh at my expense. So, you can see why I'm not interested in anything that Connie is doing. I have talked to several lawyers who all say I can't do anything about it."

"Your case is one of the most egregious miscarriages of justice I've seen recently," Pres offered in sympathy. "I think steps need to be taken to reverse this situation."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I've only got two more child support payments left, and I'm free and clear of those rotten kids of mine. Connie poisoned them against me from day one. If any of those kids were on fire, I wouldn't cross the street to piss on them to put it out. As for Connie, if she were on fire, I would cross the street. But that would be to pour gasoline on her. So, I don't see anything I can do now, but I appreciate that you care. Your one of the very few who ever took my side."

"I understand why you feel helpless," Pres said as he put his briefcase up on the table and opened it. "But there a quite a few things that you don't know that are going to change the game considerably."

"Like what?" Ben was now mildly curious.

"To begin with, Mr. Sharpen, none of those three kids are yours," Pres pulled out the DNA tests and placed them on the table.

"That slutty bitch!" Ben yelled as he pounded the table. The cafeteria got quiet, and all eyes turned toward us. But after a few moments, everyone went back to their meals. But then, Pres noticed that Ben seemed to have shrunk within himself once again. In a quiet voice, he said, "Still, this isn't much relief because I'm almost done paying the child support. At least I don't have to feel guilty for hating those kids."

"No, Mr. Sharpen, your relief is just beginning," Pres said with a smile. "Let me explain. You may or may not have to make the last two child support payments. We know who the fathers are for all three kids. Two of them work at the law firm and one at the brokerage house. All three are married and partners in their respective firms. We've just filed the papers to sue them for all the child support you've paid for their kids. They'll be forced to pay you back tens of thousands of dollars. The wives of all three men will be informed of their infidelity. I don't know whether their wives will divorce them or not, but there is a good chance they will."

Ben sat there, stunned. "Is this really true?"

"Absolutely, and I'm not done. There is still more that you need to know, and we are going to right the wrongs against you."

"Why are you doing this for me," Ben asked with worry etched on his face. "I can't afford to pay you anything. I barely get by as it is."

"Put your mind at ease, Ben," Pres said immediately. "This is being done at no cost to you. As I explained, the company I work for is primarily dedicated to righting the injustices that have been perpetrated against men. It's time that there were true equal rights for both men and women."