Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 14


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"Please don't'-Red, I'm so sorry...don't mommy." Patty gasped looking up into the rage clouded face of her tormentor.

"BRAD TUCKER-TALK!!" Red demanded mounting the prone girl while grabbing more fistfuls of her hair.

"Yuh-Yes." Patty confessed.

"SO, YOU'RE FUCKING HIM, RIGHT?!!" Red slammed her head on the floor demanding more detail as patty's long legs flailed about knocking the multitude of small objects and makeup from the bedside table. April flopped across her bed to stoop her lamp from crashing into the floor.

"No, it was just one time."


"It-was just one time a few weeks ago when-I saw him there smoking." Red relented processing everything she was heard before slapping Patty hard across the cheek.

"You better make me understand or I'm going to make you FUCKING UGLY, BITCH!!"

"He was sitting in the bleachers at the football stadium smoking; I went up to him and he started running away and fell down the steps. I talked him into going to my father's cabin-WE HAD SEX; I'M SORRY RED, HE DIDN'T WANNA DO IT BUT-WE JUST FUCKED!! HE WAS ACTING ALL WEIRD AND RAN AWAY AFTER WE -DID IT!!" Patty left out Chelsea's involvement realizing how wrong she'd been not to have listened to her friend. She was experiencing a moment of extreme clarity.

"What do you mean he ran away?" April butted into the girl's confession, intrigued.

"He started crying and stuff while he was fucking me; then-then, he was gone." Patty continued until Red pressed her palm down over the girl's mouth putting all her weight across the bridge of the nose and lips. Red's face was flushed crimson while her hair was all over her head unkempt from the exertion looking like some lion's mane.

"YOU LIKE BRAD'S COCK, DON'T YOU BITCH?!!" Red was breathing through her mouth as little drops of spittle rained down on her victim's face. April had come around to the side of the bed as she experienced a moment of Deja vu remembering her mother in that same spot the night they were discovered making love.

"It-It hurt really bad."

"But, you liked it; you liked feeling all that power between your legs, didn't you?" April asked.


"DON'T LIE TO ME SLUT!!" Red's fist collided with the girl's right eye with a loud, resounding smack as April reached in placing her hands on Red's shoulders earning a threatening glare.

"Yes, I- liked it; liked how it felt." Patty offered figuring these were her last moments on earth.

"OOOHHHHH MY GAAAWD, I FUCKING HATE YOU PATTY!! I HATE YOU BITCH!!" April was shocked to see tears rolling down the redhead's cheeks before she resumed pummeling Patty's temple with clubbing blows along her hair line. She intentionally stayed away from the girl's face. Screams and crying from both girls filled the house making April antsy enough to interfere again.

"Come on Melissa; you know you NEED her, baby. You can't damage her too badly or the shit won't work and I made her such a lovely little dress, too. Red, you've got to chill; remember that FUCKING COACH, MELISSA-RED!!" She was relieved as her lover reared back on her haunches while Patty covered her face sobbing.

"She fucked my boyfriend, April."

"But Coach Hamblen will get away with it if you keep beating her; besides we can always pick up Brad later." Red looked up at her lover's face processing her words.

"Look, just step outside the room and let me talk to her for a few minutes, okay?"

"She's evil Patty; Brad would've never fucked this skinny tramp after what-!!" April pressed a finger to her lips silencing a potential confession and something that could be used as leverage against her later.

"You can stand right outside the door, just five minutes."

Red slowly stood favoring the hand she'd been using to pound her victim looking remorseful as she slowly walked out of the room with April closing the door behind her. Patty curled up into a ball on the floor amongst all of April's personal items. The chubby sycophant tightened the sash on her housecoat before kneeling near Patty's head.

"Are you okay?" The battered girl silently nodded in the negative afraid to look in her direction.

"Look, hear me out uh, Patty; Melissa is really sensitive about Brad Tucker, you know? I should admit they're not good for each other but if I tell her that, she won't let me eat her pussy. I know how this fucking looks and I'm sincerely sorry this shit happened but you need to think about how you're going to make things right or I'm afraid she's going to fucking, kill you. You're not ready to die are you, Patty?"


"I think I can work something out, but you have to follow my lead." April rubbed the top of the girl's head feeling the various lumps and bruises there along with the missing plug of hair. One of her breasts bore three scratch marks and her back was already turning black and blue from the selfie stick.

"What are you gonna do?" She asked barely above a whisper still addled from the spiked alcohol and stress.

"I'm gonna go out in the hall and talk to her; whatever she asks when that door opens, just say yes."


April stepped out into the hall as Patty considered crawling under the bed finding that a losing thought because of the numerous plastic bins underneath it. Her thin, athletic body was wracked with pain as the door open again.

"Stand up Patty, it's gonna be all right, now." Patty didn't budge covering her head with both hands expecting Red to pounce.

"GET THE FUCK UP!!" Red snarled prompting the girl to stand quickly still unable to look at her captors. April stepped forward hugging the frightened girl in a deep embrace before cradling her cheeks.

"Patty, it's okay; We've talked it over and it's probably Brad's fault this shit happened. I need you to look Red in the face and admit what a slut you are; tell her that you're still her friend because she thinks you hate her." April measured her words stifling laughter at the utter bullshit she was knowingly spewing. Red stood there with a manufactured, hurt expression on her face, pouting.

"I'm sorry, I'm a slut Red; I-I don't hate you." She broke down hiding her face as April cradled her battered frame with an arm around her shoulders.

"Red, do you accept this bitch's apology?"

She didn't respond choosing to review her handiwork present on the surface of the girl's battered figure. There was no discernable emotion on the beautiful girl's face as she pulled on a lock of her own red mane.

"You heard her Red, she apologized."

"Okay Patty, let me take you home." Red snatched at the girl's hand as Patty crouched low to the floor screaming and tearing at April's housecoat. She didn't want to be alone with the psychotic cheerleader.

"NO!! NO, I WANNA STAY HERE WITH YOU APRIL, PLEASE!!" April patted her head drawing the girl back to her feet into an embrace.

"Red said that she'd take you home and I believe you can trust her; it was really nice meeting you honey." April kissed her on the cheek leaving a smudge of her dark colored brand. Patty knew her odds of making it home were futile considering the head cheerleader's rage.

"Please let me stay her with you; I-I mean we just met and I wanna get to know you April, can't I stay here?"

"Are you serious?"


April tightened her embrace around the thin girl kissing her on the mouth like a lost lover. Patty retched and gagged as the chubby girl's tongue invaded her mouth twirling around. She shoved her palms into April's huge bosom trying to disengage the kiss as a hand cupped her butt.

"WHU-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" Patty gasped.

"You said you wanted to get to know me, didn't you?"

"BUT- I DIDN'T...!!"

"So, you want to go home with Red then?" Patty looked over at the redhead watching the exchange with flaring nostrils.

"No, I-I want to stay here." She realized the trap all too late as the girl's plan all along.

"So, you know what that means right, Patty?" Red's green eyes pierced into her blue ones delivering a mute threat.

"Yuh- I, uhm, yes." Before she could protest further, Aprils lips covered hers with her tongue finding entrance between the girl's thin lips. The thick, chubby miscreant knew what she was doing as both of her hands sunk into the back of Patty's underwear groping and kneading her ass cheeks. Patty didn't know what to do opting to let her arms hang in the air as April ran her tongue across her cheek and suckled her throat. Patty shrieked before muffling her mouth with her hand when her sex was cupped locking her thighs together attempting to expel the probing digits. April let two fingers rub her slit until she started to get wet against her will. Patty never lost eye contact with the emotionless redhead standing a few feet away watching pensively. A finger managed to find its way inside curving up against her G-Spot lightly tracing a minute circular motion. Shockwaves of pleasure exploded throughout her pelvis running up her spine as Patty moaned unlocking her legs to allow more fingers inside.

April was savoring every bit of this new seduction turning the girl to face the bed before dropping down on her haunches taking Patty's underwear along her long slender legs. Despite herself the athletic blonde shuddered as April licked a trail up her calves past her slightly thicker thighs to her peachy toned butt. Red stood motionless watching her lover's progress, her mouth minutely agape while her nostrils flared. A animalistic yelping noise escaped Patty's lips as April buried her face between the girl's cheeks licking her front and back door. It was too much for the slender blonde who reached back trying to grab a handful of April's wet locks only to have her wrist painfully ensnared.

"I do the touching, sweetie." Patty struggled a bit as the chubby girl bent her over the bed pushing three fingers inside. April knew exactly what was doing working Patty's G-Spot until she was literally gushing all over her fingers as she came loudly. The wet, squelching sound filled the room as April continued fingering the girl until she was flopping around like a fish trying to disengage the fingers inside her walls. April managed to get a knee on top of her mattress pinning the closest arm under it.


"Yeah, I know baby girl; pleasure can be so much better with a little pain mixed into the proceedings. Trust me, I know all about it Patty; Red has been quite a revelation girlfriend; keep cumming for me, bitch." Patty squawked as a finger caressed her brown eye until it was able to find entrance stimulating her prostate.

"WHUT-WHAAAAAT ARE YOU DOING?!! THAT FEELS FUCKING WEIRD, OOOHHHHH!!" April's manipulation of all of her weak points resulted in a prolonged, screaming orgasm that exploded from her bowels prompting April to clamp a hand over the girl's mouth. It felt like her chest would explode as April finally relented allowing her to curl into a ball on the soaked mattress. She didn't move when April began licking at welts on her back while fingering herself. Patty was exhausted as April rolled her onto her back for a deep, sensual kiss.

"I'm loving this little bitch; I'm gonna fuck you until you don't know which way is up! Look at these cute, little tits and this tight cunt." Her hand covered Patty's mound while her fingers traced the girl's reddened slit.

"Please, let me rest a little." Patty begged.

"Fuck you." A finger slipped into her cunt sending a shockwave up her spine. Patty reached down grabbing April's hand with both of her own as she shook her head begging off.

"I'm sensitive down there, just give me a few minutes."

"Is that right?"


"I have something that can fix that right up, baby." April climbed down from the bed opening her closet door to remove a harness hanging on the hook inside. Red watched as her lover tightened up the harness before reaching into a dresser drawer to remove a large, pink dildo. Patty was facing away towards the bedroom door gasping loudly. She considered making a run for it relenting when she figured there would be no time to grab her clothing. The trembling girl didn't know where in Maplewood she was and Red would most likely kill her on the spot. Patty resolved to ride the situation out; she had no other options. April pounced on top of the smaller girl using her weight to pin her to the bed as the toy breached her tunnel.

"HEY, WHAT-THE -FUCK?!!" Patty's thing legs were forced apart by the sheer size of the girl on top smashing her into the mattress. April pinned her wrists over her head inching up on her knees until Patty's narrow butt left the bed.

"Fuck is right, bitch." April buried the rest of the toy inside bottoming out with a few inches left outside in an obscene display.

"IT'S-IT'S TOO BIG; TAKE IT OUT!!" Patty struggled mightily against April fueling the deviant's desire further as she began bouncing and rolling her hips driving the dildo into her at an angle. Despite herself, the lithe, athletic blonde's body worked against her coating the toy in a milky sheen until it was sliding in and out in a pistoning motion. Every foray inside ended with the dildo bottoming out but April seemed to want to go further grinding her hips in a circular motion completely stuffing the girl until all strength departed her figure. April pulled her wrists downward as she arched her back partially raising Patty off the bed to face her directly. Sweat was marring her cartoonish makeup giving her the appearance of a demented cherub.

"You're going to be begging to come back here by tomorrow." Her trapped wrists were adjacent pushing her breasts together in a restricted manner as they bounced wildly on her chest. The wet, sloshing sound was louder than before as Patty's head rolled backward suddenly like it would fall from her body.

"HEY, DON'T FUCKING PASS OUT ON ME NOW, BITCH!!" April released her hand to cradle the back off the girl's head lowering her to the mattress. Patty lay on her side still straddled and stuffed full taking long, powerful thrusts from the pink toy.

"This bitch said she liked Brad's cock; liked getting it rough and she can't even take me on, Red. She's just about fucking useless. I'm so damn bored with this twit; what should I do next?"

"Be-creative." Red instructed staring impassively down at her victim while April rolled the girl onto her belly never disengaging the fake cock. Patty had long since forgotten Red's presence in the room as she was taken by a girl who'd also been a victim of the head cheerleader. Brad Tucker was the one thing both girls had in common as the catalyst for Red's rage and alibi for letting her monster rise to the surface.

April's fingers pried apart the small, oval shaped cheeks kneading and fondling with purpose. There was a slight discoloration of the pink skin in the shape of this girl's underwear. She managed to get the head of the phony cock inside Patty's backdoor with a modicum of effort.

"Taken it in the ass before, huh bitch?" Patty slowly nodded her head as the rest of its length filled her bowels.

"Then I don't have to feel guilty." The bed rocked and shook as April assumed a prone position over the smaller girl. Her massive breasts pressed down onto Patty's welted up back exceedingly hot to the touch. Her bruises were irritated by the skinship causing the girl to twist and squirm under the heavier teen mounting her.

"WE'VE GOT A RUNNER!!" April quickly pounded into the girl with everything she had getting screams, and gasps she'd been looking for since taking the cheerleader. It was just something to do outside of her own interests and Red exclusively. She took a fistful of Patty's blonde hair pulling back until the girl was forced to look at Red's face. The redhead's face was flushed as she fingered herself to the extreme rutting happening before her green eyes. Her panties were soaked, her nipples painfully erect from watching her "true protégé" fuck the snot out of a scheming social climber she had little use for. Both girls soon became aware of a ringing phone which turned out to be April's. The chubby blonde snatched up the phone staring at the screen with a look of uncharacteristic anxiety.

"Shit." April tossed the thin girl headfirst onto the floor snatching up the phone before bolting out of the room slamming the door behind her.

Patty was crumpled into a ball on the floor taking minutes to rouse only to find herself looking directly at the bald mound of Melissa Reed a.k.a Red. She stared for seconds before looking up into the redhead's face in terror.


"You found it right away, huh?"

"You're very sneaky April; when did you put your number into my phone?" Humbert was amused at finding her number in his contacts.

"Let's just say I have very nimble fingers."

"Do you now; what else do I have to worry about?"

"If I tell you, what's the fun in that Humbert?" she wondered what he would think if he could see that she was currently standing in the hallway of her home in the buff. April smirked wondering what he would think of he saw her and Red fucking the shit out of stereotypical "dumb blonde" goof Patty.

"I don't know how to answer that; will there be a chance to find out more, April?" She chuckled aloud against her wishes at her deception.

"So, you're actually interested."

"You gonna make me twist in the wind?"

"Of course not, you have no idea how this makes me feel; doing wonders for my fragile ego." He was silent on the other end of the line pondering her words, unsure of what to say next.

"Is that it, Humbert or are we just going to listen to each other breathe into the fucking phone?" She was rubbing her puffy mound pondering their future together and what could be.

"OOOHHHH, Uhm, what are you wearing?" April burst out laughing making him feel stupid for asking such a basic question.

"Nothing." She answered.


"I'm naked." Her girlish giggles made him laugh as well breaking the ice between them.

"Okay, I get it; now you're fucking with me, right?" April draped an arm across her breasts drawing them tightly together but obscuring her nipples before taking a selfie.

"Wait for it, Humbert."

"HOLY SHIT!!" The photo of her cavernous cleavage caught the geek by surprise letting him know that the strange, eclectic girl meant business.

"Told you so, now would you like pictures of some other body parts?"

"Decorum and good upbringing dictates that I answer in the negative, April. Wow, you uh; had me at hello definitely." There was no way he could hide his reaction to her impressive stats.

"Like I said before, where's the fun in that? Besides uh, I think Quid Pro Quo is in order if you get my drift?"

"Quid Pro Quo?"

"Yeah, send me a picture of your dick."

"WHAT?!! I CAN'T DO THAT!!" She'd already figured his answer out facepalming at the geek's clueless state and wishing he could see what he she was really like.

"Chill, now that was fucking with you Humbert. I gotta go, got things to do and we'll work it out later." There were sounds of a struggle and muffled whimpering coming from her bedroom. April was worried that Red lost control and was strangling the life out of Patty as she spoke to Humbert.


"What is it, speak?"

"Uh, I-I wanted to kind of ask you out; maybe do something with me?"

"Oh, we're gonna do something all right."

"I don't mean that; I mean a real date that's maybe a little out of the norm?" She could hear the anxiety in his voice.

"Sounds-interesting; but I'm tied up tomorrow so can we take a raincheck?"


"All right baby, I really have to go now; call me tomorrow night and do me a favor hon?"


"Don't hurt yourself jacking it to that picture; save a little for me stud." Humbert made unintelligible noise signaling his surprise that ended up as more of a gurgle. April continued laughing quickly hanging up in his face. She looked down cupping the undersides of her breasts weighing them in her palms and rolling the nipples before taking another selfie of her exposed rack to send to him as a sign of good faith. She whimsically bounced down the corridor pushing the door to her bedroom open. Red was in her birthday suit sitting upright in the lush bed with her shapely derriere planted on Patty face.