Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 16


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The hot water cascaded over her flawless body a little hotter than usual as Leslie stood under the spray luxuriating in the resultant steam rising up around her. She twisted and stretched, arching her back to let the near scalding spray wash over her perfect pneumatic breasts. Leslie had spent the better part of the afternoon screwing the absolute hell out of her best friend's father. The whole thing was child's play to the brunette beauty, a game that had evolved out of the most traumatic period in her young life. She went after her best friend's father with a predator's intensity, doing everything in her power to leave him laying every time they hooked up. Leslie made it a game to empty his balls before she'd relent, breaking his resolve in bits and pieces with every encounter. She rinsed her hair out gathering it up behind her ears as she washed and scrubbed her abdomen and shaved muff. Sheriff Reed was fine as long as he believed he was in charge, but they both knew better. Leslie didn't care if her realized it or not as long as he was physically unable to cum when she was through with him. Most of the time she wasn't even seeing his face when they hooked up, but he never noticed or didn't care. Her mind would drift off to the barren field where she'd lost her virginity under the stars. She would invariably experience the flashback while lying on her back as the fifty something did his best to satisfy her.


Her fingers were already caressing and rubbing her reddened slit, made that way from eight straight hours of marathon sex with a man she could have cared less about. Sheriff Reed could do anything he liked with her and it didn't matter. His daughter and her crazed sycophant had seen to that. She would never forget any of the boys and Coach Hamblen; never forget the decidedly euphoric expressions on all of their faces as they finally got their wish. Some of the guys there, her peers seemed almost afraid of her. Leslie thought she could control the situation with verbal aggression, but it was beyond her, karma for an unspeakable wrong. The universe was dealing justice to her in spades, but none of that mattered to Leslie at the time. There had nearly been several fights as her teenaged peers jostled with one another for the chance to have her. Ultimately nearly all of them ended up taking a piece of her while some just stood around watching in a lust induced haze until Red ended it all. Someone was still on top of her desperately trying to cum, before Red's boot collided with the pimpled teen's ass. Looking over at Red brought images of her father, the Sheriff and one of the most powerful men in Maplewood.

The sight of Red standing over her offering a return as her number two ignited something deep in her soul. So much that she'd started screaming in abject horror at the thought of returning to that cheerleading uniform that marked her as one of the redhead's evil drones. No one ever challenged or questioned the shitty things Red did or even walked away. Melissa Reed knew how to pick them when it came to enlisting subordinates. She lay there wondering what those nearly luminescent green eyes saw in her upon their initial meeting. It became clear as day that her supposed best friend had never been anything of the sort, indoctrinating her in the ways of power through bullying and overt intimidation. The constant, flippant chatter about all things under the sun was nothing more than a distraction. All of the trips to the local mall and more sleepovers than she cared to admit, were engineered so that she could be watched, studied. Keeping enemies closer and all that crap, was her intent along with the constant, near non-stop talk about all things sexual. After a while it seemed all they talked about was sex with Red doing her fucking best to hook her up with a never ending line of suitors. Leslie rejected them all for one reason or another, but she recalled hearing one guy refer to her as an "Ice Queen". The name just seemed to stick becoming somewhat of a joke amongst the popular kids in their circle, but she made it stick. Still, Red would not be denied eventually trying to bed Leslie herself and getting rebuffed.

The look on her face never left Leslie's memory, only now making sense in hindsight as she lay naked on the worn tiles that made up the floor of the boy's shower. Red had been caught off guard kicking her in the face when she wouldn't stop screaming. Darkness followed for an indeterminate amount of time as she regained consciousness realizing the lights had gone out. She was bathed in darkness, left discarded after being used up. Everyone had their turn shoving their cocks in and out of her until she thought she would die. She didn't move, didn't want to after all that she'd done leading up to that shower floor. Red had succeeded in laying her low, bringing her down to her level. Through it all, through the onslaught, Leslie continually glanced over at her best friend hoping against hope that she would stop the madness. The auburn haired beauty sat watching in silence with this impassive expression throughout it all. Melissa Reed was witness to every single one of the innumerable times she'd been violated. She'd wanted her only threat sullied beyond recovery, knowing she'd only be able to stomach her single rival if she were as dirty and nasty as she was inside and out. April's laughter and insane chatter served to push her over the edge of sanity as she lay in the cold, inky darkness. That was her epiphany, something that provided clarity in the days afterward as she contemplated her revenge.

The steaming spray had long since become cold as Leslie came to her senses grabbing the last remaining towel from the rack. The statuesque beauty stepped out of the shower staring at her own reflection in the mirror. She slid the tight, gold colored booty shorts up over her large, heart shaped butt until her lower cheeks popped out. She decided to leave her original t-shirt on the bathroom floor, stealing Red's favorite shirt with the intent of stretching it out so that it would never fit on the slender redhead's torso again. The interior of the bathroom sink was filled with discarded makeup from her fellow cheerleaders left behind from the sleepover. Leslie took her time doing her makeup letting her thoughts wonder back to the homely cheerleader Betty Joe, the only witness to her affair with Sheriff Reed. Leslie smiled knowing that her time was short before gossip caught up with her and Red. There was no way that disaffected toady wasn't going to spew her business all over Maplewood High. Leslie smiled applying some dark hued red lipstick to her plump lips. When asked about Betty Joe, Red admitted the squad needed a few "uglies" to make the other girls who weren't them, stand out more. Betty Joe failed to realize the top of her head was visible as she peeped over the kitchen counter. The idiot would've screwed up everything if Sheriff Reed saw her watching. Betty Joe's visible fear super charged her ego getting her so hyped, that she'd nearly struck the overly anxious girl.

"Just look at me; I'm the shit."

Leslie suddenly broke down crying hard as she quickly snatched up a towel pressing it to her face. She slumped down to her knees sobbing shrilly into the damp bath towel. Abruptly, she managed to regain her composure standing up back in front of the mirror to touch up the smeared makeup with a forced smile. Finally finding an expression she wanted to show to the outside world, Leslie stepped out of the bathroom into the corridor moving with a practiced runway walk to the living room. Sheriff Reed was passed out on his couch, completely spent and buck naked. He had been left half hanging off the leather sofa with an arm and leg dragging on the floor. The big, burly fifty something had been left lying from the hyper-sexual encounter. His snores filled the living room as Leslie took stock of her handiwork with a smirk. Red's father was getting easier to wear out with each successive hookup. The living room was a complete mess of upturned furniture, assorted trash and the Sheriff's clothing strewn about. She noticed her I-phone on the counter blinking with multiple messages.

"I hate you." Leslie murmured before hocking a wad of spittle that landed on the unconscious Sheriff's face. She left the front door ajar, glibly sliding behind the seat of her car and driving off into the night.


"Keep calling but he ain't picking up; probably fucking around with that girl of his."

"Have to admit, good ole Sheriff Reed done got nigh irresponsible since he got wet. If it weren't for that trouble making daughter of his, I'd think he was a cherry or something."

"I'd like to see you say that to his face."

"I ain't a scared of him."

"I'll be you fifty dollars and two weekends off; hell, the boys down at the station will bet you won't do it too. Sheriff would knock you on your scrawny little ass."

"Fuck you." Deputy Mooney took exception to his partner Jimmy's assessment as another deputy cordoned off the crime scene.

"Something's in the fucking water lately, we been seeing too much shit around town as of late; this right here, this is just plain tragic." Deputy Jimmy commented.

"What's tragic about it, poor bastard cheated on his wife and didn't want to own up to it."

"Don't you think this is a little drastic?"

Coach Hamblen lay on the living room floor surrounded by the remnants of the box that had been ripped apart as Pattie forced her way into his home. There were scores upon scores of dildos, porno mags, anal plugs and other assorted sex toys littering the carpet. He had a hole in his temple, the weapon a 38 caliber pistol still in his hand. A pool of blood had poured from the opening after he'd collapsed to the carpet. One of the deputies took a photo with his phone before being silently admonished by Mooney.

"You gonna talk to the wife?"

"Fuck no, I put that shit on Sally; I can't deal with all that crying and hysterics." Both deputies glanced towards the open front room door. Mrs. Hamblen was sitting in the backseat of her SUV holding own of their small twins in her arms while some of the other children cried loudly. Her eyes were glazed over as she gave a statement to the female deputy.

"He wouldn't let me open the front door with my keys; he kept on apologizing and crying. Then he-the shot and uhm, he was dead."

"Blam!!" One of the clueless toddler shouted making the gun sign with his pointer finger.

"Pretty well fucked to shit around here." Deputy Jimmy commented as one of the other deputies picked up an errant brassiere. He examined it the small, white garment which almost looked like a training bra with heavily padded cups. Mooney snapped his fingers at the deputy when he noticed the guy sniffing the inside of the small cups.



"I've been waiting here for hours, what the fuck do you mean- "Hey", huh Leslie?" Happy's Restaurant and Truck Stop was in full swing, packed with customers and guests. There were various cliques and groups of people milling about making it hard for the sultry brunette to navigate the aisle leading to the booth where Red was sitting.

"Calm down, I was busy." Leslie unslung her purse having a seat in front of her faux best friend.

"Comfort dick, again bitch?"

"Yeah, since you asked; come on don't wild out on me Red. A little cock would do you good too, girlfriend; what happened, did Patty get away from you or something?" Leslie was casual about the whole affair picking up a menu. She was famished after sexually dominating her best friend's father. She'd only come to internally gloat in front of the person she hated the most.

"Don't worry about that skinny fuck, she served her purpose." Red looked noticeably agitated in a way that was unfamiliar to her second. Leslie took notice as a waitress filled glasses of water for both of them.


"WHATEVER?!!" Red's eyes widened at her friend's flippant attitude towards her. Leslie had been acting different since she returned to school and had people talking. Red noticed that she didn't make eye contact perusing the large acrylic covered menu.

"You and your pet nutcase fucked her up, right?"

"Of course, well sorry to bother you; thanks for making time for me in your busy schedule of sitting on various dicks, Leslie."

"You're welcome."

"You REALLY don't CARE, do you Leslie?"

"Of course I do bitch; tell me, how many people have we fucked with and fucked up since we met, huh? Don't answer that shit, it's obviously rhetorical Red; what happened, you forget to bury the body or something?" Leslie motioned for a cup of coffee from their waitress, who slid a thick mug in front of her.

"You're supposed to be my friend."

"Pass the sugar."

Red placed the sugar packet holder in front of Leslie watching pensively as the attractive brunette poured several packets into the steaming mug. Leslie took a deep sip as her eyes settled on the menu picture of a country fried steak sandwich. The waitress returned taking her order as Red did a slow burn looking around the restaurant at the various traveling families and the in-house entrance to the arcade.

"You're amazing, Les." Red commented snarkily reaching in her purse removing a flask of booze pouring it into her own coffee mug as Leslie glanced up into her face betraying no emotion.

"Look, I'm, here aren't I?"

"Are you, Leslie?"

"I'm hungry and I have some time on my hand before I have to sit on my next random dick as you so eloquently put it, bitch. You got something you wanna talk about or are we having dinner?"

"You're, just different lately; it's almost like I don't even know you anymore."

"And why is that a problem Red; I thought this is what you wanted? I seem different because I am different or did you conveniently forget your little part in that shit, too? No more fucking Ice Queen shit baby, "New Improved Leslie" loves the dick, now. Ain't that what you've wanted all along, all this time, Red?"

"I said I was sorry about that."

"No apologies needed babe, I gotta tell you girl; there ain't nothing like making some thirsty "Mark" cum all over himself. Nobody can hang with me, I just fuck'em up and leave them laying with a limp fucking noodle between their legs. Leslie A. Kennedy all Mike Tyson on the motherfucking dick, bitch! Why you got a problem with it, huh?" Leslie remembered herself, quickly drawing the raw emotion back into herself. Red rested her chin on her right fist leaning into the table studying her friend's face. Leslie downed another sip from the steaming mug, running her fingers through her streaked locks, shaking out her mane.

"You know, I fucked Humbert first; took his cherry." Leslie's hazel eyes rolled angrily towards her friend as she sat the cup down with both hands.

"Anal, Melissa; you were his first anal fuck, or did you forget that shit, too?" Leslie ran her tongue over her teeth to avoid gritting them.

"So, what's the difference? It's not like that little incel fuck is going to be getting laid anytime this century. Come on, you know we did him a favor, Les." The color rushed back into Red's cheeks as she felt like she'd got Leslie's attention.

"Well dear heart, the difference is night and day for your information, Red. We both know how you get down with your famous ass, but that's not the kitty, babe. You know, you never asked me, Red' ask me now?"

"Ask you what, bitch?" Red grinned thinking she was getting the emotion she'd been looking for since the brunette beauty sat down in front of her.

"Why I didn't bring him that night I lost the bet."


"You know, I fucking had Humbert in my car, and I was bringing him to April's house to fuck him right up the ass like I'd done two times before. I was so fucking desperate to get it all back, get back into your good graces that I was blind. Motherfucker wasn't having that shit, so we started fighting in my car. Almost died when he grabbed the wheel, you would've been proud seeing me flattening his nose, Red. Humbert it seems, finally found his manhood if you will, we ended up rolling around in fucking potter's field, babe. We ENDED-UP-FUCKING-IN-POTTER'S FIELD, Red." The auburn beauty looked like the wind had been knocked out of her as Leslie recounted the night, she'd lost her virginity.

"Humbert, was your first." Red whispered to herself as Leslie stirred her coffee with a worn spoon looking the redhead dead in the eyes.

"Yep, so all those assholes you and dumb fuck, pork girl rounded up to FUCK ME; those LOSERS got in line BEHIND Humbert Jenkins, my first. So in conclusion Melissa, I'M HIS FIRST-and he is mine." Leslie finished her coffee with a loud, pronounced sip still glaring daggers into her friend's eyes. For the first time since Leslie known her, Red looked away uncomfortable with the revelation.

"So, you guys are fucking now, is that it?"

"I already told you that I'm not; I wouldn't lie to you, Melissa. You can tell when someone is lying to you, so tell me right now; am I fucking lying?" Red knew she wasn't, feeling an impending swell of humiliation washing over her that screamed out for physical retribution. Red knew that if she reached across the table to smash her supposed best friend's head against it, she would have officially lost. Instead, Red downed her mug before tossing a few bills on the table.

"No, congratulations are in order I guess; see you at school."

"Laters." Leslie was already looking at a dessert menu. Red slung her purse slowly leaving Happy's Restaurant as two toddlers chased each other down the aisle nearly bumping into her as she shoved the double doors open to the adjacent gas station area. Leslie glanced over the top of the menu, gloating as her friend stalked off to her Camaro. A satisfied smile crept over her beautiful face as the waitress returned with her food. The country fried steak sandwich was half as big as the plate it was served on with coleslaw and orange slices. A separate plate of seasoned home fries were included with the order along with a large frayed plastic tumbler full of lemonade. Leslie hadn't eaten in almost twenty four hours since having a few slices at the fabricated party designed to draw cheerleader Patty discreetly away. Since she didn't see the annoying blond magpie in Red's company, it was a safe bet to assume that Red had already shredded the clueless idiot in one fashion or another. Leslie took a big celebratory bite into the sandwich only to cough profusely for a few minutes as the waitress noticed.

"You okay honey?"

"Bathroom?!!" Leslie bolted out of the booth following the waitresses outstretched finger pointing her in the direction of the facilities. She cut in front of several women waiting to get inside barely making it to the toilet in time. Her stomach felt like it was turning inside out as she prayed intensely to the porcelain goddess. Some of the other restroom patrons backed away as she emerged from the stall glancing at herself in the mirror.

"Oh fuck no." Leslie mouthed looking at herself in the mirror.

"Congratulations darling." Some middle aged woman greeted her while changing a screaming child on the restroom's infant table.

"Shit." Leslie ran her hands over her stomach, wide eyed.

She robotically walked back to the booth regaining her seat, staring at her plate feeling distinctly nauseous. The waitress had left a Styrofoam container in her absence as Leslie started to feel the enormity of an impossible situation. Leslie ran both of her hands through her brown mane looking out the window as a bus pulled up into the gas station just outside her window. Suddenly everything seemed alien and unfamiliar outside of herself. All of the people milling about in front of her were behind some wall unseen, invisible but still there. Her face contorted in horror as she thought of Sheriff Reed. He'd definitely put a ring on her finger, and she knew it. Red would probably murder her before that happened. She leaned forward resting her chin on her fist watching the passengers disembark from the bus with a detached interest. She definitely didn't need money, but her mother was traveling abroad having decided to leave her behind to complete her high school education. Something caught her eye outside the window that shocked her back into the here and now.