Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 17


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"Fucking hookers, again dad? Hope you used protection, geez!" He felt like an idiot sitting in front of his eighteen year old daughter who felt comfortable talking to him like a child.

"Last time I checked, I paid the mortgage and your phone bill, Melissa."

"Yeah sure, daddy."

"DON'T START WITH THAT DADDY SHIT; YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE THAT-Red?!!" Sheriff Reed forgot himself again, realizing that he was talking to his only daughter.

"Good to know, sorry." She bounded down the hall slamming the door to her room leaving him alone to wallow in shame. He knew he should go to her and try to smooth things over, but it would be too awkward for him to bear after being caught in the nude. He leaned back on the couch thinking of the statuesque brunette teen; a beauty queen if ever there was one in his opinion. She was thee same age as his daughter but looked like a woman with a sexual pedigree to match. Once they'd started, it was impossible to stop the momentum as he struggled to keep up with the teen determined to milk him dry. His balls were swollen and pulsing along with his inner thighs from the almost constant sexual activity. Leslie had paused once to take a shower and reapply her makeup before screwing him into oblivion. Sheriff Reed wondered why she'd left him in such an embarrassing state. It was like she only cared about screwing him and nothing else.

"Damn, where you at girl?" He whispered looking over his shoulder making sure Red wasn't around as he checked his phone. He ignored the multitude of messages from his deputies dialing up Leslie instead. The call went straight to voicemail along with the following ten calls as he stood making sure to keep the small pillow in front of his crotch.

"Uhm, it's me; just checking on you girl." He mumbled the message under his breath not realizing Red was behind him in the adjacent kitchenette getting a soda from the fridge to wash down some ibuprofen. He walked by the entrance to the kitchen never noticing his daughter's glare from the darkness. She didn't speak, still reeling from the day's events.


Shady Oaks was a gated community made up of mostly retired professionals and the casually wealthy. It was a small community bereft of any real ties to adjacent Maplewood, but close enough to be considered by locals as the snooty part of town. Leslie Kennedy was one of the few kids in the community but never associated with any of her peers. The community was bordered on all sides by a large brick wall with a security manned gate as the entrance. Leslie's home was a spacious, one story affair that she occupied alone. Her mother, a high powered corporate attorney remained on the go, jet setting around the world. Leslie had been deposited in Maplewood because her mother had grown up there before finding her place in the world. It seemed simple rich people logic and child's play to leave her smart, independent daughter there with a housekeeper and hired workers to keep up the grounds. If there was ever a time a daughter needed her mother, it was now. But lying in her bed, Leslie knew better than to phone the perpetually busy woman.

Wearing a simple tank top and cotton panties, Leslie stared up at the ceiling scared to death at the possibility that she might be with child. She taken several showers since arriving home in the middle of the night after a tussle with a person that was shaping up to be her mortal enemy. She gritted her teeth at the memory of Humbert kissing April so passionately just outside the restaurant window she was behind. Thinking of it made her fists clench involuntarily as he imagined strangling the chubby miscreant to death. April had been after her, dogging her every step while running her down to Red before it all went to hell. Leslie rolled over looking at the Hello Kitty Radio alarm clock on her bedside table. It was five in the morning and she felt nauseous. Minutes later she'd finished praying to the porcelain goddess for the second time in twenty four hours even more scared as her housekeeper let herself into the house. Rosa lived nearby in a trailer park, happily married with four kids. The forty something never asked questions or pried into Leslie's business content to fulfill her duties and go when her time was up.

"Your mother know?" She asked out of the blue after noticing Leslie turn her nose up at the breakfast plate set in front of her.

"Excuse me?"

"About the baby; you having a baby, right?"

"I-don't think so, Rosa." Leslie lied.

"You having a baby." The motherly woman walked over staring directly at Leslie's face noting it looked a bit fuller than usual.

"No, I'm not."

"Sure, you'd better find out, but its okay cause you have money." Rosa walked out of the dining room taking the untouched plate with her. Leslie tried to down a glass of apple juice, but that made her feel ill as well.

Thirty minutes later, Leslie was behind the wheel of her car driving out to the next town. She'd looked online finding a Planned Parenthood outlet the next town over. She was grateful because going to a free clinic would probably not go unnoticed in Maplewood. She definitely wasn't going to her doctor because her mother would be instantly alerted via email.

The clinic was situated in a partially out of business strip mall, nondescript with a broken door with masking tape on the glass. Leslie had dressed in a grey hoodie and some sweatpants making sure to wear some canvas sneakers trying to blend in as she walked into the medical office. Some of the other women, mostly girls still stared at her like she was an alien or something. Leslie found herself a seat in the corner near a rectangular window facing the mall parking lot. She could see her car from the window worrying that someone would steal it the moment she went in for her appointment.

"Kennedy?" A nurse, some large obese, rough looking black woman barked her name. One pregnant Latin teen elbowed her boyfriend hard when he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the uncommonly beautiful teen.

She was directed into a medical office that didn't seem the cleanest, removing her clothing behind a partition as another flaky looking female doctor tapped away on her office computer. It was awkward and frightening as she placed her clothing in a plastic bin before walking out to be examined as the doctor printed out a questionnaire for her to fill out.

"No doubt about it, you're having a baby Ms. Kennedy." The female doctor, Maxine was her name, seemed to be a drinker or something.

"That's impossible."

"Well we've done enough tests, unless you have something to add; there's a little bundle of joy in your immediate future. I'd say nine months into the future."

"How?!!" Leslie sat wide eyed staring across the cramped room at some medical one sheets posted on a cork board.

"Ask your guy; maybe you two can piece together whether or not he was sporting protection six weeks ago."

"Six weeks?"

"Yes Ms. Kennedy; six weeks and about a day, now if it's gonna be any kind of problem, I got a few numbers you can call for therapy and crisis prevention in breaking the "good news" to your parents."

"My mom is out of the country."

"Well maybe she'll think twice about doing something like that before you have another baby. Great parenting skills, I tell you." The doctor replied snarkily, making Leslie want to pancake her dried up looking face.

"Yeah, sure."

"Look, you seem like one of those affluent types; see my nurse Rosalie. She has some flyers if you want to choose option B."

"Option B?"

"Abortion." Maxine stared at the beautiful girl without emotion or any sense of humanity. She was just another face in an assembly line of women who visited the free clinic daily.

Leslie sat behind the wheel of her car staring at nothing in particular as she pondered her fate. She was scared out of her life wondering what to do next. She was worried what Sheriff Reed would do if he found out she was pregnant. She was unsure if he was even the father after the gang bang she'd endured at the hands or Red and April.

"Six weeks?" Leslie took her I-Phone out of her purse using the calendar to find out exactly when she's conceived according to the doctor's information.

"Six weeks and a day?" Her hazel eyes widened at the answer staring her in the face drawing her mind back to that precise moment. He'd held on tight, wrapping his arms around her while she did the same locking her legs into the small of his back as he exploded inside her over and over until they were both spent. She had a souvenir of that night in the form of a bite mark on her shoulder for a few days afterward. It faded recently much to her disdain, being the only real thing she retained thinking him dead. Now Leslie Kennedy knew better as joyous realization dawned on her beautiful face.

"Humbert Jenkins."


It was early morning as he sat on the short brick wall that was the restaurant sign for Happy's Truck Stop waiting. Humbert Jenkins watched hadn't been able to sleep much after the incident the night previous. He'd waited until his mother left for work; his father hadn't returned home at all. This wasn't unusual since the revelation of his sexual assault became known to them. Mr. Jenkins was determined to avoid his son and wife at all costs. Humbert was okay with that, uneasy under the gaze of his father whenever they shared a space together. He played asleep knowing that his overly sensitive mother could look at his face and know he was troubled in a single glance. He still hadn't told them about April knowing the ruckus it could cause. He been up half the night trying in vain to get in touch with his girlfriend. All of his calls went unanswered making him panic in rising increments. Right before six, April returned a contrite text acquiescing to meet him for breakfast. Humbert sat watching some children boarding a school bus ten feet over as the morning chill settled over him. He couldn't stop thinking about Leslie's reaction to him, still feeling an unusual emotional sting from the experience.

"Leslie Kennedy."

His thoughts were interrupted as April appeared before him wearing this sort of flowered dress that looked like something an old woman would wear. Her huge breasts were hidden behind a big, wool sweater and she wore no makeup. He didn't know what to make of her appearance, blaming himself anyway.

"Hi, good morning."

"April, I'm so sorry about what happened." He took a few steps in her direction but relented when she flinched.

"I probably shouldn't have come, but I did anyway."

"I just want to talk to you, April."

"About what; being your hookup? Your jump off perhaps; or I guess the best case scenario would be friends with benefits."

"It's not like that."

"Yeah, I get that, more than you know Humbert; she's really pretty. Definitely knew the pecking order when I saw that big bitch." April was seething inside at having to play innocent when Leslie attacked her.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"What is she then, Humbert!!"

"April please."

"Please what; you want some pussy or something, motherfucker? I'm supposed to stand here listening to this shirt after I got my ass kicked last night, huh?!! I thought we had something Humbert; thought I was our girlfriend, right?!!" She was starting to get loud attracting the attention of some patrons filling their tanks at the adjoining gas station.

"You-ARE-my GIRLFRIEND, April!!" He didn't want to reveal his connection to Leslie, but it was threatening to ruin what he had with April. She stumbled back a few steps looking shocked as a pedestrian walked over.

"Miss, are you okay?" The guy was some city worker, big and built who made sure to keep an eye on Humbert.

"Yes, he says he's my boyfriend, but he's got a stable of bitches on the side."

"April!!" Humbert blurted out, frustrated with her response as the city worker got between them.

"You should take a walk, buddy." The guy threatened.

"Mind your own business." Humbert snarled not taking the guy's build into consideration. He received a rough shove knocking him on his ass in front of April, much to her secret amusement.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY MAN!!" April shoved the concerned and clueless pedestrian before running over to Humbert.

"Ah, you're nuts." The guy stalked off back to his pickup truck.

"I'm sorry Humbert; can you forgive me?"

"Come here." He cupped her cheek kissing an apology as she helped him to his feet. They stared at one another for a few minutes with him offering his hand. She took it dragging him over to the restaurant. April was famished after fucking Red into oblivion the night before. It was to be her celebratory breakfast for ascending in status finally as Red's equal.


Red drove into the Maplewood High parking lot not initially noticing something was amiss. It became apparent as she walked onto the campus from the lot noticing groups of students hanging around in small self-contained cliques. This was the story around school corridors as she still felt the effects of her night with April walking on wobbly legs; Betty Joe was the first person she encountered.

"Oh Red, have you heard about Coach Hamblen?"

"What Ugmo?" Red's brow furrowed as she referred to the homely cheerleader by a secret nickname used when the buck toothed girl wasn't around.

"Coach is dead."


"He killed himself yesterday; somebody says he shot himself. This boy Leonard told me who lives on the same block as Coach, uh lived." Betty Joe yelped when Red grabbed her blouse with both hands shaking her nearly senseless.


"It-It was on the news last night and it's in all the papers, please let me go Red!!" She tossed the homely girl aside snatching a newspaper from some underclassman. The headline and accompanying photo of Coach Hamblen with his championship football team shook Red to her core.

"They're having one of those crisis assemblies in the gym; are you going Red?"

"Piss off."

She noticed Brad Tucker in the picture which hit even harder knowing she'd been responsible for both tragedies. The freshman snatched his paper back from her hurling some insults she ignored as she walked away from Betty Joe and a few gathering cheerleaders.

"Oh shit, oh shit I'm so fucked." She pulled out her phone dialing up Patty only for the call to go to voicemail. She immediately called April getting a similar result, panicking even more. The corridor was starting to fill with people on their way to the gymnasium as the P.A. System directed confused students not in the know. Red leaned against the wall biting on her knuckle dialing up Patty several more times before sliding into the nearest girl's restroom.

"Get a grip; you're alright. That little bitch wouldn't dare rat me out, cause her ass would be on the line too, yeah. She's the one who fucked him anyway." Red talked to her reflection in the mirror trying to convince herself she wasn't at fault for the suicide attempt. She splashed some more water on her face as the sound of the student body milling about grew louder accompanied with escalating P.A. Announcements. Red covered her ears with her hands wondering where Patty was so that she could follow April's advice and silence her by any means necessary.

"Hey Red?"

"WHAT?!!" She shouted looking over to find Chelsea standing in front of the double doors holding her cheerleading uniform on a hanger.

"You can have this shit back." Chelsea used both hands flinging the uniform at Red who batted it away staring Chelsea down. She noticed that the girl was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans along with sneakers and that her hair was up in a ponytail.

"Where's Patricia?"

"She ain't here, but I am." Chelsea measured her steps as she came to stand in front of Red.

"So, who cares about you, bitch?" Red snarled taking a step towards Chelsea.

The right hand came so fast she almost didn't see it barely managing to angle her head making Chelsea's gambit a glancing blow off her left cheek. Red launched a right hand of her own striking Chelsea dead in the nose flattening it against her face spectacularly. The slightly taller brunette wasn't stunned slapping red across the face with the back of her hand knocking her former superior into the sink which collided with the small of her back. Red's boot came flying up into the air striking the other teen diagonally at the joint that connected hip and pelvis. Red threw a front kick aiming for Chelsea's abdomen, but the street smart girl countered with a swipe of her forearm that caused Red to spin around losing her balance as she crashed kneeling into another restroom sink. Before she could react, Chelsea got a good handful of her scalp laying in several stiff blows to the redhead's lower back. Red screamed like a banshee whipping her heel up into Chelsea's knee breaking the hold. Both girls stumbled in opposite directions keeping their eyes on one another. Both girls stared daggers at each other righting themselves. Red could feel something deep inside bubbling to the surface volcanically. Chelsea wiped her bloody nose staring at the stain on her palm seething as she thought of what had been done to her best friend.

"Where's Patricia?" Red asked wiping blood away from her lip. She'd accidentally pierced it when she broke Chelsea's grip.

"Fuck you."

"You're going to tell me where she is, you fucking big, pigged bitch." Reed threatened cautiously walking towards Chelsea.

"Make me, please make me tell you, whore." Chelsea glanced down noticing Red planting her feet knowing exactly what she was getting ready to do from her uncle's boxing training so long ago in earlier years.

Red squared up going into a boxer's stance quickly, trained during her grade school years to commit to an action before executing it throwing a powerful straight punch that missed completely as Chelsea pivoted to her weak side launching several rights and lefts that peppered the auburn beauty's face staggering her backward. Chelsea laid in two rights hitting her mark this time with blows that hit her left cheek and chin knocking her into the wall adjacent to the small janitor's closet inside the restroom.

"Make me tell you Red; come on-YOU CRAZY BITCH, MAKE ME DO ANYTHING!!" Chelsea launched a powerful right meant to knock the dazed redhead clean out but found the bottom of Red's pointy toed boot striking her vertically in the face.

Chelsea was thrown to the floor nearly rolling over backward from the expertly thrown hook kick thrown by Red using the wall to balance herself. She was laid low hands covering her face as Red righted herself cupping her hand to her chin spitting out some blood onto the dull tiled floor.

Red walked carefully around near Chelsea right hip before stomping down on it, following that motion up by bring her heel down into her stomach getting the scream she was looking for causing Chelsea to sit up cradling her stomach. Red's boot struck the side of her face making her roll over near the stalls.

"Now I'm going to ask you again, where's Patricia Clark?"

"FUHHHHKKK!!" Chelsea managed to get into a kneeling fetal position coughing up some blood and a wisdom tooth. Red was feeling herself grabbing a handful of Chelsea's curly brown locks yanking the girl's face up so that she could see her battered own.

"WHERE IS SHE?!!" She lost it willingly letting her demon take over delivering several hard slaps to Chelsea's face making blood and spittle fly everywhere.

Red screamed releasing the girl's hair as several punches were delivered to her left knee. Chelsea was still dazed and wobbly using the stall to right herself. Both girls were half sobbing, breathing hard from the exertion.