Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 22


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"You're back again? I'm definitely spoiling you." He opened the window gathering the meowing stray in his arms as his television defaulted to local television once the console turned off.

"WE HAVEN'T CONFIRMED YET, BUT FROM ALL APPEARANCES, SHERIFF REED'S DAUGHTER MAY HAVE BEEN KILLED IN THE ACCIDENT!!" The sensationalized account from the ambitious street reporter instantly caught his attention.

Humbert felt a tremor run through his body becoming weak in the knees as he found the edge of his bed, watching intently. Onscreen a huge billowing cloud of smoke was rising backlit with orange brilliance as things became surreal. There was a fleeting shot of a burning car, a totaled Camaro engulfed in flames. This weird feeling sheathed his being as he considered what was being reported.


Humbert got up walking to his window looking at the street below. His mind wandered back to the night of his rape. Both of the cheerleaders glibly delivered him back home after the assault and had the nerve to give him the sex toy that was forced into his rectum. Humbert shuddered thinking of the forced hug between him and Red, the Apex Predator of Maplewood High.

His thoughts flowed to her recent intrusion into his bedroom, an incident that ended in him slapping her across the face. She'd run from his room in her birthday suit, clothing in her fists finally exorcised from his life as of tonight. The cat in his arms purred, softy patting his cheek with its paw.

Now, only one cheerleader remained from the night that changed his life.


"Looks like gridlock up ahead; maybe we should head back."


"Hey, there's a lot of cars filled with nosey people from around town, you got that news van and then there's the fire trucks, and all." Stan was reticent about pushing his El Camino further up the clogged road leading towards the camp grounds.

Maplewood was a small enough town that many morbid visitors quickly showed up to find out what was going on as emergency crews struggled to do their jobs.

"You don't understand; I've got to know." April was crumpled up into a ball in the passenger seat beside him staring bleakly at the traffic ahead. The lights from the preceding vehicles flashed circular moirés across her cupie doll features.

"KNOW WHAT, IT'S JUST A FUCKING FIRE!!" He was getting antsy knowing a wife and children were waiting at home as April regarded him, breathing hard. He found himself looking deep into the pools of darkness surrounding her expressive blue eyes.

"I'll-FUCK and SUCK-you anyway you want; I'll do whatever you want and let you put it-ANYWHERE YOU-WANT if you take me where I need to go, right now, STANLEY!!" April hissed out the words, meaning every bit of what was said.

"Well,'s kind of late." He mumbled, beating himself up on the inside as he thought of explaining things to his wife. His window of opportunity was shrinking fast.

Her eyes widened, mouth hanging open in a sustained gasp as she got on all fours on the front seat, her impressive cleavage omnipresent. Before he could react, she was in his lap kissing him as passionately as she could manage. It was an act born wholly out of desperation. Her tongue found entrance into his mouth swirling around as her fingers cupped his package, squeezing in measured fashion.

"Just a little further, that's all I'm asking Stanley. Please do this for me; I'll make it worth your while any way you want. Just a little further and we can do it all night if you want." April already knew his answer as his tumescence fattened and lengthened out tightening his slacks.

Before he could answer, there was a knock on the driver's side window as both were illuminated. A female deputy was peering into the vehicle with her flashlight. Stan found it a bit difficult rolling the window down with the large, buxom miscreant across his lap. The female deputy didn't look amused at finding people making out in their car in the middle of accident related gridlock.

"Yes officer?" He forced up his best salesman smile flashing a mouth full of yellowed teeth. April shrank away from the light pressed against the passenger door.

"There's a serious accident ahead; don't move any further. You're gonna have to back it up so that we can get this road cleared. "The deputy didn't try to hide her disgust at what she believed were two weirdos getting their jollies from an accident.

"Uhm, yes officer; do you have a hot tub by any chance? I'm in sales, you know?"

He was worried about the large number of unpaid parking tickets on his tab.

"Whatever; I'm walking back to clear out the rest of this traffic." His front seat went dark as she continued back towards the other vehicles at his rear.

"Sorry babe, uhm..." April was gone, the passenger side door cracked. She'd managed to slip out of the car in the few moments he was speaking to the deputy.


April frantically moved between the two-lane gridlock further towards the flashing emergency lights in the distance. The acrid smell of smoke filled the air making her chest heave as her eyes began to water from the irritants in the air. She knew what she'd come to see; a strange anxious feeling coursing through her body as she lurched ever closer.

April noticed another beam of illumination coming in her direction, quickly crossing over to the far left on the side of a minivan. She crouched low to the far side of the vehicle whose windows were somewhat darkened with a tint. April gingerly stuck her head up peering through the backseat of the minivan watching as the second deputy appeared talking to a car in the other lane.

A boy was sitting in the backseat of the car in a booster seat that she didn't immediately notice. His hand shot out pressed against the glass with a thud catching her unaware for a millisecond. April shrunk away from the side of the vehicle before the kid's parents noticed, disappearing into the brush on the driver's side of the minivan.

Before she could be seen, April lost her footing tumbling down the diagonal, wooded incline rolling uncontrollably until she hit a fence bordering the beginning of the ravine. April found herself looking up into the stars clear as day from this vantage point away from Maplewood. Her back felt bruised from the tumble, but she was able to carefully right herself caring little about the bits of grass and foliage in her hair.

Her side was hurting a bit as she looked to her left discovering the fence proper, peering through it at the deep gorge. It seemed the fence was constructed in part, to serve as some sort of barrier should a vehicle tumble over into the incline. She could hear the sounds of the emergency crews, see the flickering illumination just beyond the pale in the distance. Her chest was thumping heavy as she used the fence stumbling over her own feet in uneven intervals, eventually losing a shoe.

Nothing would stop her from this heart wrenching quest of discovery. April dreaded what she would find at the heart of the activity twenty feet ahead but was compelled to continue onward. The gorge on the other side of the fence grew wider as April stalked along the barrier slowing out of fear as the raw, acrid odor of burning nature and metal filled her noses, the fumes watering her eyes as rivulets of black mascara ran down her face.

The fire crews were handling the budding forest fire, the arching streams of water gradually extinguishing the fire as she discovered bits and pieces of metal littering the terrain. A news truck was visible in the distance. She could make out two men in heated conversation with other deputies trying to get a handle on the situation. The other cars wedged behind the truck provided a deafening cacophony of sound from honking horns to various snippets of music from the different vehicle.

It felt as if these people were in some sort of celebration. This realization made her stomach turn bringing her to the point of regurgitation. April told herself that everything was for naught because they were all wrong about her friend, her mentor, her lover.

...her "true mother."

April finally managed to get close enough to the impact sight finding thick plumes of black smoke still rising from the ravine. The fence was distended away from her body as a result of the cars death tumble allowing her to step onto it to get a good look down into the smoldering area, heart palpitating in her immense bosom. April was obliged to get down, crawling forward dangerously to peer into the hellish conflagration.


"Oh god please, no."

"No, No, No, no...this, this isn't real; no mother." Her eyes widened into saucers, black tears streaming down her ruddy cheeks as her maw gaped into a darkened pit.

"MEEEEELLLLLLL-LISSSSSS-SSSSSAAAAAAA!! Red? MOTHER?!! GAAAAWWWDDDD NOOOOO!!" The Camaro that had born her into a new way of being, a new life, was upturned and destroyed engulfed in billowing smoke and crackles of eldritch flame.

Multiple streams of water were putting out the flame about the totaled wreck. Some firemen in full gear were walking about at the bottom working hard. The Camaro was left a twisted, smoldering husk in tragic monument to doomed young woman who'd finally hit rock bottom.

April's banshee cry echoed out into the ravine and the wooded camping grounds, beyond. It seemed to reach the heavens where she was sure, her lover wasn't in residence. She crumbled, disintegrated into a ball of human despair before that ravine.

"Ma'am, what are you doing here?" The female deputy's flashlight illuminated the prostrate teen. She could hear the muted sobbing and whispering mumblings of this woman, opting to keep her distance.

"Uh, just wanted-a look for myself." April finally answered, still prostrate.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" it was obvious she was sobbing, but something in her person made the deputy uncomfortable.

"...uhm, peachy keen."

"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the area; it's very dangerous down here and I don't want you getting in the way of the emergency crews." She found her free hand going to the weapon at her hip as April gradually regarded her, still kneeling.

"Did they find a body?" April sniffed, staring at the woman, taking stock of her from head to toe. Her makeup was smeared all over her face denoting a limitless pit of grief.

"Who are you; do you know something, ma'am?"

Everything in the deputy's being told her that this strange looking female was sizing her up. The expression on her face was indecipherable, but read danger as the short, stout woman stood, clutching at her bosom. She was breathing heavily, coughing a bit. Her emotional distress was evident, but an intangible kept the deputy from addressing it.

"I'm-curious, that's all. My uhm, friends like to get all the pertinent details when we gossip." April's quick turn of the tongue yielded the desired result as the female deputy's face reflected her innate disgust.

"Leave this area, now ma'am."

"Sure." April lowered her head, pressing her chin into her bulging cleavage as she inched by the disturbed woman.

The deputy watched her gradually walk into the distance wondering if she should have probed further. Thankfully, the sound of footfalls crunching underfoot drew her attention to approaching coworkers. Deputies Mooney and Jimmy appeared seconds later.

"What we got, Linda?" Deputy Mooney was all business.

"Two college kids were out here camping when it happened; they called it in to dispatch. We're real lucky the boys were able to get things under control before the fire got too bad."

"They got a body, or what?" Deputy Jimmy added, awkwardly.

"Pieces." Both men looked at one another, Mooney appearing disappointed.

"A lot of people really hated that girl, me included but we do cleanup by the book. Linda, what'd her dad say when you told him about his daughter?" Deputy Linda glanced into the ravine at the smoking wreck.

"We uhm, were kind of hoping you would do Sheriff Reed, the honor."

"YOU GOTTA BE SHITTING ME?!!" His partners looked uneasy, silently acknowledging his unspoken leadership and representation. Deputy Mooney glanced up the incline at his coworkers trying to get traffic under control and the lingering news van.

"Get this cleaned up out here and give everybody the middle finger for me when it's done, Linda." She nodded returning to her job forgetting to mention April.

"Man, just what in the fuck is going on around here, Mooney?" Deputy Jimmy removed his hat, scratching his head as both men stared off into the ravine side by side.

"I really don't know what's going on around Maplewood; but karma is like a goddamn boomerang." Deputy Mooney lingered for a few moments staring down into what he considered, divine justice.

"Hey uh, can I sleep on your couch?" Deputy Jimmy asked slowly following behind.



"WE HAVEN'T CONFIRMED YET, BUT FROM ALL APPEARANCES, SHERIFF REED'S DAUGHTER MAY HAVE BEEN KILLED IN THE ACCIDENT!!" The illumination from the large flat screen television highlighted her beautiful face.

Leslie sat on the couch watching the news report after receiving a text from fellow cheerleader Betty Joe. She hadn't responded to multiple calls from her self-appointed toadie, but finally relented with a simple text. The stunning brunette found the news briefing horrific as the reporter sensationalized everything before a deputy appeared onscreen ushering him from the scene.

Leslie was sitting on the couch with a large pillow clutched between her limbs for security. Lately, she'd been sleeping in the living room instead of her bed finding it uncomfortable. She was numb all over, still reeling from nearly losing her life at the hands of her former best friend. Red's essence lingered in the living room long after she'd gone. Leslie couldn't understand why she was still alive after all she'd done to hurt Melissa Reed behind closed doors.

Her spirit had been extinguished leaving this hollow emptiness that hungered for revenge. She was plagued by nightmares that repeatedly returned her to the shower floor of the boy's locker room, staring up into Red's face. That incessant image of her engrossed, freckled face as what it meant, left her unable to find sleep afterwards. Leslie sat in front of her makeup table staring at her face and seeing nothing. She remembered herself and what she used to be along with Red.

It made her sick to the core of her being, but she knew there would be no denying the monster claiming to be her best friend. Her mind wandered back to their interactions before raping Humbert leaving her with a stark revelation.

Red coveted her beauty and figure which rivaled and even surpassed her own. Several attempts had been made to "dirty" her up so that the auburn creature could relate. She thought of her introduction and subsequent addiction to the rabbit, recalling Red's pointed approval.

She kept coming at her with more sexual overtures initially trying to get her to engage in an implied threesome with Brad Tucker before Leslie was obliged to admit she was a virgin. Not long after, Red attempted to use a recently brought strap-on with the intent of deflowering Leslie. Of course she laughed it off after being rejected, implying that she might use it on Brad, instead. Both girls found a sort of middle ground over a bit of coke and alcohol comically deciding to find some loser to peg, instead of Red's boyfriend.

Both cheerleaders settled on Humbert Jenkins after viewing him sitting alone in the school cafeteria. She was a bit reticent about the affair, but Red would not be denied. Leslie chaffed recalling being subtly bullied into betting her virginity on a game of rock, paper, scissors. Thankfully Red lost that gambit as well, robbing the scheming ginger of the pleasure of seeing Leslie deflowered by a quote-unquote loser.

She was relieved as Red was forced to fuck Humbert instead as part of her own plan to blackmail the nerd. She got caught up watching the primal nature of their coupling losing control a bit, remembering herself a few moments later when Humbert palmed her butt. It was too late for Humbert, who'd become ensnared in Red's psychotic web.

The cheerleaders pressed him into salacious service overwhelming the geek with continuous chatter and threats of imprisonment for "raping" Red. There was nowhere for him to go at that moment knowing evidence of the "assault" was all about the person of the head cheerleader. Leslie couldn't deny the rising feelings of power she experienced assisting her best friend in violently coercing Humbert into agreeing to their terms.

In hindsight, Leslie realized Red wanted something to possibly hold over her head in the aftermath. Why else would she let her bestie give Humbert the sex toy used to assault him? It was heady times, and Leslie was addicted. Taking Humbert sexually left her voracious to do it again and again. She couldn't get over the spectacular orgasm she received as she fucked him roughly, experiencing two others before she was spent.

It was hard for her to walk, let alone fake out Red who seemed to know the deal as they walked Humbert to her car. Hours later, the brunette was still reeling in the passenger seat of Red's Camaro barely registering her friend's plan to get away with what they'd done. In the aftermath, nothing would quell the lingering hunger ignited by that reprehensible act.

Seeing him in the following days after, left a burning desire that compelled her to seek him out again with a shaky lie. It was enough to get what she wanted a second time, culminating in an even more frenetic violation that left her staggered. If he hadn't dropped from sight after that, she would've come after him again.

That act alone had given an unperceived enemy an intro to engineer her downfall. Red's ego had been weaponized by the crazed social experiment jointly bullied by both cheerleaders. Before she knew it, she was engaged in an insane battle of wills to regain her status with Humbert. But this time he was different, edgy, and angry. She didn't realize her culpability and contribution to this new version of her crush. He outsmarted her at every turn until the beauty was forced to go low managing to blackmail him again.

Thinking about herself in those last few moments sent a shudder through her body realizing how close she'd come to remaining the same arrogant bitch who'd already raped a man two times. Leslie couldn't shy away from the fact that she would've done it a third time.

Both of them fought in potter's field for vastly different reasons; Leslie for return to prominence and status at Red's side while Humbert simply fought for dignity. He wanted it more also relieving her of a heavily coveted virginity. She repaid a debt in part but knew deep down that she was forever changed by the experience. After being thoroughly ravaged in that field, he still wanted nothing to do with her, hated her. Leslie realized she deserved every bit of his rage and indignation, wanting nothing more than to return him to the shattered life he was trying to piece back together. Humbert Jenkins ended up clipped by a car and hospitalized.

Watching him skid and roll across the asphalt into a heap, ignited something inside. She surrendered herself and was taken ten times over, a hundred times over, a thousand times over. Laying on that shower floor looking up at the lights, Leslie could only see Humbert's face. Red's voice little more than an inaudible echo until she stepped into the light looking down at her fallen best friend.

Her words indicated a return to the status quo along with the sympathetic look on her freckled face. It sent the message that she was considered, less than. Red finally accomplished a deep-seated mission to bring a hated rival down to her level. It was so intolerable that she began screaming while simultaneously picturing Red's father, the Sheriff of Maplewood.