Meant to Be Ch. 05

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A three day pass to London.
2.7k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 04/01/2013
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Vicki was finding that being in love was a double edge sword. She was never happier than knowing that Aaron loved her too. Every time they were together it made her fall deeper in love. Because of this their time was precious. They made every moment count, as hours seemed like minutes. When he was unable to get free, every minute was like an hour as she longed for his return. Knowing that he might never return was something she tried to keep from her thoughts.

She also discovered that it was easier to give her heart to Aaron than it was to give her body. It wasn't that she was embarrassed of it. No, that wasn't the problem. Of course she knew it wasn't perfect. She wouldn't have minded if her breasts were a little bigger but overall she knew men found her attractive. No that wasn't the problem. No she was afraid that she would disappoint Aaron.

When she married Robin she was a virgin, completely unsure of the act of lovemaking. She was open and willingly to learn and expected him to teach her. Most of all to be patient with her. In the beginning of the marriage, Robin was but as the months went on he seemed to change. Perhaps he grew tired of being patient and expected more of her. She tried but the harder she tried, the more times ended in disappointment. She blamed herself and Robin did nothing to ease her guilt. They continued to make love but the occasions grew less and less.

Now when she was with Aaron, her body responded in ways she never experienced. When he left, it took a while for her to calm down. The last time she ran her hands over her body, touching herself, imagining that his hands, his mouth, were there.

She was sure that Aaron would be different but still there was that doubt. What if it was her and it drove him away? Either way the time was fast approaching.

Aaron told her that he was due a three-day pass soon and he wanted to go to London. He asked her to go with him. Her first reaction was to say no but she quickly changed her mind. Yes, she said, not concerned about what others would say.

Aaron tried to make it clear that he didn't expect anything but she knew that he wanted to take their love to that next level. He wasn't going to pressure her into any thing she didn't want to do.

He knocked on her door early that morning.

"Ready to go?" he asked as she came to door.

How could she tell him she had been ready for two days? She gave him a quick kiss. "Ready."

She kissed her mother on the cheek and headed for train station.

They had their own compartment on the train and as soon as they were out of sight, Aaron kissed her. A hard, deep, passionate kiss that Vicki's mouth yielded to. It was one she longed for.

"Aaron," she said, "Slow down. We have three days."

"And three nights. It doesn't seem long enough."

"There is one question I have been itching to ask you," he said.

Vicki tensed, hoping it wasn't that question. "Go ahead."

"Why does everyone in town treat you and mother with such politeness? Almost like you were titled?

Vicki laughed, "It's a long story but we have time. Besides I know so much about you and you never pried about me."

"I figured you would tell in time."

"My father was in a family owned business that did quite well before, during, and after the Great War. He met mother just before he went to France and they married in 1916. They had a son, Harold, my brother, soon after that. He died from the flu in 1919."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Aaron said.

"I was born in 1920, perhaps as a replacement. Whatever, I guess you could say my parents spoiled me. Maybe they were over protective. We traveled in all the right circles, met all the right people. Then in 1930, the business went under. Father sold it and our house for what he could get. We returned to Duckworth to live in my mother's family home, the one we live in now."

"Go on." Aaron wanted to hear more.

"It didn't take Father long to use what connections he had left. He ran for Parliament and won. He was more than a backbencher. Soon he was in the know with Baldwin and Chamberlain. Through it all, I still got to go to the right parties. That is where I met Robin, my husband."

"That explains some things but..."Aaron urged her to continue.

"My father was very well liked by the people he represented. He did all he could to help, rich or poor, old or young. When he died in '39, it was the biggest funeral ever in Duckworth. The people still respect him and so treat us that way."

"Well, I guess I'm with someone who is pretty special. I better be carefully."

Vicki looped her arm through his and pulled herself close. "Yes, you should but not too careful." She kissed him and then rested her head on his shoulder.

Upon reaching London, they took the underground over to Oxford Circus. They emerged from it and looked around. Vicki took him by the hand and said, "Come on, follow me. I know my way around here."

She took him to Piccadilly Circus, then down to Pall Mall. Then she took him to see 10 Downing Street, Scotland Yard and, of course, the House of Parliament. "Let's go in," she said.

Aaron looked around, taking in the history. It was just like he imagined it would be. All the time at Princeton, studying English history and literature seemed to come alive.

"I don't think anyone will be here today. On those days the place is alive with noise and commotion. Father brought me here a few times and I sat in the Commons' gallery. I was there when they debated Munich."

"Lucky girl," Aaron said, looking around and soaking it all in.

Leaving Parliament, the two hailed a cab and rode over to Buckingham Palace. They rode through a bombed area with some blocks completely leveled. It was not a pretty sigh. Now there was a new threat to London, the V-1, the buzz bomb.

The cabbie turned around and looked at Aaron. "Thanks, Yank, for all you're doing. I hope you're paying back Jerry in spades."

Aaron didn't reply. He suddenly realized how nice his war was up in the sky. He didn't get to see his results up close. They drove by Buckingham Palace where the driver pointed out the bomb damage and then dropped them at their hotel. It was much later than they thought.

"Let's get our rooms and then go grab dinner."

Aaron grabbed their bags and headed in. "Wait here," he said to Vicki and headed to the desk.

He returned in a few minutes. "All set, Room 511. I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of registering as Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Williams. Less questions that way."

Vicki smiled. "Lead the way, Mr. Williams!"

They took the lift as the busboy led the way. Aaron thanked him, gave him a tip and set him on his way.

"What do you think?"

The room was great. It was spacious and right in the center was a big double bed. You couldn't avoid it. Vicki's heart skipped a beat and she said nothing.

"Well?" Aaron said brushing by her. "Let's go eat. I'm starving."

"Yes, yes," she mumbled. "By all means."

"Some guys told me about a good restaurant just around the corner. They have venison. Ever have it?"

Vicki shook her head. Her mind was on that big bed.

It turned out that the restaurant didn't have venison. It really didn't have much of a choice. There was fish, chicken liver, some kind of hamburger loaf and a vegetable plate. It really hit home with Aaron what the food conditions really were.

After dinner, Aaron sensed the Vicki didn't want to hurry back to hotel. She didn't say anything but she seemed nervous, uncomfortable. He suggested they could find a pub and get a few drinks.

That was easier said than done. The entire city was blacked out and it was pitch black. They began to walk and by luck found a Bobbie. They asked directions and he told them there was one right around the corner. Even then it wasn't easy, until some people came out the pub door.

The place was packed with GIs and their girls. Aaron turned to Vicki and was about to suggest they leave when as voice called out over the noise, "Hey, Williams, Aaron Williams!"

A big, strapping Major pushed his way towards them. "Why, Aaron Williams, you old son of a gun!" The major was Chet Morgan, a classmate from Princeton and a linemate on the hockey team. Aaron introduced Vicki to him and Morgan invited them over to their table. There were seated officers from the 101st Airborne and their dates.

"Gentlemen, I would like you meet Aaron Williams, one of the original 3 Musketeers and his lovely lady." They invited them to sit and have a few drinks with them. Chet regaled the group in stories about their days at Princeton. Aaron said very little as much of what Chet said was embarrassing to him. He just thought Chet laid it on a little thick.

After a few rounds, Vicki whispered to Aaron that she would like to leave. All evening she worried about returning to their hotel room but now, after a few drinks, she decided she wouldn't worry any more. It was time.

They said their good-byes and as they left, Morgan stood up and shook Aaron's hand. As he gripped it, he said, "You take carry of yourself. When the war ends, we'll meet here for drinks. Vicki, you take care of him and remind him. You know, he is a good man."

Vicki stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked herself over. She had purchased a long pink satin nightgown just for this moment. Now the moment was here. When she bought it, she was sure it was perfect. Now it seemed to fit like a glove and she worried it was all wrong. "Stop it!" she silently yelled at herself. "You can't stay in here all night." She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Aaron was across the room. He had removed his uniform and draped it over the back of the chair. He was thinking about tonight. Was he forcing Vicki into something she didn't want to do? He was sure she loved him but for some reason she was hesitant to make love. Yet each time they were together, it seemed she wanted to. He loved her too much to force himself on her. He definitely wanted to but he could wait until she was ready. He resigned himself to sleeping on the couch. He heard the bathroom door open.

Vicki stood there; the light from the bathroom silhouetted her. It seemed to make her gown almost transparent, outlining her legs through it. Aaron stood and stared, dropping his pants to the floor.

For a moment no one moved or spoke then Aaron walked towards her. Placing his hands on her hips, he could feel her trembling.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

Vicki shook her head causing her hair to reflect the light behind her.

Aaron leaned forward and kissed her. Deeply, passionately. Their tongues searched each other out. They bit, nibbled their lips. Their kisses became more frantic. Their hands roamed over the other's body. They could feel each other's heat grow.

Vicki pushed him away, "Stop!" she said breathlessly. Aaron looked confused.

"I want this to be right." With that she took him by the hand and took him to the bed. Letting go, she moved back towards the bathroom.

Aaron understood. "Please, leave it on."

She paused. "Aaron" Vicki said quietly.

"But I want to see you. I need to see you."

She sighed. The soft light filled the room. The moment she dreaded was now.

She walked towards the bed. She stopped and stood a few feet from him. She smiled, reached her arms behind her neck, and undid the halter's clasp. Her gown dropped to her feet and she stepped out of it.

"Oh my God," Aaron said softly, "You are beautiful". He kissed her. She kissed him back, hard. He began to kiss her neck, her shoulder. Vicki softly moaned as she pulled off his undershirt. She wanted to feel him, caress him, and love him. Her hands slid to his short and she let them drop. She grabbed his erect cock. Oh God, she wanted him. Aaron turned and gently laid her down.

Aaron wanted her too. Right now but he fought the urge. He waited a long time for this moment, a moment he thought would never come.

His hands found her breasts. They felt soft but full. When he pinched her nipple, she arched her back, craving more. He placed his mouth on the other one. He sucked it hard then playfully nibbled on it. Vicki placed her hand on his making him squeeze her breast harder.

"It feels soooo good!" she thought as her hips began to move. Already her body wanted more. Something it hadn't had and Aaron was providing it.

She began moaning, louder and louder, as the feeling grew stronger. Her brain was on overload. She kept repeating, "Oh God, Oh God." She could hear herself but it sounded like someone else. Someone she never knew existed. She grabbed his head, forcing him to take more in his mouth.

Aaron leaned back and reached for a condom that he had placed on the table. He rolled it over his cock. It appeared huge, larger than it ever had been. The head was swollen and angry purplish. He was hard as a rock. He placed his cock at Vicki's opening and slowly began to enter her. She was so wet he slid in easily. He realized though that she was very tight and suddenly he feared he would hurt her.

"Are you alright?"

It had been a long time since she had made love. The only man she ever known was Robin and his cock didn't feel like this. Aaron's felt huge and filled her up completely.

"Oh God," she moaned. "Go slowly, my love."

Aaron needed no urging. He moved his cock slowly into her. Gently he moved deeper into her. Vicki grabbed at the bed covers, tearing them from the bed.

She pulled her legs up and wrapped them around Aaron's waist. She never felt as filled as when his cock went deeper.

Aaron was growling as he approached his orgasm. The head of his cock felt like it was going to explode. He pounded Vicki harder, deeper. She moved her hips in time with his. Her hands clutched, needing his back.

Her orgasm hit her like a runaway train. It literally exploded on her. She seemed to lose control of her body, her mind. She dug her hands into his back and her legs flew wide. She screamed as she saw bright lights.

At the same time Aaron came. His entire body shook as he shot into her. She clenched around his cock and milked it. A loud "Aaaah" came from his mouth. He couldn't hold himself up and he collapsed on her, spent.

Vicki lay under Aaron holding him tight. She softly whimpered as she came down to earth. She had no idea how long her orgasm lasted as she lost track of everything but the feeling. Her body trembled and spasmed. She could feel Aaron's cock slip out of her. She was suddenly cold. Aaron reached for a blanket and pulled it over them. Before they fell into exhausted sleep, Vicki nestled into his arms. She gave a contented sigh. It was here she was going to stay, safe and warm.

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